People Surrounded by Armed Troops with Select Fire Weapons....


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.
If our current administration mistrusts those armed troops currently surrounding them in DC that they won't even issue them any ammunition or feed them properly, just imagine how our current administration feels about those of us who actually do have live ammunition.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.
Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.
That is defacto registration, fucking fool.
If our current administration mistrusts those armed troops currently surrounding them in DC that they won't even issue them any ammunition or feed them properly, just imagine how our current administration feels about those of us who actually do have live ammunition.
Military doesn't even trust them all the time in a war zone. Why do you think they make you remove the magazine, clear and pull the trigger into a sand barrel before you can even go in the mess hall? Pulled more guard duty with a BFR or BFS than a loaded weapon here in the states. Sh#t happens and with unloaded weapon, less sh#t happens. Did you know you have to account for every bullet you are issued on that type operation? It's a pain in the butt.
Food service is an military function. If not by their own cooks, then by contract to the military supervised and paid by the military using contractors selected by the military. Quit whining about crap you don't know anything about.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
you are the whack off ...who gives 2 shits if you like guns or not? no one...if we want guns, thats no business of yours, unless you break into my house, then it will be your business, very briefly
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.
says the wacko in front of the are the only insecure, biased idiot whining, and spewing shit
Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.
That is defacto registration, fucking fool.
You are just fucking paranoid? I have bought all but one ( that one passed down by dad) through registered fire arms dealers, after filling out the form and it being approved. No problem. I don't buy cheap guns. I register my warranties with the manufacturers also. Get a grip.
All they have to do is say you are a threat to yourself because of mental issues and will come and get yer guns. The case goes to the Supreme Court soon.
Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.

The bloated, greedy and corrupt whore we have as a government has never regulated anything well at any time.

When both pathetic excuses for a party aren't fucking the American people over, they're busy fucking themselves.

Which eventually leads to more fucking of the American people.
Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.
That is defacto registration, fucking fool.
You are just fucking paranoid? I have bought all but one ( that one passed down by dad) through registered fire arms dealers, after filling out the form and it being approved. No problem. I don't buy cheap guns. I register my warranties with the manufacturers also. Get a grip.
You're as naive as you are a blind fucking hack.

The IRS and FISA courts were never supposed to abused for political purposes, but they have been, and brazenly so....And jackass rubes like you act as though these atrocities are one-offs.

I used to feel sorry for drips like you, but you bring your rank naive stupidity upon yourself....You deserve a trip to the re-education camp.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.

If the shit hit the fan for one and all, y'all would brush the wrinkles out of your skirts while whack jobs present an armed defense that benefits even you
All they have to do is say you are a threat to yourself because of mental issues and will come and get yer guns. The case goes to the Supreme Court soon.
Quit trying make them more paranoid, Glow Dude. You know it's not that simple and they're paranoid enough already.

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