Personally Opposed to Homosexuality?... Judge OK's Expulsion from College...

None of you dishonest fucks who think this is ok want to address my question about what if a Christian had refused to pass someone who didn't conform to their standards? Figures

I would expect that it happens regularly at seminaries.

It does...and at Religious Colleges. Do you think Bob Jones University passes anyone who doesn't meet their criteria?

That's a private college. I'm talking about at a state school.
It does...and at Religious Colleges. Do you think Bob Jones University passes anyone who doesn't meet their criteria?

That's a private college. I'm talking about at a state school.

Then your question is meaningless. There is no Christian standard to be met at state schools.

Of course there isn't BUT as you well know, professors are given pretty free reign to teach whatever they want. Hell if they have tenure they can do whatever they want, even at a public college. So a a history professor at State U decides that if you don't believe that Noah's ark really happened, you fail his course. By educational standards that is appropriate. You failed to master the standards the professor set forth. Yes?
That's a private college. I'm talking about at a state school.

Then your question is meaningless. There is no Christian standard to be met at state schools.

Of course there isn't BUT as you well know, professors are given pretty free reign to teach whatever they want. Hell if they have tenure they can do whatever they want, even at a public college. So a a history professor at State U decides that if you don't believe that Noah's ark really happened, you fail his course. By educational standards that is appropriate. You failed to master the standards the professor set forth. Yes?

Not true.
That's a private college. I'm talking about at a state school.

Then your question is meaningless. There is no Christian standard to be met at state schools.

Of course there isn't BUT as you well know, professors are given pretty free reign to teach whatever they want. Hell if they have tenure they can do whatever they want, even at a public college. So a a history professor at State U decides that if you don't believe that Noah's ark really happened, you fail his course. By educational standards that is appropriate. You failed to master the standards the professor set forth. Yes?
ahahahahahaha! If the student's assignment was to build a replica of Noah's ark and the student didn't do it then the student fails.

Your example is beyond retarded. This case has nothing to do with has to do with FAILURE to complete an assignment.
Then your question is meaningless. There is no Christian standard to be met at state schools.

Of course there isn't BUT as you well know, professors are given pretty free reign to teach whatever they want. Hell if they have tenure they can do whatever they want, even at a public college. So a a history professor at State U decides that if you don't believe that Noah's ark really happened, you fail his course. By educational standards that is appropriate. You failed to master the standards the professor set forth. Yes?

Not true.
:lol: Oh, come on. My botany teacher told us that all trees were planted by the Jolly Green Giant and failed us if we got that test question wrong. :rofl:
Gee Ravi once again proves herself incapable of having an adult conversation. No surprise there.
Okay, didn't say it directly but you implied it by your comment re: the new testament. The new testament is basically the word of Jesus.

So show us when Jesus, or even God, ever mentioned homosexuals.


You have just conclusively demonstrated your ignorance of the New Testament. Even the Gospels are not basically the word of Jesus, and they tell his story.
:lol: So you and mal agree, the portions of the New Testament that aren't direct quotes from Jesus are not the word of Jesus?


I wouldn't know if we agree or not, I do not speak for Mal.
I always am amazed when someone tries to use Jesus Christ of all people to advocate violence or some form of hatred/discrimination against other people.
But I will NOT Stop Fighting their Agenda of Normalizing and Validating it in the Church and in Public Schools to Children.
Have a blast fighting your prejudice in your religious houses, but keep your bigotry well away from public schools.

By the way, why do you even care if people believe homosexuality is a sin? You scream and cry, and by you I mean anyone who is guilty of this, that people have a right to be gay, but refuse to acknowledge that people also have the right to think gays are sick.
Sick? Well lunatics in the religious world, as well as assorted shamans and faith healers may think so, but in the accredited medical community, that thing this girl was attempting to become a member of, homosexuality in no way is seen as a sickness. Please don't address it as such.

You are patently arguing that Christians don't have the right to say being gay is wrong.
You have the right to say and think anything you want. But when you come into a professional program with regulated requirements, you either meet those requirements or leave. No one cares what your beliefs are. You either get the grade or you don't.

None of you dishonest fucks who think this is ok want to address my question about what if a Christian had refused to pass someone who didn't conform to their standards? Figures
Except this isn't one person's standards. These are the standards of a health field she was attempting to enter; standards which require you to leave your unsubstantiated crap at the door.

Of course there isn't BUT as you well know, professors are given pretty free reign to teach whatever they want. Hell if they have tenure they can do whatever they want, even at a public college. So a a history professor at State U decides that if you don't believe that Noah's ark really happened, you fail his course. By educational standards that is appropriate. You failed to master the standards the professor set forth. Yes?
See this is you making up wild theoretical circumstances as if they are concrete parallels to this case. They're not. They're crap. If a prof did that, it could be appealed to the rest of the school board, and most likely the tenured prof would be pushing paperwork in a basement for the rest of his tenure. Your fabricated examples hold no water.
That's not Jesus...that's a man who never met Jesus and had his own agenda.

Did I say it was Jesus?

Go back to Jillian's post

I Quoted Jesus on Marriage, Dumptruck... Why is that you and Ravils and the others want to Ignore this?...

It matters not to me, mal. Neither God nor Jesus every mentioned the subject so IMO that means it didn't concern them.

Do you eat lobster or pork? If so you are no different that the homosexuals you fear.

Cerimonial Law and Moral Law has been Addressed, Ravi...

Jesus spoke of Marriage, didn't he?...

JESUS From Matthew 19

3 The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?

4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,

5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Jesus must've been a Homophobe not Including Men and Men and Women and Women when Referring back to the Word of his Father in Genesis...

And as for Homosexuality, if the Bible is the Word of God, and it is...

Homosexuals are NEVER Embraced from the Old to the New... Only referred to as an Abomination and Sin and Equated to those who Fuck Animals

You can continue playing Games for whatever reason you are, but there is no Love for the Sin of Homosexuality in Christianity.

Homosexuals must Acknowledge the Sin and work to Change it in their Life if they are to Truly come to Christ.

Personally, I don't Care... I don't want Homosexuals Persecuted for their Sins on this Earth...

But I will NOT Stop Fighting their Agenda of Normalizing and Validating it in the Church and in Public Schools to Children.

Don't try to Change ANY Church and stay the HELL away from Children with your Deviancy.

If you are Insisting on Changing a Religion, start with Islam...

They still Execute Homosexuals for being Homosexual.



Inconvenient, ain't it...

Jesus Embraced NATURAL Marriage of Man and Woman... The Marriage of the Flesh... ONLY Possible with Opposite Sex Coupling.

Find another Faith or Repent your Sins and go and Sin no more.



More deflection. If you were brave enough you would have posted the entire passage. Jesus was talking about divorce, and being rather mealy mouthed about it, btw.

Again, no mention of homosexuality.
More deflection. If you were brave enough you would have posted the entire passage. Jesus was talking about divorce, and being rather mealy mouthed about it, btw.

Again, no mention of homosexuality.

You are simply being too Dishonest to really be this Dishonest...

Is someone paying you to Lie like this, Ravi?...

JESUS From Matthew 19

3 The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?

4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,

5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.


Jesus didn't Speak of Beastiallity either, but his Father Catergorized it with Homosexuality in Moral Law.

Jesus didn't do a lot of Damning and Condeming, Ravi...

He also NEVER Embraced Homosexuality, but did CLEARLY Embrace Marriage in it's Natural State.

Homosexuality is Condemned as an Abomination and Sin EVERY time it's Mentioned in the Old and New Testaments.

When you Find otherwise, you let me Know.


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:blahblah: I Destroy many much! :blahblah: I quote the Bible with CONVICTION! :blahblah:

Does that G on his blockhead stand for God complex or what? :rolleyes:

You missed a few verses!

Love your neighbor as yourself unless he's a homo...

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you unless he's a homo...

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone unless he's a homo cuz they're the worst!

Judge not lest ye be judged except those perverted homos!

Hey, you malcontent DUMP TRUCK, wake up and smell your own failed OP. :eusa_clap:

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