Pfizer "Covid Pill" statistics is horseshit


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Nonsense... "decreases hospitalization and death by over 90%."

A play on numbers, that of course, the media jumps on.

They only tested 300 people.
With a virus with such a very low morbidity rate, and very low severe rate - 300 will tell you exactly nothing.
Big Pharma would like nothing more than to be able to push experimental drugs into the market with limited to no real testing.
And here we have the media - putting this out as "good news" - "promising"

FFS - this is a money play by Pfizer. 300 people??? That is a joke.
I agree that is a pathetically small sample size, but anything that gets us off the vaccine train to Hell is a good thing.
That is just as bad.
This is all about Pfizer and other Big Pharma trying to get around testing to just push experimental drugs right out to the public.
If it goes bad - they are protected under "emergency" acts designed to do just that.
And you just watch what happens. The left will jump right on the corporate train (after they invest in Pfizer of course) and pass an emergency statute to push the pill out by the billions without proper testing
That is just as bad.
This is all about Pfizer and other Big Pharma trying to get around testing to just push experimental drugs right out to the public.
If it goes bad - they are protected under "emergency" acts designed to do just that.
And you just watch what happens. The left will jump right on the corporate train (after they invest in Pfizer of course) and pass an emergency statute to push the pill out by the billions without proper testing

Will there ever be a solution that will make you happy?
Will there ever be a solution that will make you happy?
This may be it. It may be the perfect solution. After t is properly tested.
Throwing pills against the wall and see what sticks so Pharma and investors can make $billions using us as guinea pigs is not it.
There is a VERY sound reason why proper testing is done.
Nonsense... "decreases hospitalization and death by over 90%."

A play on numbers, that of course, the media jumps on.

They only tested 300 people.
With a virus with such a very low morbidity rate, and very low severe rate - 300 will tell you exactly nothing.
Big Pharma would like nothing more than to be able to push experimental drugs into the market with limited to no real testing.
And here we have the media - putting this out as "good news" - "promising"

FFS - this is a money play by Pfizer. 300 people??? That is a joke.
The following article hints at this as well about not jumping too quickly comparing the results of Pfizer‘s 89% reduction claim versus a 50% reduction claim by Merck. Merck’s anti-viral is ahead of Pfizer’s in approval status.

I’ll consider Merck’s factual until further data are released. The main reason I trust Merck’s data (at least with respect to this coronavirus) is the fact that their own testing to go for a vaccine for SARS2 was determined to be futile so they chose not to produce one.

While the Pfizer pill showed an 89% reduction in hospitalization or death in high-risk Covid-19-infected individuals, and Merck’s showed a 50% reduction, “we can’t yet compare the two until the risk profile of the patients is clearer,” according to Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Sam Fazeli.

Similar words stand out from a similar statement made here:

“Merck said 12% of patients receiving its drug and 11% of placebo patients experienced drug-related adverse events.

“Drugs in the same class as Merck's pill have been linked to birth defects in animal studies. Merck has said similar studies of its drug - for longer and at higher doses than used in humans - show that it does not cause birth defects or cancer.”

“Trial figures provided by the two companies suggest that Pfizer has the more effective pill,”….with 20% side effects from small size study (less than half the study size compared to Merck’s).

But consumers don’t fret! Scientists are fervently working on a coronavirus pill that will kill all coronaviruses of all time including those in the future! They’ve already given a nickname: the dream vaccine.
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Molnupiravir’s chemistry began in 1973 Siberia with mutagenesis experiments on E. coli.

Molnupiravir may be mutagenic in mammalian cells.
Aug 2021

Jun 2021 PF-07321332
So there is a major problem: public medical information does not equate to the info big Pharma keeps hidden from the public. Should, at least, part of the reason for lack of transparency fall on media orgs for their lack of investigative reporting? I think so.

Check this out: NIH has been around this same block at least 2 times before now, with CDC changing definitions to boot. Either NIH grantees knowingly exceeded risk factor in the quest for knowledge or NIH knew and claims ignorance- yet again.

NIH removes all funding for these teams of scientists risking lives. Is this due to the fact it came to the public spotlight or did they truly just access old facts that they never realized? Lol Sure.

“A debate over whether the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded unacceptably risky virus research in China has cast a spotlight on federal funding of what are known as gain-of-function (GOF) virology experiments. But ScienceInsider has learned that the only GOF experiments the United States approved and funded under a 2017 policy—two influenza studies that kicked off controversy over GOF research 10 years ago—have ended.”

“The previously unreported development emerged quietly over the past few weeks after NIH scrubbed its website of most mentions of the words “gain of function” and the initialism “GOF,” which describe experiments that tweak pathogens to make them more infectious or transmissible. NIH says it undertook the revisions because the terms have been “misused” and are confusing. In part, the terms could lead to confusion because federal rules adopted in 2017 require only a subset of GOF studies—those involving “enhanced potential pandemic pathogens” (ePPPs)—to go through special safety and risk reviews. To meet the ePPP definition, federal officials must conclude a proposed experiment might make more dangerous a pathogen believed to have the potential to cause a pandemic.”

Nonsense... "decreases hospitalization and death by over 90%."

A play on numbers, that of course, the media jumps on.

They only tested 300 people.
With a virus with such a very low morbidity rate, and very low severe rate - 300 will tell you exactly nothing.
Big Pharma would like nothing more than to be able to push experimental drugs into the market with limited to no real testing.
And here we have the media - putting this out as "good news" - "promising"

FFS - this is a money play by Pfizer. 300 people??? That is a joke.

It's Pfizermectin, which is crooked and nasty of them, but I would much rather take a handful of pills than inject myself with God only knows what. If I don't like the way I react on them, I AM IN CONTROL and I can stop taking them.

Plus, I think these pills kill the mandates, which is why they were released now. Biden & co are desperate for an exit off the mandate train after VA, yes, even after they released the OSHA fiasco. This is it.

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