Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill

It's called "emergency contraception" for a reason you dishonest fuck. Throughout this whole thread you keep trying to make it personal because you have no legit argument so you accuse people of being lazy, etc, etc, when really you are just completely tanked.

It is called emergency contraception to confuse people who think you have to take it right away. There is a 5 day window in which it is effective, which means it is not an emergency.

I guess that means you are the one without an effective argument because, no matter how you look at it, this is not going to save anyone's life. If the people who "need" it would take personal responsibility in the first place they would not need it because they would be using something else. Even if what they prefer to use fails they always have the option of an abortion, so there is absolutely no need for Plan B to be required to be sold anywhere. Unless, that is, abortions are inherently unsafe, which no one who advocates for abortions will admit.

That is a catch-22, the only way you could convince me that this is necessary is admit something you refuse to admit.

I think you are incorrect on there being 5 days to take it. I just read the literature on it yesterday and it specifically said it must be taken within the first 72 hours and closer to the first few hours after the incident, within 24 hours is the most effective....there is only a 7 out of 8 chance if following these instructions that it will be effective....after 72 hours it is useless? where did you read it was 5 days?

You only have a few days to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. Plan B® One-Step works better the sooner you take it. And unlike other emergency contraception, it's only one pill, so you can get what you need right away—within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.
How effective is Plan B® One-Step?

Plan B® One-Step works better the sooner you use it. If it is taken as directed within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure, it can significantly decrease the chance that you will become pregnant. About 7 out of every 8 women who would have gotten pregnant will not become pregnant. Plan B® One-Step works even better if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.

I can't explain the discrepancy between the medical sites and the pharmaceutical sites, other than to guess that they are worried about litigation.

Emergency contraception: Timeframe for using emergency contraceptives (the morning after pill)
It is called emergency contraception to confuse people who think you have to take it right away. There is a 5 day window in which it is effective, which means it is not an emergency.

I guess that means you are the one without an effective argument because, no matter how you look at it, this is not going to save anyone's life. If the people who "need" it would take personal responsibility in the first place they would not need it because they would be using something else. Even if what they prefer to use fails they always have the option of an abortion, so there is absolutely no need for Plan B to be required to be sold anywhere. Unless, that is, abortions are inherently unsafe, which no one who advocates for abortions will admit.

That is a catch-22, the only way you could convince me that this is necessary is admit something you refuse to admit.

I think you are incorrect on there being 5 days to take it. I just read the literature on it yesterday and it specifically said it must be taken within the first 72 hours and closer to the first few hours after the incident, within 24 hours is the most effective....there is only a 7 out of 8 chance if following these instructions that it will be effective....after 72 hours it is useless? where did you read it was 5 days?

You only have a few days to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. Plan B® One-Step works better the sooner you take it. And unlike other emergency contraception, it's only one pill, so you can get what you need right away—within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.
How effective is Plan B® One-Step?

Plan B® One-Step works better the sooner you use it. If it is taken as directed within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure, it can significantly decrease the chance that you will become pregnant. About 7 out of every 8 women who would have gotten pregnant will not become pregnant. Plan B® One-Step works even better if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.

I can't explain the discrepancy between the medical sites and the pharmaceutical sites, other than to guess that they are worried about litigation.

Emergency contraception: Timeframe for using emergency contraceptives (the morning after pill)

yours is about an older version, a 2 pill situation, the plan b emergency one that i posted is the newest version, where only 1 pill is required but it MUST BE taken immediately or up to 72 hours, from what i gather....?
I think you are incorrect on there being 5 days to take it. I just read the literature on it yesterday and it specifically said it must be taken within the first 72 hours and closer to the first few hours after the incident, within 24 hours is the most effective....there is only a 7 out of 8 chance if following these instructions that it will be effective....after 72 hours it is useless? where did you read it was 5 days?

I can't explain the discrepancy between the medical sites and the pharmaceutical sites, other than to guess that they are worried about litigation.

Emergency contraception: Timeframe for using emergency contraceptives (the morning after pill)

yours is about an older version, a 2 pill situation, the plan b emergency one that i posted is the newest version, where only 1 pill is required but it MUST BE taken immediately or up to 72 hours, from what i gather....?


From the link:

In the United States, you can buy a one-step emergency contraceptive pill (called Plan B One-Step) or a 2-step pill (Plan B or Next Choice); both of these products contain the same total amount of progestin. Plan B One-Step is just one pill that you take as soon as possible after sex. The instructions for Plan B and Next Choice (which each contain 2 pills) say to take the first dose within 72 hours after sex and a second dose 12 hours later (however, studies show that you can take both pills at the same time). The same is true for most other pills sold specifically for use as emergency contraceptives around the world, and your health care provider will likely suggest this if you plan to use any of the brands of regular birth control pills that can also be used as emergency contraception. But studies show that all of these pills can be taken for up to 5 days after sex. (Click here for more detailed instructions for using daily birth control pills as emergency contraception.)
1)We're not talking about 'emergency medication'. We're talking about birth control.

2)If there's a market for the product, someone will sell it. That you're too lazy to go to a different pharmacy or a hospital or Planned Parenthood does not justify forcing a business owner to carry the flagship product of the next pharmaceutical to start lobbying.

It's called "emergency contraception" for a reason you dishonest fuck. Throughout this whole thread you keep trying to make it personal because you have no legit argument so you accuse people of being lazy, etc, etc, when really you are just completely tanked.

It is called emergency contraception to confuse people who think you have to take it right away. There is a 5 day window in which it is effective, which means it is not an emergency.

I guess that means you are the one without an effective argument because, no matter how you look at it, this is not going to save anyone's life. If the people who "need" it would take personal responsibility in the first place they would not need it because they would be using something else. Even if what they prefer to use fails they always have the option of an abortion, so there is absolutely no need for Plan B to be required to be sold anywhere. Unless, that is, abortions are inherently unsafe, which no one who advocates for abortions will admit.

That is a catch-22, the only way you could convince me that this is necessary is admit something you refuse to admit.

There isn't a 5 day window you dumbfuck. This is exactly what I mean about ignorant fucking dumbasses trying to debate when they don't even have basic fucking facts. The facts get posted and whiny ***** like you ignore it.
I can't explain the discrepancy between the medical sites and the pharmaceutical sites, other than to guess that they are worried about litigation.

Emergency contraception: Timeframe for using emergency contraceptives (the morning after pill)

yours is about an older version, a 2 pill situation, the plan b emergency one that i posted is the newest version, where only 1 pill is required but it MUST BE taken immediately or up to 72 hours, from what i gather....?


From the link:

In the United States, you can buy a one-step emergency contraceptive pill (called Plan B One-Step) or a 2-step pill (Plan B or Next Choice); both of these products contain the same total amount of progestin. Plan B One-Step is just one pill that you take as soon as possible after sex. The instructions for Plan B and Next Choice (which each contain 2 pills) say to take the first dose within 72 hours after sex and a second dose 12 hours later (however, studies show that you can take both pills at the same time). The same is true for most other pills sold specifically for use as emergency contraceptives around the world, and your health care provider will likely suggest this if you plan to use any of the brands of regular birth control pills that can also be used as emergency contraception. But studies show that all of these pills can be taken for up to 5 days after sex. (Click here for more detailed instructions for using daily birth control pills as emergency contraception.)

Only dumbasses like you can quote the fact it states:

"Plan B One-Step is just one pill that you take as soon as possible after sex."

Then squiggle and squirm it into "five days."

Fucking dishonest jackasses.
yours is about an older version, a 2 pill situation, the plan b emergency one that i posted is the newest version, where only 1 pill is required but it MUST BE taken immediately or up to 72 hours, from what i gather....?


From the link:

In the United States, you can buy a one-step emergency contraceptive pill (called Plan B One-Step) or a 2-step pill (Plan B or Next Choice); both of these products contain the same total amount of progestin. Plan B One-Step is just one pill that you take as soon as possible after sex. The instructions for Plan B and Next Choice (which each contain 2 pills) say to take the first dose within 72 hours after sex and a second dose 12 hours later (however, studies show that you can take both pills at the same time). The same is true for most other pills sold specifically for use as emergency contraceptives around the world, and your health care provider will likely suggest this if you plan to use any of the brands of regular birth control pills that can also be used as emergency contraception. But studies show that all of these pills can be taken for up to 5 days after sex. (Click here for more detailed instructions for using daily birth control pills as emergency contraception.)

Only dumbasses like you can quote the fact it states:

"Plan B One-Step is just one pill that you take as soon as possible after sex."

Then squiggle and squirm it into "five days."

Fucking dishonest jackasses.

Quoting the source it 'squiggling and squirming'?

Let me get this straight: You take one sentence that says sooner is better and contort it into some sort of 'I'm-gonna-die-if-I-don't-take-this-pill-in-the-next-hour' 'emergency'. Then you declare that quoting the same source verbatim is 'squirming'. Then you declare someone else to be dishonest?

From the link:

Only dumbasses like you can quote the fact it states:

"Plan B One-Step is just one pill that you take as soon as possible after sex."

Then squiggle and squirm it into "five days."

Fucking dishonest jackasses.

Quoting the source it 'squiggling and squirming'?

Let me get this straight: You take one sentence that says sooner is better and contort it into some sort of 'I'm-gonna-die-if-I-don't-take-this-pill-in-the-next-hour' 'emergency'. Then you declare that quoting the same source verbatim is 'squirming'. Then you declare someone else to be dishonest?

JB, in case you haven't figured it out my brother CircleJerk is one of the posters on this board, one of many actually, who you simply can NOT have a rationale debate with. He is incapable of thought beyond name calling and lying. I've seen him lie in threads when the truth would better serve his argument.

Seriously, I'd jump out and let him have the "win" if I were you, for your own sanity.

From the link:

Only dumbasses like you can quote the fact it states:

"Plan B One-Step is just one pill that you take as soon as possible after sex."

Then squiggle and squirm it into "five days."

Fucking dishonest jackasses.

Quoting the source it 'squiggling and squirming'?

Let me get this straight: You take one sentence that says sooner is better and contort it into some sort of 'I'm-gonna-die-if-I-don't-take-this-pill-in-the-next-hour' 'emergency'. Then you declare that quoting the same source verbatim is 'squirming'. Then you declare someone else to be dishonest?

You dishonest ****. I never said nor implied anything about dying and your source for the 5 day window is from fucking Princeton and it's not talking about the plan B One step that must be taken as soon as possible.

That "one sentence" I took is from the fucking manufacturer's instructions you ignorant **** so yes that makes more sense than your unsupported Princeton bullshit. What else ya got you lying fuck?


Why do people use female genitalia as a pejorative?

I don't know about you, but as a heterosexual male, I happen to rather like the female anatomy. (Well, depending on the female in question). Although I suppose such signs of misogyny fit with your view that women are either too lazy or too stupid to go to a second pharmacy or to Planned Parenthood, a hospital, or the Health Department.

your unsupported Princeton bullshit


from the link

A thorough and up-to-date academic review of the medical and social science literature on emergency contraception, including research showing that emergency contraceptive pills can be used up to 120 hours after sex, is available; click here

. What else ya got you lying fuck?[/quote]

You really expected to be taken seriously by any honest person with two brain cells?
Holy fuck you are pathetic. Plan B one step is an emergency contraception. The instructions are to take it as soon as fucking possible after sex. That might be why.....ya know....they call it EMERGENCY contraception. Your five day red herring is a painfully transparent attempt to ignore the facts as we know them then you have the audacity to accuse others of being dishonest. Shove another cock down your throat because you sure as hell don't use your head in any other way.
A new law here in Washington forces pharmacies to carry and sell the Plan B pill. Owners of several pharmacies have filed lawsuit based on the freedom of religion claiming that Plan B is against their beliefs and they refuse to sell the contraceptive. Lawmakers are contemplating changing the law to read that they do not have to carry Plan B if they refer customers to a nearby store that does sell the pill.

I wonder what the take on this concept is here. I am somewhat taken aback by this as I would have thought that it would naturally be the right of the business owner to decide what he or she sells. What right does the state have to mandate that a particular business sells anything. I understand regulation and placing limitations on items that a business is allowed to sell but forcing one to sell something seems over the top. What are your thoughts?

Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill, appeals court says - Los Angeles Times

Over the counter murder. We should be proud.:rolleyes:
I wonder if those pharmacists that are so pissed carry regular birth control pills.

Preempting conception of life and murdering a life are two different things. Got a better red herring than that, or what?

the birth control pill does the same thing....if it does not prevent an egg from being fertilized, it prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the does both....thus the 99.8% effectiveness.....from what i have read on it....
You're always such a dumbass. Did you know not everyone has a car? Did you know not everyone lives close to five pharmacies? There's a lot more you don't know but it would lock the entire internet from bandwidth overload if you were given that info all at once.

Go here and ship overnight

Or perhaps we should mandate that all stores carry plan b and deliver it to homes just in case they have no feet and no transportation.

Fail. You are responsible for yourself and the fact you have no car does not mean you need to intrude on my rights to choose what I sell and do not sell. Use a damn bus if you can't drive or get it on the web.

I didn't say I don't have a vehicle you dumbfuck. I was doing something really foreign to selfish fucks like you and thinking of other people.

"Other people" being defined as "anyone who's living according to my beliefs" and not "those fucking pharmacists who dare to disagree with my worldview and who will be made to kowtow", one assumes.

How terribly unselfish of you to legislate yourself control of other people's businesses for the greater good. Ghandi's got nothing on you.
Go here and ship overnight

Or perhaps we should mandate that all stores carry plan b and deliver it to homes just in case they have no feet and no transportation.

Fail. You are responsible for yourself and the fact you have no car does not mean you need to intrude on my rights to choose what I sell and do not sell. Use a damn bus if you can't drive or get it on the web.

I didn't say I don't have a vehicle you dumbfuck. I was doing something really foreign to selfish fucks like you and thinking of other people.

"Other people" being defined as "anyone who's living according to my beliefs" and not "those fucking pharmacists who dare to disagree with my worldview and who will be made to kowtow", one assumes.

How terribly unselfish of you to legislate yourself control of other people's businesses for the greater good. Ghandi's got nothing on you.

That bombed. Really really bad. Look on ebay or craigslist for soap boxes. Don't worry if it's free or where it comes cannot be any worse than yours.
I wonder if those pharmacists that are so pissed carry regular birth control pills.

Preempting conception of life and murdering a life are two different things. Got a better red herring than that, or what?

Where is that PSA of mine spelling out this pill does terminate a pregnancy?

You suck even more at debating than running a board.
Holy fuck you are pathetic. Plan B one step is an emergency contraception. The instructions are to take it as soon as fucking possible after sex. That might be why.....ya know....they call it EMERGENCY contraception. Your five day red herring is a painfully transparent attempt to ignore the facts as we know them then you have the audacity to accuse others of being dishonest. Shove another cock down your throat because you sure as hell don't use your head in any other way.

1) It was your side that first link to the 5-day information

2) Since when is linking to medical studies a redherring?

3) How is presenting facts ignoring them?

4) Why are you thinking about getting throatfucked and why can't you have the decency to keep your homosexual fantasies to yourself?
Holy fuck you are pathetic. Plan B one step is an emergency contraception. The instructions are to take it as soon as fucking possible after sex. That might be why.....ya know....they call it EMERGENCY contraception. Your five day red herring is a painfully transparent attempt to ignore the facts as we know them then you have the audacity to accuse others of being dishonest. Shove another cock down your throat because you sure as hell don't use your head in any other way.

1) It was your side that first link to the 5-day information

2) Since when is linking to medical studies a redherring?

3) How is presenting facts ignoring them?

4) Why are you thinking about getting throatfucked and why can't you have the decency to keep your homosexual fantasies to yourself?

Lol! "My side" referenced the 5 day bullshit? Pay attention you simple pimple: I've never referenced that 5 day crap but only a dishonest shitbag like you would try to imply that somehow. You didn't link an actual study dumbfuck. You linked a site that talked about a study. You ignored the fact the instructions are to take it as soon as fucking possible after sex. You tried to use the 5 day bullshit to trump that fact and even changed the font color in your desperate attempt.

Go ahead and deny it again that plan b one step is an emergency medication you lying fuck. Then embarrass yourself some more by using the rep button to accuse me of lying.

Clearly, your faith and your desire for totalitarian socialism as a pathway to a new Utopia, combined with your hatred of liberty and the free market as capitalist evils that are inherently designed as machinations top facilitate the oppression of the proletariat, prevents you from discussing the matter honesty or truly examining any information or evidence that contradicts your delusional worldview.

Is it useless to discuss any particular aspect of the matter with you. Any genuine intellectual contact in which we'd have you engage involves a challenge to your fundamental faith, a struggle for your soul. You have laid your reason and intellect upon the alter of the 'progressive' authoritarian dogma of the strict fatherly State and the war against those who would dare exercise their liberty and personal believes rather than falling ion line with your personal dicta and surrender their will and morality in the name of your convenience- and now you lack the strength of mind and will to take them up again, turning your back on the promise of your faith and deal with the world as it truly is.
A new law here in Washington forces pharmacies to carry and sell the Plan B pill. Owners of several pharmacies have filed lawsuit based on the freedom of religion claiming that Plan B is against their beliefs and they refuse to sell the contraceptive. Lawmakers are contemplating changing the law to read that they do not have to carry Plan B if they refer customers to a nearby store that does sell the pill.

I wonder what the take on this concept is here. I am somewhat taken aback by this as I would have thought that it would naturally be the right of the business owner to decide what he or she sells. What right does the state have to mandate that a particular business sells anything. I understand regulation and placing limitations on items that a business is allowed to sell but forcing one to sell something seems over the top. What are your thoughts?

Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill, appeals court says - Los Angeles Times

Over the counter murder. We should be proud.:rolleyes:

someone doesn't how the pill works. :lol:

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