Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill

Again, tell me of a single person in this country who lives more than hour from a chain pharmacy. Oh , there isn't one. The chain pharmacies of course will carry this pill.

Rural areas do exist.

Yes, I live in one, rural areas are Wal Mart's bread and butter.

Not the ones without enough nearby persons to warrant a store. Your original assertion, quoted above, was asinine.
Licensed electricians are by law required to use materials that meet minimum safety/quality standards.

Damn those pesky regulations forcing them to stock and sell a particular product!
Rural areas do exist.

Yes, I live in one, rural areas are Wal Mart's bread and butter.

Not the ones without enough nearby persons to warrant a store. Your original assertion, quoted above, was asinine.

I don't believe it is. I have a hard time believing anyone in this country lives so far out that a WM or similar store isn't within an hour. I live rural, my nearest neighbor is 5 miles from me. Our local town has 4K people , there's a Wal Mart there. If I'm willing to drive an hour I can reach probably no less than 12 Wal Marts, 3 K Marts, like 5 Wal Greens, and probably a few others that I am not thinking of at the moment.

The idea that some little mom and pop pharmacy is going to be the only option is just ludicrous.
Why do ***** like you insist on bullshit responses? Nobody is advocating pharms must adhere to a full stock list you dishonest fuck. Mandating emergency drugs is no less reasonable than speed limits, equal rights, or any of the other thousands of laws in place mediating the public realm.
It's not a 'emergency drug'. You have up to 3 days according to the manufacturer and up to 5 days according to the links you morons posted to take it to make up for the fact that you're a loose whore who's not smart enough to take BC, use a condom, or go to the Health Department, a hospital, Planned Parenthood, or another pharmacy.

Speed limits are to prevent you from killing someone else. This drug to to help ensure that if another life is present, it dies. To equate Plan B to speed limit laws is a sign of low intellect and unscrupulous character.

This pill does not kill a pregnancy you dumbfuck.

You don't 'kill a pregnancy', moron. Nor did I ever claim that Plan B was a abortifacient. If a zygote does not implant in the uterine wall, it will die. Hence preventing implantation directly ensures the death of the zygote.

If you can't face the reality of what we're talking about, that's somethoing you need to work through with your local priest, bishop, or psychiatrist.
The manufacturer says you have up to three days because they are trying to sell their product you dumbfuck.

And one of you morons provided a link that said 5 days.

Pay attention dumbfuck. If you take it four hours after sex versus three days, which time frame would be more effective you dumbfuck? (Nevermind. You're a dumbfuck)

Your repeated namecalling reveals that you have in intelligent answerand implies a fundamental level of discomfort with what your support in this thread. This is not the thread for you to wrestle with whether you're a murdering sack of shit who's going to hell or not. Start a thread in Religion and Ethics is you want assistance wrestling with that.

This thread is about forcing businesses to carry certain products instead of business owners being free to decide whether they wish to carry any given product.
Thank you for reaffirming what I pointed out earlier that dumbfucks like you are against this because you are making moral judgments on women


You aware that I'm pro-choice and have defended that position in multiple abortion threads, right? care to try again.
and since you hate women you want as much control over them as possible.


Perhaps you should lie down and rejoin the conversation when your feverdreams have passed.
Licensed electricians are by law required to use materials that meet minimum safety/quality standards.

Damn those pesky regulations forcing them to stock and sell a particular product!

You're right, they are forced to meet certain standards, but they are NOT required to carry certain products. They are left to their own devices as to how to meet those standards. Including the fact that they can tell customers, we don't carry any products so you have to provide all the materials, if they so wish.
You don't think any business owner will sell Plan B if it's not mandated at the point of a federal rifle and punishable by imprisonment to refuse to sell it? :cuckoo:

You understanding of how the market works leaves much to be desired.

Your understanding of the varying cultures that exist in this country leaves a lot to be desired.

If the courts ruled in favor of this pharmacist, it's not beyond the realm of possibility to envision rural areas in bible country where pharmacists could actually be strong-armed into not stocking this drug.

Yes, because we've whole swathes of the bible belt where one cannot buy condoms :rolleyes:

Don't be a slut and there's no problem. Everyone here has voiced support for making it available at hospitals, esp. for assault victims.
I'm against the government telling businesses what services and goods they must deliver in any industry. I would think that in America that wouldn't be something we would have to be fighting over.

home made 100% proof MOONSHINE, why can't liquor stores sell such?

Playboy and penthouse, in plain view, at the grocery store check out counter, why can't the business sell such if they wanted to?

Putting up a sex toy shop right next to a school? Or in Nevada, a brothel right next to a school?

Or a strip joint right next to a school?

Prescription drugs, sold over the counter?

Is it okay to tell a business what the CAN NOT SELL and if this is all okay, why?

Isn't this gvt. interfering with what the private business may want to do or sell in their establishment as well?

If this were an emergency medication that prevented a person that had a heart attack from getting another one, would it be okay for the gvt to force the pharmacy to sell it, or would this be wrong as well?

I can understand the objection of the pharmacy, especially if they were Catholic owners...who, for religious reasons, are suppose to be against any kind of man made birth control...sponges, BC pills, spermicides and rubbers...but to pick and choose what pregnancy deterrent that they don't want to carry due to religious objection should at least be consistent imho.

So , you're such an intellectual midget you can't differentiate regulating from forcing someone to carry a product? Nice......

I don't see a difference....if this were something like an emergency medication for those who have had a heart attack, to prevent them from immediately having another....I would make all pharmacies carry it, for emergency purposes.....if it were an asthma medication, that if taken would stop the patient from having another immediate debilitating asthma attack, I would make them carry it....they ARE licensed Pharmacies by the State, the owners knew such when they went in to business and emergency medications are something they should carry....drop viagra if they want to, even normal bc pills or carrying rubbers or sponges, but this as an emergency medication and as such, I have no problems with the pharmacies having to carry it for the community they service.....

Now chanel had a point, in a community with all senior citizens, why would the pharmacy have to carry it? I suppose the answer, is to be consistent, to know in this emergency, you KNOW you can go to the pharmacy that services your community, and get it.

the nearest pharmacy to me is 3 miles, the next pharmacy is 15 miles, the family planning clinic is 22 miles.

I would love to get pregnant and have a baby with my husband, unfortunately I am not able to have children with something like this, is NOT in any way for me....but i can see how it could be extremely useful for the public, who can get have this emergency measure available for them....the situation is already stressful enough....and the timing of taking this pill is critical for its effectiveness....the sooner, the more effective, the closer to 72 hours, the least effective.

When you are in business with the PUBLIC, you do have certain responsibilities to the public....if you are religious and think this emergency medication would violate your religion for some strange reason, then DON'T TAKE IT.

Businesses are TOLD by the government what they CAN NOT CARRY and sell ALL THE TIME....if that is not a government reach, then this isn't either....both affect the private business owner's business.
Licensed electricians are by law required to use materials that meet minimum safety/quality standards.

Damn those pesky regulations forcing them to stock and sell a particular product!

Equating laws that require you not wire my house so that I die when I flip a light switch to mandating businesses carry a given product is evidence of low IQ and shady character.

An electrician can decide whether or not to sell certain goods and services. A more accurate comparison is the FDA ensuring the product meets certain criteria before it may be sold and ensuring that those under 17 years of age need have a prescription to ensure product safety.
You don't think any business owner will sell Plan B if it's not mandated at the point of a federal rifle and punishable by imprisonment to refuse to sell it? :cuckoo:

You understanding of how the market works leaves much to be desired.

Your understanding of the varying cultures that exist in this country leaves a lot to be desired.

If the courts ruled in favor of this pharmacist, it's not beyond the realm of possibility to envision rural areas in bible country where pharmacists could actually be strong-armed into not stocking this drug.

Yes, because we've whole swathes of the bible belt where one cannot buy condoms :rolleyes:

Don't be a slut and there's no problem. Everyone here has voiced support for making it available at hospitals, esp. for assault victims.

LOL - I love it, Manifold just HAD to get a dig in on Christians didnt s/he?

Manifolld, do you REALLY think Christians are going to be down at their local pharmacy standing in front of the door with wearing their church robes and beating a baton against their palm while yelling slut at every woman who looks like she might be there to buy this pill until they convince the owner not to carry it anymore? :lol:

I don't see a difference....if this were something like an emergency medication for those who have had a heart attack, to prevent them from immediately having another....I would make all pharmacies carry it, for emergency purposes....

So no business owner will ever want to make a buck, requiring you to force all businesses to sell what you think the masses need.

Totalitarian socialism, anyone?
the nearest pharmacy to me is 3 miles, the next pharmacy is 15 miles, the family planning clinic is 22 miles.

You're online. FA provided a link to an online store.

Call Planned Parenthood and I'm sure they'll make sure you get what you need. Like them or not, they'll definitely help a woman or girl get access to BC, including Plan B.

Businesses are TOLD by the government what they CAN NOT CARRY and sell ALL THE TIME....if that is not a government reach, then this isn't either....both affect the private business owner's business.

Yes because being forced to sell what the Party thinks the masses need because noone could ever want to make money off it is totally the same as not being able to sell RPGs at Wal*Mart. :rolleyes:
home made 100% proof MOONSHINE, why can't liquor stores sell such?

Playboy and penthouse, in plain view, at the grocery store check out counter, why can't the business sell such if they wanted to?

Putting up a sex toy shop right next to a school? Or in Nevada, a brothel right next to a school?

Or a strip joint right next to a school?

Prescription drugs, sold over the counter?

Is it okay to tell a business what the CAN NOT SELL and if this is all okay, why?

Isn't this gvt. interfering with what the private business may want to do or sell in their establishment as well?

If this were an emergency medication that prevented a person that had a heart attack from getting another one, would it be okay for the gvt to force the pharmacy to sell it, or would this be wrong as well?

I can understand the objection of the pharmacy, especially if they were Catholic owners...who, for religious reasons, are suppose to be against any kind of man made birth control...sponges, BC pills, spermicides and rubbers...but to pick and choose what pregnancy deterrent that they don't want to carry due to religious objection should at least be consistent imho.

So , you're such an intellectual midget you can't differentiate regulating from forcing someone to carry a product? Nice......

I don't see a difference....if this were something like an emergency medication for those who have had a heart attack, to prevent them from immediately having another....I would make all pharmacies carry it, for emergency purposes.....if it were an asthma medication, that if taken would stop the patient from having another immediate debilitating asthma attack, I would make them carry it....they ARE licensed Pharmacies by the State, the owners knew such when they went in to business and emergency medications are something they should carry....drop viagra if they want to, even normal bc pills or carrying rubbers or sponges, but this as an emergency medication and as such, I have no problems with the pharmacies having to carry it for the community they service.....

Now chanel had a point, in a community with all senior citizens, why would the pharmacy have to carry it? I suppose the answer, is to be consistent, to know in this emergency, you KNOW you can go to the pharmacy that services your community, and get it.

the nearest pharmacy to me is 3 miles, the next pharmacy is 15 miles, the family planning clinic is 22 miles.

I would love to get pregnant and have a baby with my husband, unfortunately I am not able to have children with something like this, is NOT in any way for me....but i can see how it could be extremely useful for the public, who can get have this emergency measure available for them....the situation is already stressful enough....and the timing of taking this pill is critical for its effectiveness....the sooner, the more effective, the closer to 72 hours, the least effective.

When you are in business with the PUBLIC, you do have certain responsibilities to the public....if you are religious and think this emergency medication would violate your religion for some strange reason, then DON'T TAKE IT.

Businesses are TOLD by the government what they CAN NOT CARRY and sell ALL THE TIME....if that is not a government reach, then this isn't either....both affect the private business owner's business.

oooh, a whole 22 miles? How ridiculous that you want to force an entire industry to carry a product so that you potentially aren't inconvenienced by having to travel 22 miles to get "emergency medication" , which by the way you have 3 days to take.
You don't think any business owner will sell Plan B if it's not mandated at the point of a federal rifle and punishable by imprisonment to refuse to sell it? :cuckoo:

You understanding of how the market works leaves much to be desired.

Your understanding of the varying cultures that exist in this country leaves a lot to be desired.

If the courts ruled in favor of this pharmacist, it's not beyond the realm of possibility to envision rural areas in bible country where pharmacists could actually be strong-armed into not stocking this drug.

Like I said, I'm not convinced that I support this law, but I'm certainly not willing to abandon pragmatic objectivity when considering it's relative pros & cons.

Every pharmacy should have a visible sign whether they carry it or not. The last thing a rape victim needs to go through is some self-righteous bible thumper peering down at her. If they don't stock it they should state the nearest pharmacy that does.
You don't think any business owner will sell Plan B if it's not mandated at the point of a federal rifle and punishable by imprisonment to refuse to sell it? :cuckoo:

You understanding of how the market works leaves much to be desired.

Your understanding of the varying cultures that exist in this country leaves a lot to be desired.

If the courts ruled in favor of this pharmacist, it's not beyond the realm of possibility to envision rural areas in bible country where pharmacists could actually be strong-armed into not stocking this drug.

Like I said, I'm not convinced that I support this law, but I'm certainly not willing to abandon pragmatic objectivity when considering it's relative pros & cons.

Every pharmacy should have a visible sign whether they carry it or not. The last thing a rape victim needs to go through is some self-righteous bible thumper peering down at her. If they don't stock it they should state the nearest pharmacy that does.

Hey stupid, no fucking rape victim is going to be down at the pharmacy looking for this pill, or well she shouldn't be, you call the police if you're raped, they send you to the hospital, where a rape kit is taken, and oh yeah the woman is given preventive care for both STDs and pregnancy. DUH
If she's a rape victim, why didn't she go to a crisis center, the hospital, PP... and ask for it?

They don't even have to ask for it, if you call 911 when raped, its standard procedure for the hospital to take care of it, just assuming that no one wants to be impregnated by a rapist.
Licensed electricians are by law required to use materials that meet minimum safety/quality standards.

Damn those pesky regulations forcing them to stock and sell a particular product!

You're right, they are forced to meet certain standards, but they are NOT required to carry certain products. They are left to their own devices as to how to meet those standards. Including the fact that they can tell customers, we don't carry any products so you have to provide all the materials, if they so wish.

You are a stoopid ****. Electricians are forced to carry many products as well as licenses and insurance. They cannot use any line they want to wire a room so they are forced to carry the products necessary to legally hook up live lines. Keep embarrassing yourself.....
Licensed electricians are by law required to use materials that meet minimum safety/quality standards.

Damn those pesky regulations forcing them to stock and sell a particular product!

You're right, they are forced to meet certain standards, but they are NOT required to carry certain products. They are left to their own devices as to how to meet those standards. Including the fact that they can tell customers, we don't carry any products so you have to provide all the materials, if they so wish.

You are a stoopid ****. Electricians are forced to carry many products as well as licenses and insurance. They cannot use any line they want to wire a room so they are forced to carry the products necessary to legally hook up live lines. Keep embarrassing yourself.....


'I'm sorry, we don't offer that service or sell those materials here.'
Your understanding of the varying cultures that exist in this country leaves a lot to be desired.

If the courts ruled in favor of this pharmacist, it's not beyond the realm of possibility to envision rural areas in bible country where pharmacists could actually be strong-armed into not stocking this drug.

Like I said, I'm not convinced that I support this law, but I'm certainly not willing to abandon pragmatic objectivity when considering it's relative pros & cons.

Every pharmacy should have a visible sign whether they carry it or not. The last thing a rape victim needs to go through is some self-righteous bible thumper peering down at her. If they don't stock it they should state the nearest pharmacy that does.

Hey stupid, no fucking rape victim is going to be down at the pharmacy looking for this pill, or well she shouldn't be, you call the police if you're raped, they send you to the hospital, where a rape kit is taken, and oh yeah the woman is given preventive care for both STDs and pregnancy. DUH

Proving once again you are fucking clueless on every thread you post in.

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