Peter Strzok public testimony: 10:00 am ET, Thursday, July 12, 2018

Strzok doesn't think he did anything wrong and that he was totally unbiased.

Only the stupid Moon Bats believe him.
If you libs have an ounce of the concept of right and wrong left in your body ......Don't will ruin your day....

Are you afraid of facts and truth? I'm not.

Yet he was caught lying, so what is his word worth?
FISA Court Memo - Christopher Steele lied to FBI- Was he Charged with a Crime?
I wonder if any Kremlin agents were even involved at this juncture. All we have is their word, which holds no water any more.
I know this might be hard to believe... but 100% of the time, an investigation doesn't start until some kind of intelligence information has been gathered to cause a need to start it. For Gowdy to argue that Strzok had no reason to think Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians because the investigation hadn't started yet is about as dumb as it could possibly be.

The Chairman of this hearing a is a joke.
The genesis of the investigation was a dossier authored by Kremlin agents that was purchased by Clinton and the DNC.
Steele confirmed he used Kremlin agents as his source in the Vanity article.
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A Congressman just asked if there is a Congressional rule against him releasing the transcripts of Strzok's behind doors testimony, and the Republican Chairman just said, "Because I said so."


That is some fucking funny shit.
Ya especially when Sheila Jackson lee said it would be subject to
Being classified
in other words if we don’t like it get out the magic marker
So let me ask the partisan Conservatives in this thread, if it is such a bad thing for Strzok to not like Trump yet be part of an investigation into Trump or Hillary, then why is it ok that guys like Nunes and Jim Jordan who want to kiss Trump's feet are leading House investigations looking into Trump and investigations into people involved in separate investigations into Trump?
It's not at all surprising that you neither recognize nor understand The Constitution.

You thinking I'm wrong is just an affirmation that I'm correct.

That did not discuss the conversation whatsoever, and given the fact you are wrong, I doubt you ever will. :abgg2q.jpg:

Here let me post this for you as a good deed. Feel free to say this site is biased.

""EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW"-These words, written above the main entrance to the Supreme Court Building, express the ultimate responsibility of the Supreme Court of the United States. The Court is the highest tribunal in the Nation for all cases and controversies arising under the Constitution or the laws of the United States. As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution."

The Court and Constitutional Interpretation - Supreme Court of the United States
:iyfyus.jpg:A Hillary supporter demanding equal justice just tickles the hell out of me.

You going to answer my bet or are you going to spend a bunch of time looking before answering?
I spent about 10mins looking at your posts.
So, you appear to be a Bernie Sanders fan.
You bought into Hillary's Russian Collusion scam hook, line, and sinker.
You don't seem to care a wit about Hillary getting away with Obstruction or Espionage, so my point is made. It doesn't matter a damn if you despise the bitch, you support everything she stands for. No difference here.
Your problem seems to be with Trump, and obviously you don't care about equal justice, so Nuff said.

Wrong. I've ALWAYS said I think Hillary was guilty... but my opinion doesn't matter because Gowdy and Congress has spent MILLIONS of dollars and lots of time trying to indict her for it and Benghazi not to do so.

I haven't bought into Hillary's Russian collusion scam. I have bought into the CIA, FBI, and ALL other government's agencies belief that Russia DID do it.

I was only a Bernie Supporter after the two Republican candidates I backed no longer had a chance to win. That was Jeb Bush first and John Kasich next.

You made a statement, I said you were wrong and proposed a bet. You were a coward and instead of supporting the statement YOU made, you went and researched FIRST before accepting the bet. You're a coward and now everyone knows. :abgg2q.jpg:
Fuck you, you cocksucker.
It doesn't matter. If you support all of the shit Hillary pumps out in her media then you're simply willfully ignorant.
I see no difference here.
In all honesty, Hillary is unlikable.
It doesn't matter if you like her and officially support her.
Shelia Jackson Lee is speaking now. The intellectual and moral powerhouse of the Democrat Party.

No wonder the Democrats lost 1,000 national offices Congress and the Presidency with dumber than a doorknob assholes, elected by inner city welfare queens, like her representing the party.
I couldn't see the name of the guy who really nailed Strzok for her lack of credibility due to the text messages. Was that John Ratcliffe?
Shelia Jackson Lee is speaking now. The intellectual and moral powerhouse of the Democrat Party.

No wonder the Democrats lost 1,000 national offices Congress and the Presidency with dumber than a doorknob assholes, elected by inner city welfare queens, like her representing the party.

It's great! Every time Sheila Jackson speaks, another Dem Walks Away.
That did not discuss the conversation whatsoever, and given the fact you are wrong, I doubt you ever will. :abgg2q.jpg:

Here let me post this for you as a good deed. Feel free to say this site is biased.

""EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW"-These words, written above the main entrance to the Supreme Court Building, express the ultimate responsibility of the Supreme Court of the United States. The Court is the highest tribunal in the Nation for all cases and controversies arising under the Constitution or the laws of the United States. As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution."

The Court and Constitutional Interpretation - Supreme Court of the United States
:iyfyus.jpg:A Hillary supporter demanding equal justice just tickles the hell out of me.

You going to answer my bet or are you going to spend a bunch of time looking before answering?
I spent about 10mins looking at your posts.
So, you appear to be a Bernie Sanders fan.
You bought into Hillary's Russian Collusion scam hook, line, and sinker.
You don't seem to care a wit about Hillary getting away with Obstruction or Espionage, so my point is made. It doesn't matter a damn if you despise the bitch, you support everything she stands for. No difference here.
Your problem seems to be with Trump, and obviously you don't care about equal justice, so Nuff said.

Wrong. I've ALWAYS said I think Hillary was guilty... but my opinion doesn't matter because Gowdy and Congress has spent MILLIONS of dollars and lots of time trying to indict her for it and Benghazi not to do so.

I haven't bought into Hillary's Russian collusion scam. I have bought into the CIA, FBI, and ALL other government's agencies belief that Russia DID do it.

I was only a Bernie Supporter after the two Republican candidates I backed no longer had a chance to win. That was Jeb Bush first and John Kasich next.

You made a statement, I said you were wrong and proposed a bet. You were a coward and instead of supporting the statement YOU made, you went and researched FIRST before accepting the bet. You're a coward and now everyone knows. :abgg2q.jpg:
Fuck you, you cocksucker.
It doesn't matter. If you support all of the shit Hillary pumps out in her media then you're simply willfully ignorant.
I see no difference here.
In all honesty, Hillary is unlikable.
It doesn't matter if you like her and officially support her.

Ha! You got busted for making a statement that is positively false, and when called on it, you double down. Just shows how little credibility and morality you have.

The people I support in politics is VERY simple. I base my support on three things:

#1. They are slightly leaning right moderates.
#2. They care about people
#3. They are as honest as possible for a politician

Once Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Bernie Sanders no longer had a chance, I didn't vote for either Hillary OR Trump.

I don't blindly support Trump because of the letter behind his name like many on this forum do. This thread shows quite clearly how blind tribalism makes people.

How can Steve Bannon refuse to answer questions under subpoena and NOT get threatened with contempt, but a guy that works for the FBI is told by a lawyer FOR THE FBI not to answer specific questions and he gets told he can't talk to or take the advice of the lawyer sent by the FBI with him, and he gets threatened with contempt by the Republican chairman.

Anyone that isn't blinded by tribalism would see just how wrong that is.
Robert Mueller did not need to hear Peter Strzok’s explanations. It was late July 2017, and the special counsel had summoned the F.B.I. counter-intelligence agent into his office. Mueller had recently become aware of text messages between Strzok—who was then one of the top investigators for Mueller’s probe of Russian meddling during the 2016 presidential campaign—and Lisa Page, an F.B.I. lawyer who was also assigned to Mueller’s staff. Some of the exchanges vividly bashed Donald Trump. And Strzok and Page weren’t just text buddies—they were having an extramarital affair.

Mueller swiftly delivered the news that Strzok was being removed from the Russia team. Strzok wanted to try to explain the context of the anti-Trump texts, but Mueller was not interested—not because he didn’t care whether Strzok’s political opinions might have biased the agent’s work, but because Mueller was fiercely determined to maintain both the investigation’s actual integrity and the appearance of its integrity. The existence of the texts was bad enough, no matter what was intended. Strzok, a highly respected 22-year F.B.I. veteran, left Mueller’s office headed for purgatory, a desk in the bureau’s human-resources department.

The Secret Game Behind Peter Strzok’s Public Hearing

More proof that Mueller is an extraordinarily honorable man.
Info from CNN I presume...

duh you are 1 of the 300 people still watching Anderson pooper
Shelia Jackson Lee is speaking now. The intellectual and moral powerhouse of the Democrat Party.

No wonder the Democrats lost 1,000 national offices Congress and the Presidency with dumber than a doorknob assholes, elected by inner city welfare queens, like her representing the party.
how come shelia didnt ask Stroke why Lisa Page is hiding from US Marshalls?

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