Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill

Yes it does. They are forcing business owners to act in a way opposed to their religious beliefs.

Go learn what freedom of religion means dumbass.

Well, according to SCOTUS and Congress, it means a person can not preform an abortion if they have a moral objection to it. It also means that a person can refuse to sell tobacco and alcohol, even though these are legal products that anyone can buy. It even means that a pharmacist working for a pharmacy can refuse to dispense medications that that pharmacy sells, and they cannot be fired for it.

Yet somehow you do not think it means that a pharmacist can refuse to sell something if he happens to own the pharmacy himself. I must admit to some confusion about this, but I am sure you can clear it up.

Are you really and truly expecting a rationale discussion with CircleJerk? Especially about freedom of religion, this moron truly believed that the BSA should not have the right to exclude gays on a religious basis.
You people seem to forget that all of your silly arguments have been heard and the pharmacies don't get to refuse a sale of Plan B for religious reasons.

You seem to forget that religion shouldn't even be a factor here. If I own an auto lot and sell Toyotas, should the government be able to say "It would be better for the country if you sold GM's so start selling GM's?"

I would hope you would say no to that.
You people seem to forget that all of your silly arguments have been heard and the pharmacies don't get to refuse a sale of Plan B for religious reasons.

So I have more rights than another man, simply because he happens to be a superstitious fool?

If a man has a right to do or to not do something, he has that right regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, political affiliation, or beliefs.

Or are civil rights only for black lesbian women?
You people seem to forget that all of your silly arguments have been heard and the pharmacies don't get to refuse a sale of Plan B for religious reasons.

So I have more rights than another man, simply because he happens to be a superstitious fool?

If a man has a right to do or to not do something, he has that right regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, political affiliation, or beliefs.

Or are civil rights only for black lesbian women?

Bingo, that is exactly what they are saying. Fuck a white Christian man. Let's push our agenda on him.
JB indirectly supports socialism and he doesn't even realize it.

How is not forcing a business to sell a given product socialism?


I wonder if those pharmacists that are so pissed carry regular birth control pills.

Birth control prevents an egg from dropping in the first place and therefore prevents the fertilization of the egg. Plan B does not allow the egg to implant in the wall AFTER fertilization, the point at which many feel life begins at. To them, it is the same as killing the child. If there is a catholic here I would like to know how they feel about selling birth control since it is against catholic dogma to take it. Do Catholics equate birth control to murder in the same manner as the plan b pill?

However, the woman could just purchase any BCP, take 4-6 of them, and she would have the same result as Plan B.

So, in essense, they would have to refuse to carry ALL BCPs if they wanted to have a clear conscience.

Who are you to tell anyone else what his conscience does or doesn't dictate?
I bet they have no problem selling viagra.

What's it to you if they do or don't? If you want to talk about hypocrisy, how about the people who prattle on about "not my place to legislate my morality to someone else about abortion", and then think it's peachy to legislate their morality to pharmacists? If you have no business "forcing" someone to have a baby, how do you think you have any business LITERALLY forcing someone to sell products they don't like?
This is NOT a thread about abortion, if you want to cover that open a new thread and pleas stop hijacking this one. This thread is about pharmacists being forced to sell a specific product.

Yes, let's keep those uncomfortable analogies and parallels out of this. We're busy calling OTHER people hypocrites, not engaging in self-analysis. :eusa_whistle:
A new law here in Washington forces pharmacies to carry and sell the Plan B pill. Owners of several pharmacies have filed lawsuit based on the freedom of religion claiming that Plan B is against their beliefs and they refuse to sell the contraceptive. Lawmakers are contemplating changing the law to read that they do not have to carry Plan B if they refer customers to a nearby store that does sell the pill.

I wonder what the take on this concept is here. I am somewhat taken aback by this as I would have thought that it would naturally be the right of the business owner to decide what he or she sells. What right does the state have to mandate that a particular business sells anything. I understand regulation and placing limitations on items that a business is allowed to sell but forcing one to sell something seems over the top. What are your thoughts?

Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill, appeals court says - Los Angeles Times

they could decide not to be pharmacists if carrying pharmaceuticals upsets them.

Better, stop being pharmacists in WA state. Pack up and move.

And how would that work if I said, "Want an abortion? Stop living in a state that doesn't allow them. Pack up and move"? I'm betting THAT would be outrageous. Apparently, there's only ONE right that people should universally be allowed to practice anywhere in the country. Everyone who wants to practice the ones actually enumerated in the Constitution, too fucking bad. Go find the appropriate "civil rights zone" or shut up.
If Pharms don't want public responsibility they need to find a new profession. It is not up to them to control others' live through their own self righteous glass gavels.

I love it. It's not up to THEM to "control others' lives through their own self-righteous glass gavels", but it's apparently up to YOU to control THEIR lives by saying, "Either abandon YOUR religious and moral ideals and sell the items I think are appropriate, or find another profession."

Seriously, did you have to take special lessons to be this egregiously hypocritical? I just find it hard to believe it could just be natural talent.
A new law here in Washington forces pharmacies to carry and sell the Plan B pill. Owners of several pharmacies have filed lawsuit based on the freedom of religion claiming that Plan B is against their beliefs and they refuse to sell the contraceptive. Lawmakers are contemplating changing the law to read that they do not have to carry Plan B if they refer customers to a nearby store that does sell the pill.

I wonder what the take on this concept is here. I am somewhat taken aback by this as I would have thought that it would naturally be the right of the business owner to decide what he or she sells. What right does the state have to mandate that a particular business sells anything. I understand regulation and placing limitations on items that a business is allowed to sell but forcing one to sell something seems over the top. What are your thoughts?

Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill, appeals court says - Los Angeles Times

Maybe this has been mentioned as I have not read the entire thread, but here is how I would deal with this issue.

"I'm sorry, I am out of stock at the moment and do not know how long it will be before I receive my next shipment."

Every time someone entered my store, they would get the same reply.

The government cannot force me to stock items I do not care to stock.


I'm the kind of asshole that would stand in front of your store with a sign that reads:

"Woman Hating Pharmacy"

And I'M the kind of asshole who would take one look at you and your dipshit sign and decide to shop there exclusively. I do so hate having to share a store with ignorant riff-raff.
I believe the obligation of the pharmacist is too fill the doctor's prescription. The pharmacist should not have the option of denying the patient a drug that the doctor has prescribed because of personal beliefs. If the pharmacist can deny Plan B, because of his personal beliefs, he can refuse to sell any drug for any of a number of reasons. In small rural communities there are not a lot of drug stores to choose from. If one drug store in a community refuses to sell a drug then others can also. Being a pharmacist is not like selling shoes where the seller can pick and choose what he wants to sell.

Something else to consider here.

If the drug costs me $5/dosage to buy from the manufacturer and the market rate that I can sell it for is $3 why should I have to sell the product? It costs me capital to hold product that I cannot sell.

A pharmacist is state licensed and has obligations to the community unlike most retail businesses. He can't just carry the most profitable drugs. There are a number of services that are considered necessary for the health and safety of the community and the providers are not allowed to choose who they will served and what they will sell based on their personal preferences.

The reason the pharmacist refused to sell Plan B was not a financial issue but a personal one.

I must have missed the part where a pharmacist's license REQUIRES him to give up his civil rights and become a mindless, obedient slave of the masses or the government. Is that in the really fine print?
I love that law. The religious morons who don't like it could move to a state that bans that pill.

And I'm sure you were a BIG supporter of the suggestion that people who wanted abortions should pick up and move to states that allowed them prior to Roe v. Wade (or would have been, if you weren't actually old enough to remember it).
I have a feeling many whiners are confusing plan b for the ru486 pill. Anyone bitching about plan b should also be bitching about all forms of birth control.

Because you were granted the power and right to dictate other people's beliefs and consciences to them when?
I have a feeling many whiners are confusing plan b for the ru486 pill. Anyone bitching about plan b should also be bitching about all forms of birth control.

Exactly. They're hitting every angle but the right one.

Funny how "Constitutional right" is never "the right angle" with liberals unless it's 1) a right that doesn't actually appear in the Constitution, or 2) a liberal asserting it.

When does someone OTHER than abortion activists get to claim protection for freedom of choice?
I'm pretty liberal on a lot of issues, but this one just doesn't seem right. I am not comfortable with a retail establishment being forced to sell anything, especially if they don't feel it is morally right. Even Walmart at times has refused to carry music or DVDs they feel are objectionable.

I also live in a small town and yet there are at least six pharmacies within a seven mile radius. So if one decided they didn't want to carry something, there are several other options.

Also, if I was sexually active and pregnancy would be completely out of the question for me, I would probably take some pre-emptive measures and make sure I had this drug on hand just in case, and not go on a frenzied scavenger hunt at the last minute.

Let's not confuse plan b with a dixie chicks cd.

The sexual activity of females is completely irrelevent. Plan B does not come in Slut Mode, Rape Mode, or Shit the Condom Broke Mode.

How about "I don't care, I don't want to sell it, who the hell are you to make my decisions for me?" mode?
Walmart is a general goods store and is not solely a pharmacy that is highly regulated and licensed by the State for the medical good of the people....

Medical good of the people doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. This medicine is available at Family Planing Clinics correct? Those are pretty much in every county nationwide. So I start a pharmacy in 1990, before the drug. Now I find myself in this position twenty years later. I am suppose to throw my ethics out the window because the state says so or go out of business? Nice play at God there Care.

If you want the ability to force your ethics on to people then start a church.

Selfishness is at the center of the problem here along with ignorance. When you operate a business in the public arena you must realize it is a two way street. When I have to hire people I'm not allowed to discriminate based on several areas. If a racist applies and is qualified I have to hire that person. As a business owner I understand I don't exist in a vacuum. The good part is, as soon as the racist makes racist comments on a job site I can fire the dumbass on the spot and there isn't a fucking thing the whiner can do. I have had a couple threaten to call the AG's office and when they have I've given them the number and offered free use of my phone.

Playing by the rules doesn't mean you can't play.

Right back atcha, hypocrite. I've heard you babble about "not forcing morality on people", but strangely enough, you and your compatriots always seem to be the only ones ACTUALLY forcing anyone to ACTUALLY do anything.

Please show me anywhere in "the rules" that says, "Operating a business in the public arena means the government gets to dictate what you have to sell."
I wonder if those pharmacists that are so pissed carry regular birth control pills.

I think there's a big difference between birth control pills and the other pill. I think the side effects of the other pill warrant a great deal more precaution and unless the person is seeing a doctor, or will see a doctor afterward, it really is a dangerous thing.

Also, birth control pills prevent pregnancy, the other kills a pregnancy. I can see people who don't believe in that and don't believe they should be forced to sell something against their beliefs.

I have a doctor that won't do abortions, nevertheless, he will refer you to someone who will. How about we require the pharmacists to do that?

Have you ever read the side effects on the birth control literature they give you at the pharmacy?

It's quite extensive.

This is religious objection because they don't understand the difference between birth control and abortions.

So what? Where does the Constitution say anything about "free exercise of religion . . . as long as Sarah G approves of it"?

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