Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill

This is NOT about being raped BOYS. This is not about abortion. This is not about sluts.:evil:
This is information for the Public domain and not restricted to 3 paragraphs Plan B® One-Step Consumer: Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions
What is Plan B® One-Step?

Plan B® One-Step is the only emergency contraception that is just one pill. Other emergency contraception requires two pills, twelve hours apart. It is a backup method of preventing pregnancy—and is not for routine use. It can reduce the chance of pregnancy when taken as directed up to 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex (if your regular birth control method fails, or if you've had sex without birth control).
How does Plan B® One-Step work?

Plan B® One-Step is one pill which has a higher dose of levonorgestrel, a hormone found in many birth control pills that healthcare professionals have been prescribing for more than 35 years. Plan B® One-Step works in a similar way to prevent pregnancy. Plan B® One-Step will not affect an existing pregnancy.
When is it appropriate to use Plan B® One-Step?

You can use Plan B® One-Step after you've had unprotected sex or contraceptive failure one or more times in the last 72 hours (3 days), and you don't want to become pregnant. Plan B® One-Step can be used as a backup method for birth control if, for example:

* Your regular birth control failed (your partner's condom broke or slipped)
* You made a mistake with your regular method (you forgot to take your birth control pills)
* You didn't use any birth control method

When is it not appropriate to use Plan B® One-Step?

Plan B® One-Step should not be used:

* If you're already pregnant, because it won't work
* If you're allergic to levonorgestrel or any of the ingredients in Plan B® One-Step
* In place of regular birth control. Plan B® One-Step should not be used as routine birth control, as it's not as effective. Plan B® One-Step won't protect you from HIV infection (the virus that causes AIDS) or any other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

How effective is Plan B® One-Step?

Plan B® One-Step works better the sooner you use it. If it is taken as directed within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure, it can significantly decrease the chance that you will become pregnant. About 7 out of every 8 women who would have gotten pregnant will not become pregnant. Plan B® One-Step works even better if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.

Can I use Plan B® One-Step for regular birth control?

Plan B® One-Step should not be used as regular birth control. Plan B® One-Step is not as effective as using a regular birth control method correctly and consistently. It is a backup method to be used if your regular birth control fails, or if you have sex without birth control. If you have unprotected sex after taking Plan B® One-Step, it cannot protect you from getting pregnant.

Plan B® One-Step Consumer: Frequently Asked Questions
This is NOT about being raped BOYS. This is not about abortion. This is not about sluts.:evil:

It's about freedom versus the government telling you what products you must sell if you dare to engage in private enterprise.

It's about totalitarian socialist central planners versus liberty.

It's about the market and a free society versus totalitarian socialists forcing every business to sell every product made by any company with a lobbyist because someone might be too lazy to go elsewhere for it.
It is the same thing: discrimination.

The only reason I support making pharms carrying plan b is because it is an emergency medication. Self righteous pharms should not be a hurdle to citizens in need of immediate medication.

You wouldn't know discrimination if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on your left ass cheek. Discriminating against a product is NOT the same as discriminating against a customer, you twit.

And no one needs Plan B so "immediately" that they can't spare the time to drive to the next pharmacy, dumbass.

You're always such a dumbass. Did you know not everyone has a car? Did you know not everyone lives close to five pharmacies? There's a lot more you don't know but it would lock the entire internet from bandwidth overload if you were given that info all at once.

They obviously have boyfriends, why don't they ask them to drive them to the pharmacy?
This is NOT about being raped BOYS. This is not about abortion. This is not about sluts.:evil:

It's about freedom versus the government telling you what products you must sell if you dare to engage in private enterprise.

It's about totalitarian socialist central planners versus liberty.

It's about the market and a free society versus totalitarian socialists forcing every business to sell every product made by any company with a lobbyist because someone might be too lazy to go elsewhere for it.

ahhhhh, then how come the pharmacy sued for their religious objection and there hasn't been a suit by anyone for all those claims YOU make above? You would think ALL pharmacies should object and file a class action suit for all those reasons above....? Why doesn't it bother ALL pharmacy owners that are being told to carry it JB?
You wouldn't know discrimination if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on your left ass cheek. Discriminating against a product is NOT the same as discriminating against a customer, you twit.

And no one needs Plan B so "immediately" that they can't spare the time to drive to the next pharmacy, dumbass.

You're always such a dumbass. Did you know not everyone has a car? Did you know not everyone lives close to five pharmacies? There's a lot more you don't know but it would lock the entire internet from bandwidth overload if you were given that info all at once.

They obviously have boyfriends, why don't they ask them to drive them to the pharmacy?

That's what I'm saying, if homeboy can drive over for a slice of ass, he can probably drive to the pharmacy to get a pill.
why aren't ALL the Pharmacies complaining about government over reach on this?

maybe, THEY don't see it as such, no?
why aren't ALL the Pharmacies complaining about government over reach on this?

maybe, THEY don't see it as such, no?

Probably b/c most pharmacies intended to carry this product long before any government mandate if there was a customer need, and so they don't give a shit what the government is doing about it.

That is the sad truth, most people don't care about government over reach unless it directly affects them.

I promise that you personally would feel differently if it was your industry the government was infringing upon.
This is NOT about being raped BOYS. This is not about abortion. This is not about sluts.:evil:

It's about freedom versus the government telling you what products you must sell if you dare to engage in private enterprise.

It's about totalitarian socialist central planners versus liberty.

It's about the market and a free society versus totalitarian socialists forcing every business to sell every product made by any company with a lobbyist because someone might be too lazy to go elsewhere for it.

ahhhhh, then how come the pharmacy sued for their religious objection and there hasn't been a suit by anyone for all those claims YOU make above? You would think ALL pharmacies should object and file a class action suit for all those reasons above....? Why doesn't it bother ALL pharmacy owners that are being told to carry it JB?

Their reasons for not wishing to sell a given product are irrelevant. Since when are their rights determined by their race, religion, sex, creed, or national origin?
why aren't ALL the Pharmacies complaining about government over reach on this?

maybe, THEY don't see it as such, no?
Because they're selling it anyway; it doesn't effect them yet. American history has seen this pattern before.

After all, did the hairdressers complain when prohibition was instituted, or only the barkeepers and the man who owned the liquor shoppe?
why aren't ALL the Pharmacies complaining about government over reach on this?

maybe, THEY don't see it as such, no?

Big corporate chain stores don't have morals. Individuals do. Family run pharmacys have them too. Question you want an amoral company selling you medicine for profit or to help you regain your health?
why aren't ALL the Pharmacies complaining about government over reach on this?

maybe, THEY don't see it as such, no?

Big corporate chain stores don't have morals. Individuals do. Family run pharmacys have them too. Question you want an amoral company selling you medicine for profit or to help you regain your health?

Do you really think this about anything more to Care, and others, than dictating their beliefs to others?

What's hilarious is they explode about Christians supposedly doing this exact same thing, but have no problem doing it to Christians.
This is NOT about being raped BOYS. This is not about abortion. This is not about sluts.:evil:

It's about freedom versus the government telling you what products you must sell if you dare to engage in private enterprise.

It's about totalitarian socialist central planners versus liberty.

It's about the market and a free society versus totalitarian socialists forcing every business to sell every product made by any company with a lobbyist because someone might be too lazy to go elsewhere for it.

ahhhhh, then how come the pharmacy sued for their religious objection and there hasn't been a suit by anyone for all those claims YOU make above? You would think ALL pharmacies should object and file a class action suit for all those reasons above....? Why doesn't it bother ALL pharmacy owners that are being told to carry it JB?
First, a store is not going to invest the requires resources and time if they were carrying the product in the first place. It is unlikely those stores even notices. You do not know every law that passes that affects you. Once this store was cited it was likely that was when they brought the suit up.

Also, please read the article again. The suit for the religious objection is just ONE of the suits that the business is bringing. There are other constitutional avenues they are exploring as well.
why aren't ALL the Pharmacies complaining about government over reach on this?

maybe, THEY don't see it as such, no?

Big corporate chain stores don't have morals. Individuals do. Family run pharmacys have them too. Question you want an amoral company selling you medicine for profit or to help you regain your health?

Do you really think this about anything more to Care, and others, than dictating their beliefs to others?

What's hilarious is they explode about Christians supposedly doing this exact same thing, but have no problem doing it to Christians.

Nobody is forcing Christians to take the pill. Why don't you scream this is proof of an "all out War on Christianity?" You've got nothing to lose.

'I'm sorry, we don't offer that service or sell those materials here.'

Of course a dumbfuck like you can't see the diff between wiring a room and emergency medication. I notice you start off with "Fail" a lot and while it is appreciated, you don't need to keep reminding everyone how to spell your real name.

1)We're not talking about 'emergency medication'. We're talking about birth control.

2)If there's a market for the product, someone will sell it. That you're too lazy to go to a different pharmacy or a hospital or Planned Parenthood does not justify forcing a business owner to carry the flagship product of the next pharmaceutical to start lobbying.

It's called "emergency contraception" for a reason you dishonest fuck. Throughout this whole thread you keep trying to make it personal because you have no legit argument so you accuse people of being lazy, etc, etc, when really you are just completely tanked.
Of course a dumbfuck like you can't see the diff between wiring a room and emergency medication. I notice you start off with "Fail" a lot and while it is appreciated, you don't need to keep reminding everyone how to spell your real name.

1)We're not talking about 'emergency medication'. We're talking about birth control.

2)If there's a market for the product, someone will sell it. That you're too lazy to go to a different pharmacy or a hospital or Planned Parenthood does not justify forcing a business owner to carry the flagship product of the next pharmaceutical to start lobbying.

It's called "emergency contraception" for a reason you dishonest fuck.

Not using a condom or planning ahead is not an emergency. Especially when you have 72 hours to go to another pharmacy or a hospital or the Health Department or Planned Parenthood- or ask a friend for a half dozen of her bc pills (many bc and ebc pills are different doses of the same hormones).

An emergency medication is one you die if you miss. Worst case scenario here is that you have to ask for RU-486 instead or visit the nearest hippie feminist for some of her 'female empowerment tea' or ask a Tabbi to prepare some of those 'bitter waters which bringeth the curse'
Throughout this whole thread you keep trying to make it personal because you have no legit argument

Freedom and a market that's not run by totalitarian socialists aren't legit arguments? Only a totalitarian socialist could make such a moronic assertion.
Of course a dumbfuck like you can't see the diff between wiring a room and emergency medication. I notice you start off with "Fail" a lot and while it is appreciated, you don't need to keep reminding everyone how to spell your real name.

1)We're not talking about 'emergency medication'. We're talking about birth control.

2)If there's a market for the product, someone will sell it. That you're too lazy to go to a different pharmacy or a hospital or Planned Parenthood does not justify forcing a business owner to carry the flagship product of the next pharmaceutical to start lobbying.

It's called "emergency contraception" for a reason you dishonest fuck. Throughout this whole thread you keep trying to make it personal because you have no legit argument so you accuse people of being lazy, etc, etc, when really you are just completely tanked.

It is called emergency contraception to confuse people who think you have to take it right away. There is a 5 day window in which it is effective, which means it is not an emergency.

I guess that means you are the one without an effective argument because, no matter how you look at it, this is not going to save anyone's life. If the people who "need" it would take personal responsibility in the first place they would not need it because they would be using something else. Even if what they prefer to use fails they always have the option of an abortion, so there is absolutely no need for Plan B to be required to be sold anywhere. Unless, that is, abortions are inherently unsafe, which no one who advocates for abortions will admit.

That is a catch-22, the only way you could convince me that this is necessary is admit something you refuse to admit.
1)We're not talking about 'emergency medication'. We're talking about birth control.

2)If there's a market for the product, someone will sell it. That you're too lazy to go to a different pharmacy or a hospital or Planned Parenthood does not justify forcing a business owner to carry the flagship product of the next pharmaceutical to start lobbying.

It's called "emergency contraception" for a reason you dishonest fuck. Throughout this whole thread you keep trying to make it personal because you have no legit argument so you accuse people of being lazy, etc, etc, when really you are just completely tanked.

It is called emergency contraception to confuse people who think you have to take it right away. There is a 5 day window in which it is effective, which means it is not an emergency.

I guess that means you are the one without an effective argument because, no matter how you look at it, this is not going to save anyone's life. If the people who "need" it would take personal responsibility in the first place they would not need it because they would be using something else. Even if what they prefer to use fails they always have the option of an abortion, so there is absolutely no need for Plan B to be required to be sold anywhere. Unless, that is, abortions are inherently unsafe, which no one who advocates for abortions will admit.

That is a catch-22, the only way you could convince me that this is necessary is admit something you refuse to admit.

I think you are incorrect on there being 5 days to take it. I just read the literature on it yesterday and it specifically said it must be taken within the first 72 hours and closer to the first few hours after the incident, within 24 hours is the most effective....there is only a 7 out of 8 chance if following these instructions that it will be effective....after 72 hours it is useless? where did you read it was 5 days?

You only have a few days to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. Plan B® One-Step works better the sooner you take it. And unlike other emergency contraception, it's only one pill, so you can get what you need right away—within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.
How effective is Plan B® One-Step?

Plan B® One-Step works better the sooner you use it. If it is taken as directed within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure, it can significantly decrease the chance that you will become pregnant. About 7 out of every 8 women who would have gotten pregnant will not become pregnant. Plan B® One-Step works even better if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.

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