Phallometric studies indicate 22% of men sexually-attracted to children under 13


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Meta-Analysis Prevalence Pedophilia Hebephilia by Filip Schuster - BoyWiki


A meta-analysis of all seven relevant phallometric studies reveals that 22% of normal men show greater or equal sexual arousal to child stimuli (individuals up to 13 years old) than to adult stimuli.


4. Conclusion

According to existing phallometric studies, approximately one in every five men is pedophilic or hebephilic. While many might find this surprising, individuals with sexual interest in children nowadays are motivated to hide it, and thus the occurrence of pedophilia and hebephilia appears to be much lower than it actually is."

To put the 22% figure into context, only 3% of adults identify as exclusively homosexual. Yet given how frequently we hear about homosexual-related issues, you'd think we'd hear 7 times as much about pedophilic-issues. But we don't. My question is why? Is there a pedophilic conspiracy afoot?
Please ban this guy.

For casting light on a scientific reality resulting in victimization of children by adults? Ya, anyone who knows what's really going on in the world should be banned. Then the victimization can continue unimpeded.

Use your brain.
Please ban this guy.
He just needs to be kept away from children. Nobody gives a rat's ass if he posts on a board which is full of morons and pervs anyway.

Statistically, kids are safer around me than their own families. I've don't hit children or sexually exploit them. Studies show around a third of violent and sexual crimes against children are from immediate family and relatives. Only 3% of children under 5 being murdered were by true strangers. Rest was either family, or someone the kid knew well.

"Stranger Danger?

Of all children under age 5 murdered from 1976-2005 —

31% were killed by fathers
29% were killed by mothers
23% were killed by male acquaintances
7% were killed by other relatives
3% were killed by strangers

SOURCE: Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS - Publications Products Homicide Trends in the United States"
Please ban this guy.
He just needs to be kept away from children. Nobody gives a rat's ass if he posts on a board which is full of morons and pervs anyway.

Statistically, kids are safer around me than their own families. I've don't hit children or sexually exploit them. Studies show around a third of violent and sexual crimes against children are from immediate family and relatives. Only 3% of children under 5 being murdered were by true strangers. Rest was either family, or someone the kid knew well.

"Stranger Danger?

Of all children under age 5 murdered from 1976-2005 —

31% were killed by fathers
29% were killed by mothers
23% were killed by male acquaintances
7% were killed by other relatives
3% were killed by strangers

SOURCE: Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS - Publications Products Homicide Trends in the United States"
Just stay away from children. I don't give a rat's ass what they'll do to you when you get caught, but there is no way in hell you should be able to be anywhere near kids.
Please ban this guy.
He just needs to be kept away from children. Nobody gives a rat's ass if he posts on a board which is full of morons and pervs anyway.

Statistically, kids are safer around me than their own families. I've don't hit children or sexually exploit them. Studies show around a third of violent and sexual crimes against children are from immediate family and relatives. Only 3% of children under 5 being murdered were by true strangers. Rest was either family, or someone the kid knew well.

"Stranger Danger?

Of all children under age 5 murdered from 1976-2005 —

31% were killed by fathers
29% were killed by mothers
23% were killed by male acquaintances
7% were killed by other relatives
3% were killed by strangers

SOURCE: Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS - Publications Products Homicide Trends in the United States"
Just stay away from children. I don't give a rat's ass what they'll do to you when you get caught, but there is no way in hell you should be able to be anywhere near kids.

Your concerns are misplaced.

"Where is she?!"



"Safe, safer with me than any human being alive."

- "Big Trouble in Little China" :)
Isn't bad enough that this place sometimes comes off looking like Stormfront Lite? Now we've got a topic best suited for a NAMBLA message board?

Why, Dear God, why!?

My favorite posters fucking permabanned so this fucking child obsessed freak can post here
Dude, get help. I know that child molesters were abused as children themselves. I hope you're getting the support and medication you need

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