Petraeus Scandal Could Bring Obama Down

I never made any declarations about the elections, but don't let that stop you from lying or addressing the comment that I made here. ;)

I think the polls are fine as well, they've shown Romney overtaking Obama for the last several weeks, and the trend will continue. I just don't think they're accurately reflecting how much he is pulling ahead. :cool:

0-3 there sparky.

The topic was the polls, dipshit, not who would win the election. I never predicted a Romney win and you can't find a post where I did. I know there are plenty of stupid people like you out there who will vote for socialism not understanding the consequences, and I didn't expect any of you to get any smarter prior to the election. ;) So, it actually turned out exactly as I thought it would. I understand that all you have is lies, but seriously dude, you would think you could stumble over the truth every once in a while. :lol:

I predicted Romney would win.....I was wrong. I should have known a Moderate RINO wouldn't win.
The Petreaus scandal was manufactured so that he could avoid giving testimony about Benghazi.

Hey, that's okay, Pat Robertson is good with it:

“She is an extremely good-looking woman,” Robertson said of Broadwell. “She is marathon runner, she’d run Iron Man triathlons, and so she’s out running with him, and she’s writing a biography. And I think the term is propinquity. And there was a lot of propinquity going on.”

He then offered up this potential reasoning for Petraeus’ affair: “The man’s off in a foreign land and he’s lonely and here’s a good-looking lady throwing herself at him. He’s a man".

Pat Robertson Justifies Petraeus Affair: ‘Here



Guess that puts him the same cateogory as Bill Clinton, huh? :lol:
You don't know that. Why don't you just wait and see what really happened?? Or are you just too anxious to see the president go down to be fair??

Obama is NOT cleaning house? The Secretary of State is GONE, The press secretary is GONE and the Secretary of the Treasury is gone. So is the secretary of defense. Gone!
What stable administration fires multiple Cabinet members if everything is running smoothly?
"You don't know that!!!!!" Stop whining.

Whining??? There was nothing even close to whining in my post, you friggin' lunatic!!!

Really?? Whom did he fire??
When someone on an internet message board bleats out "you don't know that" and yammers on about "fair"..they are whining.
You in fact are one of the biggest whiners on here. you complain about everything.
Just go take the "black pill".
The Petreaus scandal was manufactured so that he could avoid giving testimony about Benghazi.

And as a sideshow to distract. Amazing how the MSM completely ignored the Benghazi attack and four Americans dying, then the administration subsequently lying about it for weeks aferwards, but now a sex scandel is ultra important.
Yes ,you are..
This scandal and the Benghazi fuck up, go all the way to the top.
Obama cannot hide from this. Why do you think he's cleaning house?

You don't know that. Why don't you just wait and see what really happened?? Or are you just too anxious to see the president go down to be fair??

Obama is NOT cleaning house? The Secretary of State is GONE, The press secretary is GONE and the Secretary of the Treasury is gone. So is the secretary of defense. Gone!What stable administration fires multiple Cabinet members if everything is running smoothly?
"You don't know that!!!!!" Stop whining.

That alone would have caused massive headlines under a Bush administration, yet not a peep in the news, just a small sideline.. the hypocrisy it at full steam now, and they know they don't even have to excuse it, they can just do what they want and get away with it since they own the media.

The plot thickens. Here we have a couple of manipulative, genital driven social climber women. Both married with kids who cannot keep their clothes on around men who are not their husbands.
Broadwell is simply an arrogant individual impressed by her own self created status.
She was unable to honor her vows. She has embarrassed her husband, children and family with her teenaged slut behavior.
This Kelley woman was obviously sniffing around gen Petreus. Otherwise why would Broadwell send her threatening emails warning Kelley to "stay away from him".
This Kelley woman is a bored housewife of a surgeon and a name dropping social climber.
Come to find out her and her husband, too busy to notice that his wife is whoring around, are flat broke. Their real estate holdings crushed in value. Their one million dollar mansion in foreclosure.
Apparently Kelley was attempting black mail of someone.
That phone call about her alleged diplomatic status? Too funny. She got that license plate as "honorary consul" most likely in a not so honorable way. Probably a little you know what in places where you don't want to know about.
This stuff may have reached the highest levels of this administration. And that is tragic.
All of these people involved in this shit should lose their jobs and status.
We cannot accept this type of behavior from our leadership
Shame on those two generals. They know the rules. They broke them. The two hussies will probably get away with their indiscretions. Their husbands and families will forgive their "mistakes"( don't all liberals do this)and life will go on.
The Petreaus scandal was manufactured so that he could avoid giving testimony about Benghazi.

This is just crazy. This entire administration is so fucking corrupt.
If I were the President, I would get out in front of this. Instead, Obama is silent.
Perhaps it is just his way of handling the issue. Perhaps he is doing the internal stuff first?
The benefit of the doubt says yes. That is my conclusion.
However, eventually Obama will be REQUIRED to give a full accounting to the American people.
Unfortunately, it will some dull prepared statement. A speech where Obama will be very careful to say all the right things so his political base can sleep well at night.
And of course in keeping with the pattern, Obama will answer no questions from the media about any of this.
Obama is NOT cleaning house? The Secretary of State is GONE, The press secretary is GONE and the Secretary of the Treasury is gone. So is the secretary of defense. Gone!
What stable administration fires multiple Cabinet members if everything is running smoothly?
"You don't know that!!!!!" Stop whining.

Whining??? There was nothing even close to whining in my post, you friggin' lunatic!!!

Really?? Whom did he fire??

Hey Dumbo, learn the proper usage of a word before you make a bigger ass of yourself.

I'd match my smarts to yours any day of the week, you idiot. Why don't you answer the question instead of making dumb remarks?? Because you have no answer?? That's par for the course for you.
Obama is NOT cleaning house? The Secretary of State is GONE, The press secretary is GONE and the Secretary of the Treasury is gone. So is the secretary of defense. Gone!
What stable administration fires multiple Cabinet members if everything is running smoothly?
"You don't know that!!!!!" Stop whining.

Whining??? There was nothing even close to whining in my post, you friggin' lunatic!!!

Really?? Whom did he fire??
When someone on an internet message board bleats out "you don't know that" and yammers on about "fair"..they are whining.
You in fact are one of the biggest whiners on here. you complain about everything.
Just go take the "black pill".

Oh, I see. Do you think that's going to shut me up?? It won't. I couldn't care less about your ridiculous definiton of whining, fair, or complaining. You haven't enough sense to come in out of the rain. You probably sat and listened to Fox News and thought your side had won the election. If anyone needs pills, it's you.

Why don't you answer the question, genius?? Since you know so much, tell us the names of cabinet members that were fired.
Millions still do.

No, they do not.
Just because you and your Obama-worshiping ilk don't care to talk about Benghazi doesn't mean millions of sensible, patriotic Americans that believe our President should have balls instead of appeasing radical Muslims follow blindly. Obama is unfit to be our President. Millions and millions of Americans KNOW IT!

You may have missed it.
We had an election.
Your guy lost.
I never made any declarations about the elections, but don't let that stop you from lying or addressing the comment that I made here. ;)

I think the polls are fine as well, they've shown Romney overtaking Obama for the last several weeks, and the trend will continue. I just don't think they're accurately reflecting how much he is pulling ahead. :cool:

0-3 there sparky.

The topic was the polls, dipshit, not who would win the election. I never predicted a Romney win and you can't find a post where I did. I know there are plenty of stupid people like you out there who will vote for socialism not understanding the consequences, and I didn't expect any of you to get any smarter prior to the election. ;) So, it actually turned out exactly as I thought it would. I understand that all you have is lies, but seriously dude, you would think you could stumble over the truth every once in a while. :lol:

I never made any declarations about the elections, but don't let that stop you from lying or addressing the comment that I made here. ;)

I think the polls are fine as well, they've shown Romney overtaking Obama for the last several weeks, and the trend will continue. I just don't think they're accurately reflecting how much he is pulling ahead. :cool:

0-3 there sparky.

Wait for the spin....

Can't say Ravi didn't warn me.

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The more the sex-scandal unfurls, the dumber the Republicans here look for proclaiming it was a vast conspiracy about ... something.

The real problem with Petraus was how he went all-out in turning the CIA into another branch of the military, one which can operate without any of the constraints under which the regular military operates. No one wants to talk about that. And if I were conspiracy driven, I could say the sex scandal was manufactured to divert attention from that ...
0-3 there sparky.

The topic was the polls, dipshit, not who would win the election. I never predicted a Romney win and you can't find a post where I did. I know there are plenty of stupid people like you out there who will vote for socialism not understanding the consequences, and I didn't expect any of you to get any smarter prior to the election. ;) So, it actually turned out exactly as I thought it would. I understand that all you have is lies, but seriously dude, you would think you could stumble over the truth every once in a while. :lol:

0-3 there sparky.

Wait for the spin....

Can't say Ravi didn't warn me.


Need someone else to fight your fights for you asswipe? :lol: Show my post where I said Romney would win.
The more the sex-scandal unfurls, the dumber the Republicans here look for proclaiming it was a vast conspiracy about ... something.

The real problem with Petraus was how he went all-out in turning the CIA into another branch of the military, one which can operate without any of the constraints under which the regular military operates. No one wants to talk about that. And if I were conspiracy driven, I could say the sex scandal was manufactured to divert attention from that ...

given that they got their butts kicked...and still haven't a clue as to why, they're flailing and need to fauxrage about something...


that's what the wacko's do.

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