Personally Opposed to Homosexuality?... Judge OK's Expulsion from College...

:rolleyes: Jesus never mentions homosexuals. Try harder.

Jesus never says anything about fucking animals but his father did... and listed it with homosexuality... try harder in Deed... :rofl:


Good point, mal...God said laying down with beasts was wrong. Hopefully, you got the message but I doubt it.

Regardless, you claimed Jesus said something about gay people...and he didn't.

Quote me saying Jesus said something about homosexuals...


I thought that colleges were supposed to prepare you for real life experiences in your chosen field.

In real life, this lady would have refused to council him based on her personal beliefs. She would more than likely have refused to council based on her own personal beliefs, and then give referrences for those that would be willing to council.

Where is there a law on the books that says one must counsel anybody who walks through the door, even though it may go against their personal beliefs?

This whole case is fucking ridiculous. And clearly shows that the liberal agenda being shoved down students throats must end.

It is not a LAW, it is a professional standard bound by a code of ethics which is set by the American Counseling Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association and upheld by the college in it's educational program designed specifically for students seeking a professional degree in counseling.

Personally Opposed to Homosexuality?... Judge OK's Expulsion from College...

Contrary to the misleading OP, the student was NOT expelled from the college for personally opposing homosexuality. She was expelled from the counseling degree program because she failed to meet the professional requirements required to obtain that particular degree. SHE sought legal recourse and again she failed.
I thought that colleges were supposed to prepare you for real life experiences in your chosen field.

In real life, this lady would have refused to council him based on her personal beliefs. She would more than likely have refused to council based on her own personal beliefs, and then give referrences for those that would be willing to council.

Where is there a law on the books that says one must counsel anybody who walks through the door, even though it may go against their personal beliefs?

This whole case is fucking ridiculous. And clearly shows that the liberal agenda being shoved down students throats must end.

It is not a LAW, it is a professional standard bound by a code of ethics which is set by the American Counseling Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association and upheld by the college in it's educational program designed specifically for students seeking a professional degree in counseling.

Personally Opposed to Homosexuality?... Judge OK's Expulsion from College...

Contrary to the misleading OP, the student was NOT expelled from the college for personally opposing homosexuality. She was expelled from the counseling degree program because she failed to meet the professional requirements required to obtain that particular degree. SHE sought legal recourse and again she failed. we see from her touching picture with the bible, looking off wistfully into the glorious's martyrtime.
I thought that colleges were supposed to prepare you for real life experiences in your chosen field.

In real life, this lady would have refused to council him based on her personal beliefs. She would more than likely have refused to council based on her own personal beliefs, and then give referrences for those that would be willing to council.

Where is there a law on the books that says one must counsel anybody who walks through the door, even though it may go against their personal beliefs?

This whole case is fucking ridiculous. And clearly shows that the liberal agenda being shoved down students throats must end.

It is not a LAW, it is a professional standard bound by a code of ethics which is set by the American Counseling Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association and upheld by the college in it's educational program designed specifically for students seeking a professional degree in counseling.

Personally Opposed to Homosexuality?... Judge OK's Expulsion from College...

Contrary to the misleading OP, the student was NOT expelled from the college for personally opposing homosexuality. She was expelled from the counseling degree program because she failed to meet the professional requirements required to obtain that particular degree. SHE sought legal recourse and again she failed. we see from her touching picture with the bible, looking off wistfully into the glorious's martyrtime.
Are you ever NOT so abjectly ignorant and stupid?

Fact is, and you can deny it until the cows home, if the situation were reversed, you'd be up here cackling and howling at the moon about how the poor lil' homo is being discriminated against because of his personal beliefs that REQUIRES special rights and treatment.

Seriously, you're not fooling anybody. But you are fun to laugh at!:lol:
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It is not a LAW, it is a professional standard bound by a code of ethics which is set by the American Counseling Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association and upheld by the college in it's educational program designed specifically for students seeking a professional degree in counseling.

Personally Opposed to Homosexuality?... Judge OK's Expulsion from College...

Contrary to the misleading OP, the student was NOT expelled from the college for personally opposing homosexuality. She was expelled from the counseling degree program because she failed to meet the professional requirements required to obtain that particular degree. SHE sought legal recourse and again she failed. we see from her touching picture with the bible, looking off wistfully into the glorious's martyrtime.
Are you ever NOT so abjectly ignorant and stupid?

Fact is, and you can deny it until the cows home, if the situation were reversed, you'd be up here cackling and howling at the moon about how the poor lil' homo is being discriminated against because of his personal beliefs that REQUIRES special rights and treatment.

Seriously, you're not fooling anybody. But you are fun to laugh at!:lol:

As I don't have 1), 2) or 3) really can't expect much from you. But feel free to laugh...or maybe giggle?
Sometimes you have to pay a price for standing by your values

She learned a valuable life lesson

yes, that we don't respect the 1st amendment


The ACA is not required by the first amendment to give her accreditation, this is not a first amendment issue.

and anyone who wants to counsel people that homosexuality is morally wrong, cannot do so

Yeah it violates the job's code of ethics.
It is not a LAW, it is a professional standard bound by a code of ethics which is set by the American Counseling Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association and upheld by the college in it's educational program designed specifically for students seeking a professional degree in counseling.

Personally Opposed to Homosexuality?... Judge OK's Expulsion from College...

Contrary to the misleading OP, the student was NOT expelled from the college for personally opposing homosexuality. She was expelled from the counseling degree program because she failed to meet the professional requirements required to obtain that particular degree. SHE sought legal recourse and again she failed. we see from her touching picture with the bible, looking off wistfully into the glorious's martyrtime.
Are you ever NOT so abjectly ignorant and stupid?

Fact is, and you can deny it until the cows home, if the situation were reversed, you'd be up here cackling and howling at the moon about how the poor lil' homo is being discriminated against because of his personal beliefs that REQUIRES special rights and treatment.
Stop pretending to be a psychic you're not good at it.
Jesus never says anything about fucking animals but his father did... and listed it with homosexuality... try harder in Deed... :rofl:


Good point, mal...God said laying down with beasts was wrong. Hopefully, you got the message but I doubt it.

Regardless, you claimed Jesus said something about gay people...and he didn't.

Quote me saying Jesus said something about homosexuals...





Good point, mal...God said laying down with beasts was wrong. Hopefully, you got the message but I doubt it.

Regardless, you claimed Jesus said something about gay people...and he didn't.

Quote me saying Jesus said something about homosexuals...






LOL - You're actually waiting for that piece of shit Ravi to back up one of her stupid claims? She accused me of committing 5 crimes and hasn't presented any evidence of such in 3 weeks. Don't hold your breath for her to do the right thing.
Well, he DID say it's in the New Testament which is the post she was responding to.


So then you Believe that Homosexuality is a Sin and shouldn't be Embraced?



:doubt: Not at all.

It's not true that counseling by professional standards requires anyone to "embrace" homosexuality or give up their religious beliefs.

Show me in the Old and New Testaments where it says anything about Homosexuality other than it being Sin and Abomination equal to Beastiality...

When you can't, you need to Reconsider your choice in Faiths.

Do you Embrace Homosexuality as Equal and not Sin?


Show me in the Old and New Testaments where it says anything about Homosexuality other than it being Sin and Abomination equal to Beastiality...

When you can't, you need to Reconsider your choice in Faiths.

Do you Embrace Homosexuality as Equal and not Sin?



i don't believe its in the NEW testament at all. i do seem to recall jesus saying an awful lot about taking care of the poor and downtroddden, though...
Sometimes you have to pay a price for standing by your values

She learned a valuable life lesson

yes, that we don't respect the 1st amendment


The ACA is not required by the first amendment to give her accreditation, this is not a first amendment issue.

and anyone who wants to counsel people that homosexuality is morally wrong, cannot do so

Yeah it violates the job's code of ethics.

no, it doesn't

yes, that we don't respect the 1st amendment


The ACA is not required by the first amendment to give her accreditation, this is not a first amendment issue.

and anyone who wants to counsel people that homosexuality is morally wrong, cannot do so

Yeah it violates the job's code of ethics.

no, it doesn't


From what I've read it seems like once you get the degree a counselor could opt out of meeting with certain clients as long as they make a proper referral...The educational requirements are a different story though...And teh code of ethics stand regardless.
Any thinking, honest person would have to admit that we were designed to man and woman.
Any educated, honest person would know and acknowledge that evolution separates man and woman by one chromosome, and specifically that a single protein determines gender characteristics. I'm guessing you are not such an educated, honest person.

Evolution did not create man and woman as separate entities. End of story on that one.
You are correct. Good thing I didn't say that. I'm glad you went ahead and proved my point regarding educated honest people.

Yeah it violates the job's code of ethics.

no, it doesn't

It violates the educational programs requirements for promotional consideration. Questions?
Good point, mal...God said laying down with beasts was wrong. Hopefully, you got the message but I doubt it.

Regardless, you claimed Jesus said something about gay people...and he didn't.

Quote me saying Jesus said something about homosexuals...





Okay, didn't say it directly but you implied it by your comment re: the new testament. The new testament is basically the word of Jesus.

So show us when Jesus, or even God, ever mentioned homosexuals.

Quote me saying Jesus said something about homosexuals...






LOL - You're actually waiting for that piece of shit Ravi to back up one of her stupid claims? She accused me of committing 5 crimes and hasn't presented any evidence of such in 3 weeks. Don't hold your breath for her to do the right thing.
Someone asked you about the word of God and you deflected...fucktard.
Well, he DID say it's in the New Testament which is the post she was responding to.


:doubt: Not at all.

It's not true that counseling by professional standards requires anyone to "embrace" homosexuality or give up their religious beliefs.

Show me in the Old and New Testaments where it says anything about Homosexuality other than it being Sin and Abomination equal to Beastiality...

When you can't, you need to Reconsider your choice in Faiths.

Do you Embrace Homosexuality as Equal and not Sin?


Yep...apparently mal has no real concept of the meaning of the word "Christian".
Quote me saying Jesus said something about homosexuals...





Okay, didn't say it directly but you implied it by your comment re: the new testament. The new testament is basically the word of Jesus.

So show us when Jesus, or even God, ever mentioned homosexuals.


I Implied NOTHING... And the New Testament isn't the Word of Jesus...

You said that Jesus didn't say anything about Homosexuality and I countered with he didn't say anything about Beastiality either, but Beastiality and Homosexuality are Listed together under Moral Law.

As for the New Testament and Homosexuality:

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen , being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful ; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened .

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools ,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator , who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another ; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
~ Romans 1:18-27

Again, there is NO Place in the Old or New Testaments where Homosexuality is Embraced, OK'd or Viewed as ANYTHING but an Abomination and Sin.

Either Accept this Reality, Repent the Sin of Homosexuality and Live to Sin no More, or Choose another Faith.

As for what the Homosexual Agenda is Attempting to do Christianity and it's Book...

From Revelations 22:

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book...

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Is it worth it?... Especially if you are Honestly looking for Salvation from this Faith?





LOL - You're actually waiting for that piece of shit Ravi to back up one of her stupid claims? She accused me of committing 5 crimes and hasn't presented any evidence of such in 3 weeks. Don't hold your breath for her to do the right thing.
Someone asked you about the word of God and you deflected...fucktard.

I didn't deflect anything you idiot. I clearly answered that I had no intention of discussing the issue with her because she flatly accused me of doing something I didn't do. Much as you constantly do. You lying racist piece of shit.

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