Personal Wealth Up $26 Trillion Under Obama

Household wealth rises 1.7 to record level

Personal wealth which had dropped $13.2 trillion under former president Bush has increased $26 trillion under the Obama administration to a record $81.5 trillion

History will be kind to President Obama. He has certainly been good for my personal wealth.

The worst President in HISTORY has added $26 trillion in personal wealth

Can you FEEL the conservative butthurt on this thread?
yea the 1% are pretty happy.....probably even the 25%......what about everybody else?.....
More economic stats from the magic economic wizard at the White House. Why just today I picked an ice cream cone flower and dipped it in a chocolate stream. Ohhhh, Obama is magic!
Household wealth rises 1.7 to record level

Personal wealth which had dropped $13.2 trillion under former president Bush has increased $26 trillion under the Obama administration to a record $81.5 trillion

History will be kind to President Obama. He has certainly been good for my personal wealth.

The worst President in HISTORY has added $26 trillion in personal wealth

Can you FEEL the conservative butthurt on this thread?
yea the 1% are pretty happy.....probably even the 25%......what about everybody else?.....

Everybody else is who we.......LIBERALS......are concerned with. Populism isn't a conservative thing. Sorry.
Not everyone has a house or is invested in the stock market. What about wages? Wage growth has barley kept pace with inflation. I guess those people are fucked, huh?
they dont people have the attitude....."hey i got mine.....too bad for is a buck.....dont spend it all in one place"....
Household wealth rises 1.7 to record level

Personal wealth which had dropped $13.2 trillion under former president Bush has increased $26 trillion under the Obama administration to a record $81.5 trillion

History will be kind to President Obama. He has certainly been good for my personal wealth.

The worst President in HISTORY has added $26 trillion in personal wealth

Can you FEEL the conservative butthurt on this thread?
yea the 1% are pretty happy.....probably even the 25%......what about everybody else?.....
I never thought of it that way.....
Maybe we should do something for that 75%. $26 trillion that didn't exist before Obama. Maybe we can finally get a living wage, public works projects, real healthcare, college funding
Household wealth rises 1.7 to record level

Personal wealth which had dropped $13.2 trillion under former president Bush has increased $26 trillion under the Obama administration to a record $81.5 trillion

History will be kind to President Obama. He has certainly been good for my personal wealth.

The worst President in HISTORY has added $26 trillion in personal wealth

Can you FEEL the conservative butthurt on this thread?
yea the 1% are pretty happy.....probably even the 25%......what about everybody else?.....

Everybody else is who we.......LIBERALS......are concerned with. Populism isn't a conservative thing. Sorry.
Yes it is. Populist are liberal on economics and conservatives on social issues. Midwestern farmers. Your not a populist Texas Dog...just admit your a socialist and get it over with.
Household wealth rises 1.7 to record level

Personal wealth which had dropped $13.2 trillion under former president Bush has increased $26 trillion under the Obama administration to a record $81.5 trillion


Here we go again.

Why don't you tell us who has the wealth. Or does this mean you are going to stop whining about obstuctionist republicans.

My guess is that it is the wealthy getting a lot wealthier (but I'll let you provide the data and show me wrong).

Which is it.

Just saying it is up is up is like saying an airplane in freefall is still flying.

My own personal wealth has more than doubled.....why hasn't yours?
That's because you found a dollar in the street.

In reality the wealthy are doing fine. The poor are doing fine.
The middle class is getting fucked.


Its YOU!

You were the one predicting the eminent disaster of the Obama asministration. A collapsed economy, stagflation, runaway inflation.......mass hysteria, dogs and cats living together

Aren't you just THRILLED that you were wrong? I mean $26 trillion in added wealth. Even a Rabbi would be impressed
And it happened. The real UE rate is over 12%. It looks low because all the people dropping out of the workforce. And no, that wasnt baby boomers retiring. That was 25-52 yr old workers leaving and not coming back.
Growth is sub 3%, which is well below norm. Inflation is picking up. Check the price of food lately? I realize since you are on food stamps it doesnt matter much to you But people who actually pay for food are concerned. The stock market is up, as noted many times, only because of the fed's zero interest rate polciy, which has punished middle class people, esp those on fixed incomes.
It is a disaster. Only an idiot wouldnt see that. Oh wait, you are one.

Inflation is really low as long as you don't need to buy food, to heat or cool your home, to use electrical appliances, to put gas in your car, to pay rent, or to buy a house!
Now we are talk'n

Nothing gets folks screaming for wealth redistribution like attributing that wealth to Obama

So we got $26 trillion in new wealth out there. Really can't claim the rich are hurting. Should we raise capital gains or income taxes first?

Both just went up astronomically. You want to raise them more?? WIF is wrong with you??

They did? When? Who told you that?

Capital gains taxes went from 15% to 28% and income tax of the top marginal ratest went from 35% to 39.6%. Yeah I know he didn't raise income taxes, he let the tax cuts expire, but it amounts to the same thing.

Astronomical? Not.

Long term cap gains are not 28%. Please..........full disclosure.

I don't invest for long term so I don't care. The point is I made a claim they went up a lot and they did.

Nope. They didn't.

In any case....they did not inhibit investment in any way. Did they?

The cap gains rate has not caused people to stop investing. The backbone of your theory is broken in a dozen places.

When will USMB conservatives recognize the reality of the situation?
Household wealth rises 1.7 to record level

Personal wealth which had dropped $13.2 trillion under former president Bush has increased $26 trillion under the Obama administration to a record $81.5 trillion

History will be kind to President Obama. He has certainly been good for my personal wealth.

The worst President in HISTORY has added $26 trillion in personal wealth

Can you FEEL the conservative butthurt on this thread?
yea the 1% are pretty happy.....probably even the 25%......what about everybody else?.....

Everybody else is who we.......LIBERALS......are concerned with. Populism isn't a conservative thing. Sorry.
Yes it is. Populist are liberal on economics and conservatives on social issues. Midwestern farmers. Your not a populist Texas Dog...just admit your a socialist and get it over with.

Texas Dog?

You are just weird.
Household wealth rises 1.7 to record level

Personal wealth which had dropped $13.2 trillion under former president Bush has increased $26 trillion under the Obama administration to a record $81.5 trillion

History will be kind to President Obama. He has certainly been good for my personal wealth.

The worst President in HISTORY has added $26 trillion in personal wealth

Can you FEEL the conservative butthurt on this thread?
yea the 1% are pretty happy.....probably even the 25%......what about everybody else?.....
I never thought of it that way.....
Maybe we should do something for that 75%. $26 trillion that didn't exist before Obama. Maybe we can finally get a living wage, public works projects, real healthcare, college funding
How are you going to get those things ? Through the government? That's the endless cycle of more government to eat up taxes from wages and salaries. Why don't we take out a huge loans from a payday loan company for this big rock candy mountain world? You cannot borrow or tax your way to prosperity guys.
My own personal wealth has more than doubled.....why hasn't yours?

$10 isn't much to brag about....

It is a truth universally acknowledged a person who brags about his income or wealth on an anonymous message board is a Loser In Real Life.

Just sayin'.

A well known Corollary to the "Law of Penis Size Claims on Message Boards," that Dr. Bruce Lovelace discovered in 1996, wherein Actual Penis Length = 13.9% of Claimed Penis Length
Both just went up astronomically. You want to raise them more?? WIF is wrong with you??

They did? When? Who told you that?

Capital gains taxes went from 15% to 28% and income tax of the top marginal ratest went from 35% to 39.6%. Yeah I know he didn't raise income taxes, he let the tax cuts expire, but it amounts to the same thing.

Astronomical? Not.

Long term cap gains are not 28%. Please..........full disclosure.

I don't invest for long term so I don't care. The point is I made a claim they went up a lot and they did.

Nope. They didn't.

In any case....they did not inhibit investment in any way. Did they?

The cap gains rate has not caused people to stop investing. The backbone of your theory is broken in a dozen places.

When will USMB conservatives recognize the reality of the situation?

So almost doubling doesn't mean they went up a lot. You're funny.

The backbone of what theory?
Household wealth rises 1.7 to record level

Personal wealth which had dropped $13.2 trillion under former president Bush has increased $26 trillion under the Obama administration to a record $81.5 trillion

History will be kind to President Obama. He has certainly been good for my personal wealth.

The worst President in HISTORY has added $26 trillion in personal wealth

Can you FEEL the conservative butthurt on this thread?
yea the 1% are pretty happy.....probably even the 25%......what about everybody else?.....
I never thought of it that way.....
Maybe we should do something for that 75%. $26 trillion that didn't exist before Obama. Maybe we can finally get a living wage, public works projects, real healthcare, college funding
How are you going to get those things ? Through the government? That's the endless cycle of more government to eat up taxes from wages and salaries. Why don't we take out a huge loans from a payday loan company for this big rock candy mountain world? You cannot borrow or tax your way to prosperity guys.
Let's see?

All those excuses about we can't afford higher wages don't hold water when the economy is $26 trillion richer does it?
Household wealth rises 1.7 to record level

Personal wealth which had dropped $13.2 trillion under former president Bush has increased $26 trillion under the Obama administration to a record $81.5 trillion
And in other news record number on food stamps 92 million Americans not working, Black unemployment rate up at 13%.
Who said obama wasn't friends with the 1% crowd
Great point!

$26 trillion would pay for a lot of long deferred public works projects

How bout we put those people back to work? You in?

Oh wait....UE is still up enough to need Public Works projects ?

Wow...wonder who got the 26 Trillion ?

What a joke.
My own personal wealth has more than doubled.....why hasn't yours?

$10 isn't much to brag about....

It is a truth universally acknowledged a person who brags about his income or wealth on an anonymous message board is a Loser In Real Life.

Just sayin'.

A well known Corollary to the "Law of Penis Size Claims on Message Boards," that Dr. Bruce Lovelace discovered in 1996, wherein Actual Penis Length = 13.9% of Claimed Penis Length
Throat depth of USMB posters who quote this theory...13.9% deeper than the actual penis size of Dr. Bruce Lovelace.
History will be kind to President Obama. He has certainly been good for my personal wealth.

The worst President in HISTORY has added $26 trillion in personal wealth

Can you FEEL the conservative butthurt on this thread?
yea the 1% are pretty happy.....probably even the 25%......what about everybody else?.....
I never thought of it that way.....
Maybe we should do something for that 75%. $26 trillion that didn't exist before Obama. Maybe we can finally get a living wage, public works projects, real healthcare, college funding
How are you going to get those things ? Through the government? That's the endless cycle of more government to eat up taxes from wages and salaries. Why don't we take out a huge loans from a payday loan company for this big rock candy mountain world? You cannot borrow or tax your way to prosperity guys.
Let's see?

All those excuses about we can't afford higher wages don't hold water when the economy is $26 trillion richer does it?

Clearly you know nothing about how this works.

Wealth being up can mean a lot of thing and certainly does not guarantee the kinds of things that are needed to support the socialist wage.

Half of Obama's 26 million is the simple reclaiming, by the economy, of the drops in 2008/2009. Those were coming back anyway.

But you knew that and are nothing but a liar.
My own personal wealth has more than doubled.....why hasn't yours?

$10 isn't much to brag about....

It is a truth universally acknowledged a person who brags about his income or wealth on an anonymous message board is a Loser In Real Life.

Just sayin'.

A well known Corollary to the "Law of Penis Size Claims on Message Boards," that Dr. Bruce Lovelace discovered in 1996, wherein Actual Penis Length = 13.9% of Claimed Penis Length
Throat depth of USMB posters who quote this theory...13.9% deeper than the actual penis size of Dr. Bruce Lovelace.

I guess you did your own study.
OK, Reality. A steel mill millwright here. At the end of 2008, the value of my small properties were not underwater, but I saw the loss of 2/3 of equity. And 2009 saw the only time that I did not see major overtime as part of my income. Now, 2014 more than half over. Income back over 100K a year, equity at a new high, and we have been trying to hire new craftsmen for six months now. We are now hiring for the new pipe mill. The fellows at work are driving newer cars and trucks, and most are doing better than they have in the last decade.

Now anyone with a craft can get a job. Those that are without a craft are at a disadvantage that will only increase as time goes on. Any job that is simple enough to be done without education, can be done by a machine. Just a fact of life in todays world.

And I think that is why we are seeing the extreme whining from the 'Conservatives' here.
$26 trillion dollars generated by hard working Americans...oh how will the Democrats steal it?

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