Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax all have brewed new supplies.

I have yet to see a single study, report or piece of research done on behalf of the shots that used any respectable data collection method.
Like I said above the data collection is a hilarious joke that was most likely purposely filtered to create the content they wanted to present. Several real analyses on the subjet have born out what everybody already knew... There are no differences in lethality from one state to another regardless of vaccination penetration. In other words the so-called vaccine was completely useless.
When thought out, there's really no way the "vaccine" can be proven to work unless the "vaccine" was tested every day. Even then, who is dumb enough to believe the immune system is not helping. But the clincher is: the "vaccinated" being simultaneously infected with SARS2. For how long? Did the immune system eventually clear the virus from the "vaccinee"?
When thought out, there's really no way the "vaccine" can be proven to work unless the "vaccine" was tested every day. Even then, who is dumb enough to believe the immune system is not helping. But the clincher is: the "vaccinated" being simultaneously infected with SARS2. For how long? Did the immune system eventually clear the virus from the "vaccinee"?
We have become needle stick happy. We should have left a little bit more room the natural immunity. We're creating thousands of walking petri dishes and in a sense training up the virus to become an Armageddon bug. All this screwing around with the immune system is going to have consequences.
Selling prescription drugs nets big profits but there is nothing like a lucrative government mandate to glean a windfall profit. Lefties used to distrust, hate and even fear big pharm but government propaganda taught them otherwise at least during a democrat administration.
Selling prescription drugs nets big profits but there is nothing like a lucrative government mandate to glean a windfall profit. Lefties used to distrust, hate and even fear big pharm but government propaganda taught them otherwise at least during a democrat administration.
Not to mention those nice big fat checks that our elected officials get through their various shell companies feeding their bank accounts.

Good! People in our red states lead the way in Covid deaths. I`ve always been one of those who can find a silver lining. :)
Die away I say!
That's bs because covid deaths are extremely over counted. The WEF/Democrats were counting car accident victims.
I don't find it amazing how many antivaxxers get sick from the various diseases....

What I find amazing is how people still listen to them even after being so disabled by the diseases.

The newer variants of covid are causing nodules in lungs and respiratory systems...

Waiting for the one that causes open running sores everywhere....but the antivaxxers will claim that it's a nothing and a good thing.
Go hide back under your bed clown.

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