PETA killed more than 90% of the animals at shelter last year

Animals in the circus are generally treated very well. They also love to perform. An animal that doesn't love to perform is sent to a zoo someplace. They can be trained to perform, but if they don't love it, the performance will be wooden and lackluster. It won't generate any electricity in the crowd. The animal will go through the motions. Like any performer.

Did you not read my post above at all?
PETA is a scam like most organized groups. They are out for money and power and nothing more. Another feel good bunch of bullshit.
You are an old person. You don't understand children.
Children think it wonderous. Don't you get it?
The child sees this. Relates to this. Like I did as a child and I cared. I learned to care about a beast that lived in a jungle far far away.
I found the beast magnificent. As I did tigers and lions in the circus. I came to care. More than what a teacher can tell you.
They were there in front of me. I could smell them. I could almost touch them. I heard the tigers roar.I learned how special they were.

One circus moment. One day.

Yeah, the child sees them performing unnatural tricks in an unnatural environment. They have no perspective of the real creature, which is going extinct at an alarming rate. Circuses do nothing but exploit animals.

Better they be in the circus than killed for their ivory.
you do know it is natural for elephants to lie down, right?

It is not natural for them to lie down on command. It is not natural for them to live in cages and perform on concrete floors.

A child learns to care about them. A child learns to scream "NO" in ivory trade because one moment in time as a child they learned to love an elephant.

A child in the Americas learns to care. We must deal with the poachers rather than Ringling Brothers.

Kiss my ass over a circus.

When this goes down every day. Not kidding. Go fuck yourself and come back crying to me.

I champion members of certain animal rights groups who save these beasties.

Go screw yourself for being against circuses. Really truly take your pizza box and put it in the blue box and circle jerk to yourself.
PETA is the acronym for
Peta Eta Ta A

Say it 50 times fast...

Peta Eta Ta A
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) distributed literature outside of the circus performance today in Baltimore urging that people never attend circuses that use animals. I'm no expert on animal ethics or circuses, but I did find it off putting to witness a large elephant lie down and spread her legs like a Burlesque dancer on Baltimore's "Block". :)

Elephant performing at the circus

I'm no expert on elephant anatomy...

but if I hadda guess, I'd say that's not a female, but rather a neutered male...
I'm no expert on elephant anatomy...

but if I hadda guess, I'd say that's not a female, but rather a neutered male...

A) Elephants have the testes on the inside. Other mammals with the testes on the inside are rhinos and whales. It's not uncommon.

B) Bull elephants are notorious hard to work with and go rogue very easily. 99% of the elephants in circuses are female for this reason.

It's a female.

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