Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill

I'm against the government telling businesses what services and goods they must deliver in any industry. I would think that in America that wouldn't be something we would have to be fighting over.

home made 100% proof MOONSHINE, why can't liquor stores sell such?

Playboy and penthouse, in plain view, at the grocery store check out counter, why can't the business sell such if they wanted to?

Putting up a sex toy shop right next to a school? Or in Nevada, a brothel right next to a school?

Or a strip joint right next to a school?

Prescription drugs, sold over the counter?

Is it okay to tell a business what the CAN NOT SELL and if this is all okay, why?

Isn't this gvt. interfering with what the private business may want to do or sell in their establishment as well?

If this were an emergency medication that prevented a person that had a heart attack from getting another one, would it be okay for the gvt to force the pharmacy to sell it, or would this be wrong as well?

I can understand the objection of the pharmacy, especially if they were Catholic owners...who, for religious reasons, are suppose to be against any kind of man made birth control...sponges, BC pills, spermicides and rubbers...but to pick and choose what pregnancy deterrent that they don't want to carry due to religious objection should at least be consistent imho.

MAJOR FAIL. All the items you are referring to are regulations that control weather or not you are ALLOWED to sell items not that you MUST sell an item. They are complete opposites. There is good reason that there are regulations preventing all stores from selling a specific item such as those that are ILLEGAL. There is no parallel to the idea that they are REQUIRED to sell something. Same goes for the regulations on HOW to dispense a specific item. In the end, it is still the stores right to choose if it will carry a legal item and that is how it should be. This law takes that right.
Fail. You are responsible for yourself and the fact you have no car does not mean you need to intrude on my rights to choose what I sell and do not sell. Use a damn bus if you can't drive or get it on the web.

The lack of responsibility most likely precipitated the need to begin with. I say give them the plan C. They take a pill and drop dead.
I'm against the government telling businesses what services and goods they must deliver in any industry. I would think that in America that wouldn't be something we would have to be fighting over.

home made 100% proof MOONSHINE, why can't liquor stores sell such?

Playboy and penthouse, in plain view, at the grocery store check out counter, why can't the business sell such if they wanted to?

Putting up a sex toy shop right next to a school? Or in Nevada, a brothel right next to a school?

Or a strip joint right next to a school?

Prescription drugs, sold over the counter?

Is it okay to tell a business what the CAN NOT SELL and if this is all okay, why?

Isn't this gvt. interfering with what the private business may want to do or sell in their establishment as well?

If this were an emergency medication that prevented a person that had a heart attack from getting another one, would it be okay for the gvt to force the pharmacy to sell it, or would this be wrong as well?

I can understand the objection of the pharmacy, especially if they were Catholic owners...who, for religious reasons, are suppose to be against any kind of man made birth control...sponges, BC pills, spermicides and rubbers...but to pick and choose what pregnancy deterrent that they don't want to carry due to religious objection should at least be consistent imho.

So , you're such an intellectual midget you can't differentiate regulating from forcing someone to carry a product? Nice......
You people seem to forget that all of your silly arguments have been heard and the pharmacies don't get to refuse a sale of Plan B for religious reasons.

Yes, and everyone knows that legality determines morality . . . for vacuous fools who have no moral compass of their own. Thank God there've always been some people in this country who don't just shrug and accept court decisions as the final word. Otherwise, we'd still have slaves.

No wonder you're so fond of the idea of turning pharmacists into brainless, controlled sheep. You already are one yourself.

Why do ***** like you insist on bullshit responses? Nobody is advocating pharms must adhere to a full stock list you dishonest fuck. Mandating emergency drugs is no less reasonable than speed limits, equal rights, or any of the other thousands of laws in place mediating the public realm.

Another Circlejerk fail , imagine that.

Seriously , why would this surprise anyone though? I mean a government that can FORCE you to buy medical insurance can surely force you to sell Plan B. Next up Obama realizes GM needs more sales so he orders that everyone much buy a new Chevy pickup.
You wouldn't know discrimination if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on your left ass cheek. Discriminating against a product is NOT the same as discriminating against a customer, you twit.

And no one needs Plan B so "immediately" that they can't spare the time to drive to the next pharmacy, dumbass.

You're always such a dumbass. Did you know not everyone has a car? Did you know not everyone lives close to five pharmacies? There's a lot more you don't know but it would lock the entire internet from bandwidth overload if you were given that info all at once.

Go here and ship overnight

Or perhaps we should mandate that all stores carry plan b and deliver it to homes just in case they have no feet and no transportation.

Fail. You are responsible for yourself and the fact you have no car does not mean you need to intrude on my rights to choose what I sell and do not sell. Use a damn bus if you can't drive or get it on the web.

I didn't say I don't have a vehicle you dumbfuck. I was doing something really foreign to selfish fucks like you and thinking of other people.
Another PSA:

Plan B is not an abortion pill. It is emergency contraception. If a pregnancy has already occurred then Plan B is as useful as a Bush supporter in a Library.
You're always such a dumbass. Did you know not everyone has a car? Did you know not everyone lives close to five pharmacies? There's a lot more you don't know but it would lock the entire internet from bandwidth overload if you were given that info all at once.

Go here and ship overnight

Or perhaps we should mandate that all stores carry plan b and deliver it to homes just in case they have no feet and no transportation.

Fail. You are responsible for yourself and the fact you have no car does not mean you need to intrude on my rights to choose what I sell and do not sell. Use a damn bus if you can't drive or get it on the web.

I didn't say I don't have a vehicle you dumbfuck. I was doing something really foreign to selfish fucks like you and thinking of other people.

Funny that you claim to think of others , when the fact is , you don't. Oh you might use others to support YOUR agenda, but you don't EVER think of others. It's all about what CircleJerk wants.

Theoretical gay that might want to be a Boy Scout , CircleJerk can use that
Theoretical woman who can only find a way to get to ONE pharmacy? CircleJerk can use that to
Etc , etc, etc.

Again, tell me of a single person in this country who lives more than hour from a chain pharmacy. Oh , there isn't one. The chain pharmacies of course will carry this pill.
Fail. You are responsible for yourself and the fact you have no car does not mean you need to intrude on my rights to choose what I sell and do not sell. Use a damn bus if you can't drive or get it on the web.

The lack of responsibility most likely precipitated the need to begin with. I say give them the plan C. They take a pill and drop dead.

You're such an ignorant fuck. Let's say a couple uses a condom but it breaks.....plan b is an emergency contraception that would work even when people practiced safe sex. But you go on living in your delusions of self righteousness you sick fuck.
You people seem to forget that all of your silly arguments have been heard and the pharmacies don't get to refuse a sale of Plan B for religious reasons.

Yes, and everyone knows that legality determines morality . . . for vacuous fools who have no moral compass of their own. Thank God there've always been some people in this country who don't just shrug and accept court decisions as the final word. Otherwise, we'd still have slaves.

No wonder you're so fond of the idea of turning pharmacists into brainless, controlled sheep. You already are one yourself.

Why do ***** like you insist on bullshit responses? Nobody is advocating pharms must adhere to a full stock list you dishonest fuck. Mandating emergency drugs is no less reasonable than speed limits, equal rights, or any of the other thousands of laws in place mediating the public realm.
It's not a 'emergency drug'. You have up to 3 days according to the manufacturer and up to 5 days according to the links you morons posted to take it to make up for the fact that you're a loose whore who's not smart enough to take BC, use a condom, or go to the Health Department, a hospital, Planned Parenthood, or another pharmacy.

Speed limits are to prevent you from killing someone else. This drug to to help ensure that if another life is present, it dies. To equate Plan B to speed limit laws is a sign of low intellect and unscrupulous character.
I'm against the government telling businesses what services and goods they must deliver in any industry. I would think that in America that wouldn't be something we would have to be fighting over.

home made 100% proof MOONSHINE, why can't liquor stores sell such?

Because moonshine is illegal. Equating laws preventing the sell of illegal goods with laws forcing businesses to carry certain products is evidence of low IQ and dishonest character.
Playboy and penthouse, in plain view, at the grocery store check out counter, why can't the business sell such if they wanted to?

They can't have the nudity visible because it's illegal to have nudity visible in the public space. They can't have it accessible to minors because making it accessible to minors is illegal.

Equating laws that prevent the sell or accessibility of materials to person to whom it is illegal to sell them or make them accessible to laws forcing businesses keepers to sell what Die Staat mandates is evidence of low IQ and dishonest character.
Putting up a sex toy shop right next to a school? Or in Nevada, a brothel right next to a school?

Or a strip joint right next to a school?

Prescription drugs, sold over the counter?

See the above.
If this were an emergency medication that prevented a person that had a heart attack from getting another one, would it be okay for the gvt to force the pharmacy to sell it, or would this be wrong as well?

Should ever business everywhere be forced to sell every drug, fire extinguishers, knives, Quick Clot, and anything else anyone might ever need? Or should this be a free country?

How is not forcing a business to sell a given product socialism?



It isn't. But it can very easily promote socialism if it creates an unmet need that the government is called upon to satisfy.

I thought it was a pretty easy concept to grasp, but I often overestimate these things.

How am I creating any unmet need the government needs to satisfy?

You don't think any business owner will sell Plan B if it's not mandated at the point of a federal rifle and punishable by imprisonment to refuse to sell it? :cuckoo:

You understanding of how the market works leaves much to be desired.
Are private schools required by law to include certain material in their curriculum? I'm not certain, but I think they are. And if so, is that not a similar type of regulation? :eusa_think:
Yes, and everyone knows that legality determines morality . . . for vacuous fools who have no moral compass of their own. Thank God there've always been some people in this country who don't just shrug and accept court decisions as the final word. Otherwise, we'd still have slaves.

No wonder you're so fond of the idea of turning pharmacists into brainless, controlled sheep. You already are one yourself.

Why do ***** like you insist on bullshit responses? Nobody is advocating pharms must adhere to a full stock list you dishonest fuck. Mandating emergency drugs is no less reasonable than speed limits, equal rights, or any of the other thousands of laws in place mediating the public realm.
It's not a 'emergency drug'. You have up to 3 days according to the manufacturer and up to 5 days according to the links you morons posted to take it to make up for the fact that you're a loose whore who's not smart enough to take BC, use a condom, or go to the Health Department, a hospital, Planned Parenthood, or another pharmacy.

Speed limits are to prevent you from killing someone else. This drug to to help ensure that if another life is present, it dies. To equate Plan B to speed limit laws is a sign of low intellect and unscrupulous character.[/QUOTE]

AKA CurvedLight, better known as CircleJerk
Are private schools required by law to include certain material in their curriculum? I'm not certain, but I think they are. And if so, is that not a similar type of regulation? :eusa_think:

It's a strawman, but no they are not. Private schools ARE required to make sure there students can pass the same grade tests as their public school counterparts, but they are not required to teach certain curricula. Reason? They are PRIVATE and therefor the government doesn't get that say.
Yes, and everyone knows that legality determines morality . . . for vacuous fools who have no moral compass of their own. Thank God there've always been some people in this country who don't just shrug and accept court decisions as the final word. Otherwise, we'd still have slaves.

No wonder you're so fond of the idea of turning pharmacists into brainless, controlled sheep. You already are one yourself.

Why do ***** like you insist on bullshit responses? Nobody is advocating pharms must adhere to a full stock list you dishonest fuck. Mandating emergency drugs is no less reasonable than speed limits, equal rights, or any of the other thousands of laws in place mediating the public realm.
It's not a 'emergency drug'. You have up to 3 days according to the manufacturer and up to 5 days according to the links you morons posted to take it to make up for the fact that you're a loose whore who's not smart enough to take BC, use a condom, or go to the Health Department, a hospital, Planned Parenthood, or another pharmacy.

Speed limits are to prevent you from killing someone else. This drug to to help ensure that if another life is present, it dies. To equate Plan B to speed limit laws is a sign of low intellect and unscrupulous character.

This pill does not kill a pregnancy you dumbfuck.

Since I am a man and can't get pregnant your attemtped ad hom is useless. You dumbfuck.

It is an emergency contraception you dumbfuck.

The manufacturer says you have up to three days because they are trying to sell their product you dumbfuck.

Pay attention dumbfuck. If you take it four hours after sex versus three days, which time frame would be more effective you dumbfuck? (Nevermind. You're a dumbfuck)

Thank you for reaffirming what I pointed out earlier that dumbfucks like you are against this because you are making moral judgments on women and since you hate women you want as much control over them as possible. (Yes it is possible to hate women no matter what gender one is you dumbfuck.)
You don't think any business owner will sell Plan B if it's not mandated at the point of a federal rifle and punishable by imprisonment to refuse to sell it? :cuckoo:

You understanding of how the market works leaves much to be desired.

Your understanding of the varying cultures that exist in this country leaves a lot to be desired.

If the courts ruled in favor of this pharmacist, it's not beyond the realm of possibility to envision rural areas in bible country where pharmacists could actually be strong-armed into not stocking this drug.

Like I said, I'm not convinced that I support this law, but I'm certainly not willing to abandon pragmatic objectivity when considering it's relative pros & cons.
Are private schools required by law to include certain material in their curriculum? I'm not certain, but I think they are. And if so, is that not a similar type of regulation? :eusa_think:

It's a strawman, but no they are not. Private schools ARE required to make sure there students can pass the same grade tests as their public school counterparts, but they are not required to teach certain curricula. Reason? They are PRIVATE and therefor the government doesn't get that say.

I think you are wrong.

I'm pretty sure, for example, that Texas history is required for certain grade levels in Texas in both public and private schools.

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