Perry (R) bailing on S.C. forum/debate

I hate everyone that makes me defend Rick Perry.

But you'll take him in a second over President Blacky McBlackman, won't you?

Do you really think that playing the race card is going to work.

I will vote for Perry over Obama.

I refuse to vote for Romney under any circumstances. So given that choice, I'll probably vote for Obama, and promptly projectile vomit.

I will vote for Bachmann or Palin if the party loses its mind and nominates one of them. I don't think they can win.
I hate everyone that makes me defend Rick Perry.

But you'll take him in a second over President Blacky McBlackman, won't you?

Do you really think that playing the race card is going to work.

I will vote for Perry over Obama.

I refuse to vote for Romney under any circumstances. So given that choice, I'll probably vote for Obama, and promptly projectile vomit.

I will vote for Bachmann or Palin if the party loses its mind and nominates one of them. I don't think they can win.

You can call it playing the race card if it makes you feel better. I find the hatred of the President hard to fathom, considering the fact that he hasn't changed any of Bush's policies regarding national security, and he hasn't raised taxes.

When you go down the list of all the Liberal policies he could have done but didn't do, the excuses for the hatred of the man look more and more like it's race-based.
So it looks like Perry may very well make the debate. Wonder who'll start the thread about him abandoning his base in Texas to debate.:eusa_whistle:
Infidel and "ranger" usually have so much to say...curious why they are shamed into silence all of the sudden.

There is nothing to be gained by trying to reason with an idiot.... :asshole:


She's the retard that tried to infer there was something corrupt about Perry making an ass ton of money off of a piece of property. Property he bought in 2001 and sold in 2008 at the height of the housing market. Oh, and it was lake property in Horseshoe Bay on Lake LBJ. But there was something malicious and out of the ordinary about the whole thing. :cuckoo:

State employees don't usually have the means to purchase such a preferred piece of land...unless they have outside income. His wife doesn't work--or didn't work. She mysteriously got a job once he became a member of the Texas executive. Your ignorance will be your bliss, it will be a source of humor for the rest of us. :eusa_shhh:
So it looks like Perry may very well make the debate. Wonder who'll start the thread about him abandoning his base in Texas to debate.:eusa_whistle:

I won't start the thread but I will point out the hypocrisy. Its just another flip flop in his history of flip flops.

This is from this morning's newspaper:

Firefighters have yet to control Texas wildfire

Posted: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 4:50 am

One of the most destructive wildfires in Texas history is slowing down thanks in part to calming winds, but stretched-thin firefighting crews have yet to gain any control of the blaze that is plowing across rain-starved grasslands now littered with hundreds of charred homes.
Raging with zero containment for days, the wind-fueled fire has destroyed more than 600 homes and blackened about 45 square miles in and around Bastrop, a city near Austin. An elite search team on Wednesday will begin looking for more possible victims of the fire, which has killed two people and forced thousands to evacuate.

I don't disparage him running for office while these fires are going. If crisis situations determined your every action as a leader, you'd never have a day off because there are crisis situations everywhere (especially in Texas). But, HE made an issue of it by cowering out of a debate a few days ago because of the fires. The fires are still going according to the news reports above from the why is he now able, in his mind, to shun the importance of the fire and fly to California for a debate tonight?

Its hypocritical at best.
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Infidel and "ranger" usually have so much to say...curious why they are shamed into silence all of the sudden.

There is nothing to be gained by trying to reason with an idiot.... :asshole:


You're living proof. Glad you survived the human tragedy So did Rick come by your house passing out water and dry stores for your survival? Oh yeah...he flew in a chopper over the fire, landed and went to bed. Doing a great job Brownie!
So it looks like Perry may very well make the debate. Wonder who'll start the thread about him abandoning his base in Texas to debate.:eusa_whistle:

I won't start the thread but I will point out the hypocrisy. Its just another flip flop in his history of flip flops.

This is from this morning's newspaper:

Firefighters have yet to control Texas wildfire

Posted: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 4:50 am

One of the most destructive wildfires in Texas history is slowing down thanks in part to calming winds, but stretched-thin firefighting crews have yet to gain any control of the blaze that is plowing across rain-starved grasslands now littered with hundreds of charred homes.
Raging with zero containment for days, the wind-fueled fire has destroyed more than 600 homes and blackened about 45 square miles in and around Bastrop, a city near Austin. An elite search team on Wednesday will begin looking for more possible victims of the fire, which has killed two people and forced thousands to evacuate.
Crews make gains against raging blaze near Austin - State

I don't disparage him running for office while these fires are going. If crisis situations determined your every action as a leader, you'd never have a day off because there are crisis situations everywhere (especially in Texas). But, HE made an issue of it by cowering out of a debate a few days ago because of the fires. The fires are still going according to the news reports above from the why is he now able, in his mind, to shun the importance of the fire and fly to California for a debate tonight?

Its hypocritical at best.

Irony is ironic in it's irony
So it looks like Perry may very well make the debate. Wonder who'll start the thread about him abandoning his base in Texas to debate.:eusa_whistle:

I won't start the thread but I will point out the hypocrisy. Its just another flip flop in his history of flip flops.

This is from this morning's newspaper:

Firefighters have yet to control Texas wildfire

Posted: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 4:50 am

One of the most destructive wildfires in Texas history is slowing down thanks in part to calming winds, but stretched-thin firefighting crews have yet to gain any control of the blaze that is plowing across rain-starved grasslands now littered with hundreds of charred homes.
Raging with zero containment for days, the wind-fueled fire has destroyed more than 600 homes and blackened about 45 square miles in and around Bastrop, a city near Austin. An elite search team on Wednesday will begin looking for more possible victims of the fire, which has killed two people and forced thousands to evacuate.
Crews make gains against raging blaze near Austin - State

I don't disparage him running for office while these fires are going. If crisis situations determined your every action as a leader, you'd never have a day off because there are crisis situations everywhere (especially in Texas). But, HE made an issue of it by cowering out of a debate a few days ago because of the fires. The fires are still going according to the news reports above from the why is he now able, in his mind, to shun the importance of the fire and fly to California for a debate tonight?

Its hypocritical at best.

Irony is ironic in it's irony

How ironic you should say that!! :laugh2:
Yeah...the government should leave it up to the local authorities to put out the fire. Perry is meddling in the affairs of the cities and counties. They know best how to fight the fire.

Good example of why a strong central government is not just needed, it is necessary.

Jesus God, are you a dumbfuck. You have no idea who fights fires, HOW they're fought, or how any of it is organized and coordinated. You just run your fucking gums based on wild-assed, vague guesses about how things work, and then expect the rest of us to respect your oral emanations as though you said something sensible.

And better yet, you think you can just say, "I studied it, blah blah blah" and anyone's going to believe you, especially after reading THIS bullshit.

I considered explaining to you how fucking incorrect - in the next galaxy over from correct, in fact - you actually are, but I just can't imagine considering you even remotely worth it.
Perry isn't doing anything except getting updates.

Do you think he has taken the coordination away from the experts in the field in favor of his politician's judgement?

If you do, you're dumber than I thought.

Really? Prove it. You want to make definitive judgements about what the governor does and is doing, now you get to prove you're right and cite your source.
Yeah...the government should leave it up to the local authorities to put out the fire. Perry is meddling in the affairs of the cities and counties. They know best how to fight the fire.

Good example of why a strong central government is not just needed, it is necessary.

Jesus God, are you a dumbfuck. You have no idea who fights fires, HOW they're fought, or how any of it is organized and coordinated. You just run your fucking gums based on wild-assed, vague guesses about how things work, and then expect the rest of us to respect your oral emanations as though you said something sensible.
I've forgotten more about disaster response than you'll ever know sonny. But believe what you want to believe.

Should Perry attend tomorrow night's debate? Yes or no.

Yeah, you're so goddamned brilliant, you think men run around with the name Cecilie. "Sonny". :eusa_hand:

Answered the question, don't repeat myself, DEFINITELY don't let adolescent twats demand that I think on their level. If you can't be bothered to read, absorb, and think - or aren't equipped, which becomes more obvious by the moment - that's your problem, not mine.
Instead of making up your answers to counter what someone else might say, why don't you just tell the truth?

Well, considering TX isn't relying on FEMA to come in and take charge, it is their Governor's responsibility to coordinate emergency resources where they are most needed.
Even if FEMA *was* involved, the governor still needs to run the logistics.

So, No. A debate is not more important than this.

Perry has a comfortable enough lead, right now.
He won't back down when it comes time to debate Obama.

Actually, it's the State OEM director who is in charge of the four sections of incident command. If he hasn't appointed an OEM director, he is in charge by law but I would hope he is not THAT stupid. The OEM director (Think Brownie for a federal opposite number although at that point Brownie was the PFO--Principal Federal Official) answers to the governor but that is something that may take a collective 2 hours of the day.

I think you're under the impression that Perry is circling targets on a map. Child.

I think YOU'RE under the impression that you can retrieve your credibility from "local authorities handle firefighting", as though there IS a more local authority in a multi-county fire than the state government.

How long did it take you to look this up in between all those nothing "You're so stupid!" posts so you could pretend to know something?

Never mind. Your chance to make anyone believe you know anything beyond "Perry sucks!" passed several posts ago. Twat.
Straight question: if the wildfires are just as bad Wednesday night, should Perry skip the debate?

IF that were the case, I wouldn't criticize him if he did skip it... There will be plenty more debates between now and Next November...

Straight question: Would you have started a thread similar to "Perry abandons TX during crisis to attend forum and debate." if he had attended said forum / debate?

As I was largely unaware of the fire, I wouldn't have said anything. As I have not said anything up to yesterday when Perry made it an issue by tossing out that excuse for his retreat.

Has anybody said that he shouldn't be on the campaign trail due to the fires? If not, how can you say that "We would have said something" when "we" haven't said anything up to this point?

How does one remain unaware of a wildfire that's been one of the top news stories for a couple of weeks at least? What, were they not talking about it on the leftist blogs?

Since at least one-half of this board is as ignorant and uninformed about current events not appearing on the Huffington Post as you are, and the other half doesn't presume to know the governor's job better than he does, we pretty much had to wait until it appeared in the DNC talking points. However, since SOMEONE at the DNC manages to monitor the regular news, and the recent changes for the worse have been talked about a lot lately, I feel confident you parrots would have been fed the line eventually.
As you have demonstrated
Hardly... I am well aware of the fires in Texas...

Swing and a miss...

Why? Nothing is bullshit...

Link me up to anyone other than a leftist wingnut who believes this is an issue...

Swing and a miss, again...

At this point, I'm trying to get a straight answer out of you. Should he attend the debate tomorrow night? Yes or No.

If you say Yes, why...should he be back in the State during this time of crisis?

If you say "No", okay. Fine.

But we both know he's going to attend. Too big a free media buy to pass up. He's going to be a hypocrite because he made it an issue. So I doubt you'll give a straight answer. Cons rarely do.

Its hilarious how you'll go to any length to try to portray this guy as anything other than he is; just another politician.

My only comments in this thread are on whether he should have attended the forum or returned to the state... The consensus of myself and many others using their brains, both liberal and conservative, is that he should have skipped the forum... I can't help you and your fellow leftist wingnuts who think he should have played politics over a year away from the 2012 election instead...

Should he attend tomorrow's event? That will depend on the severity of the fires and whether any progress is being made... Odds are he should probably skip that too, as I doubt things will be much better...

Now fuck off, little one... Wingnuts like you are tiresome and boring... least you made an attempt to answer the question. Lady "ranger" and Lady "intense" couldn't muster the sack to do so much.


If you mean me somewhere in those . . . I assume they were intended as insults, but they were too lame for me to be sure . . . some of us have jobs. You may have heard of the concept once or twice. I'll show up when I'm goddamned good and ready, and have nothing better to do, and judging from the quality of your posts, picking lint out of my belly button would qualify as "better" right now.
Jesus God, are you a dumbfuck. You have no idea who fights fires, HOW they're fought, or how any of it is organized and coordinated. You just run your fucking gums based on wild-assed, vague guesses about how things work, and then expect the rest of us to respect your oral emanations as though you said something sensible.
I've forgotten more about disaster response than you'll ever know sonny. But believe what you want to believe.

Should Perry attend tomorrow night's debate? Yes or no.

Yeah, you're so goddamned brilliant, you think men run around with the name Cecilie. "Sonny". :eusa_hand:

Answered the question, don't repeat myself, DEFINITELY don't let adolescent twats demand that I think on their level. If you can't be bothered to read, absorb, and think - or aren't equipped, which becomes more obvious by the moment - that's your problem, not mine.

Was any of that supposed to be in English? Try again slingblade.
IF that were the case, I wouldn't criticize him if he did skip it... There will be plenty more debates between now and Next November...

Straight question: Would you have started a thread similar to "Perry abandons TX during crisis to attend forum and debate." if he had attended said forum / debate?

As I was largely unaware of the fire, I wouldn't have said anything. As I have not said anything up to yesterday when Perry made it an issue by tossing out that excuse for his retreat.

Has anybody said that he shouldn't be on the campaign trail due to the fires? If not, how can you say that "We would have said something" when "we" haven't said anything up to this point?

How does one remain unaware of a wildfire that's been one of the top news stories for a couple of weeks at least? What, were they not talking about it on the leftist blogs?

Since at least one-half of this board is as ignorant and uninformed about current events not appearing on the Huffington Post as you are, and the other half doesn't presume to know the governor's job better than he does, we pretty much had to wait until it appeared in the DNC talking points. However, since SOMEONE at the DNC manages to monitor the regular news, and the recent changes for the worse have been talked about a lot lately, I feel confident you parrots would have been fed the line eventually.

You mean he's been campaigning when these fires have been raging and the moment he has to step on the stage and answer questions in an open forum...he remembers the fires?

Some guy you have there sonny boy.
Hardly... I am well aware of the fires in Texas...

Swing and a miss...

Why? Nothing is bullshit...

Link me up to anyone other than a leftist wingnut who believes this is an issue...

Swing and a miss, again...

My only comments in this thread are on whether he should have attended the forum or returned to the state... The consensus of myself and many others using their brains, both liberal and conservative, is that he should have skipped the forum... I can't help you and your fellow leftist wingnuts who think he should have played politics over a year away from the 2012 election instead...

Should he attend tomorrow's event? That will depend on the severity of the fires and whether any progress is being made... Odds are he should probably skip that too, as I doubt things will be much better...

Now fuck off, little one... Wingnuts like you are tiresome and boring... least you made an attempt to answer the question. Lady "ranger" and Lady "intense" couldn't muster the sack to do so much.


If you mean me somewhere in those . . . I assume they were intended as insults, but they were too lame for me to be sure . . . some of us have jobs. You may have heard of the concept once or twice. I'll show up when I'm goddamned good and ready, and have nothing better to do, and judging from the quality of your posts, picking lint out of my belly button would qualify as "better" right now.

You were gone? Nobody missed you. Seriously, nobody missed you.
Is this any surprise really? The fires have been raging for some time now BUT he decides now that he's needed back in the Republic of Texas :rolleyes: He skipped the first debate and now he bails on this one. :clap2: Whats up bruh? I think he KNEW he was going to be asked some tough questions. The Forum was set-up for participants to be individually questioned by three people and he could'nt take the heat apparently ;)

Gov. Rick Perry to Skip Labor Day Forum, Return to Texas to Address Wildfires - Summerville, SC Patch
Perry was scheduled to attend Senator Jim DeMint's forum of Republican presidential contenders in Columbia at 3 p.m.

Shouldn't come as a surprise:

From last year:

Texas Plans To Cut Budget Of Agency Battling Wildfires

AUSTIN, Tex (Reuters) – Texas lawmakers are set to slash funding for the agency responsible for fighting wildfires in the midst of a historic wildfire season in which some 2.5 million acres have burned.

The Texas Forest Service faces almost $34 million in budget cuts over the next two years, roughly a third of the agency's total budget. The cuts are in both the House and Senate versions of the proposed state budget.

The Forest Service has about 200 firefighters and offers assistance grants to volunteer fire departments. Assistance grants are likely to take the biggest hit.

Volunteers -- two of whom were killed in fighting this year's fires -- make up nearly 80 percent of the state's fire-fighting force and are first responders to roughly 90 percent of wildfires in Texas.

"Volunteer programs are our No. 1 defense," Forest Service Director Tom Boggus told Reuters.

Since 2002, the Forest Service has given out $153 million in grants, which have paid for 44,000 sets of protective clothing, 1,200 fire engines and funded the training of about 34,000 firefighters.

A state commission that reviewed the Forest Service this year noted the grants were not distributed to the counties most at risk for wildfires. Boggus said that is because the service only recently conducted a study to determine which counties are the most at-risk, and that the agency now plans to distribute grants based on that information.

Chris Barron, executive director of the State Firemen's and Fire Marshals' Association, said volunteer fire departments rely heavily on grant funding. He said $135 million in requests are backlogged from volunteer fire departments.

"That alone should say that the departments out there greatly need the funding," he told Reuters.

"Stuff in the fire service is not cheap," Barron added.

He said many volunteer fire departments already have worn-down equipment and without funding for new equipment, response times will almost certainly increase.

Barron also works for a volunteer fire department in South Austin that sent a truck to West Texas to battle the Rock House fire that burned more than 200,000 acres last month. He said the truck needed repairs after the trip, which wasn't unusual.

"It's just the wear and tear of fire departments trying to help each other out," Barron said.

But Texas, which has a two-year budget cycle, has a shortfall of up to $27 billion for 2012-2013. Talmadge Heflin, director of the Center for Fiscal Policy at the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation, said everybody should share in the cuts.

"We understand the difficulty they have had in dealing with almost unprecedented numbers of fires this year," said Heflin, a former state representative. "We also understand that in order to balance the budget, everybody needs to endure some reductions."

Heflin told Reuters there are discretionary funds in the governor's office for emergencies which could be used to help fight wildfires.

"We feel they'll be able to handle whatever's thrown at them," he said.

(Editing by Corrie MacLaggan and Peter Bohan)

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