Perhaps not a global war, but a regional war may be on the horizon.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013

So I watched these 2 vids and even though they're PBS productions I found a lot of the reporting informative. They're very long, and I doubt many if anyone will watch them and comment, especially vacuous liberals. We have had an unnatural involvement in the Middle East for decades and it all has to do with easy oil. It ain't drying up like bed wetters say either. That primordial ooze has been flooding cavities in the crust for millions of years and is just looking for cavities to rest in. That liberal bullshit about "peak oil" from 40 years ago is as valid as their bullshit about the massive floods that were supposed to have submerged all the coastlines under 20 Ft of water by now.

This is something different.

We ended up involved in global politics much to my chagrin over 100 years ago. After WW1 we allowed (or at least didn't protest) the euroweenies to continue to exploit colonial territory and draw arbitrary borders, establish despotic regimes and do all sorts of stupid shit. Then 20-40 years after that in the midst of a 2nd world war to repeat the same mistakes. Now we are involved in religious wars and territorial conquest ambitions that literally make no fucking difference to us. What I don't get was how the meat puppet faggot bowed to the Saudi king and then worked to assist Iran in other endeavors. It's like our government is schizophrenic. At least with Trump it seemed like he just wanted to suppress Iran and sell the Saudis more explosives.


Washington makes an extended reference to the dangers of foreign nations who will seek to influence the American people and government; nations who may be considered friendly as well as nations considered enemies will equally try to influence the government to do their will. "Real patriots", he warns, who "resist the intrigues" of foreign nations may find themselves "suspected and odious" in the eyes of others, yet he urges the people to stand firm against such influences all the same. He portrays those who attempt to further such foreign interests as becoming the "tools and dupes" of those nations, stealing the applause and praise of their country away from the "real patriots" while actually working to "surrender" American interests to foreign nations.

We don't need to be involved in what is going to happen in the ME among religious zealots. We just need to sell them weapons.
Xi's man has VOWED to start many more wars in the Middle East. That peace brought about by President Trump will be ended once and for all.

So I watched these 2 vids and even though they're PBS productions I found a lot of the reporting informative. They're very long, and I doubt many if anyone will watch them and comment, especially vacuous liberals. We have had an unnatural involvement in the Middle East for decades and it all has to do with easy oil. It ain't drying up like bed wetters say either. That primordial ooze has been flooding cavities in the crust for millions of years and is just looking for cavities to rest in. That liberal bullshit about "peak oil" from 40 years ago is as valid as their bullshit about the massive floods that were supposed to have submerged all the coastlines under 20 Ft of water by now.

This is something different.

We ended up involved in global politics much to my chagrin over 100 years ago. After WW1 we allowed (or at least didn't protest) the euroweenies to continue to exploit colonial territory and draw arbitrary borders, establish despotic regimes and do all sorts of stupid shit. Then 20-40 years after that in the midst of a 2nd world war to repeat the same mistakes. Now we are involved in religious wars and territorial conquest ambitions that literally make no fucking difference to us. What I don't get was how the meat puppet faggot bowed to the Saudi king and then worked to assist Iran in other endeavors. It's like our government is schizophrenic. At least with Trump it seemed like he just wanted to suppress Iran and sell the Saudis more explosives.


Washington makes an extended reference to the dangers of foreign nations who will seek to influence the American people and government; nations who may be considered friendly as well as nations considered enemies will equally try to influence the government to do their will. "Real patriots", he warns, who "resist the intrigues" of foreign nations may find themselves "suspected and odious" in the eyes of others, yet he urges the people to stand firm against such influences all the same. He portrays those who attempt to further such foreign interests as becoming the "tools and dupes" of those nations, stealing the applause and praise of their country away from the "real patriots" while actually working to "surrender" American interests to foreign nations.

We don't need to be involved in what is going to happen in the ME among religious zealots. We just need to sell them weapons.

Now that the democrats are back in power, it's time to set the Middle East ablaze again.

And now that the Keystone Pipeline was stopped by Biden, the US needs to reenter these wars for oil.
Xi's man has VOWED to start many more wars in the Middle East. That peace brought about by President Trump will be ended once and for all.
Here lies my problem with believing in anything related to politics.

Indeed Trump did do what Lurch Kerry insisted was impossible, but that Frankenfuck is a complete bed wetting imbecile, he got beaten by BUSH. The globalists don't seem to want to do anything more than reduce the human population. I'm not talking about Bezos, Buffet, Gates, or Soros. They have paper money. It can be made worthless by some asshole behind a computer.

The reality is that there are people who no one talks or knows about in an international mafia that does some shit that manipulates what Soros, Bezos, Buffet, Gates, Knox and even the Rothchild's do. The is NO "New World Order", There is a clusterfuck of elitist assholes with their own agendas who don't give a fuck about nations, economic systems, or governments. These are people who are certainly trying to rule the earth, but are no different than the Italian roman Aristocracy that was left behind to rule citistates in the middle ages.

There seems to be no other objective among these pieces of inbred shit than to seriously reduce the global population.


So I watched these 2 vids and even though they're PBS productions I found a lot of the reporting informative. They're very long, and I doubt many if anyone will watch them and comment, especially vacuous liberals. We have had an unnatural involvement in the Middle East for decades and it all has to do with easy oil. It ain't drying up like bed wetters say either. That primordial ooze has been flooding cavities in the crust for millions of years and is just looking for cavities to rest in. That liberal bullshit about "peak oil" from 40 years ago is as valid as their bullshit about the massive floods that were supposed to have submerged all the coastlines under 20 Ft of water by now.

This is something different.

We ended up involved in global politics much to my chagrin over 100 years ago. After WW1 we allowed (or at least didn't protest) the euroweenies to continue to exploit colonial territory and draw arbitrary borders, establish despotic regimes and do all sorts of stupid shit. Then 20-40 years after that in the midst of a 2nd world war to repeat the same mistakes. Now we are involved in religious wars and territorial conquest ambitions that literally make no fucking difference to us. What I don't get was how the meat puppet faggot bowed to the Saudi king and then worked to assist Iran in other endeavors. It's like our government is schizophrenic. At least with Trump it seemed like he just wanted to suppress Iran and sell the Saudis more explosives.


Washington makes an extended reference to the dangers of foreign nations who will seek to influence the American people and government; nations who may be considered friendly as well as nations considered enemies will equally try to influence the government to do their will. "Real patriots", he warns, who "resist the intrigues" of foreign nations may find themselves "suspected and odious" in the eyes of others, yet he urges the people to stand firm against such influences all the same. He portrays those who attempt to further such foreign interests as becoming the "tools and dupes" of those nations, stealing the applause and praise of their country away from the "real patriots" while actually working to "surrender" American interests to foreign nations.

We don't need to be involved in what is going to happen in the ME among religious zealots. We just need to sell them weapons.

President Trump's Middle East Deal was very wise.
Their alliance makes Iran think twice about pulling some sort of unwise move.
Obama, Biden and Kerry should feel ashamed of their Iran coddling, but Liberals are incapable of shame.
Obama has enabled Iran to play nuukie games.
Now that the democrats are back in power, it's time to set the Middle East ablaze again.

And now that the Keystone Pipeline was stopped by Biden, the US needs to reenter these wars for oil
To be fair, the one who set the ME ablaze was Bush the son. The others cant even compete with him. And he wasnt a Democrat, iirc.
Now that the democrats are back in power, it's time to set the Middle East ablaze again.

And now that the Keystone Pipeline was stopped by Biden, the US needs to reenter these wars for oil
To be fair, the one who set the ME ablaze was Bush the son. The others cant even compete with him. And he wasnt a Democrat, iirc.
I would say Bush 41 was most responsible for getting us entangled in the ME, and he was a shitbag RINO, among shitbags.

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