Photo of new House members - notice any differences between the two parties?

This may shock you, Joey...but I've never listened to Rush Limbaugh. I assume you're referring to Sandra Fluke? Look, I'm actually pro-choice but I think it's ridiculous to force people to pay taxes that are then used to fund birth control that they are religiously opposed to.

Except that wasn't what was going on there. Ms. Fluke was paying for health insurance as part of her tuition. She had a reasonable expectation that contraception was part of that. Evil as they are, the Health Care providers were completely on board, as paying for birth control is cheaper than paying for unwanted births.

If people on the left feel strongly about the right to get free contraception then I think they should raise that money themselves. Fair is fair...

Hey, maybe the big corporations should have a bake sale to buy an aircraft carrier to terrorize brown people on the other side of the world, as long as we are whining about paying for things we find morally objectionable.

The thing is, paying for contraception IS GOOD PUBLIC POLICY. Putting off birth until you are ready saves the government billions of dollars. The only people who are upset are the religious nutters.

I remember now...Fluke was attending a Jesuit school, Georgetown...and the school was opposed to birth control and hence didn't cover it under it's healthcare plan. She had no reasonable expectation that it would be covered because she knew it wasn't covered before she started school there but chose to go to Georgetown anyways because of the quality of the education. That was her CHOICE, Joey! As I said before...I'm pro choice and see "choice" as not something that forces people to do things against their religious beliefs. That comes from someone who isn't a religious "nutter" but rather is an agnostic. I wouldn't CHOOSE to go to a Catholic institution and expect them to change for me. That's absurd.
And she advocated for birth control being included

Which is also her right
I remember now...Fluke was attending a Jesuit school, Georgetown...and the school was opposed to birth control and hence didn't cover it under it's healthcare plan. She had no reasonable expectation that it would be covered because she knew it wasn't covered before she started school there but chose to go to Georgetown anyways because of the quality of the education. That was her CHOICE, Joey! As I said before...I'm pro choice and see "choice" as not something that forces people to do things against their religious beliefs. That comes from someone who isn't a religious "nutter" but rather is an agnostic. I wouldn't CHOOSE to go to a Catholic institution and expect them to change for me. That's absurd.

Well, if you actually remember, you'd know that EMPLOYEES of Georgetown had their health care cover contraception, it was just the students who didn't. And the law required all plans to offer it.. THat's the "Reasonable expectation".

If your religious beliefs can't get you to follow the law, that's your problem. Otherwise, I'm going to become a follower of Queztacoatl and start cutting the hearts out of my enemies, because my religion demands it... and not because it would be totally fun to do.
Lived? As in the past? I bet you certainly don't today.

No, all the placed I wanted to work in my industry were much further away, and I didn't feel like doing a 30 mile daily commute. Also, my tenant moved out around that time, and I figured it was time to cash in rather than start with new tenants.

Welcome to the real world. If you are getting your insurance from somebody else, then you accept the plan offered or decline. Birth control is generally under twenty bucks a month.

Why should I pay an extra $20.00 a month when I am ALREADY paying for health coverage.

In this particular case, the woman in question (a friend of Ms. Fluke) needed birth control pills not to prevent babies, but to treat ovarian cysts.

Your employer or you school are not doctors... they have no business telling you what health care you are entitled to.
Lived? As in the past? I bet you certainly don't today.

No, all the placed I wanted to work in my industry were much further away, and I didn't feel like doing a 30 mile daily commute. Also, my tenant moved out around that time, and I figured it was time to cash in rather than start with new tenants.

Welcome to the real world. If you are getting your insurance from somebody else, then you accept the plan offered or decline. Birth control is generally under twenty bucks a month.

Why should I pay an extra $20.00 a month when I am ALREADY paying for health coverage.

In this particular case, the woman in question (a friend of Ms. Fluke) needed birth control pills not to prevent babies, but to treat ovarian cysts.

Your employer or you school are not doctors... they have no business telling you what health care you are entitled to.
Medicare for all

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Democrats are bean counting practicers of identity politics!
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.


Minnesota Republicans fight among themselves about Islam

Republicans mull resolutions that critics call anti-Muslim

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Democrats are bean counting practicers of identity politics!
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Democrats are bean counting practicers of identity politics!
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Democrats are bean counting practicers of identity politics!
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Sometimes a racist is a racist
Democrats are bean counting practicers of identity politics!
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Every single time! It’s all she has!
Democrats are bean counting practicers of identity politics!
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Where have I said anything about race or racism? A tad touchy are you?
Lived? As in the past? I bet you certainly don't today.

No, all the placed I wanted to work in my industry were much further away, and I didn't feel like doing a 30 mile daily commute. Also, my tenant moved out around that time, and I figured it was time to cash in rather than start with new tenants.

Welcome to the real world. If you are getting your insurance from somebody else, then you accept the plan offered or decline. Birth control is generally under twenty bucks a month.

Why should I pay an extra $20.00 a month when I am ALREADY paying for health coverage.

In this particular case, the woman in question (a friend of Ms. Fluke) needed birth control pills not to prevent babies, but to treat ovarian cysts.

Your employer or you school are not doctors... they have no business telling you what health care you are entitled to.
Of course the are entitled to telling you that. They are providing the benefit.
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Every single time! It’s all she has!
Yep. she's a lefty!
No, all the placed I wanted to work in my industry were much further away, and I didn't feel like doing a 30 mile daily commute. Also, my tenant moved out around that time, and I figured it was time to cash in rather than start with new tenants.

Oh, so you moved to another community close to where you work where you are a minority as a white? What community is this anyway?

Why should I pay an extra $20.00 a month when I am ALREADY paying for health coverage.

Uhhhhh, because the insurance doesn't cover BC???? Just because you have health insurance doesn't mean it covers everything no more than your house insurance may not cover everything or your car insurance not cover everything. You only pay for the things you are covered for.

In this particular case, the woman in question (a friend of Ms. Fluke) needed birth control pills not to prevent babies, but to treat ovarian cysts.

Your employer or you school are not doctors... they have no business telling you what health care you are entitled to.

No they don't, but they do have the business of providing whatever coverage they can afford for their employees. At that point, you either take it or leave it. YOU are the one who has no business telling them what they have to offer. If you don't like what they offer, then find a job (or school in this case) that does have the coverage you offer.

Anything outside your coverage, you pay for out of pocket. Many plans don't cover prescriptions anymore. You pay for prescriptions with cash. Same goes for dental. You can buy a separate dental plan if that's what you feel you need.
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Sometimes a racist is a racist
And a leftist is always a douchebag.
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Every single time! It’s all she has!
There is an old saying that if you throw a stone into a pack of dogs, the one who yelps loudest is the one you’ve hit. You haven’t stopped yelping yet.

So why is it the Republicans are having a difficult time attracting and ELECTING diverse people? The number of women in office and in leadership positions is pathetic.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Democrats are bean counting practicers of identity politics!
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.


Minnesota Republicans fight among themselves about Islam

Republicans mull resolutions that critics call anti-Muslim

Nice trick, sending me to sites that you have to subscribe to. It hasn't worked in the past and it won't work now.
It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Every single time! It’s all she has!
There is an old saying that if you throw a stone into a pack of dogs, the one who yelps loudest is the one you’ve hit. You haven’t stopped yelping yet.

So why is it the Republicans are having a difficult time attracting and ELECTING diverse people? The number of women in office and in leadership positions is pathetic.

Correct. We had the idea of dressing up like cavemen, combing the streets and hit women over the head and drag them to the party headquarters. But somebody told us that was illegal.
Only fully grown republicans are terrified of toddlers in diapers with no shoes.

Only Republicans.
If you were forced to support them, you would be terrified. That is, you would be if you weren't as dumb as a bag of hammers.
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite.
It sounds like you pulling the sleazy leftwing tactic of accusing anyone you disagree with of being a racist.
Where have I said anything about race or racism? A tad touchy are you?
"Sounds like you are labeling anyone who isn’t a white male a parasite."

So the word "white" doesn't refer to race?

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