Petition to BAN any discussion of Child Porn

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Even Clayton gets it. The board may ban whomever or whatever it likes. Therefore, it is on THEM if they know that, say, a predator, is lurking around here and yet they knowingly allow said predator to continue to lurk around here despite objection. Glad to see that we are in agreement for once, Clay.

Secondly, it should be noted that a couple of the opponents of the call for the ban have admitted herein to being regular users of illegal drugs. Therefore, they have a greatly diminished credibility.

C'mon, mods, this should not be this difficult. You are not the government. You are not infringing upon somebody's rights to just knock them off, even for arbitrary reasons. Benzi is trying to be too diplomatic. I think that you ought to just execute a stealth, virtual hit job and terminate this person's account and block his IP number(s) so as to make it more difficult to log in again. You known that you can do this and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Get off your high horse and do what is right.
is this a witch hunt or does one have proof of this and who is this predator you advocate banning

And where are all these threads?

BTW, on at least two occasions, I have been accused of having an unnatural interest in child sexual abuse.
is this a witch hunt or does one have proof of this and who is this predator you advocate banning
Maybe if you would put down the fucking bong for two minutes then you would notice the perverse cancer traversing this board.
... who's with me?

What is there to discuss? It's disgusting, wrong, damaging, illegal, etc.

Should be a "bannable" topic....
When did anyone discuss child porn ?

I guess I did now ... take down the thread (if I get my way!) - not only porn but any child related sex offenses.
I asked that it be banned.
I never accused anyone of anything - someone else may have said that.

I give the mods more credit for being smart and not falling for your attempt to "trap" me bones.....
I asked that it be banned.
I never accused anyone of anything - someone else may have said that.

I give the mods more credit for being smart and not falling for your attempt to "trap" me bones.....

do you always have to be the rock? trapping you.....o my....why would i do that.....why would i expend my energy in that matter? why are you so fucking wacked?
I asked that it be banned.
I never accused anyone of anything - someone else may have said that.

I give the mods more credit for being smart and not falling for your attempt to "trap" me bones.....

do you always have to be the rock? trapping you.....o my....why would i do that.....why would i expend my energy in that matter? why are you so fucking wacked?

chill... I just misread your post. excuse the hell out of me....
i was talking about hold up on closing the thread....nothing wrong with the thread and watching suicide by mod can be interesting......i am rather shocked iron has said these things and now wont back them up
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