Zone1 Do these verses go together?

It's hilarious watching you backtrack.
Backtrack? You really are as clueless as a corpse without the breath of life.

First you say that Jewish people don't believe in hell and I agreed that they don't believe in what you define as hell and posted a quote from your link showing that they do believe in a hell but not in your comic book way. Then you posted the same quote including the clarification that they see it as sort of a washing machine to which I quoted Jesus and described his definition of hell.

Then you said both Christians and Jews believe that people can cleanse their sins to which I said

"And I believe that too, but things don't look so promising for you as you cling to your irrational superstitions, lies, idolatry, sorcery, perjury, false witness, and murders like a baby clings to its blankie. You lack substance in the fundamental disciplines of honesty and humility foundational to rise to eternal life out of the filth and stench of Gehenna where you still feast on the superstitious rubbish discarded by higher intelligences as your own mind, your very soul, rots from within."

So its not a place of eternal torment where unbelievers in your bullshit suffer for eternity and its not a washing machine because it hasn't cleansed anyone in thousands of years, its a smoldering garbage dump, an empty state of mind, the absence of God, intelligence, truth, peace, love, and understanding, where foul and loathsome creatures have been condemned to exist without life.

Feasting on bullshit, discarded by higher intelligences, imagining they have been blessed by God.
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You really are a fraud.
Says the guy who openly sets aside Divine Law to worship and eat a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS for spiritual life and misleads others to do the same which amounts to MURDER, A sin, murder by idolatry, the abomination that causes desolation, under penalty of death.

You might not realize this (go figure) but YOU ARE ALREADY IN HELL and have been for decades.
And your filthy soul has not been cleansed. You have been abandoned by God to your delusions

You defy the law of God religiously so, YOU HAVE YOUR REWARD ALREADY

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Backtrack? You really are as clueless as a corpse without the breath of life.

First you say that Jewish people don't believe in hell and I agreed that they don't believe in what you define as hell and posted a quote from your link showing that they do believe in a hell but not in your comic book way. Then you posted the same quote including the clarification that they see it as sort of a washing machine to which I quoted Jesus and described his definition of hell.

Then you said both Christians and Jews believe that people can cleanse their sins to which I said

"And I believe that too, but things don't look so promising for you as you cling to your irrational superstitions, lies, idolatry, sorcery, perjury, false witness, and murders like a baby clings to its blankie. You lack substance in the fundamental disciplines of honesty and humility foundational to rise to eternal life out of the filth and stench of Gehenna where you still feast on the superstitious rubbish discarded by higher intelligences as your own mind, your very soul, rots from within."

So its not a place of eternal torment where unbelievers in your bullshit suffer for eternity and its not a washing machine because it hasn't cleansed anyone in thousands of years, its a smoldering garbage dump, an empty state of mind, the absence of God, intelligence, truth, peace, love, and understanding, where foul and loathsome creatures have been condemned to exist without life.

Feasting on bullshit, discarded by higher intelligences, imagining they have been blessed by God.
You really are an angry person.
Says the guy who openly sets aside Divine Law to worship and eat a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS for spiritual life and misleads others to do the same which amounts to MURDER, A sin, murder by idolatry, the abomination that causes desolation, under penalty of death.

You might not realize this (go figure) but YOU ARE ALREADY IN HELL and have been for decades.
And your filthy soul has not been cleansed. You have been abandoned by God to your delusions

You defy the law of God religiously so, YOU HAVE YOUR REWARD ALREADY

Go evangelize someone else, ya gay, secular angry Jew.
You really are an angry person.
No, I am a wild and crazy guy just passing time, laughing my ass off at your inability to be honest


I am a childless cat lady doing my patriotic duty to insure the future rights of childless cat ladies.


I am a secular humanist, insuring there will never be a religious theocracy in America just because


I am a gay Jewish man flipping out over your homophobic rants and perverse religious hypocrisy.


I am an atheist just fucking with you because you are such a sanctimonious pretentious asshole.

Take your pick. You will never be right. There is only so much your tiny little mind can handle.

Pssst! You can't win with a losing hand.

So before you place your bet, before post time, before its too late, do yourself a favor and consider the highly unlikely impossible HARD TO SWALLOW possibility that I am just right.

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No, I am a wild and crazy guy just passing time, laughing my ass off at your inability to be honest


I am a childless cat lady doing my patriotic duty to insure the future rights of childless cat ladies.


I am a secular humanist, insuring there will never be a religious theocracy in America just because


I am a gay Jewish man flipping out over your homophobic rants and perverse religious hypocrisy.


I am an atheist just fucking with you because you are such a sanctimonious pretentious asshole.

Take your pick. You will never be right. There is only so much your tiny little mind can handle.

Pssst! You can't win with a losing hand.

So before you place your bet, before post time, before its too late, do yourself a favor and consider the highly unlikely impossible HARD TO SWALLOW possibility that I am just right.

I think you are sick in the head.
Oh My! That is very disconcerting! Coming from such a dedicated religious actor and lying fraud.

Woe is me!

What must I do to be "saved"?
If you saw a mad man on a corner ranting and raving at everyone that passes by that's what you look like to everyone here.

No one thinks badly of the people the mad man assaults and the people he assaults don't give his rants a second thought. So by all means keep making my point.
I'm at peace.
Sure you are. Thats why you're coming undone, stalking my every post like a deranged zombie, with the blood of creepy creatures that creep dripping from your unclean lips, who sets aside the Law of God to seek spiritual life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands, even though your own holy book teaches that your vile and degrading practice of idolatry results in death, a curse.

Dying every single time you brazenly defy the law of God at mass, never finding peace in death.

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