Personal Wealth Up $26 Trillion Under Obama

If Obama is the sole reason why wealth has been generated....
And the lefties are crying that most of the country has not benefitted....
Why aren't they bitching to Obama???

Oh that's right....
It's Bush's fault...

If Obama is the sole reason why wealth has been generated....
And the lefties are crying that most of the country has not benefitted....
Why aren't they bitching to Obama???
How does one bitch to their godhead?
Household wealth rises 1.7 to record level

Personal wealth which had dropped $13.2 trillion under former president Bush has increased $26 trillion under the Obama administration to a record $81.5 trillion

History will be kind to President Obama. He has certainly been good for my personal wealth.

The worst President in HISTORY has added $26 trillion in personal wealth

Can you FEEL the conservative butthurt on this thread?
yea the 1% are pretty happy.....probably even the 25%......what about everybody else?.....
I never thought of it that way.....
Maybe we should do something for that 75%. $26 trillion that didn't exist before Obama. Maybe we can finally get a living wage, public works projects, real healthcare, college funding
thats hard to do when both parties in Congress are part of that 25%....
Why can't Nancy Pelosi set an example and step up and say.....
I am filthy rich and many people don't have a pot to piss in....
I am giving up 50 % of my wealth to be distributed to the downtrodden....

Until that day happens I don't pay all that nuch attention to these posts...
They are sort of funny.
Why can't Nancy Pelosi set an example and step up and say.....
I am filthy rich and many people don't have a pot to piss in....
I am giving up 50 % of my wealth to be distributed to the downtrodden....

Until that day happens I don't pay all that nuch attention to these posts...
They are sort of funny.
Because she is a google eyed socialist in public , but in private a dedicated "pig" from Orwell's "Animal Farm"
Looks like the report says most of this wealth is from being in the stock market....
How is this the result of their leaders policies.....
The FED has been pumping up the market for some time now.
during the food drives at the PO the people who gave very little were the more wealthy right or left.....the "lessor" people gave much more....the people you knew did not have much put them both to shame....
Looks like the report says most of this wealth is from being in the stock market....
How is this the result of their leaders policies.....
The FED has been pumping up the market for some time now.
Oh mean blowing up a bubble? Say it ain't so Roz...say it ain't so.
Who's personal wealth? According to the National Urban League, middle class income in the Black community fell to a record low during the Obama administration and over all Black unemployment is around 13.4%. The median income level of the American middle class over all dropped by 7%. According to the Washington Times the income of Americans fell across the board except for the top 10%. How does the radical left like the headline "corporate wealth up 26 trillion under Obama"?
Damn....never realized that
You are right. Not all Americans benefitted from that historic increase in personal wealth
There is no reason to hold back on wage increases are there?

"Hold back on wage increases"? What does that mean? Does the radical left think an increase in the minimum wage will benefit the middle class? Actually an increase in the minimum wage would hurt the middle class small business owners. Major corporations pay their share of taxes. Why not concede that the democrat party long time propaganda alleging republican ties with big business was just a dishonest political ploy and that democrats are really the big business party?
Household wealth rises 1.7 to record level

Personal wealth which had dropped $13.2 trillion under former president Bush has increased $26 trillion under the Obama administration to a record $81.5 trillion
And in other news record number on food stamps 92 million Americans not working, Black unemployment rate up at 13%.
Who said obama wasn't friends with the 1% crowd
Great point!

$26 trillion would pay for a lot of long deferred public works projects

How bout we put those people back to work? You in?

I'm sure the people who own the assets have other plans for them.

You just can't help wanting to expropriate the property of other people, can you?

You have the mentality of a cheap thug. Of course you do: you're a liberal!
Who's personal wealth? According to the National Urban League, middle class income in the Black community fell to a record low during the Obama administration and over all Black unemployment is around 13.4%. The median income level of the American middle class over all dropped by 7%. According to the Washington Times the income of Americans fell across the board except for the top 10%. How does the radical left like the headline "corporate wealth up 26 trillion under Obama"?
Damn....never realized that
You are right. Not all Americans benefitted from that historic increase in personal wealth
There is no reason to hold back on wage increases are there?

"Hold back on wage increases"? What does that mean? Does the radical left think an increase in the minimum wage will benefit the middle class? Actually an increase in the minimum wage would hurt the middle class small business owners. Major corporations pay their share of taxes. Why not concede that the democrat party long time propaganda alleging republican ties with big business was just a dishonest political ploy and that democrats are really the big business party?
A $10.00 Big Mac will solve all our economic woes.
Household wealth rises 1.7 to record level

Personal wealth which had dropped $13.2 trillion under former president Bush has increased $26 trillion under the Obama administration to a record $81.5 trillion

History will be kind to President Obama. He has certainly been good for my personal wealth.

The worst President in HISTORY has added $26 trillion in personal wealth

Can you FEEL the conservative butthurt on this thread?
yea the 1% are pretty happy.....probably even the 25%......what about everybody else?.....
I never thought of it that way.....
Maybe we should do something for that 75%. $26 trillion that didn't exist before Obama. Maybe we can finally get a living wage, public works projects, real healthcare, college funding

It's not Obama's money, asshole.
Small business owners are the backbone of the economy.
Even Libs on MSNBC agree on this....
Then why does the left want to cripple them with forcing Obama Care on them
Force them to pay higher wages....

And they say they are the party of the working man...
Well, guess that personal wealth must have went to the vortex where those shovel ready jobs are.
Small business owners are the backbone of the economy.
Even Libs on MSNBC agree on this....
Then why does the left want to cripple them with forcing Obama Care on them
Force them to pay higher wages....

And they say they are the party of the working man...
Because they have larger mission...force European socialism on the United States. Then they can make a great nation mediocre so it can join a one world government and community. Obama's goal, also supported by nuts like Brzezinski.

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