Perhaps Trump really is a God-send

He's already going to go down as one of if not the greatest POTUS' in history. If you don't know why you're not paying attention, and you're ignorant of economics and history.

The left seems to have their panties in a bunch over hydroxychloroquine, because Trump is promoting its potential benefits. One of the left's complaints is Trump may have a financial interest in this drug.

Point missed is perhaps Trump felt there was good reason to invest in this drug, because he's somewhat a William Casey type and can feel the future. He didn't cure cancer, but people are still alive likely because of this drug. That's what I call leadership. Trump loves us.

Hail Trump!

Don't buy their crap.........he has his investments in a blind trust.......

We are blessed to have Trump......there was a higher power involved in his getting into office...defeating 16 career politicians, the clinton crime machine, the obama chicago machine, hollywood and the democrat controlled press............

There was no Clinton crime machine, no Obama machine and we have not been blessed by this presidency. YOU have been deceived into thinking this was a divine presidency. You elected the crime machine, straight out of hollywood, a reality TV star, who loves putting himself in the press.

Say that to Vince Foster
Yep, and many, many others on the Clinton Body Count List. The list is QUITE real and quite extensive, starting in the late 1980's, going right up until Jeffrey Epstein's name was added. The best and most detailed list can be found on It's a very interesting AND frightening read.

I don't have to say anything to anybody. There is no Clinton body count. That's a lie. Epstein was not murdered by Clinton,. if anything you need to look at trump. They were running biddies. They shared women. But Epstein killed himself because he was going to get killed by a mob member. Epstein was trafficking those little girls and mafia members were some of his customers. That's how or why he died.
He's already going to go down as one of if not the greatest POTUS' in history. If you don't know why you're not paying attention, and you're ignorant of economics and history.

The left seems to have their panties in a bunch over hydroxychloroquine, because Trump is promoting its potential benefits. One of the left's complaints is Trump may have a financial interest in this drug.

Point missed is perhaps Trump felt there was good reason to invest in this drug, because he's somewhat a William Casey type and can feel the future. He didn't cure cancer, but people are still alive likely because of this drug. That's what I call leadership. Trump loves us.

Hail Trump!

He may have been sent to bring a decandent empire to its close. Jim Jones : Don Trump.

jim jones was a communist, Trump is not.........
Jim Jones was OUT OF HIS F*CKING mind.

I have never claimed that Obama was the greatest president in history.

I've seen Trump supporters say that.

You do know they are just rocking your boat correct?

Some of them, maybe. I'm convinced that most of them believe in all the stupid shit they say.

They dont

The absolute lack of a sense of humor among the left is the most hilarious thing about them. It's like they collectively lost their funny bones en masse at noon on Jan. 20, 2017.

Yep, it's rather frightening, isn't it? My best friend, who unfortunately is a liberal lunatic, and occasionally RAGING liberal lunatic, hasn't smiled or laughed since his beloved Hildebeast lost the election in November of 2016. And I'm not making this up. I have literally NOT seen him crack a smile or laugh since. Admittedly, he didn't have much of a sense of humor to begin with, but BEFORE the election he would at least laugh and joke around once in a while. Since Trump beat the Beast, NOTHING, NADA, sense of humor COMPLETELY gone. We've stayed friends because we fortunately have many common interest besides politics. We've had to agree to stop talking about politics to keep our friendship intact. He DOES slip up occasionally and start talking shit about our president. I just laugh and don't say a word, and swiftly move us on to another topic. I just wish I could hear him laugh and joke again.
These last three years have not been funny. You guys have consistently excused and ignored an evilman and now you want to give him a second term. And for what reason?

But he didn't do that..

You guys have made yourselves believe that Obama was the worst present ever and that trump came in and immediately turned the economy around setting all time records. And that’s because you spent the 8 years of Obama not paying attention to what he was doing and instead believing every right wing biased ass commentary and lie told about him.

We were on the verge of a fucking depression when Obama took office. Had he failed like you guys have consistently claimed trump would have entered in with a full blown depression on his hands and he would not have been able to turn that around in the first year of his presidency.

It’s time to get out of silly season and face the truth. People are here dying now because trump cannot do the job. Tonight the number of death from COVID19 surpassed the H1N1 pandemic. No longer can you claim Obama did worse than trump in handling that pandemic. Trump has sat on his ass tweeting and watching fox news for the last 3 plus years while the economy Obama created kept running on it’s own. We had over a decade of job growth until last month. Trump has been in office for 3 years and almost 3 months. So trump did not create the job growth that set the records he bragged about. And still you are contemplating re electing donnie fakenews and if he gets 4 more years, you all will wish you had not done it.

Trying to rewrite history some more?

After Obama's stimulus the unemployment rate went up, not down

Obama didn't do shit for the economy he slowed the recovery down
He's already going to go down as one of if not the greatest POTUS' in history. If you don't know why you're not paying attention, and you're ignorant of economics and history.

The left seems to have their panties in a bunch over hydroxychloroquine, because Trump is promoting its potential benefits. One of the left's complaints is Trump may have a financial interest in this drug.

Point missed is perhaps Trump felt there was good reason to invest in this drug, because he's somewhat a William Casey type and can feel the future. He didn't cure cancer, but people are still alive likely because of this drug. That's what I call leadership. Trump loves us.

Hail Trump!

He may have been sent to bring a decandent empire to its close. Jim Jones : Don Trump.

jim jones was a communist, Trump is not.........
Jim Jones was OUT OF HIS F*CKING mind.

He was a communist.....look him up.
You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.

Silence, foul Heretic! How dare thou blasphemeth the Holy name of the Great God Trump?

Thou shalt be covered in tar and thrown in yonder briar patch, lest ye hold thy tongue.
And if THAT isn't punishment enough, THEN sent to a REALLY bad neighborhood of Detroit!

If you send me to that neighborhood, it won't be so bad for me. Unless you send me there int he winter. That lake makes things real bad in Detriot in the winter.
Well, NOT so bad for you, because your skin color IS a certain hue. If a white boy like me were to show up in a rough neighborhood in Detroit, he would NOT leave alive unless he were HEAVILY armed and wearing Kevlar from head to toe.

You poor poor poor outed little pussy. Scared of blues people. Such a scared little phony. Bluespussy.

Do go on, you have the floor. Tell us all of the past times you braved the rough neighborhoods of Detroit, armed, in Kevlar head to toe, to play the blues with your brothers.

He is not even black, just some white kid from Portland

He never learned blues from blues people. And he'd do well to not attempt such.

You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.

Silence, foul Heretic! How dare thou blasphemeth the Holy name of the Great God Trump?

Thou shalt be covered in tar and thrown in yonder briar patch, lest ye hold thy tongue.
And if THAT isn't punishment enough, THEN sent to a REALLY bad neighborhood of Detroit!

If you send me to that neighborhood, it won't be so bad for me. Unless you send me there int he winter. That lake makes things real bad in Detriot in the winter.
Well, NOT so bad for you, because your skin color IS a certain hue. If a white boy like me were to show up in a rough neighborhood in Detroit, he would NOT leave alive unless he were HEAVILY armed and wearing Kevlar from head to toe.

I doubt that, but at the same time there are a shitload of small all white rural towns in every state I dare not stop in.
He's already going to go down as one of if not the greatest POTUS' in history. If you don't know why you're not paying attention, and you're ignorant of economics and history.

The left seems to have their panties in a bunch over hydroxychloroquine, because Trump is promoting its potential benefits. One of the left's complaints is Trump may have a financial interest in this drug.

Point missed is perhaps Trump felt there was good reason to invest in this drug, because he's somewhat a William Casey type and can feel the future. He didn't cure cancer, but people are still alive likely because of this drug. That's what I call leadership. Trump loves us.

Hail Trump!

Don't buy their crap.........he has his investments in a blind trust.......

We are blessed to have Trump......there was a higher power involved in his getting into office...defeating 16 career politicians, the clinton crime machine, the obama chicago machine, hollywood and the democrat controlled press............

There was no Clinton crime machine, no Obama machine and we have not been blessed by this presidency. YOU have been deceived into thinking this was a divine presidency. You elected the crime machine, straight out of hollywood, a reality TV star, who loves putting himself in the press.

Say that to Vince Foster
Yep, and many, many others on the Clinton Body Count List. The list is QUITE real and quite extensive, starting in the late 1980's, going right up until Jeffrey Epstein's name was added. The best and most detailed list can be found on It's a very interesting AND frightening read.

I don't have to say anything to anybody. There is no Clinton body count. That's a lie. Epstein was not murdered by Clinton,. if anything you need to look at trump. They were running biddies. They shared women. But Epstein killed himself because he was going to get killed by a mob member. Epstein was trafficking those little girls and mafia members were some of his customers. That's how or why he died.

Our aristocracy was his clientele.

Allan Dershowitz
Bonnie Prince Andy


That's enough, aristocracy.

Epstein's gotta go, Ghislaine Maxwell can slither off, the people are passive and will accept anything now.
He's already going to go down as one of if not the greatest POTUS' in history. If you don't know why you're not paying attention, and you're ignorant of economics and history.

The left seems to have their panties in a bunch over hydroxychloroquine, because Trump is promoting its potential benefits. One of the left's complaints is Trump may have a financial interest in this drug.

Point missed is perhaps Trump felt there was good reason to invest in this drug, because he's somewhat a William Casey type and can feel the future. He didn't cure cancer, but people are still alive likely because of this drug. That's what I call leadership. Trump loves us.

Hail Trump!

He may have been sent to bring a decandent empire to its close. Jim Jones : Don Trump.

jim jones was a communist, Trump is not.........
Jim Jones was OUT OF HIS F*CKING mind.

He was a communist.....look him up.

Who isn't?
You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.

Silence, foul Heretic! How dare thou blasphemeth the Holy name of the Great God Trump?

Thou shalt be covered in tar and thrown in yonder briar patch, lest ye hold thy tongue.
And if THAT isn't punishment enough, THEN sent to a REALLY bad neighborhood of Detroit!

If you send me to that neighborhood, it won't be so bad for me. Unless you send me there int he winter. That lake makes things real bad in Detriot in the winter.
Well, NOT so bad for you, because your skin color IS a certain hue. If a white boy like me were to show up in a rough neighborhood in Detroit, he would NOT leave alive unless he were HEAVILY armed and wearing Kevlar from head to toe.

You poor poor poor outed little pussy. Scared of blues people. Such a scared little phony. Bluespussy.

Do go on, you have the floor. Tell us all of the past times you braved the rough neighborhoods of Detroit, armed, in Kevlar head to toe, to play the blues with your brothers.

He is not even black, just some white kid from Portland
Some on here DON'T think he's black. I believe he most likely is.

I am most certainly black. Only the delusional here actually think that blacks are happy with how we've been treated and so I can't be black because of my vehement opposition to white racism
He's already going to go down as one of if not the greatest POTUS' in history. If you don't know why you're not paying attention, and you're ignorant of economics and history.

The left seems to have their panties in a bunch over hydroxychloroquine, because Trump is promoting its potential benefits. One of the left's complaints is Trump may have a financial interest in this drug.

Point missed is perhaps Trump felt there was good reason to invest in this drug, because he's somewhat a William Casey type and can feel the future. He didn't cure cancer, but people are still alive likely because of this drug. That's what I call leadership. Trump loves us.

Hail Trump!

He may have been sent to bring a decandent empire to its close. Jim Jones : Don Trump.

jim jones was a communist, Trump is not.........
Jim Jones was OUT OF HIS F*CKING mind.

Jeebus do that sometimes.
You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.

Silence, foul Heretic! How dare thou blasphemeth the Holy name of the Great God Trump?

Thou shalt be covered in tar and thrown in yonder briar patch, lest ye hold thy tongue.
And if THAT isn't punishment enough, THEN sent to a REALLY bad neighborhood of Detroit!

If you send me to that neighborhood, it won't be so bad for me. Unless you send me there int he winter. That lake makes things real bad in Detriot in the winter.
Well, NOT so bad for you, because your skin color IS a certain hue. If a white boy like me were to show up in a rough neighborhood in Detroit, he would NOT leave alive unless he were HEAVILY armed and wearing Kevlar from head to toe.

You poor poor poor outed little pussy. Scared of blues people. Such a scared little phony. Bluespussy.

Do go on, you have the floor. Tell us all of the past times you braved the rough neighborhoods of Detroit, armed, in Kevlar head to toe, to play the blues with your brothers.

He is not even black, just some white kid from Portland

He never learned blues from blues people. And he'd do well to not attempt such.

You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.

Silence, foul Heretic! How dare thou blasphemeth the Holy name of the Great God Trump?

Thou shalt be covered in tar and thrown in yonder briar patch, lest ye hold thy tongue.
And if THAT isn't punishment enough, THEN sent to a REALLY bad neighborhood of Detroit!

If you send me to that neighborhood, it won't be so bad for me. Unless you send me there int he winter. That lake makes things real bad in Detriot in the winter.
Well, NOT so bad for you, because your skin color IS a certain hue. If a white boy like me were to show up in a rough neighborhood in Detroit, he would NOT leave alive unless he were HEAVILY armed and wearing Kevlar from head to toe.

I doubt that, but at the same time there are a shitload of small all white rural towns in every state I dare not stop in.

Yea because you wear a Seahawks Jersey..

Duh no brainer there

I have never claimed that Obama was the greatest president in history.

I've seen Trump supporters say that.

You do know they are just rocking your boat correct?

Some of them, maybe. I'm convinced that most of them believe in all the stupid shit they say.

They dont

The absolute lack of a sense of humor among the left is the most hilarious thing about them. It's like they collectively lost their funny bones en masse at noon on Jan. 20, 2017.

Yep, it's rather frightening, isn't it? My best friend, who unfortunately is a liberal lunatic, and occasionally RAGING liberal lunatic, hasn't smiled or laughed since his beloved Hildebeast lost the election in November of 2016. And I'm not making this up. I have literally NOT seen him crack a smile or laugh since. Admittedly, he didn't have much of a sense of humor to begin with, but BEFORE the election he would at least laugh and joke around once in a while. Since Trump beat the Beast, NOTHING, NADA, sense of humor COMPLETELY gone. We've stayed friends because we fortunately have many common interest besides politics. We've had to agree to stop talking about politics to keep our friendship intact. He DOES slip up occasionally and start talking shit about our president. I just laugh and don't say a word, and swiftly move us on to another topic. I just wish I could hear him laugh and joke again.
These last three years have not been funny. You guys have consistently excused and ignored an evilman and now you want to give him a second term. And for what reason?

But he didn't do that..

You guys have made yourselves believe that Obama was the worst present ever and that trump came in and immediately turned the economy around setting all time records. And that’s because you spent the 8 years of Obama not paying attention to what he was doing and instead believing every right wing biased ass commentary and lie told about him.

We were on the verge of a fucking depression when Obama took office. Had he failed like you guys have consistently claimed trump would have entered in with a full blown depression on his hands and he would not have been able to turn that around in the first year of his presidency.

It’s time to get out of silly season and face the truth. People are here dying now because trump cannot do the job. Tonight the number of death from COVID19 surpassed the H1N1 pandemic. No longer can you claim Obama did worse than trump in handling that pandemic. Trump has sat on his ass tweeting and watching fox news for the last 3 plus years while the economy Obama created kept running on it’s own. We had over a decade of job growth until last month. Trump has been in office for 3 years and almost 3 months. So trump did not create the job growth that set the records he bragged about. And still you are contemplating re electing donnie fakenews and if he gets 4 more years, you all will wish you had not done it.

I stopped reading at "fucking depression", because I find it offensive. Really I stopped reading at "fucking depression" because our lowest happened to occur on Obama's watch, and on the watch of a Democrat congress. You claim O'bummer turned things around in 2009, certainly you can't provide why that is. Trust me there's nothing to find, GDP finished at -2.5% in 2009, the lowest in many many many many decades. So tell me why I should read the rest of your BS?
He's already going to go down as one of if not the greatest POTUS' in history. If you don't know why you're not paying attention, and you're ignorant of economics and history.

The left seems to have their panties in a bunch over hydroxychloroquine, because Trump is promoting its potential benefits. One of the left's complaints is Trump may have a financial interest in this drug.

Point missed is perhaps Trump felt there was good reason to invest in this drug, because he's somewhat a William Casey type and can feel the future. He didn't cure cancer, but people are still alive likely because of this drug. That's what I call leadership. Trump loves us.

Hail Trump!

He may have been sent to bring a decandent empire to its close. Jim Jones : Don Trump.

jim jones was a communist, Trump is not.........
I can't tell the by way he kisses Putins ass.
You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.

Silence, foul Heretic! How dare thou blasphemeth the Holy name of the Great God Trump?

Thou shalt be covered in tar and thrown in yonder briar patch, lest ye hold thy tongue.
And if THAT isn't punishment enough, THEN sent to a REALLY bad neighborhood of Detroit!

If you send me to that neighborhood, it won't be so bad for me. Unless you send me there int he winter. That lake makes things real bad in Detriot in the winter.
Well, NOT so bad for you, because your skin color IS a certain hue. If a white boy like me were to show up in a rough neighborhood in Detroit, he would NOT leave alive unless he were HEAVILY armed and wearing Kevlar from head to toe.

You poor poor poor outed little pussy. Scared of blues people. Such a scared little phony. Bluespussy.

Do go on, you have the floor. Tell us all of the past times you braved the rough neighborhoods of Detroit, armed, in Kevlar head to toe, to play the blues with your brothers.

He is not even black, just some white kid from Portland
Some on here DON'T think he's black. I believe he most likely is.

I am most certainly black. Only the delusional here actually think that blacks are happy with how we've been treated and so I can't be black because of my vehement opposition to white racism

How black are you..

Sammy Sosa black?

You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.

Silence, foul Heretic! How dare thou blasphemeth the Holy name of the Great God Trump?

Thou shalt be covered in tar and thrown in yonder briar patch, lest ye hold thy tongue.
And if THAT isn't punishment enough, THEN sent to a REALLY bad neighborhood of Detroit!

If you send me to that neighborhood, it won't be so bad for me. Unless you send me there int he winter. That lake makes things real bad in Detriot in the winter.
Well, NOT so bad for you, because your skin color IS a certain hue. If a white boy like me were to show up in a rough neighborhood in Detroit, he would NOT leave alive unless he were HEAVILY armed and wearing Kevlar from head to toe.

You poor poor poor outed little pussy. Scared of blues people. Such a scared little phony. Bluespussy.

Do go on, you have the floor. Tell us all of the past times you braved the rough neighborhoods of Detroit, armed, in Kevlar head to toe, to play the blues with your brothers.

He is not even black, just some white kid from Portland
Some on here DON'T think he's black. I believe he most likely is.

I am most certainly black. Only the delusional here actually think that blacks are happy with how we've been treated and so I can't be black because of my vehement opposition to white racism

You really are supposed to stay in your place you know. Have you been taught the history of the blues by that nice white man here who's terrified of you yet? Oh man, it's gonna be such a treat. He's like really into the blues? But afraid of you? But knows what black folk should be doing?

It's gonna be great.

Ask him to do Stormy Monday and see if he gets the Bobby Blue Bland version chord changes right.
You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.

Silence, foul Heretic! How dare thou blasphemeth the Holy name of the Great God Trump?

Thou shalt be covered in tar and thrown in yonder briar patch, lest ye hold thy tongue.
And if THAT isn't punishment enough, THEN sent to a REALLY bad neighborhood of Detroit!

If you send me to that neighborhood, it won't be so bad for me. Unless you send me there int he winter. That lake makes things real bad in Detriot in the winter.
Well, NOT so bad for you, because your skin color IS a certain hue. If a white boy like me were to show up in a rough neighborhood in Detroit, he would NOT leave alive unless he were HEAVILY armed and wearing Kevlar from head to toe.

You poor poor poor outed little pussy. Scared of blues people. Such a scared little phony. Bluespussy.

Do go on, you have the floor. Tell us all of the past times you braved the rough neighborhoods of Detroit, armed, in Kevlar head to toe, to play the blues with your brothers.

He is not even black, just some white kid from Portland
Some on here DON'T think he's black. I believe he most likely is.

I am most certainly black. Only the delusional here actually think that blacks are happy with how we've been treated and so I can't be black because of my vehement opposition to white racism

How black are you..

Sammy Sosa black?

View attachment 320538
Jo momma black bitch.

I have never claimed that Obama was the greatest president in history.

I've seen Trump supporters say that.

You do know they are just rocking your boat correct?

Some of them, maybe. I'm convinced that most of them believe in all the stupid shit they say.

They dont

The absolute lack of a sense of humor among the left is the most hilarious thing about them. It's like they collectively lost their funny bones en masse at noon on Jan. 20, 2017.

Yep, it's rather frightening, isn't it? My best friend, who unfortunately is a liberal lunatic, and occasionally RAGING liberal lunatic, hasn't smiled or laughed since his beloved Hildebeast lost the election in November of 2016. And I'm not making this up. I have literally NOT seen him crack a smile or laugh since. Admittedly, he didn't have much of a sense of humor to begin with, but BEFORE the election he would at least laugh and joke around once in a while. Since Trump beat the Beast, NOTHING, NADA, sense of humor COMPLETELY gone. We've stayed friends because we fortunately have many common interest besides politics. We've had to agree to stop talking about politics to keep our friendship intact. He DOES slip up occasionally and start talking shit about our president. I just laugh and don't say a word, and swiftly move us on to another topic. I just wish I could hear him laugh and joke again.
These last three years have not been funny. You guys have consistently excused and ignored an evilman and now you want to give him a second term. And for what reason?

But he didn't do that..

You guys have made yourselves believe that Obama was the worst present ever and that trump came in and immediately turned the economy around setting all time records. And that’s because you spent the 8 years of Obama not paying attention to what he was doing and instead believing every right wing biased ass commentary and lie told about him.

We were on the verge of a fucking depression when Obama took office. Had he failed like you guys have consistently claimed trump would have entered in with a full blown depression on his hands and he would not have been able to turn that around in the first year of his presidency.

It’s time to get out of silly season and face the truth. People are here dying now because trump cannot do the job. Tonight the number of death from COVID19 surpassed the H1N1 pandemic. No longer can you claim Obama did worse than trump in handling that pandemic. Trump has sat on his ass tweeting and watching fox news for the last 3 plus years while the economy Obama created kept running on it’s own. We had over a decade of job growth until last month. Trump has been in office for 3 years and almost 3 months. So trump did not create the job growth that set the records he bragged about. And still you are contemplating re electing donnie fakenews and if he gets 4 more years, you all will wish you had not done it.

I stopped reading at "fucking depression", because I find it offensive. Really I stopped reading at "fucking depression" because our lowest happened to occur on Obama's watch, and on the watch of a Democrat congress. You claim O'bummer turned things around in 2009, certainly you can't provide why that is. Trust me there's nothing to find, GDP finished at -2.5% in 2009, the lowest in many many many many decades. So tell me why I should read the rest of your BS?

I didn't say Obama turned anything around in 2009 but he did turn the economy around. You might not want to talk about GDP considering trumps has been lower. Our economy was still feeling the pain of Bush and the republicans in 2009 and Obama was operating his first year under he bush budget. The economy didn't start turning around really until 2010. What you don't want to read is not my concern and I don't have to explain anything to you but the fact that trump was handed full employment, job growth and a healthy growing economy by Obama while Obama took over in a historic bad economy whereby the only presi8ent who had it worse was FDR.

Now that's the truth of the matter whether you like it or not.
He's already going to go down as one of if not the greatest POTUS' in history. If you don't know why you're not paying attention, and you're ignorant of economics and history.

The left seems to have their panties in a bunch over hydroxychloroquine, because Trump is promoting its potential benefits. One of the left's complaints is Trump may have a financial interest in this drug.

Point missed is perhaps Trump felt there was good reason to invest in this drug, because he's somewhat a William Casey type and can feel the future. He didn't cure cancer, but people are still alive likely because of this drug. That's what I call leadership. Trump loves us.

Hail Trump!

Don't buy their crap.........he has his investments in a blind trust.......

We are blessed to have Trump......there was a higher power involved in his getting into office...defeating 16 career politicians, the clinton crime machine, the obama chicago machine, hollywood and the democrat controlled press............

There was no Clinton crime machine, no Obama machine and we have not been blessed by this presidency. YOU have been deceived into thinking this was a divine presidency. You elected the crime machine, straight out of hollywood, a reality TV star, who loves putting himself in the press.

Say that to Vince Foster
Yep, and many, many others on the Clinton Body Count List. The list is QUITE real and quite extensive, starting in the late 1980's, going right up until Jeffrey Epstein's name was added. The best and most detailed list can be found on It's a very interesting AND frightening read.
I first came across the Clinton Body Count List in October of 2016 when I was doing research on the two candidates for president. I had never heard of it before I did my research. I was horrified by the info, to say the least. If I HADN'T done any research, I most likely would've voted for the Hildebeast. After reading the detailed list, there was NO way I could vote for her. The list, a fascinating read, is also scary as hell. The carnage, since the late 1980's, that Bubba and wife Hildy have been allowed to get away with, is frightening and sad. But I AM glad that I came across it in my research, and learned about the mayhem that has been covered up since it first started. I can't stress enough how shocking and horrific the info is, but meticulously documented.

I have never claimed that Obama was the greatest president in history.

I've seen Trump supporters say that.

You do know they are just rocking your boat correct?

Some of them, maybe. I'm convinced that most of them believe in all the stupid shit they say.

They dont

The absolute lack of a sense of humor among the left is the most hilarious thing about them. It's like they collectively lost their funny bones en masse at noon on Jan. 20, 2017.

Yep, it's rather frightening, isn't it? My best friend, who unfortunately is a liberal lunatic, and occasionally RAGING liberal lunatic, hasn't smiled or laughed since his beloved Hildebeast lost the election in November of 2016. And I'm not making this up. I have literally NOT seen him crack a smile or laugh since. Admittedly, he didn't have much of a sense of humor to begin with, but BEFORE the election he would at least laugh and joke around once in a while. Since Trump beat the Beast, NOTHING, NADA, sense of humor COMPLETELY gone. We've stayed friends because we fortunately have many common interest besides politics. We've had to agree to stop talking about politics to keep our friendship intact. He DOES slip up occasionally and start talking shit about our president. I just laugh and don't say a word, and swiftly move us on to another topic. I just wish I could hear him laugh and joke again.
These last three years have not been funny. You guys have consistently excused and ignored an evilman and now you want to give him a second term. And for what reason?

But he didn't do that..

You guys have made yourselves believe that Obama was the worst present ever and that trump came in and immediately turned the economy around setting all time records. And that’s because you spent the 8 years of Obama not paying attention to what he was doing and instead believing every right wing biased ass commentary and lie told about him.

We were on the verge of a fucking depression when Obama took office. Had he failed like you guys have consistently claimed trump would have entered in with a full blown depression on his hands and he would not have been able to turn that around in the first year of his presidency.

It’s time to get out of silly season and face the truth. People are here dying now because trump cannot do the job. Tonight the number of death from COVID19 surpassed the H1N1 pandemic. No longer can you claim Obama did worse than trump in handling that pandemic. Trump has sat on his ass tweeting and watching fox news for the last 3 plus years while the economy Obama created kept running on it’s own. We had over a decade of job growth until last month. Trump has been in office for 3 years and almost 3 months. So trump did not create the job growth that set the records he bragged about. And still you are contemplating re electing donnie fakenews and if he gets 4 more years, you all will wish you had not done it.

I stopped reading at "fucking depression", because I find it offensive. Really I stopped reading at "fucking depression" because our lowest happened to occur on Obama's watch, and on the watch of a Democrat congress. You claim O'bummer turned things around in 2009, certainly you can't provide why that is. Trust me there's nothing to find, GDP finished at -2.5% in 2009, the lowest in many many many many decades. So tell me why I should read the rest of your BS?

You're rather easily offended, no?

You're aware that Don had two years with majorities in both houses? Oh yeah, like he says, he's never responsible.
He's already going to go down as one of if not the greatest POTUS' in history. If you don't know why you're not paying attention, and you're ignorant of economics and history.

The left seems to have their panties in a bunch over hydroxychloroquine, because Trump is promoting its potential benefits. One of the left's complaints is Trump may have a financial interest in this drug.

Point missed is perhaps Trump felt there was good reason to invest in this drug, because he's somewhat a William Casey type and can feel the future. He didn't cure cancer, but people are still alive likely because of this drug. That's what I call leadership. Trump loves us.

Hail Trump!

Don't buy their crap.........he has his investments in a blind trust.......

We are blessed to have Trump......there was a higher power involved in his getting into office...defeating 16 career politicians, the clinton crime machine, the obama chicago machine, hollywood and the democrat controlled press............

There was no Clinton crime machine, no Obama machine and we have not been blessed by this presidency. YOU have been deceived into thinking this was a divine presidency. You elected the crime machine, straight out of hollywood, a reality TV star, who loves putting himself in the press.

Say that to Vince Foster
Yep, and many, many others on the Clinton Body Count List. The list is QUITE real and quite extensive, starting in the late 1980's, going right up until Jeffrey Epstein's name was added. The best and most detailed list can be found on It's a very interesting AND frightening read.
I first came across the Clinton Body Count List in October of 2016 when I was doing research on the two candidates for president. I had never heard of it before I did my research. I was horrified by the info, to say the least. If I HADN'T done any research, I most likely would've voted for the Hildebeast. After reading the detailed list, there was NO way I could vote for her. The list, a fascinating read, is also scary as hell. The carnage, since the late 1980's, that Bubba and wife Hildy have been allowed to get away with, is frightening and sad. But I AM glad that I came across it in my research, and learned about the mayhem that has been covered up since it first started. I can't stress enough how shocking and horrific the info is, but meticulously documented.
And still, no one can lock them up. What does that say about our society. And what we allow.
Like I said, some whites here are delusional.

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