Perry (R) bailing on S.C. forum/debate

FEMA doesn't come in and take charge. That was the point, you missed...again...and again.

Holy shit...


I said even IF FEMA WAS involved as a way to clarify the previous sentence that had the words "take charge".
I mis-interpreted what you said. My apologies.

Many do, I don't because I know how its supposed to work.

Now it's, "They don't play that big of a role" when it's a red state??
I never said that; there needs to be several steps taken (if they haven't been taken yet) before FEMA even becomes a resource at the Incident Commander's disposal.

So you agree that's the governor's job to handle emergencies in his state?

Does Blanco and Nagin know you have changed your mind?

Nice try, Mayors have almost no power outside of their city. When you have a INS, the city jurisdiction is the first thing to go sideways. They can distinguish themselves--the mayors--one way or the other but they have very little real power.

Anyway, The Governor appoints someone to handle the emergencies but the buck stops with him or her. If they don't appoint someone, they are nuts. But until they do, they are the incident commanders on record. This is why you have a State OEM office. I'm sure you righties would love to get rid of that since 90 percent of the time, it's vacant.

It's incident command 101. You really have no idea how silly you sound. I'll add this to the file of failed public awareness. Maybe you can serve as an example to others.
I really don't feel like wrestling quote tags, so:

Apology accepted.

It sounded as if that's what you were implying.
My apologies in return.

The highlighted portion is a perfect description of the real breakdown in NO. Thanks.

May I ask what state you are in?
I'll take my state's experience in emergency preparedness over ANY other state in the country.
And if he shows up for the debate tomorrow while the fires still burn, not a one will say he should be in Texas.

Jester, Infidel.... any con-job out there?

Should Perry attend the debate tomorrow night?

Has 48 hours made that much of a difference?

Your answers (or more predictably your non-answers) will speak volumes about your candidate's motives.

We're waiting girls.

It's up to Governor Perry. He's in his office, and I'm not. He's getting up-to-the-minute situation reports, and I'm not. He knows what's already been handled and what still needs to be done, and I don't. He'll be back when he's back. If I can wait ten months with no Congressional representation while Gabrielle Giffords goes to rehab, I can wait a few days without an extra candidate on the campaign trail.

Now THAT is a politician's answer.

A whole paragraph and nothing was said.
Using that President should ever spend a moment campaigning then because at some point, some group in the 50 states are undergoing some sort of trauma; be it unemployment, natural disasters, threatening national disasters, etc...

And since Texas is part of the nation--at least for now--the Presidential example is intact.

But lets say that Perry was President and just at Camp David....not overseas and the same thing happened...should he return to the White House?

Seriously...what is he going to do in Texas that is going to make any difference on the ground?

Um, his job, which is far, far different from the job of the President.

The President doesn't have to come back from his trip for a fire in Texas, because the President isn't the political executive responsible for Texas. The governor of Texas is. However, if a natural disaster affecting SEVERAL states happened, then he should probably get his ass back, because THEN we would be talking about HIS realm of responsibility, ie. the United States as a group.

But again, the jobs and responsibilities of a governor and a President are quite, quite different. It isn't just a matter of scale.

So if the fire is up in the panhandle and affects the States of New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado, he should come back, if it's not about to burn Austin down he shouldn't?


What part of the division of jurisdiction between federal, state, and local governments do you have problem understanding? If the natural disaster is in Texas, Texas handles it, until and unless it becomes too big for their resources. If it is spread across more than one state, it becomes more of a federal issue, and while the President does not wield the sort of immediate, hands-on authority that a governor does (who, in turn, does not wield the sort of immediate, hands-on authority that a mayor does), he certainly has a responsibility to his constituents to be present.

While the President does not need to visit Texas to do the part of his job that relates to these fires, I would not consider it at all inappropriate for him to visit as close as is safely possible and get a firsthand view of the situation . . . and also to lend some moral support to those devastated by the fire. That is certainly part of the job of the President.
Ron Paul is better than Perry. See Reagan vs. Gore:

[ame=]Ron Paul Ad Trust - YouTube[/ame]
Um, his job, which is far, far different from the job of the President.

The President doesn't have to come back from his trip for a fire in Texas, because the President isn't the political executive responsible for Texas. The governor of Texas is. However, if a natural disaster affecting SEVERAL states happened, then he should probably get his ass back, because THEN we would be talking about HIS realm of responsibility, ie. the United States as a group.

But again, the jobs and responsibilities of a governor and a President are quite, quite different. It isn't just a matter of scale.

So if the fire is up in the panhandle and affects the States of New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado, he should come back, if it's not about to burn Austin down he shouldn't?


What part of the division of jurisdiction between federal, state, and local governments do you have problem understanding? If the natural disaster is in Texas, Texas handles it, until and unless it becomes too big for their resources. If it is spread across more than one state, it becomes more of a federal issue, and while the President does not wield the sort of immediate, hands-on authority that a governor does (who, in turn, does not wield the sort of immediate, hands-on authority that a mayor does), he certainly has a responsibility to his constituents to be present.

While the President does not need to visit Texas to do the part of his job that relates to these fires, I would not consider it at all inappropriate for him to visit as close as is safely possible and get a firsthand view of the situation . . . and also to lend some moral support to those devastated by the fire. That is certainly part of the job of the President.

None, I understand it just fine. Your take on when to "trigger" the action is what I find interesting; making it a geographical issue, not a loss of life issue.

Thats all. least you made an attempt to answer the question. Lady "ranger" and Lady "intense" couldn't muster the sack to do so much.

We're too busy watching you make a complete fool of yourself....You're looking really bad in this thread, Candyass.

Politicizing a tragedy. It's the lefty way!......And it's all they have left. Seeing as though they can't defend Obama, or his record of abject failure.

So you can't answer a simple "yes" or "no"....figures. Total loser. Maybe you should negative-rep me some more. It's the most effective thing you've done, likely, in your entire life.
I don't answer fuckwads, Candyass......I laugh at 'em!

You're lookin' bad up here, Candyass.......Politicizing a tragedy. It doesn't get any more cowardly than that.
We're too busy watching you make a complete fool of yourself....You're looking really bad in this thread, Candyass.

Politicizing a tragedy. It's the lefty way!......And it's all they have left. Seeing as though they can't defend Obama, or his record of abject failure.

So you can't answer a simple "yes" or "no"....figures. Total loser. Maybe you should negative-rep me some more. It's the most effective thing you've done, likely, in your entire life.
I don't answer fuckwads, Candyass......I laugh at 'em!

You're lookin' bad up here, Candyass.......Politicizing a tragedy. It doesn't get any more cowardly than that.

Sticks and stones little "man".

Keep up the personal attacks though...whatever makes you feel better.
Is Dickless Jester done posting on my thread? :rolleyes:

[ame=]Ron Paul Ad Trust - YouTube[/ame]
Texas has been burning since December and has lost 3.6 million acres. That hasn't stopped Governor Perry's campaigning up to this point. This makes it look like he is ducking the debate (which, apparently, he might have a history of?)

Whether it is a ploy or not, we won't ever just looks like one.

Rick Perry: The reluctant debater

10 years in office and only four debates. Things that make you go hmmmmmm...

actually, good for him. Debates are a useless excercise, and we did okay in most of our history without them.

Do we really need them standing next to each other giving contrived answers to contrived questions to know what their stances are?

Especially with intermural debates, where they pretty much agree on 90% of everything to start with.

Way to spin it! :clap2:

You can call it spin, I call it truth telling.

Seriously, I cannot think of a more useless excercise than one of these debates.

Now, I know why YOU like the idea. You like the idea of these guys taking shots at each other.

My mind is, I doubt anything would be said in one of these debates that would change my vote. (I can tolerate Perry, but hate the rest of them).
Has Governor Rick Perry announced that he will not be attending the debate tomorrow?
Ron Paul isn't the Governor, you stupid fuck.

You never told us what Perry was going to be doing in Texas that he couldn't have done in South Carolina yesterday "ranger". C'mon, you're a disaster expert. Please explain how it happens, the SOEM directors, PFO's, setting up the JIC, the area commands within the NIMS/NRP framework.

Wow us with your disaster management expertise. We're waiting.
You're too stupid to understand it, obviously....But keep talkin' Candyass, you only further make the point that you Obamabots are in full desperation mode.

BTW, what are you still doing up?........Are you suckin' that meth pipe dry again?......Or are you such a loser you don't work?

Bender: Uh-huh, watch what you say; Brian here's a cherry.
Brian: A cherry?
Claire: I wish I was on a France....
Brian: I'm not a cherry.
Bender: Have you ever gotten laid?
Brian: I've laid lots of times.
Bender: Name one.
Brian: She lives in Canada. I met her at Niagra Falls; you wouldn't know her.
Has Governor Rick Perry announced that he will not be attending the debate tomorrow?

Rick Perry Skipping Palmetto Freedom Forum, Heading Back To Texas To Address Wildfires

He missed the Debate last night...still unsure of Wednesday night. (Yeah they called it a 'Forum' was a debate).

I get it; it was a debate that was irrelevant to the national picture that was skipped because of a natural disaster in the state that he was elected the governor of.

I hate everyone that makes me defend Rick Perry.
Has Governor Rick Perry announced that he will not be attending the debate tomorrow?

Rick Perry Skipping Palmetto Freedom Forum, Heading Back To Texas To Address Wildfires

He missed the Debate last night...still unsure of Wednesday night. (Yeah they called it a 'Forum' was a debate).

I get it; it was a debate that was irrelevant to the national picture that was skipped because of a natural disaster in the state that he was elected the governor of.

I hate everyone that makes me defend Rick Perry.

Infidel and "ranger" usually have so much to say...curious why they are shamed into silence all of the sudden.

There is nothing to be gained by trying to reason with an idiot.... :asshole:


She's the retard that tried to infer there was something corrupt about Perry making an ass ton of money off of a piece of property. Property he bought in 2001 and sold in 2008 at the height of the housing market. Oh, and it was lake property in Horseshoe Bay on Lake LBJ. But there was something malicious and out of the ordinary about the whole thing. :cuckoo:

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