People of Hong Kong want a right to keep and bear arms.

There will be a lot of guns in Hong Kong ... but the people won't be bearing them.

How did America do in Vietnam?
Russia in Afghanistan?
IF having a powerful military was the ends of all wars why are we still in Afghanistan? and Iraq?
A powerful military does well aginst another military of similar size but it doesn't do so well in the end game against a small force. It's hard for a large military force to fight against someone who uses Asymmetric warfare tactics.

Hong Kong would be the worst place in the world to hold a guerilla war. The Hong Kong Peninsula (New Territories) and Island (an entire area of 428 square miles) are some of the most densely populated places on this Earth. PLA soldiers could cover the entire area standing hand in hand.

With literally no place to fall back or to regroup but the sea and surrounded by one of the World's largest armies and navies, it would make the Warsaw Ghetto look like an excellent strategic position.

Add to that, there are covert stores of arms, no way to smuggle in arms, and no allies willing to go to war against China to support them.

I support the people of Hong Kong in fighting back against the loss of their freedoms, but they are well and truly buggered.
Think Stalingrad.

The Battle of Stalingrad was a massive Soviet force fighting a massive German force. The Russians had a fallback position across the Volga, which German armor couldn't cross.

The Hong Kong people have no tanks, no aircraft, no small arms, and no fall-back position. The will be over run in a weekend.
let em take some commies wif em


It'll be a bloodbath the Chinese are hard core

The majority of the population, while they might be concerned about the loss of liberties, will not fight back. These are the largest protests in the 187-year history of the colony and the protesters still make up a very small percentage of the population.

They are not, historically, a militant people.

Historical side note: When the British abandoned the colony after the Japanese invasion in 1941, the Hong Kong Chinese were brutally occupied.

There was no resistance during the entire four years of occupation.
The point of this thread was to show the people of Hong Kong have more respect for America and it flag and anthem than some Americans do
How did America do in Vietnam?
Russia in Afghanistan?
IF having a powerful military was the ends of all wars why are we still in Afghanistan? and Iraq?
A powerful military does well aginst another military of similar size but it doesn't do so well in the end game against a small force. It's hard for a large military force to fight against someone who uses Asymmetric warfare tactics.

Hong Kong would be the worst place in the world to hold a guerilla war. The Hong Kong Peninsula (New Territories) and Island (an entire area of 428 square miles) are some of the most densely populated places on this Earth. PLA soldiers could cover the entire area standing hand in hand.

With literally no place to fall back or to regroup but the sea and surrounded by one of the World's largest armies and navies, it would make the Warsaw Ghetto look like an excellent strategic position.

Add to that, there are covert stores of arms, no way to smuggle in arms, and no allies willing to go to war against China to support them.

I support the people of Hong Kong in fighting back against the loss of their freedoms, but they are well and truly buggered.
Think Stalingrad.

The Battle of Stalingrad was a massive Soviet force fighting a massive German force. The Russians had a fallback position across the Volga, which German armor couldn't cross.

The Hong Kong people have no tanks, no aircraft, no small arms, and no fall-back position. The will be over run in a weekend.
let em take some commies wif em


It'll be a bloodbath the Chinese are hard core

The majority of the population, while they might be concerned about the loss of liberties, will not fight back. These are the largest protests in the 187-year history of the colony and the protesters still make up a very small percentage of the population.

They are not, historically, a militant people.

Historical side note: When the British abandoned the colony after the Japanese invasion in 1941, the Hong Kong Chinese were brutally occupied.

There was no resistance during the entire four years of occupation.

I dunno the Chinese have a brutal history
Hong Kong would be the worst place in the world to hold a guerilla war. The Hong Kong Peninsula (New Territories) and Island (an entire area of 428 square miles) are some of the most densely populated places on this Earth. PLA soldiers could cover the entire area standing hand in hand.

With literally no place to fall back or to regroup but the sea and surrounded by one of the World's largest armies and navies, it would make the Warsaw Ghetto look like an excellent strategic position.

Add to that, there are covert stores of arms, no way to smuggle in arms, and no allies willing to go to war against China to support them.

I support the people of Hong Kong in fighting back against the loss of their freedoms, but they are well and truly buggered.
Think Stalingrad.

The Battle of Stalingrad was a massive Soviet force fighting a massive German force. The Russians had a fallback position across the Volga, which German armor couldn't cross.

The Hong Kong people have no tanks, no aircraft, no small arms, and no fall-back position. The will be over run in a weekend.
let em take some commies wif em


It'll be a bloodbath the Chinese are hard core

The majority of the population, while they might be concerned about the loss of liberties, will not fight back. These are the largest protests in the 187-year history of the colony and the protesters still make up a very small percentage of the population.

They are not, historically, a militant people.

Historical side note: When the British abandoned the colony after the Japanese invasion in 1941, the Hong Kong Chinese were brutally occupied.

There was no resistance during the entire four years of occupation.

I dunno the Chinese have a brutal history

The Southern and Northern Chinese are distinct people, with a different culture and language.
Hong Kong would be the worst place in the world to hold a guerilla war. The Hong Kong Peninsula (New Territories) and Island (an entire area of 428 square miles) are some of the most densely populated places on this Earth. PLA soldiers could cover the entire area standing hand in hand.

With literally no place to fall back or to regroup but the sea and surrounded by one of the World's largest armies and navies, it would make the Warsaw Ghetto look like an excellent strategic position.

Add to that, there are no covert stores of arms, no way to smuggle in arms, and no allies willing to go to war against China to support them.

I support the people of Hong Kong in fighting back against the loss of their freedoms, but they are well and truly buggered.

I think we should deport all the illegal immigrants in the US, and in their place offer a path to citizenship for all those in HK that oppose Communist China. Especially the outspoken dissenters. We'd have a vastly harder working, better educated, productive civilized group of immigrants. What say you?
Americans have been dumbed down so much by the federal liberal education system that they don't realize (or appreciate) the fact that the United States is the only country in the freaking world with a guaranteed list of freedoms in the Bill of Rights. If you forget it you might lose it.
Americans have been dumbed down so much by the federal liberal education system that they don't realize (or appreciate) the fact that the United States is the only country in the freaking world with a guaranteed list of freedoms in the Bill of Rights. If you forget it you might lose it.

Sooooooo many on the Left on their knees BEGGING for's disgusting
Hong Kong would be the worst place in the world to hold a guerilla war. The Hong Kong Peninsula (New Territories) and Island (an entire area of 428 square miles) are some of the most densely populated places on this Earth. PLA soldiers could cover the entire area standing hand in hand.

With literally no place to fall back or to regroup but the sea and surrounded by one of the World's largest armies and navies, it would make the Warsaw Ghetto look like an excellent strategic position.

Add to that, there are no covert stores of arms, no way to smuggle in arms, and no allies willing to go to war against China to support them.

I support the people of Hong Kong in fighting back against the loss of their freedoms, but they are well and truly buggered.

You do realize that as soon as possible, China is going to round up ALL those who demonstrated and execute them right?
What do they have to lose?

Die on your knees.....or die fighting for your liberty.........CHOOSE


Actually, the day is on the horizon when that same choice will probably need to be made right here in the US.
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coverage of this Current Affairs is pretty good on FOX . Those that didn't see 'tianemin' oughta check this Current Affair out as it might get interesting . Probably on other stations other than FOX .
Looks like Trump picked a side between China and Hong Kong.

He’s on the side of China.
President Trump on Tuesday said he's hopeful that clashes in Hong Kong between anti-government protesters and armed security forces end peacefully, offering a rare comment on the escalating tensions in the region.

"The Hong Kong thing is a very tough situation, very tough," Trump told reporters as he boarded Air Force One for a trip to Pennsylvania. "We’ll see what happens but I’m sure it’ll work out. I hope it works out for everybody including China, by the way. I hope it works out for everybody."

Asked about concerns that China may be gathering military equipment and threatening to crack down on demonstrators in the territory, Trump reiterated he is optimistic that all sides will reach a satisfactory conclusion.

"I hope it works out for liberty, I hope it works out for everybody, including China," he said. "I hope it works out peacefully. I hope nobody gets hurt I hope nobody gets killed."
Trump on Hong Kong protests: 'I hope it works out for everybody'
Looks like Trump picked a side between China and Hong Kong.

He’s on the side of China.

The Colony was transferred to China in 1997 with a "guarantee" to Great Britain, by China, that the Chinese would maintain the then existing political and economic systems for 50 years. So it isn't taking the side of China against Hong Kong, it is taking China against China. Bejing may use these demonstrations as an excuse to step in and take overwhelming control much sooner.

The demonstrations, ongoing for about 10 weeks now. During that time about 700 demonstrators have been arrested whose whereabouts are unknown. They could be transported to the prisons on mainland China.

Many of the illegal aliens crossing our border are Chinese and are coming from Hong Kong.

Yes, we should back the citizens of Hong Kong but our options are very, very limited.
President Trump on Tuesday said he's hopeful that clashes in Hong Kong between anti-government protesters and armed security forces end peacefully, offering a rare comment on the escalating tensions in the region.

"The Hong Kong thing is a very tough situation, very tough," Trump told reporters as he boarded Air Force One for a trip to Pennsylvania. "We’ll see what happens but I’m sure it’ll work out. I hope it works out for everybody including China, by the way. I hope it works out for everybody."

Asked about concerns that China may be gathering military equipment and threatening to crack down on demonstrators in the territory, Trump reiterated he is optimistic that all sides will reach a satisfactory conclusion.

"I hope it works out for liberty, I hope it works out for everybody, including China," he said. "I hope it works out peacefully. I hope nobody gets hurt I hope nobody gets killed."
Trump on Hong Kong protests: 'I hope it works out for everybody'

Looks like Trump picked a side between China and Hong Kong.

He’s on the side of China.

The Colony was transferred to China in 1997 with a "guarantee" to Great Britain, by China, that the Chinese would maintain the then existing political and economic systems for 50 years. So it isn't taking the side of China against Hong Kong, it is taking China against China. Bejing may use these demonstrations as an excuse to step in and take overwhelming control much sooner.

The demonstrations, ongoing for about 10 weeks now. During that time about 700 demonstrators have been arrested whose whereabouts are unknown. They could be transported to the prisons on mainland China.

Many of the illegal aliens crossing our border are Chinese and are coming from Hong Kong.

Yes, we should back the citizens of Hong Kong but our options are very, very limited.
They could be transported to the prisons on mainland China.
They're not supposed to. That is what these protests have been about--China is not allowed to extradict them to mainland China! According to the Chief Executive, Lam, that bill is "dead."
If the 2nd amendment was written to defend against govt. tyranny it would say that. It doesn`t. The video is bogus btw.
It is well known what the 2A was about.

The Second Amendment was meant to help the people protect themselves from a tyrannical government. Just like the revolutionaries who fought against the King of England, they wanted to maintain their right to "bear arms" in case the new government began to take away their rights.
One problem: The 2nd amendment says no such thing and the Nation`s Real Assholes are pulling your chain with that BS. They wanted us to have guns so no govt. would be able to take our guns away? You`re nuts but you`re funny.

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