Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill

Do you support "Whites Only" restaurants?
Not even close to the same thing. The pharmacist is not refusing to serve the customers and will sell them anything else that he CARRIES in his store--he just doesn't want to carry that one product. Maybe there are other drugs that he doesn't carry because he doesn't make any money on them. Should he also be forced to carry them?

It is the same thing: discrimination.

The only reason I support making pharms carrying plan b is because it is an emergency medication. Self righteous pharms should not be a hurdle to citizens in need of immediate medication.

You wouldn't know discrimination if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on your left ass cheek. Discriminating against a product is NOT the same as discriminating against a customer, you twit.

And no one needs Plan B so "immediately" that they can't spare the time to drive to the next pharmacy, dumbass.
How would they know whether or not the CPA they approached was a Christian until the point when he told them, "I'm sorry, but as a Christian, I do not feel comfortable representing your profession." Then maybe he would recommend someone else or not, but he should not be required to do so.

I have to say, that I am extremely opposed to your way of thinking which seems to be that the government can force any business man to do business with every one in the country.

I can live with the fact that you have a differing opinion than my own, but I believe you are wrong and would pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business.


Do you support "Whites Only" restaurants?

A trick question:

Would I have a business that served only whites? Of course not, what kind of way would that be to make money?

But I DO think this part of the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional. If I own a business I should be able to serve anyone and restrict service to anyone I see fit. The government should NOT be telling me who I can and can't do business with , nor should they be able to tell me what products I must stock, regardless of emergency or any other nonsense you can come up with.

I frankly trust the common people to do a better job of regulating such behavior than I do the government, anyway.
Have you ever read the side effects on the birth control literature they give you at the pharmacy?

It's quite extensive.

This is religious objection because they don't understand the difference between birth control and abortions.

The problem here is not their misunderstanding, but yours. Plan b prevents a fertilized egg from implanting, which, to a person who believes life begins at conception, is the moral equivalent of an abortion.

There is legal precedent for this in that a person can be charged with being an accessory before the fact of a crime. If the law can recognize that it is possible to aid and abet a criminal by doing something that is perfectly legal, and is not a crime, until another person commits a crime, why do you have a problem with seeing that there is no real difference in preventing a fertilized egg from implanting and aborting that same egg after it implants?

It is not the job of a pharmacist to be judge, jury and executioner. They are there to dispense drugs. Now a rule had to be created to let them know that.

It's arrogant to attempt to tell someone they can't sell you what you want because you're too stupid to know when conception is.

They need to shutup and do their work.

Well, geez. Why don't we just replace pharmacists with computerized medication ATMs, since you've decided that you have the right to reduce them to mindless automatons with no rights and no humanity, who exist only to do the bidding of the government and people like you?

And while we're at it, how would you view it if I said, "It's not the job of a woman to be judge, jury, and executioner. Bearing children is what women do. A rule has to be created to let them know that.

It's arrogant to attempt to tell someone they can't exist because you're too stupid to know when conception is (that line was particularly funny, coming from you).

They need to shut up and do their work."

Who the fuck are you to tell anyone they have an obligation to live their lives to suit YOUR moral dictates, you uppity, arrogant hypocrite?
It is not the job of a pharmacist to be judge, jury and executioner. They are there to dispense drugs. Now a rule had to be created to let them know that.

It's arrogant to attempt to tell someone they can't sell you what you want because you're too stupid to know when conception is.

They need to shutup and do their work.

It seems pretty arrogant to tell a business owner what products he/she has to carry or to tell them who they have to do business with.


It seems like a big deal here but there are very few pharmacies that will go to the mats for this. They mostly go to work, earn their money and call it a day.

Only religious nuts like this sort of drama. I'm on the female side of the argument.

Funny how people like you are so contemptuous of blind, morally-vacuous corporate greed . . . until it suddenly supports what you want. Then it's the only acceptable behavior.

And honey, don't flatter yourself that you are "the female side of the argument". You're the Sarah G side of the argument, so don't project your shit onto the rest of us. Just because my reproductive system resembles yours doesn't mean my brain does. Thank God.
The court did not rule that pharmacies must sell Plan . The court ruled that the pharmacy can not refuse to sell the drug based on the pharmacist personal religious preferences. It is not the action of refusing to sell the medication that was at issue. It's the reason for refusing to sell it that is the issue. A good analogy is employment. You can refuse to hire people but you can't refuse to hire them because of their race. There would have never been a court case nor would there have been this thread had pharmacist told the customer he did not stock the drug because there was not sufficient demand or any other reason other than his religious beliefs.

You mean, we don't have freedom of religion in this country?
You certainly have the freedom to practice your religion but if you are licensed to sell medicine, you can't deny people medication because of your religious belief just as a doctor can't refuse to render life saving measures on the sabbath because of his religious belief or a lawyer can't break attorney client privilege because of religious beliefs. Before entering the profession, people should consider whether the responsibilities of the job would be in conflict with their religious beliefs. If so, maybe they should consider a different career.

Actually, dumb shit, my doctor DOES refuse to treat people on Sunday. His office is CLOSED, and his ass is in church, then on the golf course. If I want medical care of ANY kind on the Sabbath, I have to go find a doctor who's willing to work that day. And attorney-client privilege is not an appropriate analogy. The correct analogy would be refusing certain types of clients, which they do all the time.

Where do you get off deciding that people in certain professions are obligated to do their jobs and live their lives according to YOUR moral dictates? Last time I checked, we abolished slavery in this country.
You people seem to forget that all of your silly arguments have been heard and the pharmacies don't get to refuse a sale of Plan B for religious reasons.

Yes, and everyone knows that legality determines morality . . . for vacuous fools who have no moral compass of their own. Thank God there've always been some people in this country who don't just shrug and accept court decisions as the final word. Otherwise, we'd still have slaves.

No wonder you're so fond of the idea of turning pharmacists into brainless, controlled sheep. You already are one yourself.
I've been rebutting seriously in this thread for a couple of days and all I get are personal attacks in return. We all have our opinions on this and if you or anyone don't like mine, tough shit.

I don't like yours either.

Fair enough?
Not even close to the same thing. The pharmacist is not refusing to serve the customers and will sell them anything else that he CARRIES in his store--he just doesn't want to carry that one product. Maybe there are other drugs that he doesn't carry because he doesn't make any money on them. Should he also be forced to carry them?

It is the same thing: discrimination.

The only reason I support making pharms carrying plan b is because it is an emergency medication. Self righteous pharms should not be a hurdle to citizens in need of immediate medication.

You wouldn't know discrimination if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on your left ass cheek. Discriminating against a product is NOT the same as discriminating against a customer, you twit.

And no one needs Plan B so "immediately" that they can't spare the time to drive to the next pharmacy, dumbass.

You're always such a dumbass. Did you know not everyone has a car? Did you know not everyone lives close to five pharmacies? There's a lot more you don't know but it would lock the entire internet from bandwidth overload if you were given that info all at once.
Not even close to the same thing. The pharmacist is not refusing to serve the customers and will sell them anything else that he CARRIES in his store--he just doesn't want to carry that one product. Maybe there are other drugs that he doesn't carry because he doesn't make any money on them. Should he also be forced to carry them?

It is the same thing: discrimination.

The only reason I support making pharms carrying plan b is because it is an emergency medication. Self righteous pharms should not be a hurdle to citizens in need of immediate medication.

You wouldn't know discrimination if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on your left ass cheek. Discriminating against a product is NOT the same as discriminating against a customer, you twit.

And no one needs Plan B so "immediately" that they can't spare the time to drive to the next pharmacy, dumbass.

It seems pretty arrogant to tell a business owner what products he/she has to carry or to tell them who they have to do business with.


It seems like a big deal here but there are very few pharmacies that will go to the mats for this. They mostly go to work, earn their money and call it a day.

Only religious nuts like this sort of drama. I'm on the female side of the argument.

Funny how people like you are so contemptuous of blind, morally-vacuous corporate greed . . . until it suddenly supports what you want. Then it's the only acceptable behavior.

And honey, don't flatter yourself that you are "the female side of the argument". You're the Sarah G side of the argument, so don't project your shit onto the rest of us. Just because my reproductive system resembles yours doesn't mean my brain does. Thank God.

It would be absolutely impossible to confuse a self righteous **** like you for Sarah. Or a real woman.
You mean, we don't have freedom of religion in this country?
You certainly have the freedom to practice your religion but if you are licensed to sell medicine, you can't deny people medication because of your religious belief just as a doctor can't refuse to render life saving measures on the sabbath because of his religious belief or a lawyer can't break attorney client privilege because of religious beliefs. Before entering the profession, people should consider whether the responsibilities of the job would be in conflict with their religious beliefs. If so, maybe they should consider a different career.

Actually, dumb shit, my doctor DOES refuse to treat people on Sunday. His office is CLOSED, and his ass is in church, then on the golf course. If I want medical care of ANY kind on the Sabbath, I have to go find a doctor who's willing to work that day. And attorney-client privilege is not an appropriate analogy. The correct analogy would be refusing certain types of clients, which they do all the time.

Where do you get off deciding that people in certain professions are obligated to do their jobs and live their lives according to YOUR moral dictates? Last time I checked, we abolished slavery in this country.

I've always found it hilarious about the whole Sabbath thing. Self righteous ***** won't work on the Sabbath to "honor God" but often find places to go, like golf courses and restaurants, where their presence forces others to work on the Sabbath.
You people seem to forget that all of your silly arguments have been heard and the pharmacies don't get to refuse a sale of Plan B for religious reasons.

Yes, and everyone knows that legality determines morality . . . for vacuous fools who have no moral compass of their own. Thank God there've always been some people in this country who don't just shrug and accept court decisions as the final word. Otherwise, we'd still have slaves.

No wonder you're so fond of the idea of turning pharmacists into brainless, controlled sheep. You already are one yourself.

Why do ***** like you insist on bullshit responses? Nobody is advocating pharms must adhere to a full stock list you dishonest fuck. Mandating emergency drugs is no less reasonable than speed limits, equal rights, or any of the other thousands of laws in place mediating the public realm.
I'm against the government telling businesses what services and goods they must deliver in any industry. I would think that in America that wouldn't be something we would have to be fighting over.

home made 100% proof MOONSHINE, why can't liquor stores sell such?

Playboy and penthouse, in plain view, at the grocery store check out counter, why can't the business sell such if they wanted to?

Putting up a sex toy shop right next to a school? Or in Nevada, a brothel right next to a school?

Or a strip joint right next to a school?

Prescription drugs, sold over the counter?

Is it okay to tell a business what the CAN NOT SELL and if this is all okay, why?

Isn't this gvt. interfering with what the private business may want to do or sell in their establishment as well?

If this were an emergency medication that prevented a person that had a heart attack from getting another one, would it be okay for the gvt to force the pharmacy to sell it, or would this be wrong as well?

I can understand the objection of the pharmacy, especially if they were Catholic owners...who, for religious reasons, are suppose to be against any kind of man made birth control...sponges, BC pills, spermicides and rubbers...but to pick and choose what pregnancy deterrent that they don't want to carry due to religious objection should at least be consistent imho.
JB indirectly supports socialism and he doesn't even realize it.

How is not forcing a business to sell a given product socialism?



It isn't. But it can very easily promote socialism if it creates an unmet need that the government is called upon to satisfy.

I thought it was a pretty easy concept to grasp, but I often overestimate these things.
I'm against the government telling businesses what services and goods they must deliver in any industry. I would think that in America that wouldn't be something we would have to be fighting over.

home made 100% proof MOONSHINE, why can't liquor stores sell such?

Playboy and penthouse, in plain view, at the grocery store check out counter, why can't the business sell such if they wanted to?

Putting up a sex toy shop right next to a school? Or in Nevada, a brothel right next to a school?

Or a strip joint right next to a school?

Prescription drugs, sold over the counter?

Is it okay to tell a business what the CAN NOT SELL and if this is all okay, why?

Isn't this gvt. interfering with what the private business may want to do or sell in their establishment as well?

If this were an emergency medication that prevented a person that had a heart attack from getting another one, would it be okay for the gvt to force the pharmacy to sell it, or would this be wrong as well?

I can understand the objection of the pharmacy, especially if they were Catholic owners...who, for religious reasons, are suppose to be against any kind of man made birth control...sponges, BC pills, spermicides and rubbers...but to pick and choose what pregnancy deterrent that they don't want to carry due to religious objection should at least be consistent imho.

You make a good point care. But using the same logic of "community standards", wouldn't it be foolish to offer this in a senior citizen community? Or in the middle of Utah? I'm sure it has an expiration date. Why force pharmacists to stock a product that none of their customers need or want, and then have to throw it out?

Most business owners will provide products that their customers request. I'm sure we are only talking about a handful of people who might not offer it in their store on religious grounds. The others may simply not have a market for it.
This is NOT a thread about abortion, if you want to cover that open a new thread and pleas stop hijacking this one. This thread is about pharmacists being forced to sell a specific product.

Yes, let's keep those uncomfortable analogies and parallels out of this. We're busy calling OTHER people hypocrites, not engaging in self-analysis. :eusa_whistle:

What is your point? It is in no way 'uncomfortable' and I love a good abortion debate. I was very vocal and up front here on that subject before but this particular topic is not about abortion at all but rather about pharmacies being forced to sell a specific product. Abortion has a tendency to overshadow the actual issue.
It is the same thing: discrimination.

The only reason I support making pharms carrying plan b is because it is an emergency medication. Self righteous pharms should not be a hurdle to citizens in need of immediate medication.

You wouldn't know discrimination if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on your left ass cheek. Discriminating against a product is NOT the same as discriminating against a customer, you twit.

And no one needs Plan B so "immediately" that they can't spare the time to drive to the next pharmacy, dumbass.

You're always such a dumbass. Did you know not everyone has a car? Did you know not everyone lives close to five pharmacies? There's a lot more you don't know but it would lock the entire internet from bandwidth overload if you were given that info all at once.

Go here and ship overnight

Or perhaps we should mandate that all stores carry plan b and deliver it to homes just in case they have no feet and no transportation.

Fail. You are responsible for yourself and the fact you have no car does not mean you need to intrude on my rights to choose what I sell and do not sell. Use a damn bus if you can't drive or get it on the web.

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