PETA killed more than 90% of the animals at shelter last year


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I'm dying to see how PETA people are going to defend this.

I hate PETA. Why? Because they play holier than thou all the time and they are hypocrites beyond. Publicity stunts all the time to pull at your heartstrings and take your money.


Note to self: email Pamela Anderson and Ashley Judd tomorrow.

PETA killed more than 1,600 cats and dogs at its Virginia headquarters last year - almost 90% of the animals handed over to the charity's American shelter

Animal rights charity PETA killed almost 90 per cent of dogs and cats placed in the care of the shelter at its Virginia headquarters last year, it has been revealed today.

The charity, well-known for attention grabbing publicity campaigns such as the 'I'd rather go naked' anti-fur campaign, euthanized 1,647 cats and dogs last year and only placed 19 in new homes according to the data submitted to the Virginia Department for Agriculture and Consumer Services.

PETA told Mail Online that the animals they take in at the center are 'unadoptable', however 89.4 per cent of pets is much higher than their own approximation that half of animals taken to shelters end up being euthanized.

According to the statistics 1,110 cats and 733 dogs were handed in to the charity in 2012.

22 cats and 108 dogs were transferred to another shelter, two cats and three dogs were reclaimed by their owner while 1,045 cats and 602 were euthanized.

34 cats and 7 dogs were placed under a category entitled 'Miscellaneous'.

And here's what really burns my ass. Here's the total absolute disgusting hypocrisy of these sons of bitches. They are against "no kill shelters".

In a 2009 blog the charity wrote about their opposition to 'no-kill' animal shelters saying they often get filled and just have to turn animals away.

It said in some cases euthanasia is a necessary evil and PETA is willing to do 'society's dirty work'.

'As long as animals are still purposely bred and people aren't spaying and neutering their companions, open-admission animal shelters and organizations like PETA must do society's dirty work. Euthanasia is not a solution to overpopulation but rather a tragic necessity given the present crisis,' it said.

PETA killed more than 1,600 cats and dogs at its Virginia headquarters last year - almost 90% of the animals handed over to the charity's American shelter | Mail Online
Won't be much longer, and HUMANS will be treated the same way as these animals.

"Society's dirty work", indeed.
I hate PETA. Why? Because they play holier than thou all the time and they are hypocrites beyond. Publicity stunts all the time to pull at your heartstrings and take your money.

They were in Baltimore today protesting the alleged treatment of elephants by the Ringling Bros Circus.

Protesting Alleged Animal Abuse
The fellow holding the sign is with PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Members of the group were demonstrating outside the First Mariner Arena, where the Ringling Bros Circus is being held. Their demonstration focused on the alleged abuse/mistreatment of the Circus elephants.
I despise PETA. They are in the same class as democrats and most of them are both.
I hate PETA. Why? Because they play holier than thou all the time and they are hypocrites beyond. Publicity stunts all the time to pull at your heartstrings and take your money.

They were in Baltimore today protesting the alleged treatment of elephants by the Ringling Bros Circus.

Protesting Alleged Animal Abuse
The fellow holding the sign is with PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Members of the group were demonstrating outside the First Mariner Arena, where the Ringling Bros Circus is being held. Their demonstration focused on the alleged abuse/mistreatment of the Circus elephants.

I am sure they would much rather have them euthanized. Seriously. Those celebs that fall for PETA's crap just tells you how little upstairs they really have.
they would rather kill an animal that has lost its owner than have it adopted out as that would just be cruel. At least that was their excuse after Katrina.
they would rather kill an animal that has lost its owner than have it adopted out as that would just be cruel. At least that was their excuse after Katrina.

PETA is for better/"ethical" treatment of animals when they have a 98% killrate and are hypocritical.
Wow, this doesn't surpise me. :( I love animals far more then these communist could ever imagine but I'm the bad guy. Yet, they can do this shit.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) distributed literature outside of the circus performance today in Baltimore urging that people never attend circuses that use animals. I'm no expert on animal ethics or circuses, but I did find it off putting to witness a large elephant lie down and spread her legs like a Burlesque dancer on Baltimore's "Block". :)

Elephant performing at the circus
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) distributed literature outside of the circus performance today in Baltimore urging that people never attend circuses that use animals. I'm no expert on animal ethics or circuses, but I did find it off putting to witness a large elephant lie down and spread her legs like a Burlesque dancer on Baltimore's "Block". :)

Elephant performing at the circus

While these acts with these animals you shown are cruel no doubt about it. You're ignoring the main issue of the OP since your a Peta supporter what is your stance on them killing these animals instead of finding them good homes. I really doubt they couldn't find a couple hundred people who take some of those animals of their hands
PETA are a bunch of hypocritical morons, and Ingrid Newkirk is a psycho.

Very rarely, something they protest I support them on, but most of the crap they do does nothing but get their ugly mugs in the papers.
While these acts with these animals you shown are cruel no doubt about it. You're ignoring the main issue of the OP since your a Peta supporter what is your stance on them killing these animals instead of finding them good homes. I really doubt they couldn't find a couple hundred people who take some of those animals of their hands
In the urban environment where I live (Baltimore) one problem with dog ownership is having to take the dog out twice a day to relieve themselves. The City requires dog owners to clean up after their pets. So adopting a dog means making a serious commitment to see to its daily needs. People in the City who are willing to make that sort of commitment most likely already possess dogs and have little interest in adopting another one.
What they've done is taken a picture of a "roll over" just a trick and attempted to make it something more than it is.
What I would like everyone to do is to think of the first moment you ever saw a "................" fill in the blank.

First time I ever saw a killer whale was in Vancouver. Skana. Big marches to try to shut down the aquarium.

But I stood there at the edge and she came up to me and I cared that she existed. Something I really hadn't thought about before.

She was real. She was in front of me. And now the oceans counted. I was so young. But having her that close in my life changed my world forever. I became a very serious conservationist.

Some children will be touched by witnessing the most amazing beasts at a circus. Some children like me will have their lives touched by interacting at an aquarium.

We shine on because we were able to interact with a beastie that is classed exotic; we learn to care about those far away because of a circus and an elephant. This is what gives it the human touch.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) distributed literature outside of the circus performance today in Baltimore urging that people never attend circuses that use animals. I'm no expert on animal ethics or circuses, but I did find it off putting to witness a large elephant lie down and spread her legs like a Burlesque dancer on Baltimore's "Block". :)

Elephant performing at the circus

It's called a "roll over".

Oh my goodness. Is PETA trying to portray this as elephant porn? I want to bazooka barf.

It's just a roll over. Aye carumba!
This is old news. I have long known PETA's hypocritical practices, which are more detrimental to animal welfare than a thousand poachers or dogfighters could ever be. In their zest for fundraising they cast a negative light on those of us who fight tooth and nail to champion the well being of the voiceless animals who are abused and neglected everyday. To the layman, people associate animal welfare advocates with PETA and this must end.

If you care about animals, truly care about them, then the best thing you can do is boycott PETA.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) distributed literature outside of the circus performance today in Baltimore urging that people never attend circuses that use animals. I'm no expert on animal ethics or circuses, but I did find it off putting to witness a large elephant lie down and spread her legs like a Burlesque dancer on Baltimore's "Block". :)

Elephant performing at the circus

It's called a "roll over".

Oh my goodness. Is PETA trying to portray this as elephant porn? I want to bazooka barf.

It's just a roll over. Aye carumba!

I took the picture myself at the Ringling Bros show in Baltimore. The image and its interpretation have no connection with the PETA organization. Speaking for myself, I did not pay $14.50, which was the cost of a half price ticket, to watch elephants roll about on the ground like that. It's not my idea of entertainment.

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