Per Mrs. Clinton: Americans have to change their personal beliefs

Fascists, Nazis and Communists have said that for decades and now democrats finally own up to it. That's progress I guess.
Dear Hillary,

I suggest you pick from the following list another option:

1. Keep stupid ideas to yourself.
2. Listen to the pastor better at church.
3. Get elected as president.
4. Drink less.
5. Change what you can, which would be yourself.


A conservative
Please scratch number 3 from the list. Thanks!
She like puts me off my meal when I see her..

and there you were voting for her, shouting down truth telling female victims of her sex predator husband, cheering as the latest truth teller, Seth Rich, got offed...
Hillary Says Americans Will Have to Change Their Personal and Religious Beliefs
S. Noble
July 27, 2016
Hillary Clinton said that Americans will have to change their religious convictions and cultural codes so they can pass laws. Convictions and belief systems of citizens should not stand in her way. Cultural codes and religious beliefs have to change, Hillary said. She made the comments in April of last year at the the sixth annual Women in the World Summit. She’s not only talking about foreign nations, her views are extreme and she wants those extreme views to dominate.

Instead of worrying about Fascism by Trump, people might want to look to the real and substantiated Fascism of Mrs. Clinton.

Americans have to change their beliefs because she says so? She will tell us what to think?

She was mostly referring to abortion but she can extend that to anything. She’s now the thought police.

In addition, Tim Kaine who claims to be personally against abortion, agreed to repeal the Hyde Amendment in exchange for the VP position.

What a loser.

The Hyde Amendment is a 1976 provision that bans the use of federal dollars for abortion services. The government under Clinton will force Americans to pay for abortion even if they see it as murder.

Even for pro-abortion activists, this should be a warning sign. If they can mandate this, they can mandate anything. What kind of government tells us what we are allowed to believe in? The government now dictates our beliefs?

This is the woman, or at least she self-identifies as a woman, who thinks the Second Amendment is not a constitutional right
The reason fascists like Hillary are so hot on taking our guns is because it makes it easier for them to oppress us.
They want to remove any protections we might have to defend ourselves from her planned abuses....ala Waco TX.
true to form the leftist clinton

demonstrates that all rights are under attack

lefties sure hate rights
Why do you people like to wallow in Clinton?
A fascination with a true evil fascist.
She like puts me off my meal when I see her...
That must me why you refuse to criticise her.

You've been brainwashed into thinking that Hillary the Walmart Witch is pro-union, rather than someone who has never done an hours worth of productive work in her life who sucks the life out of the productive people.

Moonglow, you know damn well that I am speaking the truth.
Hillary Says Americans Will Have to Change Their Personal and Religious Beliefs
S. Noble
July 27, 2016
Hillary Clinton said that Americans will have to change their religious convictions and cultural codes so they can pass laws. Convictions and belief systems of citizens should not stand in her way. Cultural codes and religious beliefs have to change, Hillary said. She made the comments in April of last year at the the sixth annual Women in the World Summit. She’s not only talking about foreign nations, her views are extreme and she wants those extreme views to dominate.

Instead of worrying about Fascism by Trump, people might want to look to the real and substantiated Fascism of Mrs. Clinton.

Americans have to change their beliefs because she says so? She will tell us what to think?

She was mostly referring to abortion but she can extend that to anything. She’s now the thought police.

In addition, Tim Kaine who claims to be personally against abortion, agreed to repeal the Hyde Amendment in exchange for the VP position.

What a loser.

The Hyde Amendment is a 1976 provision that bans the use of federal dollars for abortion services. The government under Clinton will force Americans to pay for abortion even if they see it as murder.

Even for pro-abortion activists, this should be a warning sign. If they can mandate this, they can mandate anything. What kind of government tells us what we are allowed to believe in? The government now dictates our beliefs?

This is the woman, or at least she self-identifies as a woman, who thinks the Second Amendment is not a constitutional right

Here is a better idea.

She change her stupid opinions and ways. She could start by not setting up illegal private servers. Or taking in debate questions in advance. Or... the list is endless really
Why should care that Hillary Clinton said something stupid last year?
Why do you people like to wallow in Clinton?
A fascination with a true evil fascist.
She like puts me off my meal when I see her...
That must me why you refuse to criticise her.

You've been brainwashed into thinking that Hillary the Walmart Witch is pro-union, rather than someone who has never done an hours worth of productive work in her life who sucks the life out of the productive people.

Moonglow, you know damn well that I am speaking the truth.
You should have seen the party we had in Little Flock, Arkansas when we found out they were leaving for good...
Actually, I think "change their personal beliefs" is Hillary's roundabout way of hinting that everyone needs to convert to the Islamic penis in her mouth (& probably an extra one residing in her anus). As I remember, her campaign was bought by no less than a dozen muslim countries
I wonder if that cackling witch has an actual jacket made of dalmatian puppy fur.
Hillary Says Americans Will Have to Change Their Personal and Religious Beliefs
S. Noble
July 27, 2016
Hillary Clinton said that Americans will have to change their religious convictions and cultural codes so they can pass laws. Convictions and belief systems of citizens should not stand in her way. Cultural codes and religious beliefs have to change, Hillary said. She made the comments in April of last year at the the sixth annual Women in the World Summit. She’s not only talking about foreign nations, her views are extreme and she wants those extreme views to dominate.

Instead of worrying about Fascism by Trump, people might want to look to the real and substantiated Fascism of Mrs. Clinton.

Americans have to change their beliefs because she says so? She will tell us what to think?

She was mostly referring to abortion but she can extend that to anything. She’s now the thought police.

In addition, Tim Kaine who claims to be personally against abortion, agreed to repeal the Hyde Amendment in exchange for the VP position.

What a loser.

The Hyde Amendment is a 1976 provision that bans the use of federal dollars for abortion services. The government under Clinton will force Americans to pay for abortion even if they see it as murder.

Even for pro-abortion activists, this should be a warning sign. If they can mandate this, they can mandate anything. What kind of government tells us what we are allowed to believe in? The government now dictates our beliefs?

This is the woman, or at least she self-identifies as a woman, who thinks the Second Amendment is not a constitutional right

Where is the link to what Secretary Clinton said? Where is the link to this alleged deal Tim Kaine had?

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