Perry (R) bailing on S.C. forum/debate

If only you leftie libbies hated al queda as much as you hate Texans.... the wars would have been over in a month!


I don't hate Texans. All the ones I've personally met have been great. I dislike most politicians, Rick Perry moving up the list since I've gotten to know more about him since his entrance into the race, and thecough media bump that he received from it. I think he's a debate or two away from dropping in the polls, but you never know.

It would be bad underestimate. I think Obama is worried about Perry. He is no doormat like McCain was.

Perry still has to get through his own to get the nomination, and it won't be easy.
So calling me ignorant is not calling me ignorant. Damn, enough is enough, you can't even defend your own statements. You have to try to change the subject and talk about something else instead. What a worthless person.

No calling you ignorant is not the same as calling you stupid. The fact that you can't tell the difference between two terms is, well, stupid. Sorry. A bit of advice, quit while you are way behind.


I didn't say you called me stupid. Lol, you are beyond pathetic right now. :lol:
Never forget Statists when cornered will use ONE or more of the following:

Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate. It's better to them rather than looking you in the eye and admitting truth. Truth is scary to them.
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Jester, Infidel.... any con-job out there?

Should Perry attend the debate tomorrow night?

Has 48 hours made that much of a difference?

Your answers (or more predictably your non-answers) will speak volumes about your candidate's motives.

We're waiting girls.

It's up to Governor Perry. He's in his office, and I'm not. He's getting up-to-the-minute situation reports, and I'm not. He knows what's already been handled and what still needs to be done, and I don't. He'll be back when he's back. If I can wait ten months with no Congressional representation while Gabrielle Giffords goes to rehab, I can wait a few days without an extra candidate on the campaign trail.

Now THAT is a politician's answer.

A whole paragraph and nothing was said.

One very important thing was said: Unlike you, I'm not fucking stupid enough to arrogantly pronounce upon things I have no way of knowing.
So if the fire is up in the panhandle and affects the States of New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado, he should come back, if it's not about to burn Austin down he shouldn't?


What part of the division of jurisdiction between federal, state, and local governments do you have problem understanding? If the natural disaster is in Texas, Texas handles it, until and unless it becomes too big for their resources. If it is spread across more than one state, it becomes more of a federal issue, and while the President does not wield the sort of immediate, hands-on authority that a governor does (who, in turn, does not wield the sort of immediate, hands-on authority that a mayor does), he certainly has a responsibility to his constituents to be present.

While the President does not need to visit Texas to do the part of his job that relates to these fires, I would not consider it at all inappropriate for him to visit as close as is safely possible and get a firsthand view of the situation . . . and also to lend some moral support to those devastated by the fire. That is certainly part of the job of the President.

None, I understand it just fine. Your take on when to "trigger" the action is what I find interesting; making it a geographical issue, not a loss of life issue.

Thats all.

I thought you were this big expert on disaster control, studied it in school and shit. You didn't know that legal jurisdiction is generally based on geography?
Has Governor Rick Perry announced that he will not be attending the debate tomorrow?

Evidently, he will attend.

Perry prepared for presidential debate debut | National politics | News from Fort Worth,...

The fires must be much better so he can return. Amazing what 48 hours and zero additional resources can do.

Theres no difference between this guy and Newt Gingrich. Say anything, do anything...SOS

Last I heard on the news, twat, the winds have calmed down some and the firefighters are reporting that they have things under much better control. Thank you so much for your concern . . . about playing politics, that is, not about people's endangered lives and property, which you've made clear mean nothing to you except an opportunity to play games and attack people.

Gosh, it must be nice to be as "compassionate" as a liberal. :eusa_hand:
I've forgotten more about disaster response than you'll ever know sonny. But believe what you want to believe.

Should Perry attend tomorrow night's debate? Yes or no.

Yeah, you're so goddamned brilliant, you think men run around with the name Cecilie. "Sonny". :eusa_hand:

Answered the question, don't repeat myself, DEFINITELY don't let adolescent twats demand that I think on their level. If you can't be bothered to read, absorb, and think - or aren't equipped, which becomes more obvious by the moment - that's your problem, not mine.

Was any of that supposed to be in English? Try again slingblade.

Don't see anyone but you having trouble understanding me, Short Bus. Again, I don't dumb down for anyone. least you made an attempt to answer the question. Lady "ranger" and Lady "intense" couldn't muster the sack to do so much.


If you mean me somewhere in those . . . I assume they were intended as insults, but they were too lame for me to be sure . . . some of us have jobs. You may have heard of the concept once or twice. I'll show up when I'm goddamned good and ready, and have nothing better to do, and judging from the quality of your posts, picking lint out of my belly button would qualify as "better" right now.

You were gone? Nobody missed you. Seriously, nobody missed you.

I'd be flattered to hear that you missed me, Nobody, if I gave a tin shit what you "think" in the first place.
Rick Perry had in fact intended to bail out! If some of us had not helped flush him out of Texas by expressing our views of sudden suspicious Statewide fires, then Perry still would not be showing up for GOP debate on the morrow.

You see, Texas has never known these many fires until 2011. Yes, we see the effects of global warming - Houston-area Lakes and water supplies are drying up. But weeks ago and while Texas was at door of bankruptcy, we suddenly had fires everywhere and Texas officials started accusing Fed of being callous in time of our fire crisis. As soon as we received a little something, the fires all stopped. Then hours as Rick Perry realized he would have to make appearance at GOP September 8, 2011, debate, Texas is again on fire! Perry has good reason to evade his first GOP debate and confidently announced his State needs him.

I have been one of those very suspicious of the suspicious fires weeks ago allover Texas and voiced my opinion. Thus, when Perry again attempted the fire tactic, I (and probably others), immediately got on the truth underneath: Rick Perry dreads debates and is attempting to avoid GOP by engineering fire tactic!

Interestingly, today, Texas officials are already accusing the Fed of withholding fire disaster aid for current fires in order to torture Rick Perry! Why, what audacity! Now, what do you think of that?

Yeah, Rick Perry is all kinds of worried about what liberal shitstains who would never abandon their precious, useless Obama for him think. You keep telling yourself that, right along with "I AM special and important, I AM!"
If only you leftie libbies hated al queda as much as you hate Texans.... the wars would have been over in a month!


I don't hate Texans. All the ones I've personally met have been great. I dislike most politicians, Rick Perry moving up the list since I've gotten to know more about him since his entrance into the race, and thecough media bump that he received from it. I think he's a debate or two away from dropping in the polls, but you never know.

And now you're going to list for us all of the substantive issues for which you dislike Rick Perry, and why. Right?
No, I called you ignorant. There's a difference.

And before that he was Al Gore's Campaign manager. Thanks for bringing it back up.

So he's a career politician who can't put out a fire? Do you think the fires will be put out sometime prior to the Election of 2012?:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nah, I hate that he wants to inoculate, by law, every girl who is 12 years old against STD's and HPV. That seems like a grotesque misuse of power. I hate that he wants to execute the mentally handicapped and the innocent.

I hate that he is for gay marriage one day, then against it the next. He tailors his positions to the audience.

In short, just another politician who uses his connections to enrich himself.

So calling me ignorant is not calling me ignorant. Damn, enough is enough, you can't even defend your own statements. You have to try to change the subject and talk about something else instead. What a worthless person.

No calling you ignorant is not the same as calling you stupid. The fact that you can't tell the difference between two terms is, well, stupid. Sorry. A bit of advice, quit while you are way behind.


Um, twatmuffin, he didn't say you called him stupid. He said you called him ignorant. Do they not teach reading comprehension where you come from?
So calling me ignorant is not calling me ignorant. Damn, enough is enough, you can't even defend your own statements. You have to try to change the subject and talk about something else instead. What a worthless person.

No calling you ignorant is not the same as calling you stupid. The fact that you can't tell the difference between two terms is, well, stupid. Sorry. A bit of advice, quit while you are way behind.

Christ, Cadyass.......You are just a glutton for punishment. When are you going to realize that you look like a complete idiot in this thread, and just walk away with what lil' dignity you have left?


Maybe because the stupid broad didn't have any dignity to start with?

I don't hate Texans. All the ones I've personally met have been great. I dislike most politicians, Rick Perry moving up the list since I've gotten to know more about him since his entrance into the race, and thecough media bump that he received from it. I think he's a debate or two away from dropping in the polls, but you never know.

It would be bad underestimate. I think Obama is worried about Perry. He is no doormat like McCain was.

Perry still has to get through his own to get the nomination, and it won't be easy.

Contrary to the usual Democrat anointment process, it's not actually SUPPOSED to be easy. Momma always said anything worth having is worth working for, and one would hope the Presidency of the United States is certainly worth both.
No calling you ignorant is not the same as calling you stupid. The fact that you can't tell the difference between two terms is, well, stupid. Sorry. A bit of advice, quit while you are way behind.

Christ, Cadyass.......You are just a glutton for punishment. When are you going to realize that you look like a complete idiot in this thread, and just walk away with what lil' dignity you have left?


I guess I just like to continue calling attention to the thread by keeping it at the top of the message board. Do you think the fires will be out by Election Day? They've been going since January according to his website.
Damn, it seems Obama has hogtied several states this fire season, too include Texas, Candyass.

Contract Dispute Grounds Firefighting Planes - HUMAN EVENTS

Once again, you're looking like a mis-informed clown.
Christ, Cadyass.......You are just a glutton for punishment. When are you going to realize that you look like a complete idiot in this thread, and just walk away with what lil' dignity you have left?


I guess I just like to continue calling attention to the thread by keeping it at the top of the message board. Do you think the fires will be out by Election Day? They've been going since January according to his website.
Damn, it seems Obama has hogtied several states this fire season, too include Texas, Candyass.

Contract Dispute Grounds Firefighting Planes - HUMAN EVENTS

Once again, you're looking like a mis-informed clown.

Nice conservative rag for your rant. According to neutral Reuters, Perry slashed the budget of the agency fighting the fires.

Hows my ass taste?
I guess I just like to continue calling attention to the thread by keeping it at the top of the message board. Do you think the fires will be out by Election Day? They've been going since January according to his website.
Damn, it seems Obama has hogtied several states this fire season, too include Texas, Candyass.

Contract Dispute Grounds Firefighting Planes - HUMAN EVENTS

Once again, you're looking like a mis-informed clown.

Nice conservative rag for your rant. According to neutral Reuters, Perry slashed the budget of the agency fighting the fires.

Hows my ass taste?
So, you're saying it isn't true?........Bwahahahhahhahahhhaahaahahahhhahhaaaa:lol:!

It's causing one hell of a stink here in Cali., and apparently those in Texas are not too damn happy about it either.....Obama is failing a very large swath of people who depend on those planes.

And no, the budget has not been slashed. As has been thrown in your face by many in this thread.

Christ, you're up there with the fuckin' twoofers, in your absolute mindlessness lately.

We've all seen threads blow up in OP's faces before, we can add this stupid politicization of a tragedy thread, right there with Huggies failed attemp to do the same thing today, to the list of abject failures blowing up in the faces of complete morons.

Fuckin' dumbasses!
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Big. Mistake.

Romney might be able to pull this out after all.


Frankly, was anyone other than political junkies planning to watch this forum? I wasn't.

Perry is going to be at the Debate that counts- the one Obama tried to pre-empt.

Why does that one "count"? There are 3 debates this month, what makes the one Obama tried to preempt more important?

For starters, it's at the Reagan Library, which is the shrine of modern Republicanism.
Damn, it seems Obama has hogtied several states this fire season, too include Texas, Candyass.

Contract Dispute Grounds Firefighting Planes - HUMAN EVENTS

Once again, you're looking like a mis-informed clown.

Nice conservative rag for your rant. According to neutral Reuters, Perry slashed the budget of the agency fighting the fires.

Hows my ass taste?
So, you're saying it isn't true?........Bwahahahhahhahahhhaahaahahahhhahhaaaa:lol:!

It's causing one hell of a stink here in Cali., and apparently those in Texas are not too damn happy about it either.....Obama is failing a very large swath of people who depend on those planes.

And no, the budget has not been slashed. As has been thrown in your face by many in this thread.

Christ, you're up there with the fuckin' twoofers, in your absolute mindlessness lately.

We've all seen threads blow up in OP's faces before, we can add this stupid politicization of a tragedy thread, right there with Huggies failed attemp to do the same thing today, to the list of abject failures blowing up in the faces of complete morons.

Fuckin' dumbasses!

Perry has the responsibility to put out the fires that have been burning--according to his website--since January.

He hasn't done it.

Shove that fact up your ass.
I guess I just like to continue calling attention to the thread by keeping it at the top of the message board. Do you think the fires will be out by Election Day? They've been going since January according to his website.
Damn, it seems Obama has hogtied several states this fire season, too include Texas, Candyass.

Contract Dispute Grounds Firefighting Planes - HUMAN EVENTS

Once again, you're looking like a mis-informed clown.

Nice conservative rag for your rant. According to neutral Reuters, Perry slashed the budget of the agency fighting the fires.

Hows my ass taste?

"Neutral" Reuters...???



You tell is how your ass tastes - your head is firmly planted inside it so you must be getting a fucking mouthfull...
Damn, it seems Obama has hogtied several states this fire season, too include Texas, Candyass.

Contract Dispute Grounds Firefighting Planes - HUMAN EVENTS

Once again, you're looking like a mis-informed clown.

Nice conservative rag for your rant. According to neutral Reuters, Perry slashed the budget of the agency fighting the fires.

Hows my ass taste?

"Neutral" Reuters...???



You tell is how your ass tastes - your head is firmly planted inside it so you must be getting a fucking mouthfull...

I guess you have trouble with the big words there :eusa_shhh:
Nice conservative rag for your rant. According to neutral Reuters, Perry slashed the budget of the agency fighting the fires.

Hows my ass taste?

"Neutral" Reuters...???



You tell is how your ass tastes - your head is firmly planted inside it so you must be getting a fucking mouthfull...

I guess you have trouble with the big words there :eusa_shhh:

Weak comback... Very weak....

Expected, though...:lol:

Next time ask for help...:cool:

(Reuters "Neutral"....:rofl: )
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