Pew: 91% of Democrats see violence coming!

Democrats have no problem with their scum beating people up. They must be afraid of self defense.

Hmmmm, funny the only folks who ever talk about violence are right wing, racist on these threads.

Funny how they're talking about left wing violence that has already occurred and will happen again, but you whining losers can't stand for your thuggery to be discussed. Now go put on your pig killer socks and kneel in the corner.

The right has been killing since this country as founded, just today you use the police instead of riding with sheets on.

Let's not forget it was the Democrats who were dressed in those sheets.

We also can't forget it is TODAY'S Republicans who have the same mindset as those who dressed in those sheets.
Right wingers: Look at my meme that says the left is violent

Left wingers: Look at statistics, studies, evidence, and reality that right wingers are violent.

Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2018

EVERY SINGLE 2018 EXTREMEST DEATH was at the hands (or car) of a right winger.

Just ignore the hate crimes, and the murders of millions upon millions of babies, just to name two categories of left wing violence. In other words, your sicko butcheries are supposed to be ignored, because left wingers say so.
Democrats have no problem with their scum beating people up. They must be afraid of self defense.

Hmmmm, funny the only folks who ever talk about violence are right wing, racist on these threads.

Funny how they're talking about left wing violence that has already occurred and will happen again, but you whining losers can't stand for your thuggery to be discussed. Now go put on your pig killer socks and kneel in the corner.

The right has been killing since this country as founded, just today you use the police instead of riding with sheets on.

Let's not forget it was the Democrats who were dressed in those sheets.
The southern racists used to be Democrats but switched sides and are now Republicans. Research the “Southern Strategy”. I know righties don’t care for Universities but the do teach stuff you can learn. I’ll make it easy.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

lol @ 'Southern Strategy' rubbish. Waht the younger people might not know is that the 'Civil Rights' legislation was only targeted a few southern states; that was the only way those Acts could be passed by Congress; It wasn't until Nixon that they were expanded to include the rest of the U.S> states, when they came up for sunset reviews. Harlem voting numbers were about the same as Mississippi's before the Acts, that's because New York had literacy tests, so did California and many other states, not to mention most northern schools were even more segregated than southern schools by 1970, hence the busing riots in such 'enlightened progressive states' like Massachusetts. lol the 'Southern Strategy' is a myth invented by the Camelot liberals to peddle to clueless dumbasses; nothing in Nixon's 'strategies' had much appeal either way to southerners, and especially hated by the racist yankees and gated community white liberals. Nixon desegregated the Northeast and California, and he is hated to this day for it.
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While my preference would be for both sides to honor the Constitution and ALL of its Amendments, if the left wins at some point in the future, I believe that there should be a peaceful transition. That said, if the left seriously intends to dismantle elements of the Constitution (i.e., freedom of speech, right to bear arms via the 2nd Amendment) then I believe that civil armed conflict is justified. While it's doubtful to occur, should an actual armed Civil War occur (I would not fire the first shot ) and as I'm a strong believer in that 2nd Amendment, I would see no recourse but to target leftist politicians and their families, again, only if an actual Civil War were to become a reality.
If the Socialist/Communist politicians mandate that all firearms owners turn over their firearms or face prosecution, there too would I be justified in standing my ground and only give the Socialist/Communist supporting law enforcement the business end of my weapons.
Peace first, but war when all else fails.
Hmmmm, funny the only folks who ever talk about violence are right wing, racist on these threads.

Funny how they're talking about left wing violence that has already occurred and will happen again, but you whining losers can't stand for your thuggery to be discussed. Now go put on your pig killer socks and kneel in the corner.

The right has been killing since this country as founded, just today you use the police instead of riding with sheets on.

Let's not forget it was the Democrats who were dressed in those sheets.
The southern racists used to be Democrats but switched sides and are now Republicans. Research the “Southern Strategy”. I know righties don’t care for Universities but the do teach stuff you can learn. I’ll make it easy.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

lol @ 'Southern Strategy' rubbish. Waht the younger people might not know is that the 'Civil Rights' legislation was only targeted a few southern states; that was the only way those Acts could be passed by Congress; It wasn't until Nixon that they were expanded to include the rest of the U.S> states, when they came up for sunset reviews. Harlem voting numbers were about the same as Mississippi's before the Acts, that's because New York had literacy tests, so did California and many other states, not to mention most northern schools were even more segregated than southern schools by 1970, hence the busing riots in such 'enlightened progressive states' like Massachusetts. lol the 'Southern Strategy' is a myth invented by the Camelot liberals to peddle to clueless dumbasses; nothing in Nixon's 'strategies' had much appeal either way to southerners, and especially hated by the racist yankees and gated community white liberals. Nixon desegregated the Northeast and California, and he is hated to this day for it.

Wrong. Here is a rebuttal of your claim that Candice Owens tried to push too. Hopefully you older people know how to read a screen.
Candace Owens wrong about Southern strategy
In 1969, Nixon White House aide Lamar Alexander, who now represents Tennessee in the U.S. Senate, wrote about the Southern strategy in a memo following the unsuccessful Supreme Court nomination of Clement Haynsworth, who was opposed by civil rights groups.

"SOUTHERN STRATEGY — we flat out invited the kind of political battle that ultimately erupted when we named a Democrat-turned-Republican conservative from South Carolina. This confirmed the Southern strategy just at a time when it was being nationally debated," Alexander wrote.

Nixon strategist Kevin Phillips openly discussed the Southern strategy in a newspaper article in 1973:

"If the New Washington liberal crowd could tear themselves away from Watergate ecstasy and the lionizing of Daniel Ellsberg for a little look-see below the Mason-Dixon line, they might glean a useful political insight, namely that the GOP 'Southern Strategy' seems to be rolling along — and rolling up local victories — just as if G. Gordon Liddy had never existed." (Ellsberg released the Pentagon papers in 1971 while Liddy was an FBI agent convicted of illegal wiretapping.)
Funny how they're talking about left wing violence that has already occurred and will happen again, but you whining losers can't stand for your thuggery to be discussed. Now go put on your pig killer socks and kneel in the corner.

The right has been killing since this country as founded, just today you use the police instead of riding with sheets on.

Let's not forget it was the Democrats who were dressed in those sheets.
The southern racists used to be Democrats but switched sides and are now Republicans. Research the “Southern Strategy”. I know righties don’t care for Universities but the do teach stuff you can learn. I’ll make it easy.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

lol @ 'Southern Strategy' rubbish. Waht the younger people might not know is that the 'Civil Rights' legislation was only targeted a few southern states; that was the only way those Acts could be passed by Congress; It wasn't until Nixon that they were expanded to include the rest of the U.S> states, when they came up for sunset reviews. Harlem voting numbers were about the same as Mississippi's before the Acts, that's because New York had literacy tests, so did California and many other states, not to mention most northern schools were even more segregated than southern schools by 1970, hence the busing riots in such 'enlightened progressive states' like Massachusetts. lol the 'Southern Strategy' is a myth invented by the Camelot liberals to peddle to clueless dumbasses; nothing in Nixon's 'strategies' had much appeal either way to southerners, and especially hated by the racist yankees and gated community white liberals. Nixon desegregated the Northeast and California, and he is hated to this day for it.

Wrong. Here is a rebuttal of your claim that Candice Owens tried to push too. Hopefully you older people know how to read a screen.
Candace Owens wrong about Southern strategy
In 1969, Nixon White House aide Lamar Alexander, who now represents Tennessee in the U.S. Senate, wrote about the Southern strategy in a memo following the unsuccessful Supreme Court nomination of Clement Haynsworth, who was opposed by civil rights groups.

"SOUTHERN STRATEGY — we flat out invited the kind of political battle that ultimately erupted when we named a Democrat-turned-Republican conservative from South Carolina. This confirmed the Southern strategy just at a time when it was being nationally debated," Alexander wrote.

Nixon strategist Kevin Phillips openly discussed the Southern strategy in a newspaper article in 1973:

"If the New Washington liberal crowd could tear themselves away from Watergate ecstasy and the lionizing of Daniel Ellsberg for a little look-see below the Mason-Dixon line, they might glean a useful political insight, namely that the GOP 'Southern Strategy' seems to be rolling along — and rolling up local victories — just as if G. Gordon Liddy had never existed." (Ellsberg released the Pentagon papers in 1971 while Liddy was an FBI agent convicted of illegal wiretapping.)

Wrong. Let's hope you younger people were taught to read, and not socially promoted like your parents and grandparents largely were, so they can get themselves a copy of Hugh Davis Graham's The Civil Rights Era, which covers the whole era from its start up to Nixon's Presidency. Nixon was famous for not having a consistent domestic policy at all, he was far more interested in foreign policy and domestic policy was a nuisance to him, which is why his was so inconsistent, for one.

The 'Southern Strategy' is a joke only the media thinks existed in real life; Nixon pretty much pandered to black radicals and gave them whatever they wanted, from quotas to the 'War On Drugs' black pols now deny they insisted on emphatically at the time, to fight the heroin plague then raging in black Hoods, all of which would of course be a stupid thing to do if he was courting Da Ebul White Rayciss In Da South as some sort of 'strategy'.

You also have to pretend George Wallace wasn't still very much alive at the time. Nixon remained aloof from the battles among his staff and hired help; memos between staffers to each other or to Nixon don't mean a thing; he only saw what Ehrlichman and one or two others allowed him to see, and even at that Patrick Moynihan was probably the most influential 'outsider' and he was also the main enemy of guess who in competing for Nixon's attention?

Graham is the best single writer on the entire era and the consequences of all the myriad bureaucratic decisions, good and bad, made from the establishment of the original committees sand chairs on through the Congressional votes and who did what and why.

Bio: Hugh Davis Graham (1937-2002) | Perspectives on History | AHA

Book review at Commentary: The Civil Rights Era, by Hugh Davis Graham - Commentary

Another review, with a different perspective: Hugh Murray review of Graham "The Civil Rights Era"

I have a lot of disagreements with the conclusions drawn in the last one, but posted it anyway, because at least he doesn't make up his own facts.

And of course the book is cheap these days, and much better than web page synopses.
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Democrats have no problem with their scum beating people up. They must be afraid of self defense.

Hmmmm, funny the only folks who ever talk about violence are right wing, racist on these threads.

Funny how they're talking about left wing violence that has already occurred and will happen again, but you whining losers can't stand for your thuggery to be discussed. Now go put on your pig killer socks and kneel in the corner.

The right has been killing since this country as founded, just today you use the police instead of riding with sheets on.

Let's not forget it was the Democrats who were dressed in those sheets.
The southern racists used to be Democrats but switched sides and are now Republicans. Research the “Southern Strategy”. I know righties don’t care for Universities but the do teach stuff you can learn. I’ll make it easy.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

You are a lying idiot. Other than Strom Thurmond, who gave up his racist ways, name one racist Democrat who switched to the Republican Party.
Democrats have no problem with their scum beating people up. They must be afraid of self defense.

Hmmmm, funny the only folks who ever talk about violence are right wing, racist on these threads.

Funny how they're talking about left wing violence that has already occurred and will happen again, but you whining losers can't stand for your thuggery to be discussed. Now go put on your pig killer socks and kneel in the corner.

The right has been killing since this country as founded, just today you use the police instead of riding with sheets on.

Let's not forget it was the Democrats who were dressed in those sheets.

We also can't forget it is TODAY'S Republicans who have the same mindset as those who dressed in those sheets.

I know you believe that, but when you paint with such a broad brush, you turn yourself into a propaganda machine.
Funny how they're talking about left wing violence that has already occurred and will happen again, but you whining losers can't stand for your thuggery to be discussed. Now go put on your pig killer socks and kneel in the corner.

The right has been killing since this country as founded, just today you use the police instead of riding with sheets on.

Let's not forget it was the Democrats who were dressed in those sheets.
The southern racists used to be Democrats but switched sides and are now Republicans. Research the “Southern Strategy”. I know righties don’t care for Universities but the do teach stuff you can learn. I’ll make it easy.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

lol @ 'Southern Strategy' rubbish. Waht the younger people might not know is that the 'Civil Rights' legislation was only targeted a few southern states; that was the only way those Acts could be passed by Congress; It wasn't until Nixon that they were expanded to include the rest of the U.S> states, when they came up for sunset reviews. Harlem voting numbers were about the same as Mississippi's before the Acts, that's because New York had literacy tests, so did California and many other states, not to mention most northern schools were even more segregated than southern schools by 1970, hence the busing riots in such 'enlightened progressive states' like Massachusetts. lol the 'Southern Strategy' is a myth invented by the Camelot liberals to peddle to clueless dumbasses; nothing in Nixon's 'strategies' had much appeal either way to southerners, and especially hated by the racist yankees and gated community white liberals. Nixon desegregated the Northeast and California, and he is hated to this day for it.

Wrong. Here is a rebuttal of your claim that Candice Owens tried to push too. Hopefully you older people know how to read a screen.
Candace Owens wrong about Southern strategy
In 1969, Nixon White House aide Lamar Alexander, who now represents Tennessee in the U.S. Senate, wrote about the Southern strategy in a memo following the unsuccessful Supreme Court nomination of Clement Haynsworth, who was opposed by civil rights groups.

"SOUTHERN STRATEGY — we flat out invited the kind of political battle that ultimately erupted when we named a Democrat-turned-Republican conservative from South Carolina. This confirmed the Southern strategy just at a time when it was being nationally debated," Alexander wrote.

Nixon strategist Kevin Phillips openly discussed the Southern strategy in a newspaper article in 1973:

"If the New Washington liberal crowd could tear themselves away from Watergate ecstasy and the lionizing of Daniel Ellsberg for a little look-see below the Mason-Dixon line, they might glean a useful political insight, namely that the GOP 'Southern Strategy' seems to be rolling along — and rolling up local victories — just as if G. Gordon Liddy had never existed." (Ellsberg released the Pentagon papers in 1971 while Liddy was an FBI agent convicted of illegal wiretapping.)

Man, you guys are stuck on the myth of the Southern Strategy. But, Nixon didn't push racism, but embraced the more suburban values of law and order and de facto segregation in opposition to busing to overcome McGovern's liberalism.

The myth of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’

Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?

Was the Southern Strategy Effective? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Klan never endorsed Strom Thurmond, and he certainly wasn't popular with them.

The Legacy of Strom Thurmond

Still, black South Carolinians were initially optimistic about Thurmond, who began his career as a Democrat. As a South Carolina state senator in 1938, despite the Tillman influence, he publicly opposed lynching and declared that the Ku Klux Klan stood for “the most abominable type of lawlessness.” Thurmond called himself a “progressive” and upon election to governor in 1946 he declared, “We need a progressive outlook, a progressive program, a progressive leadership.” He spoke of improving black schools, revising the Tillman Constitution of 1895 and abolishing the Tillman” poll tax that was used to keep blacks from voting. He supported “equal right for women in every respect,” saying, “women should serve on boards, commissions, and other positions of importance in the state government.” He also called for “equal pay for equal work for women.”

At his inaugural Thurmond said, “more attention should be given to Negro education. The low standing of South Carolina educationally is due primarily to the high illiteracy and lack of education among our Negroes. If we provide better educational facilities for them, not only will much be accomplished in human values, but we shall raise our per capita income as well as the educational standing of the state.” But Thurmond was not calling for an end to segregation, he was hoping for a new and improved “separate but equal.” It would take the federal courts to strike down “separate but equal” and to force desegregation, or “integration”, as the Thurmond forces would define it."

The Klan was as or more popular in the Midwest and states like California and New York than in many southern states, despite the fake Hollywood versions of 'history' according to the movies.
Hmmmm, funny the only folks who ever talk about violence are right wing, racist on these threads.

Funny how they're talking about left wing violence that has already occurred and will happen again, but you whining losers can't stand for your thuggery to be discussed. Now go put on your pig killer socks and kneel in the corner.

The right has been killing since this country as founded, just today you use the police instead of riding with sheets on.

Let's not forget it was the Democrats who were dressed in those sheets.
The southern racists used to be Democrats but switched sides and are now Republicans. Research the “Southern Strategy”. I know righties don’t care for Universities but the do teach stuff you can learn. I’ll make it easy.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

You are a lying idiot. Other than Strom Thurmond, who gave up his racist ways, name one racist Democrat who switched to the Republican Party.

Are you really that damn dumb gave up his racist ways my ass, Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott, Jesse Helms just to name a few.
Hmmmm, funny the only folks who ever talk about violence are right wing, racist on these threads.

Funny how they're talking about left wing violence that has already occurred and will happen again, but you whining losers can't stand for your thuggery to be discussed. Now go put on your pig killer socks and kneel in the corner.

The right has been killing since this country as founded, just today you use the police instead of riding with sheets on.

Let's not forget it was the Democrats who were dressed in those sheets.

We also can't forget it is TODAY'S Republicans who have the same mindset as those who dressed in those sheets.

I know you believe that, but when you paint with such a broad brush, you turn yourself into a propaganda machine.

Your right, let me rephrase. Republican Trump Humpers have the same mindset as the sheet wearers.
"Violence" is yet another democrat codeword for rape.

Derived from the French:

«le viol» = rape, sexual assault
«violer» = to rape or "violate" a woman
Funny how they're talking about left wing violence that has already occurred and will happen again, but you whining losers can't stand for your thuggery to be discussed. Now go put on your pig killer socks and kneel in the corner.

The right has been killing since this country as founded, just today you use the police instead of riding with sheets on.

Let's not forget it was the Democrats who were dressed in those sheets.
The southern racists used to be Democrats but switched sides and are now Republicans. Research the “Southern Strategy”. I know righties don’t care for Universities but the do teach stuff you can learn. I’ll make it easy.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

You are a lying idiot. Other than Strom Thurmond, who gave up his racist ways, name one racist Democrat who switched to the Republican Party.

Are you really that damn dumb gave up his racist ways my ass, Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott, Jesse Helms just to name a few.

You fail. Trent Lott and Jesse Helms were conservatives who felt that as the Democrats became more liberal, Conservatives like them needed to switch Parties. I'm kind of sad that you are so stupid that you don't know that. I know that the racist pigs you follow tried to cast them as racist, but their opposition was to liberalism. Too bad you don't have the mental acuity to understand that for yourself.
Funny how they're talking about left wing violence that has already occurred and will happen again, but you whining losers can't stand for your thuggery to be discussed. Now go put on your pig killer socks and kneel in the corner.

The right has been killing since this country as founded, just today you use the police instead of riding with sheets on.

Let's not forget it was the Democrats who were dressed in those sheets.

We also can't forget it is TODAY'S Republicans who have the same mindset as those who dressed in those sheets.

I know you believe that, but when you paint with such a broad brush, you turn yourself into a propaganda machine.

Your right, let me rephrase. Republican Trump Humpers have the same mindset as the sheet wearers.

I'm not going to reap the low hanging fruit of Your and You're, but I will say that if you think that Trump supporters have the same mindset as the Democrats who joined the KKK, I disagree.
The right has been killing since this country as founded, just today you use the police instead of riding with sheets on.

Let's not forget it was the Democrats who were dressed in those sheets.
The southern racists used to be Democrats but switched sides and are now Republicans. Research the “Southern Strategy”. I know righties don’t care for Universities but the do teach stuff you can learn. I’ll make it easy.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

You are a lying idiot. Other than Strom Thurmond, who gave up his racist ways, name one racist Democrat who switched to the Republican Party.

Are you really that damn dumb gave up his racist ways my ass, Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott, Jesse Helms just to name a few.

You fail. Trent Lott and Jesse Helms were conservatives who felt that as the Democrats became more liberal, Conservatives like them needed to switch Parties. I'm kind of sad that you are so stupid that you don't know that. I know that the racist pigs you follow tried to cast them as racist, but their opposition was to liberalism. Too bad you don't have the mental acuity to understand that for yourself.

Why did Trent Lott leave the Senate?

I am from NC dumbass and Jesse Helms was nothing but a racist.

Talk about stuck on stupid.

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