Philadelphia Police unconditional surrender to the mobs

I would never have believed that the police in America would turn tail and run. They are a true embarrassment to America

The police have been under attack since Barrack Hussein opened up on them. BTW these looters...they could be Obamas sons couldnt they? They look sort of like him.

If you go to other media besides Fox you will see numerous videos from individuals on the ground in these cities that are showing blacks getting into altercations with whites who are defacing and tagging "BLM" and "Fuck the pigs" on stores and buildings. Some on FB, some on Twitter, like this one where a black guy tries to stop a white guy from tagging:

The black people tried to explain to the white idiots that THEY will be blamed for defacing these buildings, not the white kids.

I've been saying that all along. The riots are started by the racist Democrats and racist fascists in AintIFascist. I suggested in another thread that the locals in the community should be beating down any white person making trouble - though I should have said beating down ANY person making trouble.

Are you familiar with the Tony Timpa case......exactly the same as George Floyd.....with two exceptions:

He was white

And no riots.

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The Philadelphia mayor has issued an emergency order that all businesses in the city are to close immediately.

Trump is going to be forced to deploy the military.
The only good difference that closing places will make is the fact that the employees won't be in any danger whenever rioters decide to bust the doors down to do whatever it is that they dead gum please. Because their choices of action are still crimes, may they all be arrested, tried, convicted and put away for good in the pokey where they belong!

God bless you and their victims always!!!

Some black friends and relatives on The Facebookburning send me a bunch of George Floyd things.

I felt so bad, I nearly robbed the local liquor store
This is now beyond the point of anything this country has ever seen.

If this keeps up, at some point the people that are violent need to be stopped by whatever means are necessary.
Its already well passed that stage, the democratic party mayors are in on this rioting. Antifa is funded by the DNC, and the DNC mega-billionaires who fund the DNC, also fund antifa! In Mlps, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Philly, Boston, ect ect, all have openly sided with antifa over and over and over again for the last three years. CNN & MSNBC on air staff routinely praise and encourage antifa to violence, and not one US attorney general has had the balls to step in and shutter the two of them, and incarcerate the democratic party political agitators who make up the on-air staff. This is not about racism or a dead felon, the democratic party is behind all of this, just this morning John Brennan, the same Obama thug whom Barr will decline to prosecute, was egging on the mobs to loot and pillage the entire United States! Did you fucking hear that? Thats right, Obama's CIA chief John Brennan, is openly inciting the mob to riot coast to coast!

Its time to take matters into our own hands, Barr ain't doing a thing about anything....

Why the fuck is Brennan still a free man? I mean how much more damage does the guy have to do to the Constitution and the Country?

He is right, a lot of this is Trump's fault for not having a Corleone Baptism Event against American's domestic enemies
Blue cities burn, all run by insane Democrats that pushed this Agenda.

Thankfully nearly everywhere outside urban shit holes is Red country.

We should be seeing scenes like those on that bridge in New Orleans after week or so., as the animals steal and burn everything down and then head for the Burbs looking for easy prey. Democrats are already complaining their pet zoo keeps robbing and burning 'the wrong businesses', meaning they're trying to direct their pets to white areas, not trying to quell the rioting. All these shopkeepers caught defending their property from these pos will get the same railroading they're handing out to white cops and whites in Georgia for the crime of defending themselves. In Georgia it's GOP pols doing the railroading, so let's not pretend it's all Democrats.
A percentage of people in suburbs deserve this also. You also have many Prog women living there. They deserve to get a taste of their medicine that they have forced on others for a long time.

Oh yeah; that commie faggot Mayor in MiniHapless found out they don't give a shit about his 'leadership', so did the Governor, all Burb Brats completely clueless about what these hood rats are all about; same with many of the media halfwits who love to feed this sort of violence, then whine and cry for the cops when they get mugged and beaten by their petting zoo animals.
It is not difficult to figure it out. Playing games for their social experiments not caring who gets hurt in the process and believing that no harm can come to them. And why wouldn't they? They have been insulated for most of their lives. The very recipients of white privilege. Our nation is littered with men and women who have been affected in bad ways because of them and they will not garner sympathy when it is their turn.
Fox News just showed a long line of parked police cars abandoned by the police and being stripped and burned by the mobs. Then the SWAT truck came down the street and I had hope they were going to stop the attacks but the SWAT truck did nothing, driving by the looters and arsonists. The Philadelphia PD has officially surrendered the city to the mob. Glad I no longer live there.
They made a good cheese steak back in the day
Some black friends and relatives on The Facebookburning send me a bunch of George Floyd things.

I felt so bad, I nearly robbed the local liquor store

If you decide to go for it.....

...could you pick up a TV for me?

Frank would be distracted by the kitchenware dept. and never make it to the Home Electronics dept. in time, much less be able to carry anything with all the spatulas and bags of BBQ brickettes he would be toting.
Fox News just showed a long line of parked police cars abandoned by the police and being stripped and burned by the mobs. Then the SWAT truck came down the street and I had hope they were going to stop the attacks but the SWAT truck did nothing, driving by the looters and arsonists. The Philadelphia PD has officially surrendered the city to the mob. Glad I no longer live there.

Nothing new in liberal Democrat shitholes.

View attachment 343498

But but but how do you KNOW it's blacks that are rioting? Saying its just blacks is WACIST!!!!
Fox News just showed a long line of parked police cars abandoned by the police and being stripped and burned by the mobs. Then the SWAT truck came down the street and I had hope they were going to stop the attacks but the SWAT truck did nothing, driving by the looters and arsonists. The Philadelphia PD has officially surrendered the city to the mob. Glad I no longer live there.
You want the cops to do what......shoot everyone? The assholes destroyed stuff for a big insurance claim.
The democratic mayors encourage the riots. They aim to blame their intentionally caused havoc on the best president in history.

Too bad Americans aren't quite retarded enough to buy that... and the ones that are vote democrat anyway and get to be enriched now, wonderful.
"Best president in history" It's Obama's fault?.
The Philadelphia mayor has issued an emergency order that all businesses in the city are to close immediately.

Trump is going to be forced to deploy the military.
Trump is going to be forced to deploy the military.

The annihilation of western culture. Your skidmark succeeds, Putin wins.
If you go to other media besides Fox you will see numerous videos from individuals on the ground in these cities that are showing blacks getting into altercations with whites who are defacing and tagging "BLM" and "Fuck the pigs" on stores and buildings. Some on FB, some on Twitter, like this one where a black guy tries to stop a white guy from tagging:

The black people tried to explain to the white idiots that THEY will be blamed for defacing these buildings, not the white kids.

We expect a lot of staged propaganda rubbish from your ilk, and we don't buy it. 'lol at 'It's da white people doing it!!!' lol lol lol

Actually it is equal opportunity. Where I live the lesbians and rainbow warriors are getting their riot shoes on. White guys are running around with BLM t-shirts. It is a woke joke. Riots are big fun.

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