Philly Mayor : 'You've damaged your own race'

The black community is doomed alright, but only because America is doomed. The only way to prevent the impending doom of America is to seperate the races. Whites are the cause of all of the racism and racial discrimination we see in the world. It is your legacy so stop complaining. I'm sure your devil ancestors didn't complain about all the expense free labor they got for 300 years, and your rich devil brothers in Washington and on Wall Street aren't complaining now as they reap all the benefits from the forced disenfranchisement of my people. The growing divide between the rich and poor attests to this. These posts show that modern whites are as devilish in their thinking today as they have ever been. I will be glad beyond words, on the day when almighty God in his own good time removes the devil from our planet. The people of the world will only have peace once the peace breaker has been removed...

You really need to educate yourself. The black community is destroying it's own. In America today, almost as many African-American children are aborted as are born. A black baby is three times more likely to be aborted as a white baby.

Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25 percent. Twice as many African-Americans have died from abortion than have died from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease combined.

80 percent of abortion facilities are located in minority neighborhoods. About 13 percent of American women are black, but they receive over 35 percent of the abortions.

And it should be noted that while blacks represent about 12 percent of the poputlation they commit over 50 percent ofa all violent crime.

But I'm sure you, like many other ignorant blacks, will find a way to blame whitey for these facts.

All of this is the effect of you and your devil ancestors and the devilish worldwide system you created, the so-called "Wester World". None of this took place amongst us until you brought it. If you weren't so incredibly ill informed you would know the effect the mores, folkways and values system of the ruling class has on the disenfranchised. My people behave the way you and your devil ancestors have taught us to behave. How is it that you blame your best student for emulating what you taught him?

Just what I thought. Blame whitey! You're very predictable. Perhaps one day you'll learn to think for yourself.
I havent' been called a devil in a while.

The purity of this guys hate is refreshing.

H_G I'm gonna call you GC [Graham Crackah] for the life of this, cuz dat jus how Iz roll homey.


I never get along too well with some of the brothers on this site for some reason.:confused:
My race? I am half black half white.:cuckoo:

What you are is half crazy. Why is it that you are on here attempting to endear yourself to these people? Have you read the thread "Don't tell 52nd street"? Do you know it is a policy of the devil in his system of control to bastardize the race so that he can seperate us? All of us have white iin us as a result of the abberant social practices the devil carried out during slavery? It doesn't make you any less black, and it definitely doesn't make them look at you as anything other than a n!@$er. Everything I have stated is fact, if you can't deal with facts then it is you who's the

Huh? 52nd street is a racist piece of shit so I don't care what people say about him, and quite frankly "brother" you are the one coming off as cookoo.:cuckoo:

Racism is the legacy of the whiteman. 52nd street did not learn his racism from the motherland, and is only responding to a set of imposed conditions. So if I'm such a cuckoo then tell me brother, what have I stated that's been wrong? Did the world's non-white people not live in relative peace for epochs before there was a white face on the planet? Did the whiteman not invent and implement racism? Did our people not discover civilization, science, religion, art, mathematics, archithecture, and music? Were we not made slaves and subjected to psychological tampering of which modern scientists have discovered there to be a carry over from? For which of these facts do you call me cuckoo?
I havent' been called a devil in a while.

The purity of this guys hate is refreshing.

H_G I'm gonna call you GC [Graham Crackah] for the life of this, cuz dat jus how Iz roll homey.


I never get along too well with some of the brothers on this site for some reason.:confused:

Truth is truth. Nothing hateful about the truth. Accept it or let it alone it's your choice. But be warned, there are severe ramifications for the wrong choice brother. Heed the signs on the news and in the papers and flee from your enemy, or go down in flames with him.
I havent' been called a devil in a while.

The purity of this guys hate is refreshing.

H_G I'm gonna call you GC [Graham Crackah] for the life of this, cuz dat jus how Iz roll homey.


I never get along too well with some of the brothers on this site for some reason.:confused:

Stop telling them you're 1/2 white.

I've seen how people treat mixed race kids. It's far more brutal if you can't pass as one race or the other.
I havent' been called a devil in a while.

The purity of this guys hate is refreshing.

H_G I'm gonna call you GC [Graham Crackah] for the life of this, cuz dat jus how Iz roll homey.


I never get along too well with some of the brothers on this site for some reason.:confused:

Truth is truth. Nothing hateful about the truth. Accept it or let it alone it's your choice. But be warned, there are severe ramifications for the wrong choice brother. Heed the signs on the news and in the papers and flee from your enemy, or go down in flames with him.

Why would any good person want to join with those driven by hate?
What you are is half crazy. Why is it that you are on here attempting to endear yourself to these people? Have you read the thread "Don't tell 52nd street"? Do you know it is a policy of the devil in his system of control to bastardize the race so that he can seperate us? All of us have white iin us as a result of the abberant social practices the devil carried out during slavery? It doesn't make you any less black, and it definitely doesn't make them look at you as anything other than a n!@$er. Everything I have stated is fact, if you can't deal with facts then it is you who's the

Huh? 52nd street is a racist piece of shit so I don't care what people say about him, and quite frankly "brother" you are the one coming off as cookoo.:cuckoo:

Racism is the legacy of the whiteman. 52nd street did not learn his racism from the motherland, and is only responding to a set of imposed conditions. So if I'm such a cuckoo then tell me brother, what have I stated that's been wrong? Did the world's non-white people not live in relative peace for epochs before there was a white face on the planet? Did the whiteman not invent and implement racism? Did our people not discover civilization, science, religion, art, mathematics, archithecture, and music? Were we not made slaves and subjected to psychological tampering of which modern scientists have discovered there to be a carry over from? For which of these facts do you call me cuckoo?

52nd Street is a moron with very very little credibility, the fact that you have chosen to stand up for him speaks volumes. Racism exsist everywhere in every country, not just with white people.
You really need to educate yourself. The black community is destroying it's own. In America today, almost as many African-American children are aborted as are born. A black baby is three times more likely to be aborted as a white baby.

Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25 percent. Twice as many African-Americans have died from abortion than have died from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease combined.

80 percent of abortion facilities are located in minority neighborhoods. About 13 percent of American women are black, but they receive over 35 percent of the abortions.

And it should be noted that while blacks represent about 12 percent of the poputlation they commit over 50 percent ofa all violent crime.

But I'm sure you, like many other ignorant blacks, will find a way to blame whitey for these facts.

All of this is the effect of you and your devil ancestors and the devilish worldwide system you created, the so-called "Wester World". None of this took place amongst us until you brought it. If you weren't so incredibly ill informed you would know the effect the mores, folkways and values system of the ruling class has on the disenfranchised. My people behave the way you and your devil ancestors have taught us to behave. How is it that you blame your best student for emulating what you taught him?

Just what I thought. Blame whitey! You're very predictable. Perhaps one day you'll learn to think for yourself.

It's not my fault that you and your devil ancestors are responsible for all the evil we see taking place in the world today. The blame must be laid where it belongs, and if it belongs to "whitey" as you so eloquently put it, then let the chips fall where they may.
I havent' been called a devil in a while.

The purity of this guys hate is refreshing.

H_G I'm gonna call you GC [Graham Crackah] for the life of this, cuz dat jus how Iz roll homey.


I never get along too well with some of the brothers on this site for some reason.:confused:

Stop telling them you're 1/2 white.

I've seen how people treat mixed race kids. It's far more brutal if you can't pass as one race or the other.

Sadly that does seem to be the case.:doubt:
What you are is half crazy. Why is it that you are on here attempting to endear yourself to these people? Have you read the thread "Don't tell 52nd street"? Do you know it is a policy of the devil in his system of control to bastardize the race so that he can seperate us? All of us have white iin us as a result of the abberant social practices the devil carried out during slavery? It doesn't make you any less black, and it definitely doesn't make them look at you as anything other than a n!@$er. Everything I have stated is fact, if you can't deal with facts then it is you who's the

Huh? 52nd street is a racist piece of shit so I don't care what people say about him, and quite frankly "brother" you are the one coming off as cookoo.:cuckoo:

Racism is the legacy of the whiteman. 52nd street did not learn his racism from the motherland, and is only responding to a set of imposed conditions. So if I'm such a cuckoo then tell me brother, what have I stated that's been wrong? Did the world's non-white people not live in relative peace for epochs before there was a white face on the planet? Did the whiteman not invent and implement racism? Did our people not discover civilization, science, religion, art, mathematics, archithecture, and music? Were we not made slaves and subjected to psychological tampering of which modern scientists have discovered there to be a carry over from? For which of these facts do you call me cuckoo?

52nd street had never been to the "motherland" and I doubt you've ever been there either.

Where's your evidence to back up these statements?

By the way do you know when and where "slavery" originated?
To all of those who accuse me of hatred or ignorance, how come you never attempt to refute my facts with facts? You only offer insults in response. Could it be that none of you really know what your talking about? If this is not the case, then show me where I've been wrong with factual info. I promise you, if you attempt to challenge me on this front, I will make you look like a dead duck in a frozen pond. History does not agree with any of you in your ill-informed assertions. Ask yourselves this, how can the only person presenting facts in a discussion be ignorant?
What you are is half crazy. Why is it that you are on here attempting to endear yourself to these people? Have you read the thread "Don't tell 52nd street"? Do you know it is a policy of the devil in his system of control to bastardize the race so that he can seperate us? All of us have white iin us as a result of the abberant social practices the devil carried out during slavery? It doesn't make you any less black, and it definitely doesn't make them look at you as anything other than a n!@$er. Everything I have stated is fact, if you can't deal with facts then it is you who's the

Huh? 52nd street is a racist piece of shit so I don't care what people say about him, and quite frankly "brother" you are the one coming off as cookoo.:cuckoo:

Racism is the legacy of the whiteman. 52nd street did not learn his racism from the motherland, and is only responding to a set of imposed conditions. So if I'm such a cuckoo then tell me brother, what have I stated that's been wrong? Did the world's non-white people not live in relative peace for epochs before there was a white face on the planet? Did the whiteman not invent and implement racism? Did our people not discover civilization, science, religion, art, mathematics, archithecture, and music? Were we not made slaves and subjected to psychological tampering of which modern scientists have discovered there to be a carry over from? For which of these facts do you call me cuckoo?
Africans sold other Africans into slavery.

Learn some history. Or keep looking like an idiot. I don't care.
All of this is the effect of you and your devil ancestors and the devilish worldwide system you created, the so-called "Wester World". None of this took place amongst us until you brought it. If you weren't so incredibly ill informed you would know the effect the mores, folkways and values system of the ruling class has on the disenfranchised. My people behave the way you and your devil ancestors have taught us to behave. How is it that you blame your best student for emulating what you taught him?

Just what I thought. Blame whitey! You're very predictable. Perhaps one day you'll learn to think for yourself.

It's not my fault that you and your devil ancestors are responsible for all the evil we see taking place in the world today. The blame must be laid where it belongs, and if it belongs to "whitey" as you so eloquently put it, then let the chips fall where they may.

You spewing this nonsense doesn't make it a fact. Where is your evidence?
To all of those who accuse me of hatred or ignorance, how come you never attempt to refute my facts with facts? You only offer insults in response. Could it be that none of you really know what your talking about? If this is not the case, then show me where I've been wrong with factual info. I promise you, if you attempt to challenge me on this front, I will make you look like a dead duck in a frozen pond. History does not agree with any of you in your ill-informed assertions. Ask yourselves this, how can the only person presenting facts in a discussion be ignorant?

You haven't provided any facts. Just your saying so doesn't make it a fact. Let's see some actual evidence.
I never get along too well with some of the brothers on this site for some reason.:confused:

Stop telling them you're 1/2 white.

I've seen how people treat mixed race kids. It's far more brutal if you can't pass as one race or the other.

Sadly that does seem to be the case.:doubt:

I take back what I said.

If people can't handle the fact that you're mixed; fuck'em.

They are not worth the time or effort.

Hell, if the white 1/2 wasn't Irish, I'd hate you too. :eusa_angel:

Black Irish for Life!! My Giggahs!!
To all of those who accuse me of hatred or ignorance, how come you never attempt to refute my facts with facts? You only offer insults in response. Could it be that none of you really know what your talking about? If this is not the case, then show me where I've been wrong with factual info. I promise you, if you attempt to challenge me on this front, I will make you look like a dead duck in a frozen pond. History does not agree with any of you in your ill-informed assertions. Ask yourselves this, how can the only person presenting facts in a discussion be ignorant?

To all of those who accuse me of hatred or ignorance, how come you never attempt to refute my facts with facts? B/c they are not catch all facts. My family wasn't here yet.You only offer insults in response. people don't like being called devil. Maybe if you dropped that insult, you wouldn't get any back. Could it be that none of you really know what your talking about? 100% correct, you are the only person that has any facts. :cuckoo: If this is not the case, then show me where I've been wrong with factual info. present some that still applies to today and not 100 years agoI promise you, if you attempt to challenge me on this front, I will make you look like a dead duck in a frozen pond. History does not agree with any of you in your ill-informed assertions. Ask yourselves this, how can the only person presenting facts in a discussion be ignorant?

I didn't say you were ignorant. I said you're a hate fueled racist.
To all of those who accuse me of hatred or ignorance, how come you never attempt to refute my facts with facts? You only offer insults in response. Could it be that none of you really know what your talking about? If this is not the case, then show me where I've been wrong with factual info. I promise you, if you attempt to challenge me on this front, I will make you look like a dead duck in a frozen pond. History does not agree with any of you in your ill-informed assertions. Ask yourselves this, how can the only person presenting facts in a discussion be ignorant?

Argue with what? Your "facts" are that everything was peachy keen before whitey left the caucasus mountains. Honestly?!?! African kingdoms weren't warring with each other and living in harmony? China built the great wall to keep whitey out?? The Native American tribes weren't massacring one another or sacrificing each other for their pagan gods until we showed up?
Your premise is bullshit which is why nobody is refuting your "facts." Death, war, famine, etc. has been a part of mankind for as long as mankind came down from the trees...

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