Per CNN: Obama To Appoint Black Woman Named 'Lynch' As Attorney General

Conservatives on this board must be busting buttons on their vests in pride over Steve McGarrett!

Why don't the come right out and condemn this ugly racist? The Conservative response to him and his racist attitude is analogous to the main stream Muslim response to Islamic terrorist. The Ostrich Paradigm.

OK, we get it.

You won't be happy with any new Attorney General unless it's black AND Muslim.
I won't be happy until the Conservative faction on this board rebukes the stupidity and racism exhibited in threads like this.

And you expect to garner support and agreement with racism as your aegis?

Won't happen. I have asked the same question before...greeted by a massive wall of silence.
It is mildly entertaining that no matter what he posts, everyday he sees the world changing around him and realizes he's an impotent powerless racist who will die from old age before the massive "awakening" the racists pipe dream about...
A black woman, named "Lynch", heading up the Department of "Justice".

Let the jokes begin!

Let me start: New DOJ slogan: Want justice? Lynch!
(I might be able to get behind that slogan)

From looking at her picture, I can see what her only qualification is!

Obama expected to pick Loretta Lynch for AG -


Jesus, can we be sure that this is not Al Sharpton in drag????
There's really nothing new in this.

Not at all uncommon for dictators, confronted with defeat, to scorch and salt the earth.

But we have two years to get used to that sort of tantrum.
Show me where, in The U.S. Constitution, it says that Attorneys General MUST be black.

Show me where it says the AG must be White or Male????
No place. But with this, the most racist administration in history, it would be nice to get some diversity in appointments.

If you believe that this is the "most racist" admin in history, you are either profoundly ignorant or simply refuse to acknowledge the history of this country....
We haven't had anyone this unqualified before. Alberto Gonzalez was a state attorney general and a state supreme court justice prior to his appointment. This woman has done nothing to recommend her to this office.
We haven't had anyone this unqualified before. Alberto Gonzalez was a state attorney general and a state supreme court justice prior to his appointment. This woman has done nothing to recommend her to this office.
She will be a reliable bulwark against Congressional investigations and not above shredding documents illegally to cover up crimes.
That's her main credential.
We haven't had anyone this unqualified before. Alberto Gonzalez was a state attorney general and a state supreme court justice prior to his appointment. This woman has done nothing to recommend her to this office.
The OP says she's a ******, which is all the job requires.
We haven't had anyone this unqualified before. Alberto Gonzalez was a state attorney general and a state supreme court justice prior to his appointment. This woman has done nothing to recommend her to this office.
The OP says she's a ******, which is all the job requires.
You must be a racist if you're quoting the OP approvingly.

Can you really not write the word "******" on this site?

ETA. Yeah, I guess so. Amazing. You can write, ****, wop, camel jockey, grease ball, dyke, faggot, homo, polack and about anything else involving bodily organs and what they produce. But not n1gger. Geez.
We haven't had anyone this unqualified before. Alberto Gonzalez was a state attorney general and a state supreme court justice prior to his appointment. This woman has done nothing to recommend her to this office.

All you need to get in Obama's administration is to promise to scratch his back and a WAD of $$$$$$$$$$$
We haven't had anyone this unqualified before. Alberto Gonzalez was a state attorney general and a state supreme court justice prior to his appointment. This woman has done nothing to recommend her to this office.
The OP says she's a ******, which is all the job requires.
You must be a racist if you're quoting the OP approvingly.
I'm quoting him honestly, and you didn't bother to correct him because you agree, obviously.
We haven't had anyone this unqualified before. Alberto Gonzalez was a state attorney general and a state supreme court justice prior to his appointment. This woman has done nothing to recommend her to this office.

All you need to get in Obama's administration is to promise to scratch his back and a WAD of $$$$$$$$$$$
Don't forget the new putter, always a nice touch.
We haven't had anyone this unqualified before. Alberto Gonzalez was a state attorney general and a state supreme court justice prior to his appointment. This woman has done nothing to recommend her to this office.
The OP says she's a ******, which is all the job requires.
You must be a racist if you're quoting the OP approvingly.
I'm quoting him honestly, and you didn't bother to correct him because you agree, obviously.
I didnt bother to correct him because his racism and stupidity is not my responsibility. Just like yours.
at 11:55 central time I posted a thread on this and included this cut and paste WITH the link from wikipedia;

Relationship with Al Sharpton
The Reverend Al Sharpton has a working relationship with Loretta Lynch and has met with her in discussions concerning the death of Eric Garner killed during a police arrest.[10] Sharpton and his National Action Network helped the White House in deciding who would be the next Attorney General.[11]

I just looked again and her wikipedia page has been scrubbed of that portion.

Interesting. Someone wanted it suppressed. That's the nature of wiki, though.

Wait! Hold up! Are you saying that your thread was first?!!!!

Call the admin!!!!! This is a travesty! Outrageous!

Rotagilla was first, DAMMIT! Give him his due respect!!!
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