Permanent injunction against 10 round magazine ban? In California? Excellent....

So now we know where the limit of the Heller Test is. It's 15.
I must have missed this - when did the USSC rule on this, and in what decision?
Stop trolling. It's an unwritten ruling....
Ah. The USSC has -not- ruled on the size of magazines protected by the 2nd.
Why do you have to lie to make a point?
And they won't...
You didn't answer the question:
Why do you have to lie to make a point?
It is, and you cannot prove otherwise.
Sure I can, here let me Google that for you.
"Look it up" does not prove your claim .
Thus, my statement stands: your claim is false and you cannot prove otherwise.
I looked it up for you genius. Click the link.
Sorry -- I don't do your homework.
You can prove your claim, or you can't - right now you;re at "can't"
Ok, so you're too stupid to click a link.

Noted, poster dismissed as irrelevant.

Have a nice day kid.
It is, and you cannot prove otherwise.
Sure I can, here let me Google that for you.
"Look it up" does not prove your claim .
Thus, my statement stands: your claim is false and you cannot prove otherwise.
I looked it up for you genius. Click the link.
Sorry -- I don't do your homework.
You can prove your claim, or you can't - right now you;re at "can't"
Ok, so you're too stupid to click a link.
Noted, poster dismissed as irrelevant.
Have a nice day kid.
I accept your concession of the point.
When you think you can man up and prove your point, let us all know.
"Look it up" does not prove your claim .
Thus, my statement stands: your claim is false and you cannot prove otherwise.
I looked it up for you genius. Click the link.
Sorry -- I don't do your homework.
You can prove your claim, or you can't - right now you;re at "can't"
Ok, so you're too stupid to click a link.
Noted, poster dismissed as irrelevant.
Have a nice day kid.
I accept your concession of the point.
When you think you can man up and prove your point, let us all know.
Addendum: subject is so dumb he thinks he won something.
So now we know where the limit of the Heller Test is. It's 15.
I must have missed this - when did the USSC rule on this, and in what decision?
Stop trolling. It's an unwritten ruling....
Ah. The USSC has -not- ruled on the size of magazines protected by the 2nd.
Why do you have to lie to make a point?
And they won't...
You didn't answer the question:
Why do you have to lie to make a point?

I answered the question dead on. You just don't like the answer. Well, cupcake, neither do I but I don't make the rules either. You want the rules to change, work with your legislators to get them changed. The Courts have already spoken and the Supreme Court doesn't feel the need to make a ruling since it's already been made by a lower court.
only amateurs would use a large capacity magazine. They jam way more often and it takes only a couple seconds to change a magazine if you know what you are doing.
But 20 and 30 round mags aren't large capacity. They are and always have been standard sizes
When you purchased an AR-15, the standard mag was the 20 round. The 30 round was a special order.
Funny... all mine have come with 30s...
The reason the 30 round isn't offered as standard is that it puts more of a stress on the AR than it's designed to take when you have to handle it a little rough
This claim has no basis in reality; the 30rd mag is standard for the M16A2 and they have no issue with "rough treatment".
But it appears that 15 seems to be the overall accepted minimum and meets the Heller Test that's pretty well been established.
You say this knowing fulll well it is false.
This is a great ruling. Commie California's high capacity magazine ban has been overturned by the court.

It is about time Liberty prevailed after all this silly oppressive Libtard SJW bullshit.

The Legal Definition of what is Prohibited under California Penal Code 32310. Under Penal Code 32310(a), it is a crime if any person: manufactures or causes to be manufactured, imports into the state, keeps for sale, or offers or exposes for sale, or who gives, lends, buys, or receives any large-capacity magazine.

"Accordingly, based upon the law and the evidence, upon which there is no genuine issue, and for the reasons stated in this opinion, Plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment is granted. California Penal Code § 32310 is hereby declared to be unconstitutional in its entirety and shall be enjoined."

‘Liberty’ has nothing to do with magazine capacity – or guns, for that matter.

Our liberty is protected by the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, not guns.

Guns are for individual self-defense from crime – not to ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’

There is nothing in Second Amendment jurisprudence that authorizes insurrectionist dogma – the Framers did not amend the Founding Document to authorize the destruction of the Constitution and Republic they had created.
No, they intended the Second to authorize the destruction of the tyranny which would destroy the Constitution and Republic. They quite clearly said so.

At least make a token effort to keep up.
That’s strange
It says something about well regulated militias
It is the Constitution that destroys tyranny
It hasn't worked so far.
I must have missed this - when did the USSC rule on this, and in what decision?
Stop trolling. It's an unwritten ruling....
Ah. The USSC has -not- ruled on the size of magazines protected by the 2nd.
Why do you have to lie to make a point?
And they won't...
You didn't answer the question:
Why do you have to lie to make a point?
I answered the question dead on.
Another lie, as you know you did not address the question in any way shape or form.
This is a great ruling. Commie California's high capacity magazine ban has been overturned by the court.

It is about time Liberty prevailed after all this silly oppressive Libtard SJW bullshit.

The Legal Definition of what is Prohibited under California Penal Code 32310. Under Penal Code 32310(a), it is a crime if any person: manufactures or causes to be manufactured, imports into the state, keeps for sale, or offers or exposes for sale, or who gives, lends, buys, or receives any large-capacity magazine.

"Accordingly, based upon the law and the evidence, upon which there is no genuine issue, and for the reasons stated in this opinion, Plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment is granted. California Penal Code § 32310 is hereby declared to be unconstitutional in its entirety and shall be enjoined."

‘Liberty’ has nothing to do with magazine capacity – or guns, for that matter.

Our liberty is protected by the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, not guns.

Guns are for individual self-defense from crime – not to ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’

There is nothing in Second Amendment jurisprudence that authorizes insurrectionist dogma – the Framers did not amend the Founding Document to authorize the destruction of the Constitution and Republic they had created.
No, they intended the Second to authorize the destruction of the tyranny which would destroy the Constitution and Republic. They quite clearly said so.

At least make a token effort to keep up.
That’s strange
It says something about well regulated militias
It is the Constitution that destroys tyranny
Did the Founding Fathers just write documents to free themselves from the British?


They shot them. With guns.
They wrote a Constitution to make armed insurrection unnecessary

They made the first amendment more powerful than the second
Once the government ignores or destroys the Constitution, it's no longer a free nation. It's tyranny and subject to the FF's wish that it be overthrown.

You don't get to just make shit up and call it history. Let's take a look at what they said about tyranny.

When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.

Thomas Jefferson

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, selfappointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.

James Madison

Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.


Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.

Patrick Henry

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson

It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.

Benjamin Franklin

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

Patrick Henry

[Our Constitution] is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

Patrick Henry

I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.

James Madison

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.

Thomas Jefferson.

We are right to take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties.

James Madison

The great object is that every man be armed.

Patrick Henry

The truth was that all men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree.

James Madison

To take a single step beyond the boundaries specially drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible to definition.

Thomas Jefferson

Of the liberty of conscience in matters of religious faith, of speech and of the press; of the trial by jury of the vicinage in civil and criminal cases; of the benefit of the writ of habeas corpus; of the right to keep and bear arms.... If these rights are well defined, and secured against encroachment, it is impossible that government should ever degenerate into tyranny.

James Monroe

If you want to be a subject, you'll have to move somewhere where the government is set up that way.

You don't have the authority to surrender anyone else's freedom.
The way the founders wanted it, is that you do NOT ever want a mercenary police force or military that are working for pay.
Because those that work for pay will always do what those who pay them tell them to do.
And that is always corrupt.

So there should be no paid police or military force.
Instead, all citizens should have mandatory, universal training in High School, and that would end the need for a paid police force or military.
We instead would rely on citizen soldiers, as the founders wanted.

And in which case, clearly there would be no need for laws against high capacity magazines.
Founders did not know jack shit about modern societies
People don't change
They sure do

People today recognize the equality of blacks, women and native Americans

SOme people

SOme people did back then too.
Name some founders who advocated equal rights for women, blacks or Indians
Name a country where they did.
Founders did not know jack shit about modern societies
People don't change
They sure do

People today recognize the equality of blacks, women and native Americans

SOme people

SOme people did back then too.
Name some founders who advocated equal rights for women, blacks or Indians
Name a country where they did.
Don’t mind him, only fools look at everything through race and gender
So now we know where the limit of the Heller Test is. It's 15.
I must have missed this - when did the USSC rule on this, and in what decision?
Stop trolling. It's an unwritten ruling....
Ah. The USSC has -not- ruled on the size of magazines protected by the 2nd.
Why do you have to lie to make a point?

And they won't. The SCOTUS has avoided this issue like a plague. But the lower courts have used the Heller ruling to come up with what they feel is a common sense or normal ruling they are now calling the Heller Test. So far, 10 rounds does not pass the Heller Test but 15 does. So we have a new standard now and it's pretty well spelled out without spelling it out.

You are clueless.......
This is a great ruling. Commie California's high capacity magazine ban has been overturned by the court.

It is about time Liberty prevailed after all this silly oppressive Libtard SJW bullshit.

The Legal Definition of what is Prohibited under California Penal Code 32310. Under Penal Code 32310(a), it is a crime if any person: manufactures or causes to be manufactured, imports into the state, keeps for sale, or offers or exposes for sale, or who gives, lends, buys, or receives any large-capacity magazine.

"Accordingly, based upon the law and the evidence, upon which there is no genuine issue, and for the reasons stated in this opinion, Plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment is granted. California Penal Code § 32310 is hereby declared to be unconstitutional in its entirety and shall be enjoined."

‘Liberty’ has nothing to do with magazine capacity – or guns, for that matter.

Our liberty is protected by the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, not guns.

Guns are for individual self-defense from crime – not to ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’

There is nothing in Second Amendment jurisprudence that authorizes insurrectionist dogma – the Framers did not amend the Founding Document to authorize the destruction of the Constitution and Republic they had created.
No, they intended the Second to authorize the destruction of the tyranny which would destroy the Constitution and Republic. They quite clearly said so.

At least make a token effort to keep up.
That’s strange
It says something about well regulated militias
It is the Constitution that destroys tyranny
Did the Founding Fathers just write documents to free themselves from the British?


They shot them. With guns.
They wrote a Constitution to make armed insurrection unnecessary

They made the first amendment more powerful than the second
Jefferson never believed that revolutions would become unnecessary.
only amateurs would use a large capacity magazine. They jam way more often and it takes only a couple seconds to change a magazine if you know what you are doing.
But 20 and 30 round mags aren't large capacity. They are and always have been standard sizes
When you purchased an AR-15, the standard mag was the 20 round. The 30 round was a special order.
Funny... all mine have come with 30s...
The reason the 30 round isn't offered as standard is that it puts more of a stress on the AR than it's designed to take when you have to handle it a little rough
This claim has no basis in reality; the 30rd mag is standard for the M16A2 and they have no issue with "rough treatment".
But it appears that 15 seems to be the overall accepted minimum and meets the Heller Test that's pretty well been established.
You say this knowing fulll well it is false.

Read what you just typed. You used the M-16 as the weapon for the 30 round. I used the civilian AR-15 that isn't made nearly as well as the Military Grade M-16. The normal AR-15 comes with a 20 round mag. And if you buy that 500 buck AR, it's not as rugged as the Military Grade. The 30 round mag puts extra stress on the gun when in a rough handled situation while the 20 doesn't so much.

If you want to justify the 30 round mag then you are justifying that the AR needs to be only offered in Military Grade (Colt, FN Specs and Parts) and is therefore ready for combat. I.E. a M-16 or M-4. You just told me why the 30 round mag is used for a Combat Situation and also why it's used for Mass Shootings. Not why it's used for other situations. You also told me that we shouldn't be buying the 500 buck AR-15 which would take food out of Rustbuckets mouth.

Use your noggin for something other than to hold that MAGA hat up.
So now we know where the limit of the Heller Test is. It's 15.
I must have missed this - when did the USSC rule on this, and in what decision?
Stop trolling. It's an unwritten ruling....
Ah. The USSC has -not- ruled on the size of magazines protected by the 2nd.
Why do you have to lie to make a point?

And they won't. The SCOTUS has avoided this issue like a plague. But the lower courts have used the Heller ruling to come up with what they feel is a common sense or normal ruling they are now calling the Heller Test. So far, 10 rounds does not pass the Heller Test but 15 does. So we have a new standard now and it's pretty well spelled out without spelling it out.

You are clueless.......

Why, thank you, donkey anus.

From other gun forums it looks like the Californians are going crazy buying high capacity magazines on the Internet this week end.

Some vendor are restricting their sales to California only to meet the demand.

MAGA baby!
From other gun forums it looks like the Californians are going crazy buying high capacity magazines on the Internet this week end.

Some vendor are restricting their sales to California only to meet the demand.

MAGA baby!

MASA is more like it. Make American Stupid Again.
only amateurs would use a large capacity magazine. They jam way more often and it takes only a couple seconds to change a magazine if you know what you are doing.
But 20 and 30 round mags aren't large capacity. They are and always have been standard sizes
When you purchased an AR-15, the standard mag was the 20 round. The 30 round was a special order.
Funny... all mine have come with 30s...
The reason the 30 round isn't offered as standard is that it puts more of a stress on the AR than it's designed to take when you have to handle it a little rough
This claim has no basis in reality; the 30rd mag is standard for the M16A2 and they have no issue with "rough treatment".
But it appears that 15 seems to be the overall accepted minimum and meets the Heller Test that's pretty well been established.
You say this knowing fulll well it is false.
Read what you just typed. You used the M-16 as the weapon for the 30 round. I used the civilian AR-15 that isn't made nearly as well as the Military Grade M-16.
Another claim you know you cannot support
The normal AR-15 comes with a 20 round mag.
In 1965 maybe. Now, whenever sold where such things are legal, they either have no mag, or a 30rd mag.
And if you buy that 500 buck AR, it's not as rugged as the Military Grade.
Another claim you know you cannot support
The 30 round mag puts extra stress on the gun when in a rough handled situation while the 20 doesn't so much.
Another claim you know you cannot support

Why do you make shit like this up?
You now have the liberty to shoot up a classroom full of first graders

You dumb Moon Bat.

There are probably several hundred million high capacity magazines in the US. I have over 300 of them myself.

If a crook in California wanted a high capacity magazine the stupid law wouldn't do a damn thing to keep him or her from getting one.

The only people the law affected were the citizens that had no intentions of using the magazines for a crime in the first place.
only amateurs would use a large capacity magazine. They jam way more often and it takes only a couple seconds to change a magazine if you know what you are doing.
But 20 and 30 round mags aren't large capacity. They are and always have been standard sizes
When you purchased an AR-15, the standard mag was the 20 round. The 30 round was a special order.
Funny... all mine have come with 30s...
The reason the 30 round isn't offered as standard is that it puts more of a stress on the AR than it's designed to take when you have to handle it a little rough
This claim has no basis in reality; the 30rd mag is standard for the M16A2 and they have no issue with "rough treatment".
But it appears that 15 seems to be the overall accepted minimum and meets the Heller Test that's pretty well been established.
You say this knowing fulll well it is false.
Read what you just typed. You used the M-16 as the weapon for the 30 round. I used the civilian AR-15 that isn't made nearly as well as the Military Grade M-16.
Another claim you know you cannot support
The normal AR-15 comes with a 20 round mag.
In 1965 maybe. Now, whenever sold where such things are legal, they either have no mag, or a 30rd mag.
And if you buy that 500 buck AR, it's not as rugged as the Military Grade.
Another claim you know you cannot support
The 30 round mag puts extra stress on the gun when in a rough handled situation while the 20 doesn't so much.
Another claim you know you cannot support

Why do you make shit like this up?

LOL, you can't win this one with insults. Since that is all you have left, you get a nice award. Not your first so we give you a nice oak leaf cluster to go with it.


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