Perfect description of today's Right-Wing wackos

to shovel ready no jobs.
What do you mean no jobs? The stimulus hired millions of people.
Temporary jobs..part time jobs and in the government..

A lot of them were direct benefits to small businesses. It was designed that way. Remember, it was a Green stimulus?

Through that stimulus grant to my city I was able to purchase a new GE Hybrid energy water heater ($1430.00 at Lowes, now $899) and receive back from the city $1200.00 in credit on my energy bill, which meant I didn't get an electric bill for 5 months. Pretty great.

One catch: I had to hire a local plumber to professionally install it. This was by design in the stimulus: stimulate business for local companies. They charged me an outrageous $400, but look what I got: professional installation and a new 50 gallon water heater that costs an EnergyGuide average of $198 per year instead of the $600-$800 per year with my old Kenmore. All for $630.

And GE sold another cutting edge tech water heater. Helping their profits.

And Lowes had another water heater sale. Helping their profits.

And my local plumber had a $400 job on the books. Helping their profits.

And that's the 2009 Stimulus Act in a nutshell.

Only about 5% of the "stimulus" was spent on that useless crap.
This is from a Charlie Sykes Op-Ed about Alex Jones:

Mr. Jones, Matt Drudge and President Trump himself have played a role in reviving what Richard Hofstadter called “The Paranoid Style in American Politics.” Reread in light of today’s politics, Hofstadter’s 1964 essay seems eerily prescient.

The paranoid spokesman, he wrote, saw the world “in apocalyptic terms — he traffics in the birth and death of whole worlds, whole political orders, whole systems of human values. He is always manning the barricades of civilization. He constantly lives at a turning point.”

At the center of the paranoid worldview, Hofstadter wrote, was a sense on the right that “America has been largely taken away from them and their kind, though they are determined to try to repossess it and to prevent the final destructive act of subversion.”

Since the situation is so dire and the stakes so high, the paranoid spokesman is not interested in half-measures. “He does not see social conflict as something to be mediated and compromised, in the manner of the working politician,” Hofstadter wrote.
Lol! You guys make up some dumb shit. Thanks for the laugh.
"You guys"? Charlie Sykes is a conservative talk show host in Wisconsin, buddies with Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Reince Priebus.

Son of a bitch backed Evan McMullin. He can go straight to RINO hell. Don't ever try to snow anyone that this asshole is a conservative.
So, in your world Evan McMullin and Charlie Sykes are not conservatives, but Donald Trump is????


You obviously are ignorant of the McMullin platform.
I'm quite familiar with the Trump platform and he's not a conservative.

By any definition of conservative McMullin fits that description more than Trump.

Unless you're going by Cereal Killer's definition of conservatism, in my sigline.
"Change" and "End" are not synonyms.

America has been changing constantly, from day one.

And not necessarily for the better. When the courts take it upon themselves to ignore black letter law and are supported by politicians we are no longer a nation of laws and disintegration of the republic is inevitable. The short cuts you condone will be the undoing of the country.


Whether various changes are for "better" or "worse" will be determined by historians down the line.

Yet the changes still occurred. There's no going back.

That's where you're wrong.


No, I'm not.

Change rarely ever goes backwards, no matter how hard you guys try.

Yet the hysterics on the left say different.


Like who?

You keep mentioning "the left" as some homogenous entity, but you seem to always neglect to show any examples.
No one wants to discuss your biased smear article.

And yet, you can't seem to stop trolling the thread on that article.

Why is that?

I know a leftwing smear when I see one.


You've made it abundantly clear that you don't know shit about shit, clown shoes.
You just can't stand the fact that no one is willing to play along with your scam that your smear article is some kind of serious journalism.


It's not "my" article, clown - and it's an Op-Ed, not "journalism".
Whatever you choose to call it, it's still a smear.
So now the truth. Sykes is a McMullin backer and a Never Trumper.

The OP is based on a lie. But what isn't these days when a progressive attempts to carve out a platform that conservatives are nutjobs and quotes a never trumper.
You didn't read the OP, and you didn't read the article I grabbed it from, dumbass.

Yes I did. Walk softly.
You said that Sykes was a McMullin supporter and a Never Trumper.

By what logic does that in turn yank their conservative credentials?

They are Never Trumpers BECAUSE they are conservatives.
And yet, you can't seem to stop trolling the thread on that article.

Why is that?

I know a leftwing smear when I see one.


You've made it abundantly clear that you don't know shit about shit, clown shoes.
You just can't stand the fact that no one is willing to play along with your scam that your smear article is some kind of serious journalism.


It's not "my" article, clown - and it's an Op-Ed, not "journalism".
Whatever you choose to call it, it's still a smear.


Your opinion on an article that you haven't read is completely worthless. You recognize that, right?
What point have I missed? The first bolded paragraph describes so many on this forum who are hysterical over stopping Democrats from totally destroying America - that we're in our last throes as a free society because of the evil Liberals.

I think you need to look at what post I was responding to.
Sorry. That's a big problem with the Ignore List - it totally hides the Ignored instead of just hiding their content. I've been happily ignoring bripat for years now. :)
Yeah, that's because you're a coward.
No, you're just a moron who is not worth my time.
ROFL! Yeah, getting a royal ass kicking "isn't worth your time."
More like your general retardation and ignorance.
to shovel ready no jobs.
What do you mean no jobs? The stimulus hired millions of people.
Temporary jobs..part time jobs and in the government..

A lot of them were direct benefits to small businesses. It was designed that way. Remember, it was a Green stimulus?

Through that stimulus grant to my city I was able to purchase a new GE Hybrid energy water heater ($1430.00 at Lowes, now $899) and receive back from the city $1200.00 in credit on my energy bill, which meant I didn't get an electric bill for 5 months. Pretty great.

One catch: I had to hire a local plumber to professionally install it. This was by design in the stimulus: stimulate business for local companies. They charged me an outrageous $400, but look what I got: professional installation and a new 50 gallon water heater that costs an EnergyGuide average of $198 per year instead of the $600-$800 per year with my old Kenmore. All for $630.

And GE sold another cutting edge tech water heater. Helping their profits.

And Lowes had another water heater sale. Helping their profits.

And my local plumber had a $400 job on the books. Helping their profits.

And that's the 2009 Stimulus Act in a nutshell.

So why did you need the welfare? You could have done the job yourself justifiably if it would save you so much. Why did you need the nanny state to prompt you to do something that made economic sense? I replace my water heater for $400 with a new one and didn't need anyone else, GE and Lowes still made their profits, no plumper involved.

I did like I said twice, again all I see is an OP Ed who is hurt that someone might upset the apple cart...and writes he has no idea why someone shot up a ball park..

We see the hodgkinsons disease all the time on these boards..

James T. Hodgkinson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Hodgkinson shared a post from “Republicans Suck,” saying, “Republicans Hate Women, Minorities, Working Class People, & Most All (99%) of the People of the Country.”

He also wrote, “Trump is Guilty & Should Go to Prison for Treason” and “Trump is a Mean, Disgusting Person.”

June 2015 he wrote, “The Opposite of a Liberal Progressive is a Bigoted Racist that wants the Rich to get Richer at the expense of the 99%…..Republicans are so Stupid….”

He wrote in May 2015, “Congressional Republicans Hate Americans & Should All be Voted Out of Office……..”

He wrote, “Republican Bitch Wants People to Work for Slave Wages, when a Livable Wage is the Only Way to Go! Vote Blue, It’s Right for You


If you did read it (which I don't believe, since you've refused to actually discuss any of it's contents), you missed the point.

You want to feel like a victim, so you see the article as an attack on you, personally - instead of understanding that the point of the article is that framing every issue as life-or-death, and a war between good and evil is problematic, whether it's on the left or the right.

The man who shot Scalise echoed the rhetoric of Alex Jones and the like, from the other side - and that's the problem, the rhetoric. The ideological mindset that everything is an all-or-nothing war rather than a difference of opinion.

What is this profound point you imagine we missed? Are you actually trying to blame the Scalise shooting on right wingers?

Who says everything is all-or-nothing if not the left? Remember when they said pulling out of the Paris agreement meant the end of the world?


You seem to have some serious reading comprehension issues.

Why are you trying so hard to make this a partisan issue?
Why are you and shithole pretending it isn't?

Because we actually read the fucking article!

Jesus Christ, you're a moron.
And THAT'S why I have him on ignore!
If you did read it (which I don't believe, since you've refused to actually discuss any of it's contents), you missed the point.

You want to feel like a victim, so you see the article as an attack on you, personally - instead of understanding that the point of the article is that framing every issue as life-or-death, and a war between good and evil is problematic, whether it's on the left or the right.

The man who shot Scalise echoed the rhetoric of Alex Jones and the like, from the other side - and that's the problem, the rhetoric. The ideological mindset that everything is an all-or-nothing war rather than a difference of opinion.

What is this profound point you imagine we missed? Are you actually trying to blame the Scalise shooting on right wingers?

Who says everything is all-or-nothing if not the left? Remember when they said pulling out of the Paris agreement meant the end of the world?


You seem to have some serious reading comprehension issues.

Why are you trying so hard to make this a partisan issue?
Why are you and shithole pretending it isn't?

Because we actually read the fucking article!

Jesus Christ, you're a moron.
And THAT'S why I have him on ignore!

Right, you have me on ignore because I don't fall for your sleazy scams.
Look at the title of this thread, numskull. Tell me that isn't partisan. The article accuses Republicans of being paranoid. Tell me that isn't true.

Do you actually think you're fooling anyone?
You believe that Republicans are right-wing whackos? I don't.

I believe that right-wing whackos are right-wing whackos, and Republicans are just selfish greedy assholes.
They might be ignoring the opinions in the op but you're ignoring the FACTS OF REALITY.

Did you read the article?
Fuck NO, I'm not a lemming that needs to be led around like a Dog on a leash. I am quite capable of looking at current events and figuring out where the problems are without having to have it "interpreted" for me.

If you don't want to read the article, why are you wasting your time posting in a thread about that article?
Because I feel like it. More often than not the interesting part of any thread is not contained in the op.
to shovel ready no jobs.
What do you mean no jobs? The stimulus hired millions of people.
Temporary jobs..part time jobs and in the government..

A lot of them were direct benefits to small businesses. It was designed that way. Remember, it was a Green stimulus?

Through that stimulus grant to my city I was able to purchase a new GE Hybrid energy water heater ($1430.00 at Lowes, now $899) and receive back from the city $1200.00 in credit on my energy bill, which meant I didn't get an electric bill for 5 months. Pretty great.

One catch: I had to hire a local plumber to professionally install it. This was by design in the stimulus: stimulate business for local companies. They charged me an outrageous $400, but look what I got: professional installation and a new 50 gallon water heater that costs an EnergyGuide average of $198 per year instead of the $600-$800 per year with my old Kenmore. All for $630.

And GE sold another cutting edge tech water heater. Helping their profits.

And Lowes had another water heater sale. Helping their profits.

And my local plumber had a $400 job on the books. Helping their profits.

And that's the 2009 Stimulus Act in a nutshell.

Only about 5% of the "stimulus" was spent on that useless crap.
You are transparently full of shit.
to shovel ready no jobs.
What do you mean no jobs? The stimulus hired millions of people.
Temporary jobs..part time jobs and in the government..

A lot of them were direct benefits to small businesses. It was designed that way. Remember, it was a Green stimulus?

Through that stimulus grant to my city I was able to purchase a new GE Hybrid energy water heater ($1430.00 at Lowes, now $899) and receive back from the city $1200.00 in credit on my energy bill, which meant I didn't get an electric bill for 5 months. Pretty great.

One catch: I had to hire a local plumber to professionally install it. This was by design in the stimulus: stimulate business for local companies. They charged me an outrageous $400, but look what I got: professional installation and a new 50 gallon water heater that costs an EnergyGuide average of $198 per year instead of the $600-$800 per year with my old Kenmore. All for $630.

And GE sold another cutting edge tech water heater. Helping their profits.

And Lowes had another water heater sale. Helping their profits.

And my local plumber had a $400 job on the books. Helping their profits.

And that's the 2009 Stimulus Act in a nutshell.

Only about 5% of the "stimulus" was spent on that useless crap.
You are transparently full of shit.

ROFL! Ironic!
to shovel ready no jobs.
What do you mean no jobs? The stimulus hired millions of people.
Temporary jobs..part time jobs and in the government..

A lot of them were direct benefits to small businesses. It was designed that way. Remember, it was a Green stimulus?

Through that stimulus grant to my city I was able to purchase a new GE Hybrid energy water heater ($1430.00 at Lowes, now $899) and receive back from the city $1200.00 in credit on my energy bill, which meant I didn't get an electric bill for 5 months. Pretty great.

One catch: I had to hire a local plumber to professionally install it. This was by design in the stimulus: stimulate business for local companies. They charged me an outrageous $400, but look what I got: professional installation and a new 50 gallon water heater that costs an EnergyGuide average of $198 per year instead of the $600-$800 per year with my old Kenmore. All for $630.

And GE sold another cutting edge tech water heater. Helping their profits.

And Lowes had another water heater sale. Helping their profits.

And my local plumber had a $400 job on the books. Helping their profits.

And that's the 2009 Stimulus Act in a nutshell.

So why did you need the welfare? You could have done the job yourself justifiably if it would save you so much. Why did you need the nanny state to prompt you to do something that made economic sense? I replace my water heater for $400 with a new one and didn't need anyone else, GE and Lowes still made their profits, no plumper involved.

Because I was able to buy a new hybrid water heater for $230!

Even counting the installation it was a steal.

I wasn't in the market for a water heater until this deal, then it made perfect sense. And it stimulated the economy, locally and nationally.
What is this profound point you imagine we missed? Are you actually trying to blame the Scalise shooting on right wingers?

Who says everything is all-or-nothing if not the left? Remember when they said pulling out of the Paris agreement meant the end of the world?


You seem to have some serious reading comprehension issues.

Why are you trying so hard to make this a partisan issue?
Why are you and shithole pretending it isn't?

Because we actually read the fucking article!

Jesus Christ, you're a moron.
And THAT'S why I have him on ignore!

Right, you have me on ignore because I don't fall for your sleazy scams.
No, still about you being a retard who can't back up any of your bullshit.

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