Pharmacist Denies Anti-Bleeding Medication Because Woman Might Have Had an Abortion

Where did I say nobody should talk about it?

Link, please.

I said: "No one should talk about it into all the facts are in."

You are right, you never said "no one should talk about it".

However, you spent the better part of five pages annoying the hell out of the rest of us about only having one side of the story when it was clear that everyone was more interested in discussing the larger issue in the context of this story.

And about three other posters told you that.
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I also said you yoo hoos would feel stupid when it turned out to be nothing.

Actually, you tried to say this incident never happened.

No, there's no confirmation.

PP said that they had taken corrective action, but no specifics..and again, it's from PP.

Probably the pharmacist is a figment of somebody's imagination. The next press release from PP will probably "affirm" that the pharmacist absconded to Guatemala, or has disappeared, the victim of an unsolved kidnapping, or committed suicide because of extreme guilt, and out of respect for the family, PP will refuse to release the name...

What happened?

PP alleged that an unnamed pharmacist refused to fill a scrip to an unnamed person, via an unnamed nurse practioner?

Beautiful. Those are some mighty heavy duty facts.

Don't worry, Quantum did as well.

How about this one, the pharmacist never had a chance to issue the prescription because the whole thing was fabricated. That makes more sense to me than the story I am reading.

A post you thanked him for.

The incident as presented in the OP and subsequent posts likely didn't ever happen.

We don't know. The state found the claim wasn't substantiated. We don't know why. Could be because it never happened.
Where did I say nobody should talk about it?

Link, please.

I said: "No one should talk about it into all the facts are in."

You are right, you never said "no one should talk about it".

However, you spent the better part of five annoying the hell out of the rest of us about only having one side of the story when it was clear that everyone was more interested in discussing the larger issue in the context of this story.

And about three other posters told you that.

I don't care if you're annoyed.

And I put as much stock in the "about three other posters" and their idiocy as I do in yours. You and "about three other posters" are a drop in the bucket and do not represent "everyone".

Moron, lol.
I also said you yoo hoos would feel stupid when it turned out to be nothing.

Actually, you tried to say this incident never happened.

No, there's no confirmation.

PP said that they had taken corrective action, but no specifics..and again, it's from PP.

Probably the pharmacist is a figment of somebody's imagination. The next press release from PP will probably "affirm" that the pharmacist absconded to Guatemala, or has disappeared, the victim of an unsolved kidnapping, or committed suicide because of extreme guilt, and out of respect for the family, PP will refuse to release the name...

What happened?

PP alleged that an unnamed pharmacist refused to fill a scrip to an unnamed person, via an unnamed nurse practioner?

Beautiful. Those are some mighty heavy duty facts.

Don't worry, Quantum did as well.

How about this one, the pharmacist never had a chance to issue the prescription because the whole thing was fabricated. That makes more sense to me than the story I am reading.

A post you thanked him for.

Scary shit there that we have Americans that will dispute anything and everything unless it matches and conforms to their ideology and political beliefs.
I see it everyday in the courts. They get hammered with the facts and their own inconsistencies yet continue to stand firm, making it up as they go.
Someone has to say "Do you want fries with that".
Where did I say nobody should talk about it?

Link, please.

I said: "No one should talk about it into all the facts are in."

You are right, you never said "no one should talk about it".

However, you spent the better part of five annoying the hell out of the rest of us about only having one side of the story when it was clear that everyone was more interested in discussing the larger issue in the context of this story.

And about three other posters told you that.

I don't care if you're annoyed.

And I put as much stock in the "about three other posters" and their idiocy as I do in yours. You and "about three other posters" are a drop in the bucket and do not represent "everyone".

Moron, lol.

Ah. Poor Allie. You apparently thought you were going to pop back up on here and get a mea culpa from us, as opposed to the truth; we don't give a flip about your new found devotion to equal time. You've contributed nothing to this thread except the patently obvious (We only know one side of the story).

Thanks for that Einstein. We still managed to talk about the issue.

Hey, where did your post about how much your rep went up on this thread go?
I deleted it, thought it best not to crow.

So you didn't answer me in re: how does it feel that it was dismissed and you still know absolutely nothing about what happened?
the pharmacist should be shot in both knee caps and then thrown in a pool with sharks
Well, I believe the pharmacist acted within the law is how the State Board ruled. A State Board has very little power and guess who sits on a Pharmacy Board?
In Georgia it is Pharmacists. They do not eat their own.
And Professional Licensure Boards are the arm pits of state government funding wise. They never have enough $$ and rarely do a damn thing. I know as I have been regulated by one since 1982 and have worked many a case before them.
And she broke no law unless they can prove the HIPPA violation which is hard to prove. I tape all of my calls digitally and if PP did and have that as their ace in the hole then watch the next phase be the Feds. If they didn't, they will damn sure now.
I see this case as closed. It happened, Walgreens admitted it, the State stated that Walgreens would comply with the law next time in passing such cases on to another pharmacist at that location and everything PP claimed was confirmed.
I am going to write a book that the plumbers that broke into the DNC were not paid by the CREEP. Watergate was all a liberal fantasy that never happened. Gordon Liddy was really an ambulance chaser lawyer from Climax, Georgia.
From the posts here I expect an advance of at least 500K.
The incident as presented in the OP and subsequent posts likely didn't ever happen.

We don't know. The state found the claim wasn't substantiated. We don't know why. Could be because it never happened.

That's false Allie, you are making an assumption on incomplete data, the same thing you chastised others for earlier in the thread:

The incident as presented in the OP and subsequent posts likely didn't ever happen: You have no basis for that statement. The letter released by the board says that the claim of violation of the HIPPA act is not within the purview of the board.

The state found the claim wasn't substantiated. The board did not state that the claim was unsubstantiated. The board said that the claims did not fall within the purview of the board based on the Idaho Pharmacy Act.​

The letter states that the board could not confirm **ALL** the allegations, mainly because some of the allegations pertained to HIPPA which the board refused to address. The board did not say the facts were mis-stated, they point out that there is no statute in Idaho code or in the Idaho Pharmacy Act that requires a pharmacist to fill a prescription.

The board did clearly disagree with the allegation of grave physical danger based on the prescription being filled in another location.

For those that would like to read the letter it is here -->> Ruling Idaho Pharmacy Board

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Walgreens admitted what, exactly? That a pharmacist refused to fill a scrip?

You know what? That happens all the time. I've had it happen to me, when I've gone in for a refill and it's either expired or they can't get a confirmation from the clinic.

I get calls every week from clients who go in to get meds filled, and the pharmacy won't fill them.

It means exactly nothing. Pharmacists can refuse to fill scrips.

And the state agrees.
The incident as presented in the OP and subsequent posts likely didn't ever happen.

We don't know. The state found the claim wasn't substantiated. We don't know why. Could be because it never happened.

That's false Allie, you are making an assumption on incomplete data, the same thing you chastised others for earlier in the thread:

>>>> shit?!:clap2:
Walgreens admitted what, exactly? That a pharmacist refused to fill a scrip?

You know what? That happens all the time. I've had it happen to me, when I've gone in for a refill and it's either expired or they can't get a confirmation from the clinic.

I get calls every week from clients who go in to get meds filled, and the pharmacy won't fill them.

It means exactly nothing. Pharmacists can refuse to fill scrips.

And the state agrees.
expired scripts are not anywhere near the same issue
and i've never had a pharmacist challenge a script
I deleted it, thought it best not to crow.

Also best not to look like a 5th grader.

It did deprive me from my standard witty retort:


So you didn't answer me in re: how does it feel that it was dismissed and you still know absolutely nothing about what happened?

It doesn't bother me. As I, and everyone else told you, we were more interested in discussing the larger issue and not conducting a trial on an un-named pharmacist. That is what we have been doing on this thread. As I don't live in Idaho, this ramifications of this case have nothing to do with me.

BTW, if you are gong to accuse someone of lying, you really shouldn't misquote the phrase you claim is a lie.

That's just, well, dishonest.
Walgreens admitted what, exactly? That a pharmacist refused to fill a scrip?

You know what? That happens all the time. I've had it happen to me, when I've gone in for a refill and it's either expired or they can't get a confirmation from the clinic.

I get calls every week from clients who go in to get meds filled, and the pharmacy won't fill them.

It means exactly nothing. Pharmacists can refuse to fill scrips.

And the state agrees.
expired scripts are not anywhere near the same issue
and i've never had a pharmacist challenge a script

So? I have. And as I said, they challenge my client's scrips ALL THE TIME. I know because I get the stupid phone calls from my clients saying "the pharmacy won't fill my scrip!" and I get to refer them to DMAP.

And you have no idea if expired scrips are the same issue or not. Maybe the scrip was old and wasn't filled at the time it was prescribed.

You don't know. Nobody does.
I deleted it, thought it best not to crow.

Also best not to look like a 5th grader.

It did deprive me from my standard witty retort:


So you didn't answer me in re: how does it feel that it was dismissed and you still know absolutely nothing about what happened?

It doesn't bother me. As I, and everyone else told you, we were more interested in discussing the larger issue and not conducting a trial on an un-named pharmacist. That is what we have been doing on this thread. As I don't live in Idaho, this ramifications of this case have nothing to do with me.

BTW, if you are gong to accuse someone of lying, you really shouldn't misquote the phrase you claim is a lie.

That's just, well, dishonest.

*Everyone else*

Walgreens admitted what, exactly? That a pharmacist refused to fill a scrip?

You know what? That happens all the time. I've had it happen to me, when I've gone in for a refill and it's either expired or they can't get a confirmation from the clinic.

I get calls every week from clients who go in to get meds filled, and the pharmacy won't fill them.

It means exactly nothing. Pharmacists can refuse to fill scrips.

And the state agrees.
expired scripts are not anywhere near the same issue
and i've never had a pharmacist challenge a script

Yeah. Talk about your non-sequiturs. Not filling a script because it is expired by law (i.e. you have a script for alprazolam and haven't seen a psychiatrist in 6 months) is not even remotely the same as refusing to fill a legal script due to conscious.

That's an absurd comparison.
And I don't see that anyone verified it was a conscience thing. That's just what PP said. Walgreen's didn't deny or confirm it. And the state just said there was no fault.

Coulda been anything. Probably was nothing.

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