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Perry Blew it, Romney leads, new gallop poll.

I disagree--it's certainly something we can't risk. We really cannot afford another 4 years of this kind of misery--by not putting up the right candidate.

If there is one thing that Barack Obama is an expert at. It's campaigning. I never heard anyone in politics that can debate and or deliver a speech like he does.

We need to insure--through our pick of a good candidate--that Obama meets his match at debating and delivering a speech. Rick Perry is not that man.

You have got to remember--that most Americans do not pay much attention to politics. They may watch one or two debates--if any--or listen to one single perfectly pronounced speech--and they stagger into a voting booth every 4 years so they can screw up this country--with their lack of knowledge of any candidate.

Never met a single person who ever told me, "I was totally not sure who to vote for until that debate."

It doesn't happen, and never will.

The smartest thing Ronald Reagan did was only do one debate with Carter. He didn't play along with the stupidity.

Do you even remember any special moment from the Obama/McCain debates? I'll have to admit, I don't.

The reasons people gave me for why they didn't vote for McCain-

They thought Palin was too scary or too stupid or too inexperienced. (Really, McCain threw away his best argument by picking her.)

McCain was too much like Bush.

No one said, "The Debate impressed me."

The only way a Republican beats Obama is if he gets everyone who votes for McCain, and then peals away some people who voted for Obama last time.

Romney ain't the guy to do it. If anything, Romney will lose McCain voters. There were a lot of people who voted for McCain in the primaries for no other reason than, "He wasn't Romney!" (and yes, I was one of them.)

18% of Republicans and 19% of Independents will not vote for the guy just because of his RELIGION.

Forget even trying to go after 6 million Obama voters, that would equate to 10 million McCain voters who won't come back.
Why do we care if Romney is a Mormon?

Apparently the Religious Right cares BUT:
No Religious Test Clause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The No Religious Test Clause of the United States Constitution is found in Article VI, paragraph 3, and states that:
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to drag that one out...

Okay, the GOVERNMENT can't impose a religious test. But voters can and should. Absolutely.

If a Candidate said he was a worshipper of the winged serpent Queztocoatl and that he was going to sacrfice a virgin a day until the economy got better and the God was appeased, we wouldn't say, "Well, gee, that's his religion, we shouldn't judge. Let's not forget that religious test. " We would say, "HOLY SHIT, THIS GUY IS NUTS!!!!!" and run screaming from him in a serpentine pattern.

Now before I hear another tired chorus of "you're a meaniehead who doesn't like Mormons", the point is, the same poll that shows that 22% of the electorate won't vote for a Mormon also shows that 49% won't vote for an atheist. Now, being an agnostic, I have no problem with that. But if you actually want to WIN, you should take that into account.

Stop giving away our game plan but I digress. You people are the reason we left Europe. Keep your religion to yourself. If you're a Christian, you might be familiar w/ Matthew 6:6 ;) Also see Article VI, para 3 of the U.S. Constitution that I posted above :)
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I was wondering how long it would take for someone to drag that one out...

Okay, the GOVERNMENT can't impose a religious test. But voters can and should. Absolutely.

If a Candidate said he was a worshipper of the winged serpent Queztocoatl and that he was going to sacrfice a virgin a day until the economy got better and the God was appeased, we wouldn't say, "Well, gee, that's his religion, we shouldn't judge. Let's not forget that religious test. " We would say, "HOLY SHIT, THIS GUY IS NUTS!!!!!" and run screaming from him in a serpentine pattern.

Now before I hear another tired chorus of "you're a meaniehead who doesn't like Mormons", the point is, the same poll that shows that 22% of the electorate won't vote for a Mormon also shows that 49% won't vote for an atheist. Now, being an agnostic, I have no problem with that. But if you actually want to WIN, you should take that into account.

Stop giving away our game plan but I digress. You people are the reason we left Europe. Keep your religion to yourself. If you're a Christian, you might be familiar w/ Matthew 6:6 ;) Also see Article VI, para 3 of the U.S. Constitution that I posted above :)

Sacrificing virgins to the Serpent God would be about as effective as anything else Hussein the Community Agitator has tried...

I think the fact that liberals like you are so on to Romney's is the best argument about why Conservatives need to be wary of him.
I disagree--it's certainly something we can't risk. We really cannot afford another 4 years of this kind of misery--by not putting up the right candidate.

If there is one thing that Barack Obama is an expert at. It's campaigning. I never heard anyone in politics that can debate and or deliver a speech like he does.

We need to insure--through our pick of a good candidate--that Obama meets his match at debating and delivering a speech. Rick Perry is not that man.

You have got to remember--that most Americans do not pay much attention to politics. They may watch one or two debates--if any--or listen to one single perfectly pronounced speech--and they stagger into a voting booth every 4 years so they can screw up this country--with their lack of knowledge of any candidate.

Never met a single person who ever told me, "I was totally not sure who to vote for until that debate."

It doesn't happen, and never will.

The smartest thing Ronald Reagan did was only do one debate with Carter. He didn't play along with the stupidity.

Do you even remember any special moment from the Obama/McCain debates? I'll have to admit, I don't.

The reasons people gave me for why they didn't vote for McCain-

They thought Palin was too scary or too stupid or too inexperienced. (Really, McCain threw away his best argument by picking her.)

McCain was too much like Bush.

No one said, "The Debate impressed me."

The only way a Republican beats Obama is if he gets everyone who votes for McCain, and then peals away some people who voted for Obama last time.

Romney ain't the guy to do it. If anything, Romney will lose McCain voters. There were a lot of people who voted for McCain in the primaries for no other reason than, "He wasn't Romney!" (and yes, I was one of them.)

18% of Republicans and 19% of Independents will not vote for the guy just because of his RELIGION.

Forget even trying to go after 6 million Obama voters, that would equate to 10 million McCain voters who won't come back.

Not that it matters but I do in-fact remember Obama and McCain's debate where McCain was so frustrated that he came out and said something like Senator, "I am not George Bush."

I heard once that the unsophisticated among us feel that an election is won or lost on competing answers to the same question. WRONG. It is won on the questions that are asked themselves. Depending on the atmosphere next Summer, Obama likely isn't going to want to talk about jobs, the economy; he will try to phrase it as change v. more of the same. Good luck with that Barack.

Here is an example.
Gardasil came up because it was asked. It was asked due to Perry trying to ram it into the blood stream of every child's bloodstream. If Perry hadn't done that nobody is going to ask, "So, what do you think about Gardasil" during a debate. As long as we are talking about Gardaisl, Perry loses. Hence the last week or so.

Clinton lost to Obama on this as well. I do believe in the General, McCain would have lost to a bottle of ketchup. White guilt was also Obama's true running mate. He ain't on the ballot no more in 2012.
Not that it matters but I do in-fact remember Obama and McCain's debate where McCain was so frustrated that he came out and said something like Senator, "I am not George Bush."

I'd be frustrated, too. Obama was kicking Bush as a straw man the whole campaign.

I heard once that the unsophisticated among us feel that an election is won or lost on competing answers to the same question. WRONG. It is won on the questions that are asked themselves. Depending on the atmosphere next Summer, Obama likely isn't going to want to talk about jobs, the economy; he will try to phrase it as change v. more of the same. Good luck with that Barack.

So what questions are likely to be asked that benefit Hussein? I can't think of a one.

Here is an example.
Gardasil came up because it was asked. It was asked due to Perry trying to ram it into the blood stream of every child's bloodstream. If Perry hadn't done that nobody is going to ask, "So, what do you think about Gardasil" during a debate. As long as we are talking about Gardaisl, Perry loses. Hence the last week or so.

I don't think anyone cares about Gardasil all that much.

Clinton lost to Obama on this as well. I do believe in the General, McCain would have lost to a bottle of ketchup. White guilt was also Obama's true running mate. He ain't on the ballot no more in 2012.

Oh, I don't buy that. Obama lost the White vote. He did about as well amongst white people as Kerry did. I think that any Democrat was going to win because it's cyclical. We generally change every 8 years regardless, and that's been the case since Eisenhower. It's one term presidencies that are the exception, and Obama is just bad enough to accomplish that.
I watched a short clip of the Fox debate (I couldn't help but notice the sea of white faces there) and the one tortured (no pun intended inre: Cheney) and obviously rehearsed answer Perry gave was difficult to watch. Oh well. Go w/ the other RINO. ;)
Not that it matters but I do in-fact remember Obama and McCain's debate where McCain was so frustrated that he came out and said something like Senator, "I am not George Bush."

I'd be frustrated, too. Obama was kicking Bush as a straw man the whole campaign.
It worked. Hard to criticize. The only goal of politics is to win. Literally, there are no points for 2nd place in our current system. You lose by 1 vote, you may as well have lost by 30,000,000. Right?

I heard once that the unsophisticated among us feel that an election is won or lost on competing answers to the same question. WRONG. It is won on the questions that are asked themselves. Depending on the atmosphere next Summer, Obama likely isn't going to want to talk about jobs, the economy; he will try to phrase it as change v. more of the same. Good luck with that Barack.

So what questions are likely to be asked that benefit Hussein? I can't think of a one.
Me neither. Obama has a huge fight on his hands.

Here is an example.
Gardasil came up because it was asked. It was asked due to Perry trying to ram it into the blood stream of every child's bloodstream. If Perry hadn't done that nobody is going to ask, "So, what do you think about Gardasil" during a debate. As long as we are talking about Gardaisl, Perry loses. Hence the last week or so.

I don't think anyone cares about Gardasil all that much.

You're right; They don't. They do care that the allegedly small government conservative of Texas mandated by EO that all girls get this injection. The recent polls reflect it.

Clinton lost to Obama on this as well. I do believe in the General, McCain would have lost to a bottle of ketchup. White guilt was also Obama's true running mate. He ain't on the ballot no more in 2012.

Oh, I don't buy that. Obama lost the White vote. He did about as well amongst white people as Kerry did. I think that any Democrat was going to win because it's cyclical. We generally change every 8 years regardless, and that's been the case since Eisenhower. It's one term presidencies that are the exception, and Obama is just bad enough to accomplish that.

It sounds like you're agreeing that a ketchup bottle would have beaten McCain.

He didn't need to get a majority of the white vote in 08; just enough of those wanting to be part of history. To quote BB King, "The Thrill is Gone" in 2012.
I watched a short clip of the Fox debate (I couldn't help but notice the sea of white faces there) and the one tortured (no pun intended inre: Cheney) and obviously rehearsed answer Perry gave was difficult to watch. Oh well. Go w/ the other RINO. ;)

Just be honest--seriously. Exactly how many Hispanics and blacks are going to take the time to attend ANY debate--republican or democrat?

You're going to have a few--but the overwhelming majority are not interested in politics--yet manage to stumble into a voting booth every four years to play pin the tail on the donkey--so why in the world would they show up at a republican debate?
More Voters Considering Romney Than Obama, Perry

Sixty-two percent would definitely vote for Romney or consider doing so
PRINCETON, NJ -- More registered voters say they would definitely vote for Mitt Romney or might consider doing so (62%) than say the same about his two main rivals in the 2012 presidential election, Democrat Barack Obama (54%) and Republican Rick Perry (53%).

Be pragmatic, vote and support the BEST CONSERVATIVE ( and here is the important part) who can WIN the general election. It's hand's down Mitt Romney.

That's 62% people that's a landslide win over Obama. Think, get your emotions out of it, this is business.

More registered voters say they would definitely vote for Mitt Romney or might consider doing so (62%

Where did they conduct the poll? In Salt Lake City? :lol:

There will NEVER be a Morman (cult) president.

Religious people are so willfully ignorant!
You enjoying that bigotry, shitstain? A lot of people said the same kind of stupid shit about JFK.
Pointing out insanity is bigotry? Have you read the Book of Morman? Those guys are bat shit crazy.

I don't give a fuck what sky fairy you pray to... unless you think that qualifies you to be my president. I'm not worried. Most of the country knows Mormans are loony tunes... and those that don't will surely be informed about the LDS if Romney gets the GOP nomination.

This is just another case of a religious fundamentalist over reaching.

I repeat...This country will never elect a Morman president.

And...I don't give a fuck if you like that bowl of cherries or not.
Go fuck yourself, bigot. You are no American.

No....Go Fuck YOUR Self you Christian Fascist Fuckwit!

You morons are so caught up in believing nonsense that you have overlooked a lot of reality.

One of those realities is that Bush already played your religion card... It's gone! We Americans NEVER want to hear that "I prayed to my god, and he a: wants me to run for president, b: told me to invade (fill in the blank) country", from a potential presidential candidate..

The problem in praying for god to give you idiots an answer on how to act is that he never seems to provide funding or responsibility for your religious pipe dreams. Oh..of course you will always say..."Ya..but god will provide!" Wrong answer shit for brains...your fairy godfather NEVER provides. The American taxpayer and the lives of brave American servicemen and women have to pay and make the ultimate sacrifices for your "freedom of religion".

Acknowledging "a god" for political expediency I can tolerate. Because of the weak minded in the voting public no presidential candidate can claim atheism. I get that. But that is a long way from what you idiots believe.

I've said it before and I will state it again now. You people are the greatest danger to the survival of our country if not the human race. ...Not just you stupid Christians but in fairness the Jews and the Muslims are just as stupid and dangerous. If I had my way there would be a bounty on your scalps or right thumbs.
Go fuck yourself, bigot. You are no American.

No....Go Fuck YOUR Self you Christian Fascist Fuckwit!

You morons are so caught up.

Where did I say anything about my religious beliefs, you stupid fucking bigot?

Your defense of Mormanism as a qualification for POTUS by calling me a bigot speaks for itself.

An atheist might rightly claim that my views are over the top but not bigoted. Human beings have a basic right of self defense to threats against life and property. My hatred of organized religion has an inexhaustible mountain of history and facts that support the claim I hold concerning the danger they present to both life and property.

I don't want to hear about any claim that religion has always been a part of our country. The same can be said about communicable disease and cancer.
If you're going to claim you know something about Mormonism, learn to spell the word. It would add a scintilla of credibility to your tirade.
If you're going to claim you know something about Mormonism, learn to spell the word. It would add a scintilla of credibility to your tirade.

Fuck you and your spelling bee bitch. I spell it that way on purpose. I read their stupid BOM. I know their history of theft, deceit and criminal co-conspiracy. I don't need some half wit internet spelling cop to inform me of M O R M A N I S M!!!

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