Photo of new House members - notice any differences between the two parties?

Will DemonRats and racists treat token GOP diversity nicely or will ewe call them racist names like Uncle Tom’s. Come on miss racist step up!

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

I do I do...................Republicans elected a demographic that's proved throughout history to be more capable. Oh sure the message sounds horrible, doesn't make it less true.
Democrats are bean counting practicers of identity politics!
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.


Minnesota Republicans fight among themselves about Islam

Republicans mull resolutions that critics call anti-Muslim

Hmmmm. From your first link:

The response from a small but vocal group of party activists, candidates and elected officials: No thanks.

Parrish and Republican elected officials like state Reps. Cindy Pugh and Kathy Lohmer are speaking to the strongly held beliefs of a slice of the party.

“The Republican Party is an open, welcoming and inclusive party,” said state GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan, who was adopted by her parents from South Korea and has tried to emphasize an optimistic, forward-looking message. “We want to welcome new people who share our values and are energized to elect Republicans.”

Faisal Deri, a Muslim Republican who owns a risk management consulting firm and lives in Edina, said the entire discussion is a sideshow.
“Every party has some sort of fringe element that has certain views that do not work for all. This party is a big tent,” he said, nodding to a metaphor famously used by President Ronald Reagan. “Are the people in the tent going to agree on everything? That’s impossible.”

From your second link:

DFL Chair Ken Martin condemned Sina’s proposed resolution: “Posting such a bigoted comment on caucus day is clearly intended to send a signal as to who is, and is not, welcome in Minnesota’s Republican Party,” he said in a statement.

Jennifer Carnahan, chair of the Minnesota Republican Party, said anyone can offer up anything as a resolution at their precinct caucus, so she said did not want to prematurely judge the situation.
She added: “The Republican Party of Minnesota is open and welcoming to anyone and everyone who shares our values and wants to be involved, and we would never shut our doors to anyone who wants to be involved.”

Interesting how your own links keep telling you this is a small fringe group, and that the party leadership in the state condemns it, and that no official or majority support has been given to this, and yet you have decided that this is the voice of the Minnesota GOP.
How many muslims have Republicans elected?

To what?
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Where have I said anything about race or racism? A tad touchy are you?

"Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite."

You did it right there.

By the way, hearing a statement about parasites versus people who work and pay taxes, and automatically assuming that it means "non-white versus white" is also very racist of you. Bri never said or implied that non-white people don't work and pay taxes, but YOU did.

Glad I could help.
Wait...we are talking about diversity in the Dems, it's lack in the Pubs, a party known for being predomanently white and male ...and and Bri makes a comment about the parasite class in a diversity thread and it has nothing to do with race? :cuckoo: :lmao:

Keep on pretending.

Who's "we", Sparkles? The conversation I'M reading is about you treating non-whites and women as though they're interchangeable tokens, and then being ridiculed when you try to congratulate yourself on how "inclusive" your bigotry is.
It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.


Minnesota Republicans fight among themselves about Islam

Republicans mull resolutions that critics call anti-Muslim

Hmmmm. From your first link:

The response from a small but vocal group of party activists, candidates and elected officials: No thanks.

Parrish and Republican elected officials like state Reps. Cindy Pugh and Kathy Lohmer are speaking to the strongly held beliefs of a slice of the party.

“The Republican Party is an open, welcoming and inclusive party,” said state GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan, who was adopted by her parents from South Korea and has tried to emphasize an optimistic, forward-looking message. “We want to welcome new people who share our values and are energized to elect Republicans.”

Faisal Deri, a Muslim Republican who owns a risk management consulting firm and lives in Edina, said the entire discussion is a sideshow.
“Every party has some sort of fringe element that has certain views that do not work for all. This party is a big tent,” he said, nodding to a metaphor famously used by President Ronald Reagan. “Are the people in the tent going to agree on everything? That’s impossible.”

From your second link:

DFL Chair Ken Martin condemned Sina’s proposed resolution: “Posting such a bigoted comment on caucus day is clearly intended to send a signal as to who is, and is not, welcome in Minnesota’s Republican Party,” he said in a statement.

Jennifer Carnahan, chair of the Minnesota Republican Party, said anyone can offer up anything as a resolution at their precinct caucus, so she said did not want to prematurely judge the situation.
She added: “The Republican Party of Minnesota is open and welcoming to anyone and everyone who shares our values and wants to be involved, and we would never shut our doors to anyone who wants to be involved.”

Interesting how your own links keep telling you this is a small fringe group, and that the party leadership in the state condemns it, and that no official or majority support has been given to this, and yet you have decided that this is the voice of the Minnesota GOP.
How many muslims have Republicans elected?
Bean counting again!
Don't have a number for this party that "welcomes" all?

Pretty sure it's that numbers aren't compatible with inclusivity. How much are you really "including" people if you're categorizing and pigeonholing them?

Hmmmm. From your first link:

The response from a small but vocal group of party activists, candidates and elected officials: No thanks.

Parrish and Republican elected officials like state Reps. Cindy Pugh and Kathy Lohmer are speaking to the strongly held beliefs of a slice of the party.

“The Republican Party is an open, welcoming and inclusive party,” said state GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan, who was adopted by her parents from South Korea and has tried to emphasize an optimistic, forward-looking message. “We want to welcome new people who share our values and are energized to elect Republicans.”

Faisal Deri, a Muslim Republican who owns a risk management consulting firm and lives in Edina, said the entire discussion is a sideshow.
“Every party has some sort of fringe element that has certain views that do not work for all. This party is a big tent,” he said, nodding to a metaphor famously used by President Ronald Reagan. “Are the people in the tent going to agree on everything? That’s impossible.”

From your second link:

DFL Chair Ken Martin condemned Sina’s proposed resolution: “Posting such a bigoted comment on caucus day is clearly intended to send a signal as to who is, and is not, welcome in Minnesota’s Republican Party,” he said in a statement.

Jennifer Carnahan, chair of the Minnesota Republican Party, said anyone can offer up anything as a resolution at their precinct caucus, so she said did not want to prematurely judge the situation.
She added: “The Republican Party of Minnesota is open and welcoming to anyone and everyone who shares our values and wants to be involved, and we would never shut our doors to anyone who wants to be involved.”

Interesting how your own links keep telling you this is a small fringe group, and that the party leadership in the state condemns it, and that no official or majority support has been given to this, and yet you have decided that this is the voice of the Minnesota GOP.
How many muslims have Republicans elected?
Bean counting again!
Don't have a number for this party that "welcomes" all?

Pretty sure it's that numbers aren't compatible with inclusivity. How much are you really "including" people if you're categorizing and pigeonholing them?

So why does their “inclusive” party reflect an overwelmingly white male Christian face?
Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Where have I said anything about race or racism? A tad touchy are you?

"Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite."

You did it right there.

By the way, hearing a statement about parasites versus people who work and pay taxes, and automatically assuming that it means "non-white versus white" is also very racist of you. Bri never said or implied that non-white people don't work and pay taxes, but YOU did.

Glad I could help.
Wait...we are talking about diversity in the Dems, it's lack in the Pubs, a party known for being predomanently white and male ...and and Bri makes a comment about the parasite class in a diversity thread and it has nothing to do with race? :cuckoo: :lmao:

Keep on pretending.

Who's "we", Sparkles? The conversation I'M reading is about you treating non-whites and women as though they're interchangeable tokens, and then being ridiculed when you try to congratulate yourself on how "inclusive" your bigotry is.

The “we” Spunky, is those discussing the thread topic (did you miss that post? It is the first one in the thread if you need to go back and check).

Diversity in political party...what you refer to as tokens might just be people turned off by the Republican’s “inclusive” messaging. However you spin it, the end result is the this election, Democrats empowered a diverse array of candidates who won and the Republicans emerged whiter and more testosterone infused.

Why is that?
Will DemonRats and racists treat token GOP diversity nicely or will ewe call them racist names like Uncle Tom’s. Come on miss racist step up!
I don’t think I have ever called one an Uncle Tom.

Political parties don’t own a demographic and if they make that assumption it usually bites them in the elections.

On the other hand, what you call diversity became a joke this last election.

Opinion | Republicans Had One Black Woman in Congress. Now They Have None.

From proud Republican harbinger to sad Republican castaway — that’s the story of Representative Mia Love, who finally conceded her extraordinarily close House race on Monday.

It’s the story of her party, really. Of what it once realized about the future and how it slouched backward into the past. Of trading the elixir of hope for the toxin of fear.

It charts Republicans’ ugly drift under Donald Trump, who rooted for her defeat not only as the votes in Utah’s Fourth Congressional District were still being counted (“Mia Love gave me no love,” the president pouted) but with all that he said on the campaign trail and has done in the White House. Tacitly and explicitly, he has sown disdain for the likes of Love, a daughter of Haitian immigrants who, in 2014, became the first black Republican woman ever elected to either chamber of Congress.

She remains the only one. When she leaves at the end of this congressional session, there will be just two black Republican men — one in the House and one in the Senate.
Last edited:
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Where have I said anything about race or racism? A tad touchy are you?
You dared question them. That makes you scum in many of their eyes.
The fact that she automatically accuses people she disagrees with of racism is what makes you and her scum.

You referred to diversity as a parasite class, kind of hard to dodge that.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Where have I said anything about race or racism? A tad touchy are you?
You dared question them. That makes you scum in many of their eyes.
The fact that she automatically accuses people she disagrees with of racism is what makes you and her scum.

LOL...that is remarkably dense...even for you.

a) you cannot know whom she agrees or disagrees with unless she tells you. So unless you can show that every, single person she has EVER disagreed with she has called 'racist' (which you cannot, btw)...than your comment is nonsensical libel.

b) so, if Coyote 'automatically accuses people she disagrees with of racism'...that makes me scum?


So her actions that you do not like, make others scum? Logic is not your strong suit I see.

Next time - I suggest you type 'The fact that she/you automatically accuses people you/she...'.
I mean, it would still be libellous and silly. But at least it would have a chance of making sense.

Don't bother thanking me - it's my pleasure to help you Trumpbots expand your 'knowledge' and overcome many of your people's limited schooling.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

LOL...when Trump is gone, I am going to miss you Trumpbots. You are so funny and easy to pick apart. I believe 'like shooting fish in a barrel' is the appropriate term?

We are done here.

Have a wonderful day.
Last edited:
Will DemonRats and racists treat token GOP diversity nicely or will ewe call them racist names like Uncle Tom’s. Come on miss racist step up!
I don’t think I have ever called one an Uncle Tom.

Political parties don’t own a demographic and if they make that assumption it usually bites them in the elections.

On the other hand, what you call diversity became a joke this last election.

Opinion | Republicans Had One Black Woman in Congress. Now They Have None.

From proud Republican harbinger to sad Republican castaway — that’s the story of Representative Mia Love, who finally conceded her extraordinarily close House race on Monday.

It’s the story of her party, really. Of what it once realized about the future and how it slouched backward into the past. Of trading the elixir of hope for the toxin of fear.

It charts Republicans’ ugly drift under Donald Trump, who rooted for her defeat not only as the votes in Utah’s Fourth Congressional District were still being counted (“Mia Love gave me no love,” the president pouted) but with all that he said on the campaign trail and has done in the White House. Tacitly and explicitly, he has sown disdain for the likes of Love, a daughter of Haitian immigrants who, in 2014, became the first black Republican woman ever elected to either chamber of Congress.

She remains the only one. When she leaves at the end of this congressional session, there will be just two black Republican men — one in the House and one in the Senate.

And it must be because of skin color and not their views or record on things.

rolling eyes.gif

As I stated earlier, I don't have the time to do the research, but I would be willing to bet that the minorities that represent the Democrat party are from predominately minority areas. Minority areas are all Democrat, so why is it so shocking that people from minority areas pick representatives of their own race?
Will DemonRats and racists treat token GOP diversity nicely or will ewe call them racist names like Uncle Tom’s. Come on miss racist step up!
I don’t think I have ever called one an Uncle Tom.

Political parties don’t own a demographic and if they make that assumption it usually bites them in the elections.

On the other hand, what you call diversity became a joke this last election.

Opinion | Republicans Had One Black Woman in Congress. Now They Have None.

From proud Republican harbinger to sad Republican castaway — that’s the story of Representative Mia Love, who finally conceded her extraordinarily close House race on Monday.

It’s the story of her party, really. Of what it once realized about the future and how it slouched backward into the past. Of trading the elixir of hope for the toxin of fear.

It charts Republicans’ ugly drift under Donald Trump, who rooted for her defeat not only as the votes in Utah’s Fourth Congressional District were still being counted (“Mia Love gave me no love,” the president pouted) but with all that he said on the campaign trail and has done in the White House. Tacitly and explicitly, he has sown disdain for the likes of Love, a daughter of Haitian immigrants who, in 2014, became the first black Republican woman ever elected to either chamber of Congress.

She remains the only one. When she leaves at the end of this congressional session, there will be just two black Republican men — one in the House and one in the Senate.

And it must be because of skin color and not their views or record on things.

View attachment 231726

As I stated earlier, I don't have the time to do the research, but I would be willing to bet that the minorities that represent the Democrat party are from predominately minority areas. Minority areas are all Democrat, so why is it so shocking that people from minority areas pick representatives of their own race?

Actually I didn’t say it is BECAUSE of skin color, I have said it is in their message. They aren’t attracting many minorities. They aren’t electing many minorities. And they just got whiter and more male.

Will DemonRats and racists treat token GOP diversity nicely or will ewe call them racist names like Uncle Tom’s. Come on miss racist step up!
I don’t think I have ever called one an Uncle Tom.

Political parties don’t own a demographic and if they make that assumption it usually bites them in the elections.

On the other hand, what you call diversity became a joke this last election.

Opinion | Republicans Had One Black Woman in Congress. Now They Have None.

From proud Republican harbinger to sad Republican castaway — that’s the story of Representative Mia Love, who finally conceded her extraordinarily close House race on Monday.

It’s the story of her party, really. Of what it once realized about the future and how it slouched backward into the past. Of trading the elixir of hope for the toxin of fear.

It charts Republicans’ ugly drift under Donald Trump, who rooted for her defeat not only as the votes in Utah’s Fourth Congressional District were still being counted (“Mia Love gave me no love,” the president pouted) but with all that he said on the campaign trail and has done in the White House. Tacitly and explicitly, he has sown disdain for the likes of Love, a daughter of Haitian immigrants who, in 2014, became the first black Republican woman ever elected to either chamber of Congress.

She remains the only one. When she leaves at the end of this congressional session, there will be just two black Republican men — one in the House and one in the Senate.

And it must be because of skin color and not their views or record on things.

View attachment 231726

As I stated earlier, I don't have the time to do the research, but I would be willing to bet that the minorities that represent the Democrat party are from predominately minority areas. Minority areas are all Democrat, so why is it so shocking that people from minority areas pick representatives of their own race?

Actually I didn’t say it is BECAUSE of skin color, I have said it is in their message. They aren’t attracting many minorities. They aren’t electing many minorities. And they just got whiter and more male.


I just explained it do you, but I guess I need to go further.

Middle-class, upper-middle-class and wealthy areas are likely Republican and also likely white. Shit holes, lower income areas, blighted areas are minority.

How do the Republicans get a minority representative from white areas when there are few minorities there? That's like saying the people in Harlem are racist because they never forward a white representative. It's a ridiculous accusation.


Point being that race is not the reason for so few minorities in the GOP. It's the fact there are not many minorities in GOP areas. More importantly is the fact that Republicans elect people based on their positions, policies and history. Democrats elect people based on gender or skin color. This was never more evident than the election of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Dumb as a bag of rocks, but she is now in the position of power based on her race.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Where have I said anything about race or racism? A tad touchy are you?

"Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite."

You did it right there.

By the way, hearing a statement about parasites versus people who work and pay taxes, and automatically assuming that it means "non-white versus white" is also very racist of you. Bri never said or implied that non-white people don't work and pay taxes, but YOU did.

Glad I could help.
Wait...we are talking about diversity in the Dems, it's lack in the Pubs, a party known for being predomanently white and male ...and and Bri makes a comment about the parasite class in a diversity thread and it has nothing to do with race? :cuckoo: :lmao:

Keep on pretending.

Who's "we", Sparkles? The conversation I'M reading is about you treating non-whites and women as though they're interchangeable tokens, and then being ridiculed when you try to congratulate yourself on how "inclusive" your bigotry is.

The “we” Spunky, is those discussing the thread topic (did you miss that post? It is the first one in the thread if you need to go back and check).

Diversity in political party...what you refer to as tokens might just be people turned off by the Republican’s “inclusive” messaging. However you spin it, the end result is the this election, Democrats empowered a diverse array of candidates who won and the Republicans emerged whiter and more testosterone infused.

Why is that?

Accusing Republicans of racism is the Democrat stock in trade.
Hmmmm. From your first link:

The response from a small but vocal group of party activists, candidates and elected officials: No thanks.

Parrish and Republican elected officials like state Reps. Cindy Pugh and Kathy Lohmer are speaking to the strongly held beliefs of a slice of the party.

“The Republican Party is an open, welcoming and inclusive party,” said state GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan, who was adopted by her parents from South Korea and has tried to emphasize an optimistic, forward-looking message. “We want to welcome new people who share our values and are energized to elect Republicans.”

Faisal Deri, a Muslim Republican who owns a risk management consulting firm and lives in Edina, said the entire discussion is a sideshow.
“Every party has some sort of fringe element that has certain views that do not work for all. This party is a big tent,” he said, nodding to a metaphor famously used by President Ronald Reagan. “Are the people in the tent going to agree on everything? That’s impossible.”

From your second link:

DFL Chair Ken Martin condemned Sina’s proposed resolution: “Posting such a bigoted comment on caucus day is clearly intended to send a signal as to who is, and is not, welcome in Minnesota’s Republican Party,” he said in a statement.

Jennifer Carnahan, chair of the Minnesota Republican Party, said anyone can offer up anything as a resolution at their precinct caucus, so she said did not want to prematurely judge the situation.
She added: “The Republican Party of Minnesota is open and welcoming to anyone and everyone who shares our values and wants to be involved, and we would never shut our doors to anyone who wants to be involved.”

Interesting how your own links keep telling you this is a small fringe group, and that the party leadership in the state condemns it, and that no official or majority support has been given to this, and yet you have decided that this is the voice of the Minnesota GOP.
How many muslims have Republicans elected?
Bean counting again!
Don't have a number for this party that "welcomes" all?

Pretty sure it's that numbers aren't compatible with inclusivity. How much are you really "including" people if you're categorizing and pigeonholing them?

So why does their “inclusive” party reflect an overwelmingly white male Christian face?

Because a lot of people have been brainwashed into supporting the Democrats against their own best interests.

Just because you welcome people doesn't mean they all accept it. And since we're not Democrats, we don't have the option of bullying and bribing them; we have to stick to educating and trusting them to choose freely.

Meanwhile, if you think we're going to apologize for the "crime" of allowing white people to run for office just like they're real humans with rights, you're crazier than I currently think you are.
Where have I said anything about race or racism? A tad touchy are you?

"Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite."

You did it right there.

By the way, hearing a statement about parasites versus people who work and pay taxes, and automatically assuming that it means "non-white versus white" is also very racist of you. Bri never said or implied that non-white people don't work and pay taxes, but YOU did.

Glad I could help.
Wait...we are talking about diversity in the Dems, it's lack in the Pubs, a party known for being predomanently white and male ...and and Bri makes a comment about the parasite class in a diversity thread and it has nothing to do with race? :cuckoo: :lmao:

Keep on pretending.

Who's "we", Sparkles? The conversation I'M reading is about you treating non-whites and women as though they're interchangeable tokens, and then being ridiculed when you try to congratulate yourself on how "inclusive" your bigotry is.

The “we” Spunky, is those discussing the thread topic (did you miss that post? It is the first one in the thread if you need to go back and check).

Diversity in political party...what you refer to as tokens might just be people turned off by the Republican’s “inclusive” messaging. However you spin it, the end result is the this election, Democrats empowered a diverse array of candidates who won and the Republicans emerged whiter and more testosterone infused.

Why is that?

Accusing Republicans of racism is the Democrat stock in trade.
So to cut through the strawman you keep tossing into the fray...why arent the Republicans attracting, electing ans retaining a diverse array of people?
Last edited:
How many muslims have Republicans elected?
Bean counting again!
Don't have a number for this party that "welcomes" all?

Pretty sure it's that numbers aren't compatible with inclusivity. How much are you really "including" people if you're categorizing and pigeonholing them?

So why does their “inclusive” party reflect an overwelmingly white male Christian face?

Because a lot of people have been brainwashed into supporting the Democrats against their own best interests.

Just because you welcome people doesn't mean they all accept it. And since we're not Democrats, we don't have the option of bullying and bribing them; we have to stick to educating and trusting them to choose freely.

Meanwhile, if you think we're going to apologize for the "crime" of allowing white people to run for office just like they're real humans with rights, you're crazier than I currently think you are.

So you are claiming they are too stupid to know who to vote for?

That is a new excuse.
Will DemonRats and racists treat token GOP diversity nicely or will ewe call them racist names like Uncle Tom’s. Come on miss racist step up!
I don’t think I have ever called one an Uncle Tom.

Political parties don’t own a demographic and if they make that assumption it usually bites them in the elections.

On the other hand, what you call diversity became a joke this last election.

Opinion | Republicans Had One Black Woman in Congress. Now They Have None.

From proud Republican harbinger to sad Republican castaway — that’s the story of Representative Mia Love, who finally conceded her extraordinarily close House race on Monday.

It’s the story of her party, really. Of what it once realized about the future and how it slouched backward into the past. Of trading the elixir of hope for the toxin of fear.

It charts Republicans’ ugly drift under Donald Trump, who rooted for her defeat not only as the votes in Utah’s Fourth Congressional District were still being counted (“Mia Love gave me no love,” the president pouted) but with all that he said on the campaign trail and has done in the White House. Tacitly and explicitly, he has sown disdain for the likes of Love, a daughter of Haitian immigrants who, in 2014, became the first black Republican woman ever elected to either chamber of Congress.

She remains the only one. When she leaves at the end of this congressional session, there will be just two black Republican men — one in the House and one in the Senate.

And it must be because of skin color and not their views or record on things.

View attachment 231726

As I stated earlier, I don't have the time to do the research, but I would be willing to bet that the minorities that represent the Democrat party are from predominately minority areas. Minority areas are all Democrat, so why is it so shocking that people from minority areas pick representatives of their own race?

Actually I didn’t say it is BECAUSE of skin color, I have said it is in their message. They aren’t attracting many minorities. They aren’t electing many minorities. And they just got whiter and more male.


I just explained it do you, but I guess I need to go further.

Middle-class, upper-middle-class and wealthy areas are likely Republican and also likely white. Shit holes, lower income areas, blighted areas are minority.

How do the Republicans get a minority representative from white areas when there are few minorities there? That's like saying the people in Harlem are racist because they never forward a white representative. It's a ridiculous accusation.

View attachment 231737

Point being that race is not the reason for so few minorities in the GOP. It's the fact there are not many minorities in GOP areas. More importantly is the fact that Republicans elect people based on their positions, policies and history. Democrats elect people based on gender or skin color. This was never more evident than the election of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Dumb as a bag of rocks, but she is now in the position of power based on her race.
So why are the Republicans incapable of crafting an inclusive essage that appeals to minorities both as candidates and voters?

Is because they have nothing to offer them beyond referring to them as the "parasite class"?

Good lost Mia Love and are keft with only 2 black men in Congress. Surely that should be a wake up call that has little to do with brainwashing unless you truely believe people are just stupid.

And I will point out the Dems are in danger of making the mistakes if they arent excluding conservative Democrats.

McCaskill Blames Senate Defeat On Democratic 'Failure' With Rural America
Will DemonRats and racists treat token GOP diversity nicely or will ewe call them racist names like Uncle Tom’s. Come on miss racist step up!
I don’t think I have ever called one an Uncle Tom.

Political parties don’t own a demographic and if they make that assumption it usually bites them in the elections.

On the other hand, what you call diversity became a joke this last election.

Opinion | Republicans Had One Black Woman in Congress. Now They Have None.

From proud Republican harbinger to sad Republican castaway — that’s the story of Representative Mia Love, who finally conceded her extraordinarily close House race on Monday.

It’s the story of her party, really. Of what it once realized about the future and how it slouched backward into the past. Of trading the elixir of hope for the toxin of fear.

It charts Republicans’ ugly drift under Donald Trump, who rooted for her defeat not only as the votes in Utah’s Fourth Congressional District were still being counted (“Mia Love gave me no love,” the president pouted) but with all that he said on the campaign trail and has done in the White House. Tacitly and explicitly, he has sown disdain for the likes of Love, a daughter of Haitian immigrants who, in 2014, became the first black Republican woman ever elected to either chamber of Congress.

She remains the only one. When she leaves at the end of this congressional session, there will be just two black Republican men — one in the House and one in the Senate.

And it must be because of skin color and not their views or record on things.

View attachment 231726

As I stated earlier, I don't have the time to do the research, but I would be willing to bet that the minorities that represent the Democrat party are from predominately minority areas. Minority areas are all Democrat, so why is it so shocking that people from minority areas pick representatives of their own race?

Actually I didn’t say it is BECAUSE of skin color, I have said it is in their message. They aren’t attracting many minorities. They aren’t electing many minorities. And they just got whiter and more male.


I just explained it do you, but I guess I need to go further.

Middle-class, upper-middle-class and wealthy areas are likely Republican and also likely white. Shit holes, lower income areas, blighted areas are minority.

How do the Republicans get a minority representative from white areas when there are few minorities there? That's like saying the people in Harlem are racist because they never forward a white representative. It's a ridiculous accusation.

View attachment 231737

Point being that race is not the reason for so few minorities in the GOP. It's the fact there are not many minorities in GOP areas. More importantly is the fact that Republicans elect people based on their positions, policies and history. Democrats elect people based on gender or skin color. This was never more evident than the election of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Dumb as a bag of rocks, but she is now in the position of power based on her race.
So why are the Republicans incapable of crafting an inclusive essage that appeals to minorities both as candidates and voters?

Is because they have nothing to offer them beyond referring to them as the "parasite class"?

Good lost Mia Love and are keft with only 2 black men in Congress. Surely that should be a wake up call that has little to do with brainwashing unless you truely believe people are just stupid.

And I will point out the Dems are in danger of making the mistakes if they arent excluding conservative Democrats.

McCaskill Blames Senate Defeat On Democratic 'Failure' With Rural America

Why is it you on the left believe that our government should make special accommodations for certain people? What’s wrong with the Republican message of trying to do what’s good for all or most Americans?

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
John F Kennedy 1961

“Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you.”
Liberal America 2018

I believe one of the reasons we are such a divided country is because everybody is looking out for themselves instead of looking out for the country overall. Looking for government to hand out goodies at the expense of others creates this dichotomy that can never be dissolved.

Government is not Santa Clause.

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