Perception manipulation has long been a tool used by mainstream media


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2020
How far have we sunk if telling the truth becomes a crime? How far have we sunk if we prosecute people that expose war crimes for exposing war crimes? How far have we sunk when we no longer prosecute our own war criminals? Because we identify more with them, than we identify with the people that actually expose these crimes. What does that tell about us and about our governments? In a democracy, the power does not belong to the government, but to the people. But the people have to claim it. Secrecy disempowers the people because it prevents them from exercising democratic control, which is precisely why governments want secrecy. – Nils Melzer, Human Rights Chair of the Geneva Academy of Int Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Prof of Int Law at the University of Glasgow, UN Rapporteur on Torture and Other Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

I agree with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, that the censorship we are seeing today is “not really about protecting people from harm.” He pointed out in a recent interview with journalist Glenn Greenwald that “the internet has become the de facto means of mass communication. That represents influence which represents power, and what we see is we see a whole number of different tribes basically squabbling to try and gain control over this instrument of power.” This instrument of power allows these platforms to control the way people think, behave, and tells us what to believe.

To me, it’s reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984 is a classic book depicting a populace ruled by a political regime that persecutes individualism and independent critical thinking as “thoughtcrimes” that must be enforced by the “thought police.” This party seeks power above all, and, through the propagandist Ministry of Truth, presents the people with their version of truth.

Perception manipulation has long been a tool used by mainstream media, this is made evident from declassified documents showing the relationship mainstream media outlets have the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for example.

Ex CBS Investigative Journalist Explains How Mainstream Media Brainwashes The Masses

Ever since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA program to infiltrate mainstream media and spread disinformation and propaganda for the purposes of controlling the perception of the masses on several different topics, people have been waking up. That was decades ago, and today, it’s easy to see how mainstream media has been completely compromised by governments, intelligence agencies and corporations. We know this from several documents and several whistleblowers, as well as multiple mainstream media journalists. For example, a declassified document from the CIA archives in the form of a letter from a CIA task force addressed to the Director of the CIA details the close relationship that exists between the CIA and mainstream media and academia. The document states that the CIA task force “now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation,” and that “this has helped us turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success” stories,’ and has contributed to the accuracy of countless others.”

Declassified Files: Operation Mockingbird

Operation Mockingbird was a CIA project to infiltrate and covertly control the media. It began in the 1950s under then CIA director Allen Dulles. The declassified files (most are classified and secret, but a tiny fraction here) show how the CIA infiltrated the mainstream media and had its pieces inserted into TV, newspapers and journals everywhere as “news” when they were nothing more than lies and propaganda. Richard Salant, former President of CBS News, once said that “our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.” Mockingbird was famously exposed in the 1975 Church Committee hearings (see an video excerpt here). Nothing much has changed today. Journalists worldwide are still on the payroll, and some were brave enough to talk about it, such as the late Udo Ulfkotte.

This article is from 4 years ago but you can see the reality today:

International Fact-Checking Network: New Worldwide Ministry of Truth?

The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) is an organization that until recently you may have never heard of, but is now poised to make a powerful influence on your life. Why? The multi-billion dollar corporation and CIA data mining operation Facebook has decided to enlist the help of the International Fact-Checking Network in its quest to eliminate “fake news” (i.e. enact censorship through the backdoor).

Those aware of the current psychological operations will know that the entire Russian propaganda and fake news themes are stealthy ways for the establishment to stifle dissent. They are whipping the public up into a frenzy about purported Russian hacking and Russian interference without a shred of credible evidence, all the while scaring people into thinking they need some “independent” arbiter (outside of themselves) to decipher and decide what is real and what is fake. It’s the ultimate perception grab; they want you to hand over your power and let your perception be dictated by them. Now, Facebook has announced it will be using the International Fact-Checking Network and other 3rd party fact-checking organizations to weed out all the fake news. Is the International Fact-Checking Network poised to become some kind of Ministry of Truth as Orwell wrote about? Who funds the organization and how does its check its facts?

Guess Who Funds the International Fact-Checking Network?
The IFCN openly states that it is hosted by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, and that:

“… Poynter’s IFCN has received funding from the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, the Duke Reporters’ Lab, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Omidyar Network, the Open Society Foundations and the Park Foundation.”

Readers of the The Freedom Articles will probably recognize some names here that are an integral part of the New World Order. These include Google (driving the transhumanist agenda), Bill Gates (who has cropped up in the last 3 years to support vaccines, GMOs, Common Core and other NWO initiatives), George Soros (master manipulator behind the Ukraine coup of 2014, Black Lives Matter and other movements to disrupt the law and socially engineer society) and Pierre Omidyar (current owner of PayPal connected to the Military Intelligence complex via Booz Allen Hamilton). Soros owns and funds a slew of treacherous NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) such as the National Endowment for Democracy and Open Society Foundations.

Read on:

Since the dawn of time the people in charge—in authority, from heads of primitive families, to tribal chieftains, to leaders of the first walled cities, have believed it necessary to control their followers and populations with misinformation. Early high priests of Middle Eastern cities controlled their populations by proliferating and promulgating the belief that if the people did not obey their every edict, no matter how tyrannical, then the gods would severely punish them.

For centuries and centuries, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Catholic Church headed by whatever Pope of the day controlled all of Europe and the Old World by declaring whatever King of whatever Dark Age and Medieval kingdom was anointed and appointed dictator by God himself.

Unfortunately, since the dawn of mankind, average men and women—the unwashed masses of them—have been manipulated by their governments into doing exactly whatever their leaders desired.

Where it all gets really frustratingly interesting is in the realization that without organized, functioning governments we human masses are fucked. And we're also fucked with organized, functioning governments. Without a government and state sponsored security force or military, other organized governments or even bands of marauders, would sweep in and rape our women, steal all we have and likely enslave us or put us to the sword. However, living under an organized government we are daily and annually extorted by that government, treated as human commodities and otherwise abused at all levels of our government—all in the name of the common good, for our own good, for the "common wealth" which slang for: to enrich the government.

So it all boils down to pick your poison and take your medicine—government issue medicine, that is. The only way to escape government deception and abuse and manipulation of our lives is to find a deep wilderness on the far edge of civilization, set up camp there, and "deal" with the consequences of trying to go it on your own. Problem with that? Well, there's plenty of problems with doing that. When Mr. Grizzly Bear comes a calling or that band of marauders show up, there'll be no cops to call, no national guard to save you . . . you'll be all alone on your own and likely outnumbered.

Reality truly is one fucking massive Catch 22 . . .
Since the dawn of time the people in charge—in authority, from heads of primitive families, to tribal chieftains, to leaders of the first walled cities, have believed it necessary to control their followers and populations with misinformation. Early high priests of Middle Eastern cities controlled their populations by proliferating and promulgating the belief that if the people did not obey their every edict, no matter how tyrannical, then the gods would severely punish them.

For centuries and centuries, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Catholic Church headed by whatever Pope of the day controlled all of Europe and the Old World by declaring whatever King of whatever Dark Age and Medieval kingdom was anointed and appointed dictator by God himself.

Unfortunately, since the dawn of mankind, average men and women—the unwashed masses of them—have been manipulated by their governments into doing exactly whatever their leaders desired.

Where it all gets really frustratingly interesting is in the realization that without organized, functioning governments we human masses are fucked. And we're also fucked with organized, functioning governments. Without a government and state sponsored security force or military, other organized governments or even bands of marauders, would sweep in and rape our women, steal all we have and likely enslave us or put us to the sword. However, living under an organized government we are daily and annually extorted by that government, treated as human commodities and otherwise abused at all levels of our government—all in the name of the common good, for our own good, for the "common wealth" which slang for: to enrich the government.

So it all boils down to pick your poison and take your medicine—government issue medicine, that is. The only way to escape government deception and abuse and manipulation of our lives is to find a deep wilderness on the far edge of civilization, set up camp there, and "deal" with the consequences of trying to go it on your own. Problem with that? Well, there's plenty of problems with doing that. When Mr. Grizzly Bear comes a calling or that band of marauders show up, there'll be no cops to call, no national guard to save you . . . you'll be all alone on your own and likely outnumbered.

Reality truly is one fucking massive Catch 22 . . .

Great points!

Not getting to spiritual here but I think there is a point to this in this 3D density. It is the Yin and Yang. The positive vs the negative and the negative vs the positive. And as was once said that freedom is never free. We always have to continue to fight for our freedoms, because as soon as we get fat and happy and lazy, there will be darkness there conspiring to take freedom away.
This was passed back in 2012. . . you can imagine how the intel agencies and Deep State, in conjunction with Silicon Valley have been using it. :rolleyes:

Congressmen Seek To Lift Propaganda Ban

Yes, I remember hearing about that. If anybody is in doubt by now that they are being fed propaganda by the MSM and Corporations and Big Tech, I really don't know what to tell them. I guess some people just like being sheep or don't really care. I do understand most people don't have the time to research any of this. And it is much easier just to turn the tube on to get news.

And this is all connected whether it is FOX, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC. I know there is a video out there where it combines all the different channels, all saying the same things and promoting the same agenda with just a little slant to it, depending on what audiences watch it. For example Fox would appeal to people more on the right, well and for the left, it is mostly the rest.
progressive hunter posted a good video concerning that over in another thread. . .


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