PERMANENT WAR: Congress Is Writing The President A Blank Check For War - Ron Paul

I can only hope that Americans don't sit quiet and let this happen.
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today introduced an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), its associated forces, and any successor organizations.

“The AUMF I introduced today will not limit us in terms of time, geography, or means in the fight against ISIL,” said Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “It will show our enemies and friends alike that we will destroy ISIL wherever they reside, fight them as long as they pose a threat, and that we are ‘All-In’ when it comes to their destruction. We have two choices regarding ISIL – fight them in their backyard or fight them in ours. I choose to fight them in their backyard.”

Graham noted his expansive AUMF includes these major provisions:

• Use of military force by the United States is authorized to destroy ISIL.

• No geographic limits are placed on American military in the fight against ISIL. The destruction of ISIL is a top national security priority. The attacks in Lebanon, France, and Egypt have shown that ISIL’s efforts aren’t limited by the borders of Syria and Iraq. As such, the Graham AUMF ensures that we can fight ISIL wherever, whenever, and however.

• No expiration date. Artificial time limits and expiration dates serve to embolden the enemy and encourage them to wait out the United States. We will take as long as we need to destroy ISIL.

• No prohibition on sending American forces on the ground to combat ISIL. ISIL cannot be destroyed by air power alone. It will require forces on the ground to destroy the Caliphate and liberate innocent civilians living under ISIL control.

• No prohibitions on the ability of the United States to disrupt online terrorist recruitment activities, online terrorist propaganda, or terrorist communications. ISIL has proven to have a shrewd understanding and adaptation to the use of social media, the Internet, and online communication. The United States will bring the full force of our technological arsenal to bear in the fight against ISIL.

“We must allow this President and every future President to do whatever is necessary to destroy ISIL before they hit us here at home,” said Graham. “This authorization mirrors the approach we took against al-Qaeda after 9/11.”
I can only hope that Americans don't sit quiet and let this happen.

Graham to Introduce Authorization for Use of Military Force Against ISIL
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today introduced an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), its associated forces, and any successor organizations.

“The AUMF I introduced today will not limit us in terms of time, geography, or means in the fight against ISIL,” said Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “It will show our enemies and friends alike that we will destroy ISIL wherever they reside, fight them as long as they pose a threat, and that we are ‘All-In’ when it comes to their destruction. We have two choices regarding ISIL – fight them in their backyard or fight them in ours. I choose to fight them in their backyard.”

Graham noted his expansive AUMF includes these major provisions:

• Use of military force by the United States is authorized to destroy ISIL.

• No geographic limits are placed on American military in the fight against ISIL. The destruction of ISIL is a top national security priority. The attacks in Lebanon, France, and Egypt have shown that ISIL’s efforts aren’t limited by the borders of Syria and Iraq. As such, the Graham AUMF ensures that we can fight ISIL wherever, whenever, and however.

• No expiration date. Artificial time limits and expiration dates serve to embolden the enemy and encourage them to wait out the United States. We will take as long as we need to destroy ISIL.

• No prohibition on sending American forces on the ground to combat ISIL. ISIL cannot be destroyed by air power alone. It will require forces on the ground to destroy the Caliphate and liberate innocent civilians living under ISIL control.

• No prohibitions on the ability of the United States to disrupt online terrorist recruitment activities, online terrorist propaganda, or terrorist communications. ISIL has proven to have a shrewd understanding and adaptation to the use of social media, the Internet, and online communication. The United States will bring the full force of our technological arsenal to bear in the fight against ISIL.

“We must allow this President and every future President to do whatever is necessary to destroy ISIL before they hit us here at home,” said Graham. “This authorization mirrors the approach we took against al-Qaeda after 9/11.”

This goes against everything our Founding Fathers stood for. We're rapidly becoming a Dictatorship. It's very disturbing. But do most care? Doesn't look like it.
I can only hope that Americans don't sit quiet and let this happen.

Graham to Introduce Authorization for Use of Military Force Against ISIL
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today introduced an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), its associated forces, and any successor organizations.

“The AUMF I introduced today will not limit us in terms of time, geography, or means in the fight against ISIL,” said Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “It will show our enemies and friends alike that we will destroy ISIL wherever they reside, fight them as long as they pose a threat, and that we are ‘All-In’ when it comes to their destruction. We have two choices regarding ISIL – fight them in their backyard or fight them in ours. I choose to fight them in their backyard.”

Graham noted his expansive AUMF includes these major provisions:

• Use of military force by the United States is authorized to destroy ISIL.

• No geographic limits are placed on American military in the fight against ISIL. The destruction of ISIL is a top national security priority. The attacks in Lebanon, France, and Egypt have shown that ISIL’s efforts aren’t limited by the borders of Syria and Iraq. As such, the Graham AUMF ensures that we can fight ISIL wherever, whenever, and however.

• No expiration date. Artificial time limits and expiration dates serve to embolden the enemy and encourage them to wait out the United States. We will take as long as we need to destroy ISIL.

• No prohibition on sending American forces on the ground to combat ISIL. ISIL cannot be destroyed by air power alone. It will require forces on the ground to destroy the Caliphate and liberate innocent civilians living under ISIL control.

• No prohibitions on the ability of the United States to disrupt online terrorist recruitment activities, online terrorist propaganda, or terrorist communications. ISIL has proven to have a shrewd understanding and adaptation to the use of social media, the Internet, and online communication. The United States will bring the full force of our technological arsenal to bear in the fight against ISIL.

“We must allow this President and every future President to do whatever is necessary to destroy ISIL before they hit us here at home,” said Graham. “This authorization mirrors the approach we took against al-Qaeda after 9/11.”

This goes against everything our Founding Fathers stood for. We're rapidly becoming a Dictatorship. It's very disturbing. But do most care? Doesn't look like it.
you mean we are rapidly becoming even more of a dictatership than we already are would be the more accurate thing to say.
I can only hope that Americans don't sit quiet and let this happen.

Graham to Introduce Authorization for Use of Military Force Against ISIL
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today introduced an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), its associated forces, and any successor organizations.

“The AUMF I introduced today will not limit us in terms of time, geography, or means in the fight against ISIL,” said Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “It will show our enemies and friends alike that we will destroy ISIL wherever they reside, fight them as long as they pose a threat, and that we are ‘All-In’ when it comes to their destruction. We have two choices regarding ISIL – fight them in their backyard or fight them in ours. I choose to fight them in their backyard.”

Graham noted his expansive AUMF includes these major provisions:

• Use of military force by the United States is authorized to destroy ISIL.

• No geographic limits are placed on American military in the fight against ISIL. The destruction of ISIL is a top national security priority. The attacks in Lebanon, France, and Egypt have shown that ISIL’s efforts aren’t limited by the borders of Syria and Iraq. As such, the Graham AUMF ensures that we can fight ISIL wherever, whenever, and however.

• No expiration date. Artificial time limits and expiration dates serve to embolden the enemy and encourage them to wait out the United States. We will take as long as we need to destroy ISIL.

• No prohibition on sending American forces on the ground to combat ISIL. ISIL cannot be destroyed by air power alone. It will require forces on the ground to destroy the Caliphate and liberate innocent civilians living under ISIL control.

• No prohibitions on the ability of the United States to disrupt online terrorist recruitment activities, online terrorist propaganda, or terrorist communications. ISIL has proven to have a shrewd understanding and adaptation to the use of social media, the Internet, and online communication. The United States will bring the full force of our technological arsenal to bear in the fight against ISIL.

“We must allow this President and every future President to do whatever is necessary to destroy ISIL before they hit us here at home,” said Graham. “This authorization mirrors the approach we took against al-Qaeda after 9/11.”

This goes against everything our Founding Fathers stood for. We're rapidly becoming a Dictatorship. It's very disturbing. But do most care? Doesn't look like it.
you mean we are rapidly becoming even more of a dictatership than we already are would be the more accurate thing to say.

Sadly, you're right.
I can only hope that Americans don't sit quiet and let this happen.
Sadly I think your hope is misplaced, the citizenry is completely bamboozled by the Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt that has been sewn by the bloodthirsty warhawks in Washington, we've become a Nation that is permanently at war and there's nothing to indicate the majority of the population cares to do anything to change it. :(

"The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact." -- George Orwell
I can only hope that Americans don't sit quiet and let this happen.
Sadly I think your hope is misplaced, the citizenry is completely bamboozled by the Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt that has been sewn by the bloodthirsty warhawks in Washington, we've become a Nation that is permanently at war and there's nothing to indicate the majority of the population cares to do anything to change it. :(

"The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact." -- George Orwell

Yeah, Permanent War is an invaluable tool for the Elites. It keeps the Sheeple in fear, and in line. They'll always invent a new Boogeyman to be feared and hated. There's ISIS, and now starting a new Cold War with Russia. It goes on & on. It's very sad. When will the People start demanding peace? Doesn't look like it'll ever happen.
Enough is enough already. Too much money and way to many American lives.have already been wasted on the mid-east. They have nothing we need, time to kick them by the wayside an let them fight it out between themselves!
Enough is enough already. Too much money and way to many American lives.have already been wasted on the mid-east. They have nothing we need, time to kick them by the wayside an let them fight it out between themselves!

The Elites see lots more profit in killing and plundering over there. So they're not done yet. Permanent War only benefits the few Globlist Elites of the world. Hopefully, the People will one day see that. Permanent War does not benefit them.

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