Photo of new House members - notice any differences between the two parties?

So the point is that when Democrats bash on women, they have a good reason. When Republicans bash on a woman, it's because they are anti-female. Gotcha.

well, frankly, given that you guys routinely use the C-word to talk about women you don't like, I think that about says it all.

Nature isn't equal. You know that...or you should. I doubt most leftists have the common sense to understand that. Equality is a social construct that has NEVER existed.

Actually, you better hope it does, or life is going to truly suck for you when white people are a minority in this country.
Like I said before. I have no problem destroying this country rather than allowing the genocide of my race to happen. I am willing to die to save my people....I highly doubt many of you are willing to die to continue the genocide against my people.

This is an example of the bigotry, lies, and idiocy coming from the right – it’s no wonder women and minorities don’t want anything to do with the GOP.
Guess you missed the poll results in 2016.
White women with no degree
Trump 61% Clinton 34%

Even my mother who holds a masters degree voted for Trump. Women wanted results and jobs they got them. Guess you missed the high record numbers of blacks approving of Trump,same with Hispanics.
You say that as though you think we have some sort of hive mind going on here, and they all had ONE thought pattern and are blank, interchangeable cogs with vaginas.

If I had to guess, I'd say every female Republican in the country who didn't choose to run for office had her own personal, individual reason for making that choice, because they're all . . . wait for it . . . UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE.

Actually, I was just pointing out that you can't elect people who don't choose to run.
well, frankly, given that you guys routinely use the C-word to talk about women you don't like, I think that about says it all.

Really? I don't know many people on the right who use that word to describe women.

Actually, you better hope it does, or life is going to truly suck for you when white people are a minority in this country.

It will for you too, you just don't know it yet. You're the frog in a pot of cold water on top of the stove.

Yes the new by word down in DC will be:

Martin Luther Quiero?


Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
. Diversity sucks donkey dick. Merit based outcomes is what makes America great.
‘Love then turned her attention to the larger problem Republicans in Washington have with minority voters.

"This election experience and these comments shines a spotlight on the problems Washington politicians have with minorities and black Americans -- it's transactional, it's not personal," she said.

She added, "You see, we feel like politicians claim they know what's best for us from a safe distance, yet they're never willing to take us home. Because Republicans never take minority communities into their home and citizens into their homes and into their hearts, they stay with Democrats and bureaucrats in Washington because they do take them home -- or at least make them feel like they have a home."’

At least one Republican is willing to acknowledge the fact that the GOP has a problem with minority voters.
Yeah, we ran a war hero, and in Vermont, you ran a guy who wears a dress.


Hey, I'm all for running war heroes instead of guys who avoided military service with fake bone spurs. But your side hates McCain and loves Trump... that about says it all.

Really? I don't know many people on the right who use that word to describe women.

Really? I rarely get involved in a discussion about Hillary where the Trump Cultist doesn't use that word, eventually.

It will for you too, you just don't know it yet. You're the frog in a pot of cold water on top of the stove.

Naw, man, a country with racial equality where immigrants bring their industry is always a good thing. America was built on that concept. We just need to get better at it.
Throughout her campaign? It was her whole "I'm going to shatter the glass ceiling for all women!" narrative! You know...right before she declared herself the most qualified candidate EVER because she said so!

Well, that and 25 years of public service...

Which is allowed of course because Ivanka Trump is a conservative woman and therefore not "worthy" of the same protection that liberal women get by default! (eye roll)

The only person Ivanka needs protection from is her creepy dad who wants to date her.

I didn't assign "blame"...I simply pointed out that the GOP did run quite a few female candidates...52 in fact...even though only one was elected. Therefore the OP's contention that a lack of female GOP members means that the Republicans somehow don't like women is laughable!

well, what does it tell you that you guys could only get one woman elected out of 52? The "Get back in the kitchen, you hussy" platform was not resonating, obviously!

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

Democrats picking people based on skin color and gender thinking they are qualifications isn't a good thing.
But it's o.k. for Republicans to do it because white supremacy is a o.k., right?

Oh, you're one of those that believes in diversity for the sake of diversity whether the person is qualified or not. Got it.

No, he's one of those who thinks "diversity" is about what he can see, because he can't think deeper than the surface.

The left's concept of diversity is to have a mix for the sake of having a mix whether the "ingredients" have any business being in the mix. They consider skin color, religious affiliation, gender identity, and the like as qualifications without regard to whether or not the people can actually do the job.
Throughout her campaign? It was her whole "I'm going to shatter the glass ceiling for all women!" narrative! You know...right before she declared herself the most qualified candidate EVER because she said so!

Well, that and 25 years of public service...

Which is allowed of course because Ivanka Trump is a conservative woman and therefore not "worthy" of the same protection that liberal women get by default! (eye roll)

The only person Ivanka needs protection from is her creepy dad who wants to date her.

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Joe Biden had 25 years or more of public service before Obama showed up on the scene. That, alone, proves you lefties picked Obama based on skin color.
The left's concept of diversity is to have a mix for the sake of having a mix whether the "ingredients" have any business being in the mix. They consider skin color, religious affiliation, gender identity, and the like as qualifications without regard to whether or not the people can actually do the job.

As opposed to the status quo where entitled white boys like Trump and Bush have all the power based on their birth? Wasn't that the kind of stuff we through the British out for, supposedly?

Joe Biden had 25 years or more of public service before Obama showed up on the scene. That, alone, proves you lefties picked Obama based on skin color.

Actually, no.

You see, the reason why Biden and Hillary poisoned themselves with the 2008 Democratic Base was that they wrote Bush a blank check to go into Iraq. Obama was the guy who said in 2003 and 2004, 'Guys, this is a REALLY STUPID IDEA!"

By the time 2008 rolled around, Biden and Hillary were still trying to defend an idea most people already concluded was bad.
I didn't assign "blame"...I simply pointed out that the GOP did run quite a few female candidates...52 in fact...even though only one was elected. Therefore the OP's contention that a lack of female GOP members means that the Republicans somehow don't like women is laughable!

well, what does it tell you that you guys could only get one woman elected out of 52? The "Get back in the kitchen, you hussy" platform was not resonating, obviously!

You think Condi Rice was ever told to get back in the kitchen? Marsha Blackburn? Susan Collins? Cindy Hyde-Smith? Republicans treat women like people. To liberals like you...a woman is a "symbol"...not a person! It's why you're willing to elect someone as moronic as Ocasio-Cortez or Maxine Waters.
Throughout her campaign? It was her whole "I'm going to shatter the glass ceiling for all women!" narrative! You know...right before she declared herself the most qualified candidate EVER because she said so!

Well, that and 25 years of public service...

Which is allowed of course because Ivanka Trump is a conservative woman and therefore not "worthy" of the same protection that liberal women get by default! (eye roll)

The only person Ivanka needs protection from is her creepy dad who wants to date her.

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You mean 25 years of enriching herself at the "Public Service Trough"? The Clintons see public service as a get rich quick scheme and always have.
Republicans treat women like people.

You mean like the time that Rush Limbaugh called a college student a "Slut" because she wanted health care she paid for?

You mean 25 years of enriching herself at the "Public Service Trough"? The Clintons see public service as a get rich quick scheme and always have.

So you do what you do for a living for free? Really?
Republicans treat women like people.

You mean like the time that Rush Limbaugh called a college student a "Slut" because she wanted health care she paid for?

You mean 25 years of enriching herself at the "Public Service Trough"? The Clintons see public service as a get rich quick scheme and always have.

So you do what you do for a living for free? Really?

This may shock you, Joey...but I've never listened to Rush Limbaugh. I assume you're referring to Sandra Fluke? Look, I'm actually pro-choice but I think it's ridiculous to force people to pay taxes that are then used to fund birth control that they are religiously opposed to. I'm sorry but that shouldn't be paid for out of public monies. If people on the left feel strongly about the right to get free contraception then I think they should raise that money themselves. Fair is fair...
As for working free? I've always gotten paid a fair amount for a good days work. I've never felt the need to scam other money. I'll never be on the Forbes 100 but I live comfortably and more importantly there isn't anyone calling me crooked. The Clinton's on the other hand have always treated public office like it entitles them to be wealthy. It's always been their biggest character flaw.
You mean like the time that Rush Limbaugh called a college student a "Slut" because she wanted health care she paid for?

She wanted government to pay for her birth control so she could F anybody she wanted and not have to worry about it.

She had the money to put herself through law school, but demanded taxpayers pay for her joy rides.

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