Philly Police Union President Calls Black Lives Matter Activists ‘A Pack Of Rabid Animals’

Blacks are the most violent pack of animals in the world.
LOLO....history has shown time and time again, the most violent creatures on the planet is white people, come on, you nuts roasted 10 million jews and that's just one white guy....LOLOLOL...its gonna take us a few centuries just to catch up with that one...just sayin

Look! A racist who knows nothing about history.

How many die in Africa every year as a result of tribal wars? How many did Idi Amin kill? How many did Pol Pot kill? How many did Mao kill?
Dude you are insane, You nuts started off by killing off the dinosaurs for meat and its never stopped!!

Not sure if serious.....
Republicans feel they can be who they are under Trump and the GOP. Finally, the GOP came out as the home of the Neo Nazi's, the Alt Right, the Aryan Nation, the KKK and the White Nationalists. They aren't hiding anymore.
Republicans feel they can be who they are under Trump and the GOP. Finally, the GOP came out as the home of the Neo Nazi's, the Alt Right, the Aryan Nation, the KKK and the White Nationalists. They aren't hiding anymore.
yaaaaawn Dems constantly call people naughtzees
Republicans feel they can be who they are under Trump and the GOP. Finally, the GOP came out as the home of the Neo Nazi's, the Alt Right, the Aryan Nation, the KKK and the White Nationalists. They aren't hiding anymore.
LOL! Is that the best you can come up with after Trump beat your criminals ass?
Just like how the left used the "racist" label until it no longer has meaning, they are doing it with "white supremists" "Nazi" and the rest. No one pays any attention to them anymore.
The president of a Pennsylvania police union responded to Black Lives Matter activists demanding accountability for the police killing of a black man by calling the group a “pack of rabid animals.”

If I were a black person living in Philly, regardless of my standing, rich, poor, etc....I would not feel safe with a leader of law enforcement defending a fuckin cop who has TWICE SHOT A BLACK MAN IN THE BACK AFTER HE FLED. Meanwhile, there are countless video on Youtube of white men with GUNS, taken into custody, without one ounce of blood shed...and we should not forget the shooting, that was wittness by cops by a white man at the Charolettville riots at blacks, who only got caught because someone posted the shit on Facebook NO ANIMAL HERE, JUST ANOTHER WHITE MAN EXCERSIZING HIS AMENDMENT RIGHTS TO SHOOT AT BLACKS!!

Pownall, a 12-year veteran, shot Jones in the back as he fled from a traffic stop. Police said Jones was armed with a gun. This marks the second time Pownall has shot a black man in the back as he was fleeing. In 2010, he shot Carnell Williams-Carney who ran from cops while having an illegal gun on him.

“That was the day I took my last steps on my own,” Williams-Carney, the now 36-year-old shot by Pownall, told from his wheelchair. “I’ve been in a chair ever since.”

White people aren't animals, they gunned down 21 babies in a school, they don't kill 9 people in a church, run down a innocent woman in a car and injure 21 others, because??????????

Blacks all across this country, with Trump in the white house, yes...even you safe Uncle Tom negro's with your white trash.....this administration has you in its cross hairs, compliments of cops!!

Cute try.

Republicans feel they can be who they are under Trump and the GOP. Finally, the GOP came out as the home of the Neo Nazi's, the Alt Right, the Aryan Nation, the KKK and the White Nationalists. They aren't hiding anymore.

Blacks are the most violent pack of animals in the world.
LOLO....history has shown time and time again, the most violent creatures on the planet is white people, come on, you nuts roasted 10 million jews and that's just one white guy....LOLOLOL...its gonna take us a few centuries just to catch up with that one...just sayin
Between the black on black killing a lone in Chicago and you do realize a couple years back in New York more black babies were aborted than born. That proves most blacks don't care about life. That would make Hitler jealous.
You aughtta know
Blacks are the most violent pack of animals in the world.
LOLO....history has shown time and time again, the most violent creatures on the planet is white people, come on, you nuts roasted 10 million jews and that's just one white guy....LOLOLOL...its gonna take us a few centuries just to catch up with that one...just sayin
Between the black on black killing a lone in Chicago and you do realize a couple years back in New York more black babies were aborted than born. That proves most blacks don't care about life. That would make Hitler jealous.
You aughtta know
About blacks being violent? Well they show us daily and in big numbers.
Republicans feel they can be who they are under Trump and the GOP. Finally, the GOP came out as the home of the Neo Nazi's, the Alt Right, the Aryan Nation, the KKK and the White Nationalists. They aren't hiding anymore.
Triple down on that losing generalization.
You might as well just copy that exact text you posted as that is all you paste on every thread.
Repubs are Nazi's blah...blah...blah...
So far as Im concerned, ANY criminal of ANY race or gender SHOULD be shot in the back if they run from Police.
Really? Because it's constantly blame whitey for all the ill's within the black community.
Your posts reek of this victim mentality and hatred of people just living their lives.
You thrive off the oppressed/oppressor mantra and don't even see that the self professed victimhood you wear as a badge in reality is limiting an entire generation of blacks.
When told all your life...
You don't stand a chance.
Most won't bother to try. Actually a shame.
The president of a Pennsylvania police union responded to Black Lives Matter activists demanding accountability for the police killing of a black man by calling the group a “pack of rabid animals.”

If I were a black person living in Philly, regardless of my standing, rich, poor, etc....I would not feel safe with a leader of law enforcement defending a fuckin cop who has TWICE SHOT A BLACK MAN IN THE BACK AFTER HE FLED. Meanwhile, there are countless video on Youtube of white men with GUNS, taken into custody, without one ounce of blood shed...and we should not forget the shooting, that was wittness by cops by a white man at the Charolettville riots at blacks, who only got caught because someone posted the shit on Facebook NO ANIMAL HERE, JUST ANOTHER WHITE MAN EXCERSIZING HIS AMENDMENT RIGHTS TO SHOOT AT BLACKS!!

Pownall, a 12-year veteran, shot Jones in the back as he fled from a traffic stop. Police said Jones was armed with a gun. This marks the second time Pownall has shot a black man in the back as he was fleeing. In 2010, he shot Carnell Williams-Carney who ran from cops while having an illegal gun on him.

“That was the day I took my last steps on my own,” Williams-Carney, the now 36-year-old shot by Pownall, told from his wheelchair. “I’ve been in a chair ever since.”

White people aren't animals, they gunned down 21 babies in a school, they don't kill 9 people in a church, run down a innocent woman in a car and injure 21 others, because??????????

Blacks all across this country, with Trump in the white house, yes...even you safe Uncle Tom negro's with your white trash.....this administration has you in its cross hairs, compliments of cops!!

Cops shoot white perps and cops arrest black perps without killing them.
Really? Because it's constantly blame whitey for all the ill's within the black community.
Your posts reek of this victim mentality and hatred of people just living their lives.
You thrive off the oppressed/oppressor mantra and don't even see that the self professed victimhood you wear as a badge in reality is limiting an entire generation of blacks.
When told all your life...
You don't stand a chance.
Most won't bother to try. Actually a shame.
Really bitch? I challenge you to show one gotdamned post where I blamed a piss poor ass white shit for brains mf for the ill's in the black community, just one fuckin post??? And because you can not, I bid you farewell!! And for the record mf' you white whore's aren't just living your lives....does Charoletteville ring a fuckin bell?
So far as Im concerned, ANY criminal of ANY race or gender SHOULD be shot in the back if they run from Police.
Really? Number one reason you whores will be a minority in a few years.....and I pray god that mentality is still in play!!
Really? Because it's constantly blame whitey for all the ill's within the black community.
Your posts reek of this victim mentality and hatred of people just living their lives.
You thrive off the oppressed/oppressor mantra and don't even see that the self professed victimhood you wear as a badge in reality is limiting an entire generation of blacks.
When told all your life...
You don't stand a chance.
Most won't bother to try. Actually a shame.
Really bitch? I challenge you to show one gotdamned post where I blamed a piss poor ass white shit for brains mf for the ill's in the black community, just one fuckin post??? And because you can not, I bid you farewell!! And for the record mf' you white whore's aren't just living your lives....does Charoletteville ring a fuckin bell?
You lie so much, you can't even remember all the lies you tell. You blame whites all the time. Quit denying what everyone here knows.
Really? Because it's constantly blame whitey for all the ill's within the black community.
Your posts reek of this victim mentality and hatred of people just living their lives.
You thrive off the oppressed/oppressor mantra and don't even see that the self professed victimhood you wear as a badge in reality is limiting an entire generation of blacks.
When told all your life...
You don't stand a chance.
Most won't bother to try. Actually a shame.
Really bitch? I challenge you to show one gotdamned post where I blamed a piss poor ass white shit for brains mf for the ill's in the black community, just one fuckin post??? And because you can not, I bid you farewell!! And for the record mf' you white whore's aren't just living your lives....does Charoletteville ring a fuckin bell?
You lie so much, you can't even remember all the lies you tell. You blame whites all thr time. Quit denying what everyone here knows.
I rest my case, now shut the fuck up....bitch!! You've been owned!!
So far as Im concerned, ANY criminal of ANY race or gender SHOULD be shot in the back if they run from Police.
Really? Number one reason you whores will be a minority in a few years.....and I pray god that mentality is still in play!!
Your black ass will still be a minority though, and the browns won't give two shits about your cries of "muh oppression". You groids won't have it any better.

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