Perry (R) bailing on S.C. forum/debate

Instead of making up your answers to counter what someone else might say, why don't you just tell the truth?

Well, considering TX isn't relying on FEMA to come in and take charge, it is their Governor's responsibility to coordinate emergency resources where they are most needed.
Even if FEMA *was* involved, the governor still needs to run the logistics.

So, No. A debate is not more important than this.

Perry has a comfortable enough lead, right now.
He won't back down when it comes time to debate Obama.

Further...FEMA doesn't usually "take charge" of the situation. FEMA is a resource just like the volunteer fire department, local hospitals, or self presenting medical professionals.

The Federal Government maintains a wide array of capabilities and resources that can
assist State governments in responding to incidents. Federal departments and agencies
provide this assistance using processes outlined later in this document. In addition,
Federal departments and agencies may also request and receive help from other Federal
departments and agencies.
From the National Response Framework overview document.

Missed the highlighted part, hunh?

If you actually KNEW any of this shit you're posting, instead of copy/pasting...........

Well, considering TX isn't relying on FEMA to come in and take charge, it is their Governor's responsibility to coordinate emergency resources where they are most needed.
Even if FEMA *was* involved, the governor still needs to run the logistics.

So, No. A debate is not more important than this.

Perry has a comfortable enough lead, right now.
He won't back down when it comes time to debate Obama.

Further...FEMA doesn't usually "take charge" of the situation. FEMA is a resource just like the volunteer fire department, local hospitals, or self presenting medical professionals.

The Federal Government maintains a wide array of capabilities and resources that can
assist State governments in responding to incidents. Federal departments and agencies
provide this assistance using processes outlined later in this document. In addition,
Federal departments and agencies may also request and receive help from other Federal
departments and agencies.
From the National Response Framework overview document.

Missed the highlighted part, hunh?

If you actually KNEW any of this shit you're posting, instead of copy/pasting...........


FEMA doesn't come in and take charge. That was the point, you missed...again...and again.
Perry shouldn't join the debates anyway....maybe he could just have a Facebook page like Palin
As I was largely unaware of the fire, I wouldn't have said anything.
Ignorance is bliss...
As you have demonstrated
Hardly... I am well aware of the fires in Texas...

Swing and a miss...

It wasn't an issue and it wasn't an excuse... Intelligent people realize a governor should be in his state, if logistically possible, during a major crisis...

Where is your BS Flag? You need to call it on yourself shitstain.
Why? Nothing is bullshit...

Link me up to anyone other than a leftist wingnut who believes this is an issue...

Swing and a miss, again...

Just what are you arguing in this thread? It seems most of the leftist wingnut crew is stating that Perry should have attended the forum instead of heading back to his state... That is assinine logic...

But, if you're "not saying anything", well then...

At this point, I'm trying to get a straight answer out of you. Should he attend the debate tomorrow night? Yes or No.

If you say Yes, why...should he be back in the State during this time of crisis?

If you say "No", okay. Fine.

But we both know he's going to attend. Too big a free media buy to pass up. He's going to be a hypocrite because he made it an issue. So I doubt you'll give a straight answer. Cons rarely do.

Its hilarious how you'll go to any length to try to portray this guy as anything other than he is; just another politician.

My only comments in this thread are on whether he should have attended the forum or returned to the state... The consensus of myself and many others using their brains, both liberal and conservative, is that he should have skipped the forum... I can't help you and your fellow leftist wingnuts who think he should have played politics over a year away from the 2012 election instead...

Should he attend tomorrow's event? That will depend on the severity of the fires and whether any progress is being made... Odds are he should probably skip that too, as I doubt things will be much better...

Now fuck off, little one... Wingnuts like you are tiresome and boring...
Ignorance is bliss...
As you have demonstrated
Hardly... I am well aware of the fires in Texas...

Swing and a miss...

Why? Nothing is bullshit...

Link me up to anyone other than a leftist wingnut who believes this is an issue...

Swing and a miss, again...

Just what are you arguing in this thread? It seems most of the leftist wingnut crew is stating that Perry should have attended the forum instead of heading back to his state... That is assinine logic...

But, if you're "not saying anything", well then...

At this point, I'm trying to get a straight answer out of you. Should he attend the debate tomorrow night? Yes or No.

If you say Yes, why...should he be back in the State during this time of crisis?

If you say "No", okay. Fine.

But we both know he's going to attend. Too big a free media buy to pass up. He's going to be a hypocrite because he made it an issue. So I doubt you'll give a straight answer. Cons rarely do.

Its hilarious how you'll go to any length to try to portray this guy as anything other than he is; just another politician.

My only comments in this thread are on whether he should have attended the forum or returned to the state... The consensus of myself and many others using their brains, both liberal and conservative, is that he should have skipped the forum... I can't help you and your fellow leftist wingnuts who think he should have played politics over a year away from the 2012 election instead...

Should he attend tomorrow's event? That will depend on the severity of the fires and whether any progress is being made... Odds are he should probably skip that too, as I doubt things will be much better...

Now fuck off, little one... Wingnuts like you are tiresome and boring... least you made an attempt to answer the question. Lady "ranger" and Lady "intense" couldn't muster the sack to do so much.

Tea party republicans can not take the heat of hard questions.

Remember Palins "Im not going to answer the question you asked, Im going to just say what I want to say" during a debate?

The tea party republicans can get tehir bases vote without ever being vetted.

He plans to NEVER be forced to answer any questions that he cant answer without making a fool of himself.

The republican power structure has been flipped on its head.

It now a clown show
As you have demonstrated
Hardly... I am well aware of the fires in Texas...

Swing and a miss...

Why? Nothing is bullshit...

Link me up to anyone other than a leftist wingnut who believes this is an issue...

Swing and a miss, again...

At this point, I'm trying to get a straight answer out of you. Should he attend the debate tomorrow night? Yes or No.

If you say Yes, why...should he be back in the State during this time of crisis?

If you say "No", okay. Fine.

But we both know he's going to attend. Too big a free media buy to pass up. He's going to be a hypocrite because he made it an issue. So I doubt you'll give a straight answer. Cons rarely do.

Its hilarious how you'll go to any length to try to portray this guy as anything other than he is; just another politician.

My only comments in this thread are on whether he should have attended the forum or returned to the state... The consensus of myself and many others using their brains, both liberal and conservative, is that he should have skipped the forum... I can't help you and your fellow leftist wingnuts who think he should have played politics over a year away from the 2012 election instead...

Should he attend tomorrow's event? That will depend on the severity of the fires and whether any progress is being made... Odds are he should probably skip that too, as I doubt things will be much better...

Now fuck off, little one... Wingnuts like you are tiresome and boring... least you made an attempt to answer the question. Lady "ranger" and Lady "intense" couldn't muster the sack to do so much.

We're too busy watching you make a complete fool of yourself....You're looking really bad in this thread, Candyass.

Politicizing a tragedy. It's the lefty way!......And it's all they have left. Seeing as though they can't defend Obama, or his record of abject failure.
Hardly... I am well aware of the fires in Texas...

Swing and a miss...

Why? Nothing is bullshit...

Link me up to anyone other than a leftist wingnut who believes this is an issue...

Swing and a miss, again...

My only comments in this thread are on whether he should have attended the forum or returned to the state... The consensus of myself and many others using their brains, both liberal and conservative, is that he should have skipped the forum... I can't help you and your fellow leftist wingnuts who think he should have played politics over a year away from the 2012 election instead...

Should he attend tomorrow's event? That will depend on the severity of the fires and whether any progress is being made... Odds are he should probably skip that too, as I doubt things will be much better...

Now fuck off, little one... Wingnuts like you are tiresome and boring... least you made an attempt to answer the question. Lady "ranger" and Lady "intense" couldn't muster the sack to do so much.

We're too busy watching you make a complete fool of yourself....You're looking really bad in this thread, Candyass.

Politicizing a tragedy. It's the lefty way!......And it's all they have left. Seeing as though they can't defend Obama, or his record of abject failure.

So you can't answer a simple "yes" or "no"....figures. Total loser. Maybe you should negative-rep me some more. It's the most effective thing you've done, likely, in your entire life.
Nope! Just the guy in charge.

If you wish to continue your idiocy, please continue.

So the fires have been burning for nine months. Is Perry going to put it out by this weekend or is it going to be a continuing excuse to duck debates?


The slightest look at the news tells a story of flare ups.

Please continue your stupidity, its a win win. You make the idiotic statements and I highlight them.

Am I correct in understanding that one of the new flare-ups is 25 miles from Austin?
Further...FEMA doesn't usually "take charge" of the situation. FEMA is a resource just like the volunteer fire department, local hospitals, or self presenting medical professionals.

From the National Response Framework overview document.

Missed the highlighted part, hunh?

If you actually KNEW any of this shit you're posting, instead of copy/pasting...........


FEMA doesn't come in and take charge. That was the point, you missed...again...and again.

Holy shit...


I said even IF FEMA WAS involved as a way to clarify the previous sentence that had the words "take charge".

Funny how, in hurricane season, you ass-hats are quick to blame FEMA and the fed gov't when shit goes sideways in NO for example.
Now it's, "They don't play that big of a role" when it's a red state??

So you agree that's the governor's job to handle emergencies in his state?

Does Blanco and Nagin know you have changed your mind?
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Why and the fuck would Perry care what a bunch of liberal/socialists who wouldn't vote for him under any circumstance have to say?
The huffypuffy and pmsnbc will have to get their morning headlines elsewhere.
Curious...did any of you Cons post BEFORE he announced he was going back to Texas that he should forego the debate to return?

If not, why didn't you?

Ron Paul is still campaigning...why aren't you morons bashing that lunatic for not going home to "show leadership"?

Not being privy to the information flow in the governor of Texas's office, it's a bit hard for me to decide for him what needs to be done and when. His trip back to Texas now coincides with widespread news reports of substantial changes for the worse in the wildfire situation, and therefore it is quite plausible that Governor Perry would need to go home for that reason . . . if, that is, I have no political axe to grind in criticizing the man no matter what he does.

The point of a representative government is choosing office holders you can trust to be competent and manage whatever situation arises for the good of their constituents. I don't live in Texas, so I didn't have any say in choosing Governor Perry, but I have seen nothing from him so far that I would disapprove of in my own governor, and no inconsistencies so far in his decisions and the information being made available to the public, so I have no problem granting him a certain level of trust in knowing how to do his job.

I cannot imagine what job responsibilities you think Ron Paul has at the time being that he urgently needs to tend to. He's a Congressman, and has almost nothing to do with the day-to-day running of the state of Texas, let alone with managing emergency situations.
The republican hiarcy has lost control of their little tea party lever.

The tea party soon will own the party lock stock and barrel.

It will make it harder and harder for them to win.

They will have to really ramp up the cheating to win and will either get caught big time or the people who own the counting machines will NOT cheat for the new owners of the party out of spite and fear of getting caught for people they dont really like.

This is going to be one very interesting election.

What the hell is a "hiarcy"?
Curious...did any of you Cons post BEFORE he announced he was going back to Texas that he should forego the debate to return?

If not, why didn't you?

Ron Paul is still campaigning...why aren't you morons bashing that lunatic for not going home to "show leadership"?

Duh!! He has no role.

He will have just as much real impact on the lives of the effected as Perry will have. Everything Perry will do he could have done from a hotel in Clemson on a telephone. I guess he could pray for rain. That seemed to have worked well. LOL.

He has no campaign to speak of either.

Well, thank you for that valuable insight into what the governor does and how. Tell me, what state were YOU governor of?
Curious...did any of you Cons post BEFORE he announced he was going back to Texas that he should forego the debate to return?

If not, why didn't you?

Ron Paul is still campaigning...why aren't you morons bashing that lunatic for not going home to "show leadership"?
Ron Paul isn't the Governor, you stupid fuck.

You never told us what Perry was going to be doing in Texas that he couldn't have done in South Carolina yesterday "ranger". C'mon, you're a disaster expert. Please explain how it happens, the SOEM directors, PFO's, setting up the JIC, the area commands within the NIMS/NRP framework.

Wow us with your disaster management expertise. We're waiting.

I did, you ignorant sow. Go find the post and read it.
The republican hiarcy has lost control of their little tea party lever.

The tea party soon will own the party lock stock and barrel.

It will make it harder and harder for them to win.

They will have to really ramp up the cheating to win and will either get caught big time or the people who own the counting machines will NOT cheat for the new owners of the party out of spite and fear of getting caught for people they dont really like.

This is going to be one very interesting election.

What the hell is a "hiarcy"?

I think she left out the "k"

Missed the highlighted part, hunh?

If you actually KNEW any of this shit you're posting, instead of copy/pasting...........


FEMA doesn't come in and take charge. That was the point, you missed...again...and again.

Holy shit...


I said even IF FEMA WAS involved as a way to clarify the previous sentence that had the words "take charge".
I mis-interpreted what you said. My apologies.

Funny how, in hurricane season, you ass-hats are quick to blame FEMA and the fed gov't when shit goes sideways in NO for example.
Many do, I don't because I know how its supposed to work.

Now it's, "They don't play that big of a role" when it's a red state??
I never said that; there needs to be several steps taken (if they haven't been taken yet) before FEMA even becomes a resource at the Incident Commander's disposal.

So you agree that's the governor's job to handle emergencies in his state?

Does Blanco and Nagin know you have changed your mind?

Nice try, Mayors have almost no power outside of their city. When you have a INS, the city jurisdiction is the first thing to go sideways. They can distinguish themselves--the mayors--one way or the other but they have very little real power.

Anyway, The Governor appoints someone to handle the emergencies but the buck stops with him or her. If they don't appoint someone, they are nuts. But until they do, they are the incident commanders on record. This is why you have a State OEM office. I'm sure you righties would love to get rid of that since 90 percent of the time, it's vacant.

It's incident command 101. You really have no idea how silly you sound. I'll add this to the file of failed public awareness. Maybe you can serve as an example to others.
Notice how NONE of the Parry supporters are wondering why he has missed 2 debates in a row :eusa_whistle:
And if he shows up for the debate tomorrow while the fires still burn, not a one will say he should be in Texas.

Jester, Infidel.... any con-job out there?

Should Perry attend the debate tomorrow night?

Has 48 hours made that much of a difference?

Your answers (or more predictably your non-answers) will speak volumes about your candidate's motives.

We're waiting girls.

It's up to Governor Perry. He's in his office, and I'm not. He's getting up-to-the-minute situation reports, and I'm not. He knows what's already been handled and what still needs to be done, and I don't. He'll be back when he's back. If I can wait ten months with no Congressional representation while Gabrielle Giffords goes to rehab, I can wait a few days without an extra candidate on the campaign trail.

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