Philly Police Union President Calls Black Lives Matter Activists ‘A Pack Of Rabid Animals’

Really? Because it's constantly blame whitey for all the ill's within the black community.
Your posts reek of this victim mentality and hatred of people just living their lives.
You thrive off the oppressed/oppressor mantra and don't even see that the self professed victimhood you wear as a badge in reality is limiting an entire generation of blacks.
When told all your life...
You don't stand a chance.
Most won't bother to try. Actually a shame.
Really bitch? I challenge you to show one gotdamned post where I blamed a piss poor ass white shit for brains mf for the ill's in the black community, just one fuckin post??? And because you can not, I bid you farewell!! And for the record mf' you white whore's aren't just living your lives....does Charoletteville ring a fuckin bell?
You lie so much, you can't even remember all the lies you tell. You blame whites all thr time. Quit denying what everyone here knows.
I rest my case, now shut the fuck up....bitch!! You've been owned!!
No you were owned, along with your ancestors. That's why you are so pissed right now, Aunt Jemima.
Really? Number one reason you whores will be a minority in a few years.....and I pray god that mentality is still in play!!

Yes, really. Criminals lose their human status upon committing their crime so far as I'm concerned.

As for the future.... We won't run. We will Fight. We will likely lose, but we will die on our feet rsther than living on our knees, and spend Eternity Fighting, Feasting and F---ing the Valkyries in the Hall of Valhalla.
Really? Because it's constantly blame whitey for all the ill's within the black community.
Your posts reek of this victim mentality and hatred of people just living their lives.
You thrive off the oppressed/oppressor mantra and don't even see that the self professed victimhood you wear as a badge in reality is limiting an entire generation of blacks.
When told all your life...
You don't stand a chance.
Most won't bother to try. Actually a shame.
Really bitch? I challenge you to show one gotdamned post where I blamed a piss poor ass white shit for brains mf for the ill's in the black community, just one fuckin post??? And because you can not, I bid you farewell!! And for the record mf' you white whore's aren't just living your lives....does Charoletteville ring a fuckin bell?

BLM are masters of victimology. Your hateful rants reflect it. It owns you.
Never been to Charlotteville either.

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