Philippines President Wants American Forces Out...

Since he doesn't want us there, we should get out.
He will eventually figure out that even though we are gone, his Islamist problem will only be expanding (of course, if he's a secret Muslim like our commander-in-chief, that'll make him happy). If things do go badly for him and he should call upon us to return, we should tell him to sort out his own problems.
I disagree with those that think we should take all of our troops out of foreign nations. We do have interests to protect and can't do it by hibernating within the borders of the USA. We have a defense treaty with South Korea and they prefer us there and so that treaty should be honored. As a matter of fact, any treaties that are in effect, should be honored until such time as a review should become necessary.
His problem with US Special Operations units in the south of his country is that they ARE NOT helping local military fight the Muslim rebels. They are trying to "assimilate" the region into peaceful coexistence. Typical Obozo BS.

They should just leave. 70yrs is enough. Time to come home.

Do you understand what and where you are responding to?

we closed our bases in the Philippines in the early 1990s. The economic impact has been huge and they just recently asked us to start calling there again. They have been struggling against Muslim separatists based out of Malaysia for decades and just recently asked for help. Sadly, the Rules of Engagement do not allow our Special Operations folks to effective help battle the effort.

Get out completely. The Philippines President has requested it. Let's oblige and come home.

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