Perception of Mormanism as a "kooky" faith

Mr. Smith supposedly found some tablets, back in the 1800s, left by Jesus himself when He traveled across the ocean during His 'missing years' between 12 and 30.

The Mormons have managed to lose them in less than 200 years


How old are the Dead Sea Scrolls?
From an atheists point of view that is true.

But from a Bible believing Christians point of view.

Mormonism is beyond kooky; it is just a weird cult. :cuckoo:

I think even Christians can look at things objectively, and admit the Mormons are no more kooky that Christians, Muslims or Jews.

"objective christians"
You get to read some really crazy bullshit on the forum.
The only difference between a religion and a cult is how many years unthinking fools have been led around by the nose by them.
....Not to mention all religion's' tendencies to marginalize other religions' Absolutes!!!
Define Kooky.

It's the lawyer in me that's requesting this.

Toooooooooooooooo easy!!!

A "conservative"/capitalist know....bu$ine$$-being-bu$ine$$.

You complain....that, what they did wasn't Fair....that all the Rules seem to benefit Them.

They tell you that Life isn't Fair....that there ARE no guarantees in Life!

Then....'round about Election-time (surprise, surprise).....they start selling you all the....

....that guide their Lives.....well, except the ones that allow Them to fuck-people-over.

....Compared to any (other) "faith", that has it's "followers" convinced that our Earth is a unique-planet??

January 12, 2012

160 Billion....In OUR Galaxy!

"For those of us clinging to the notion that Earth is special, these and a raft of other recent exoplanet discoveries may be tough to stomach.

"We used to think that the Earth might be unique in our galaxy," study co-author Daniel Kubas, also of the Paris Institute of Astrophysics, said in a statement. "But now it seems that there are literally billions of planets with masses similar to Earth orbiting stars in the Milky Way."

[ame=]George Carlin: Religion is Bullshit - YouTube[/ame]​
Mr. Smith supposedly found some tablets, back in the 1800s, left by Jesus himself when He traveled across the ocean during His 'missing years' between 12 and 30.

The Mormons have managed to lose them in less than 200 years

How old are the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Ya nothing crazy to see HERE...move along...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you need a religion which needs a man to read plates with writing on them with a seers stone inside of a hat, then you are considered a little less than normal in the establishment of a religion. the Mormons also own land in northern Missouri where they claim Jesus will alit from Heaven to start his reign.

How would they know where he will land? Another hat trick?
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The South is going to have a problem with a Mormon from the New England.
It's not right but I think it is the truth.

It's certainly true in parts of SC.
Mormons are not considered Christians by all Christian churches and people.

If you go to a Christian book store.

Books about Mormons and their religion are in the Cult section of the store..

True statement,having close family members active with both the Mormon church and Methodist church for years. Brother was a president of large local Mormon church,father Methodist minister for years still is.You can't find a cleaner living group then Mormons,very nice people,tend to not interact with other local churches much,but will raise a barn for a fellow Mormon. The two faiths have Christ as the center and belive in the resurrection,but thats where they part ways,the Mormons have some very interesting ideas about the before and after life,and have had to change doctrine for acceptance main stream several time over the years. That in its self is problematic for many other faiths.

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