Pete Buttigieg Announces He And Husband Chasten Have Become Parents

You do not have a right to know shit and that would not make them racists. You don't even know if they had a choice at all. Now shut up.
There are many views on society and cultures from the past to now to the future. Some years a go a conservative writer wrote a book about history having 4 types of eras. I forgot the other two but we for the last couple centuries or so have been living in what he termed the age of "Intellectuals". That we were moving from that era to the next called the era of "Warriors". Notice how military are building up around the world. Notice the loss of rights to people around the world and especially the West. Security, Law Enforcement, Military, Federal Law agencies, Federal Spy Agencies and massive surveillance increases on the general populations here and abroad. We have updated licenses and identification for everything but voting and that is by design. We have to jump through more and more hoops to do things with the Covid Passport of some type next on the itinerary. The reason is that we must be softened up to be mallable to a more dystopian future.
Same to you. Unless you have something besides the white wing blogger that vomited this into your mouth, so that you could spit it out on this board, please show us. You don't, so go back to your usual daily whining like a little bitch.
I just saw the video. IDK what you mean by "white wing blogger" Doesnt even make sense but whatevs :dunno:
As usual, you have nothing. You just sit on your fat ass typing "you are wrong" blah blah blah. So fucking boring and predictable.
Good day, dumbfuck
IDK what you mean by "white wing blogger" Doesnt even make sense but whatevs
Well, if you are looking around and can't see the white wing, it's you.

So, let's review: You believe buttegieg was faking riding a bike to work. Obviously pretty stupid to assume, but okay. And now it's up to everyone else to "prove" it is wrong. Which, of course, could never happen, because that is not how your mind operates. You just want attention.
Derail the thread from what? That 2 gays have a kid? So what? I mean how many gay couples have had a kid exactly? So what does it matter there is now one more?

Let's all congratulate them for doing something a lot of others have already done! Hooray!
Really? You don't congratulate others for having a child. It is just an expression. Letting themm know that you are happy for them. Relax for Christ sake
Well, if you are looking around and can't see the white wing, it's you.

So, let's review: You believe buttegieg was faking riding a bike to work. Obviously pretty stupid to assume, but okay. And now it's up to everyone else to "prove" it is wrong. Which, of course, could never happen, because that is not how your mind operates. You just want attention.
You just said it was DEBUNKED. Now you say it cant be proven LOL
You are as fake as he is
Fuck off
If the mother of the child is white, then the men are racists.
That is fucking idiotic. You have know idea what the circumstances were. Maybe it is an adopted child who was abused by a white mother. Maybe it was a white surrogate who was willing to carry the child. Maybe women of other races were not available. There are many criteria for choosing and adoptive child or choosing a surrogate . You are just going out of your way to be obnoxious. I have a feeling that you would not adopt a minority child. So shut the fuck up, at least until ypu know more
The world's full of bad parents as well as good parents. What's worse, a mom and dad where dad beats the mom and the kids, or a same sex couple where both are loving parents and there are no beatings? I say the same sex couple will have better outcomes with the kids and society will be the better for it.
That is fucking idiotic. You have know idea what the circumstances were. Maybe it is an adopted child who was abused by a white mother. Maybe it was a white surrogate who was willing to carry the child. Maybe women of other races were not available. There are many criteria for choosing and adoptive child or choosing a surrogate . You are just going out of your way to be obnoxious. I have a feeling that you would not adopt a minority child. So shut the fuck up, at least until ypu know more

You seem pretty defensive. Why are you surprised Buttigieg is a racist? He's a DemoKKKrat, after all...

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