Personally Opposed to Homosexuality?... Judge OK's Expulsion from College...

Maybe not, but God sure did, and They are One and the Same , so........

Really? Where did God say that?

What would be the point of me even posting the verses? If God himself appeared before you and commanded that homosexuality is wrong you would claim it was a FoxNews hoax.

Any thinking, honest person would have to admit that we were designed to man and woman.'ve got nothing whatsoever of god saying anything about homosexuality. Gotcha.
Really? Where did God say that?

The Bible IS the Word of God... and your Lifestyle is an Abomination and Sin EVERY time its mentioned in the Bible...

Repent your Sin or find a Faith that accepts Sin as good.



You are wasting your time, they are not interested in anything except defending their own choices, nothing new about that.

What I don't get is why they want to be part of a religion which explicitly says "your life style is a sin" That's just dumb.

Because those silly people actually believe that Christianity is about forgiveness and love and charity. Then they come across people like you and learn otherwise.
The Bible IS the Word of God... and your Lifestyle is an Abomination and Sin EVERY time its mentioned in the Bible...

Repent your Sin or find a Faith that accepts Sin as good.



You are wasting your time, they are not interested in anything except defending their own choices, nothing new about that.

What I don't get is why they want to be part of a religion which explicitly says "your life style is a sin" That's just dumb.

Because those silly people actually believe that Christianity is about forgiveness and love and charity. Then they come across people like you and learn otherwise.

and you're a moron

anyone who judges a religion by one or a few people are beyond stupid
The Bible IS the Word of God... and your Lifestyle is an Abomination and Sin EVERY time its mentioned in the Bible...

Repent your Sin or find a Faith that accepts Sin as good.



You are wasting your time, they are not interested in anything except defending their own choices, nothing new about that.

What I don't get is why they want to be part of a religion which explicitly says "your life style is a sin" That's just dumb.

Because those silly people actually believe that Christianity is about forgiveness and love and charity. Then they come across people like you and learn otherwise.

Christianity is about love forgiveness and charity. Do you see me calling for killing gays? Do you see me calling to be mean to them? Do you see me calling for them to have anything less than straights? Oh no you don't. But, God will not forgive someone who is still actively sinning. Meaning that if you were living a gay lifestyle and you ask for His forgiveness you must also stop living the behavior. As for forgiveness from me, well I don't see that it is necessary because I haven't judged you in the first place except to say you are living against God, if He forgives you I am good with that, beyond that it's truly not any concern of mine. Do what you want.
You are wasting your time, they are not interested in anything except defending their own choices, nothing new about that.

What I don't get is why they want to be part of a religion which explicitly says "your life style is a sin" That's just dumb.

Because those silly people actually believe that Christianity is about forgiveness and love and charity. Then they come across people like you and learn otherwise.

and you're a moron

anyone who judges a religion by one or a few people are beyond stupid

One or a few people...:doubt: Right.

Thank you for helping to prove my point.
Show me in the Old and New Testaments where it says anything about Homosexuality other than it being Sin and Abomination equal to Beastiality...

When you can't, you need to Reconsider your choice in Faiths.

Do you Embrace Homosexuality as Equal and not Sin?


:rolleyes: Jesus never mentions homosexuals. Try harder.

Jesus never says anything about fucking animals but his father did... and listed it with homosexuality... try harder in Deed... :rofl:


Good point, mal...God said laying down with beasts was wrong. Hopefully, you got the message but I doubt it.

Regardless, you claimed Jesus said something about gay people...and he didn't.
:rolleyes: Jesus never mentions homosexuals. Try harder.

Jesus never says anything about fucking animals but his father did... and listed it with homosexuality... try harder in Deed... :rofl:


Good point, mal...God said laying down with beasts was wrong. Hopefully, you got the message but I doubt it.

Regardless, you claimed Jesus said something about gay people...and he didn't.

Ah it's Ravi who personally only opposed honestly, anything else is good by her. By the way Jesus DID preach that we were to follow the Bible, which includes the portions concerning gays. You want to pick and choose, go pick a religeon which does so, don't try to morph Christianity into something it is not.
Jesus never says anything about fucking animals but his father did... and listed it with homosexuality... try harder in Deed... :rofl:


Good point, mal...God said laying down with beasts was wrong. Hopefully, you got the message but I doubt it.

Regardless, you claimed Jesus said something about gay people...and he didn't.

Ah it's Ravi who personally only opposed honestly, anything else is good by her. By the way Jesus DID preach that we were to follow the Bible, which includes the portions concerning gays. You want to pick and choose, go pick a religeon which does so, don't try to morph Christianity into something it is not.
Tell us how Jesus could have told us to follow the Bible when there was no Bible yet?

This I want to hear.
Good point, mal...God said laying down with beasts was wrong. Hopefully, you got the message but I doubt it.

Regardless, you claimed Jesus said something about gay people...and he didn't.

Ah it's Ravi who personally only opposed honestly, anything else is good by her. By the way Jesus DID preach that we were to follow the Bible, which includes the portions concerning gays. You want to pick and choose, go pick a religeon which does so, don't try to morph Christianity into something it is not.
Tell us how Jesus could have told us to follow the Bible when there was no Bible yet?

This I want to hear.

I misspoke, I should have said Jesus preached that we were to -obey the word of God, not the Bible.

I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge that I have never on this board advocated persecuting gays in anyway despite your earlier claim.....................
Ah it's Ravi who personally only opposed honestly, anything else is good by her. By the way Jesus DID preach that we were to follow the Bible, which includes the portions concerning gays. You want to pick and choose, go pick a religeon which does so, don't try to morph Christianity into something it is not.
Tell us how Jesus could have told us to follow the Bible when there was no Bible yet?

This I want to hear.

I misspoke, I should have said Jesus preached that we were to -obey the word of God, not the Bible.

I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge that I have never on this board advocated persecuting gays in anyway despite your earlier claim.....................

And what is the word of god?

And I really don't care how long you'll use your time posting like mad anyways.
Tell us how Jesus could have told us to follow the Bible when there was no Bible yet?

This I want to hear.

I misspoke, I should have said Jesus preached that we were to -obey the word of God, not the Bible.

I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge that I have never on this board advocated persecuting gays in anyway despite your earlier claim.....................

And what is the word of god?

And I really don't care how long you'll use your time posting like mad anyways.

In other words , you have no intention of admitting that you accused me of doing something I have in fact not done. Got ya, and with that I will dismiss you as unworthy of any more of my time and leave this thread.
I misspoke, I should have said Jesus preached that we were to -obey the word of God, not the Bible.

I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge that I have never on this board advocated persecuting gays in anyway despite your earlier claim.....................

And what is the word of god?

And I really don't care how long you'll use your time posting like mad anyways.

In other words , you have no intention of admitting that you accused me of doing something I have in fact not done. Got ya, and with that I will dismiss you as unworthy of any more of my time and leave this thread.
That's what she does best.

The only reason she is supporting the college, is because the lady refused to counsel a fellow deviant homosexual. Had the situation been reversed, she wouldn't say a damn thing.
Apparently the Left is Incapable of being Challenged and if you Disagree with them, they will Kick you out of College for your Opinion.
The requirements to becoming an accredited counselor are not secretive. She knew what program she was in, and knowingly entered it despite large discrepancies between her behavior and its expectations. This isn't a left vs right issue. This issue is about rigidity in "being challenged" for well documented requirements.

I thought that colleges were supposed to prepare you for real life experiences in your chosen field. In real life, this lady would have refused to council him based on her personal beliefs. She would more than likely have refused to council based on her own personal beliefs, and then give referrences for those that would be willing to council.

Where is there a law on the books that says one must counsel anybody who walks through the door, even though it may go against their personal beliefs?

This whole case is fucking ridiculous. And clearly shows that the liberal agenda being shoved down students throats must end.
Once again this has nothing to do with liberal vs conservative. This is not a job at McDonalds. This is an accredited profession. All training requirements must be met, not just some. Similarly, doctors cannot defer learning how to do a physical exam in training. Yes, these professions may defer particular people once they are accredited, but they may not ignore or refuse a large portion of required training.

Any thinking, honest person would have to admit that we were designed to man and woman.
Any educated, honest person would know and acknowledge that evolution separates man and woman by one chromosome, and specifically that a single protein determines gender characteristics. I'm guessing you are not such an educated, honest person.
Apparently the Left is Incapable of being Challenged and if you Disagree with them, they will Kick you out of College for your Opinion.
The requirements to becoming an accredited counselor are not secretive. She knew what program she was in, and knowingly entered it despite large discrepancies between her behavior and its expectations. This isn't a left vs right issue. This issue is about rigidity in "being challenged" for well documented requirements.

I thought that colleges were supposed to prepare you for real life experiences in your chosen field. In real life, this lady would have refused to council him based on her personal beliefs. She would more than likely have refused to council based on her own personal beliefs, and then give referrences for those that would be willing to council.

Where is there a law on the books that says one must counsel anybody who walks through the door, even though it may go against their personal beliefs?

This whole case is fucking ridiculous. And clearly shows that the liberal agenda being shoved down students throats must end.
Once again this has nothing to do with liberal vs conservative. This is not a job at McDonalds. This is an accredited profession. All training requirements must be met, not just some. Similarly, doctors cannot defer learning how to do a physical exam in training. Yes, these professions may defer particular people once they are accredited, but they may not ignore or refuse a large portion of required training.

Any thinking, honest person would have to admit that we were designed to man and woman.
Any educated, honest person would know and acknowledge that evolution separates man and woman by one chromosome, and specifically that a single protein determines gender characteristics. I'm guessing you are not such an educated, honest person.

Evolution did not create man and woman as separate entities. End of story on that one.
God created man and then He removed a rib of the man and created woman to SERVE man. Woman is the slave of man.
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I misspoke, I should have said Jesus preached that we were to -obey the word of God, not the Bible.

I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge that I have never on this board advocated persecuting gays in anyway despite your earlier claim.....................

And what is the word of god?

And I really don't care how long you'll use your time posting like mad anyways.

In other words , you have no intention of admitting that you accused me of doing something I have in fact not done. Got ya, and with that I will dismiss you as unworthy of any more of my time and leave this thread.

Actually, I have no intention of being your step n' fetch it. You can whine about it all you want (as I'm sure you will). In fact, why don't you start a thread on it. Or two, or three. That's your style.
And what is the word of god?

And I really don't care how long you'll use your time posting like mad anyways.

In other words , you have no intention of admitting that you accused me of doing something I have in fact not done. Got ya, and with that I will dismiss you as unworthy of any more of my time and leave this thread.
That's what she does best.

The only reason she is supporting the college, is because the lady refused to counsel a fellow deviant homosexual. Had the situation been reversed, she wouldn't say a damn thing.

Perhaps you might want to read back to my post on what I would do if it happened to me. But that would require: 1) intelligence, 2) reading comprehension, 3) honesty. So...strike three for you!

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