Photo of new House members - notice any differences between the two parties?

Actually, no.

You see, the reason why Biden and Hillary poisoned themselves with the 2008 Democratic Base was that they wrote Bush a blank check to go into Iraq. Obama was the guy who said in 2003 and 2004, 'Guys, this is a REALLY STUPID IDEA!"

By the time 2008 rolled around, Biden and Hillary were still trying to defend an idea most people already concluded was bad.

Nobody based their vote on that. Most people didn't even know how they voted on Iraq. Bush won reelection while in Iraq.

Smoking Joe is just a klutz and Hillary was under FBI investigation while she was running.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

Democrats picking people based on skin color and gender thinking they are qualifications isn't a good thing.
But it's o.k. for Republicans to do it because white supremacy is a o.k., right?

Oh, you're one of those that believes in diversity for the sake of diversity whether the person is qualified or not. Got it.

No, he's one of those who thinks "diversity" is about what he can see, because he can't think deeper than the surface.

The left's concept of diversity is to have a mix for the sake of having a mix whether the "ingredients" have any business being in the mix. They consider skin color, religious affiliation, gender identity, and the like as qualifications without regard to whether or not the people can actually do the job.

As far as minorities are concerned, I would be willing to bet that the minorities they have came from heavily titled minority communities. Minorities will always vote their own kind in because they are not racist.

Hey, I'm all for running war heroes instead of guys who avoided military service with fake bone spurs. But your side hates McCain and loves Trump... that about says it all.

It had nothing to do with his military service. In fact, that's the only thing we respected about him. How little you forget what the left said about his military service when he was running against DumBama.

Naw, man, a country with racial equality where immigrants bring their industry is always a good thing. America was built on that concept. We just need to get better at it.

Move to a minority area where you are outnumbered as a minority yourself and tell us about it after a few years of that.
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This may shock you, Joey...but I've never listened to Rush Limbaugh. I assume you're referring to Sandra Fluke? Look, I'm actually pro-choice but I think it's ridiculous to force people to pay taxes that are then used to fund birth control that they are religiously opposed to.

Except that wasn't what was going on there. Ms. Fluke was paying for health insurance as part of her tuition. She had a reasonable expectation that contraception was part of that. Evil as they are, the Health Care providers were completely on board, as paying for birth control is cheaper than paying for unwanted births.

If people on the left feel strongly about the right to get free contraception then I think they should raise that money themselves. Fair is fair...

Hey, maybe the big corporations should have a bake sale to buy an aircraft carrier to terrorize brown people on the other side of the world, as long as we are whining about paying for things we find morally objectionable.

The thing is, paying for contraception IS GOOD PUBLIC POLICY. Putting off birth until you are ready saves the government billions of dollars. The only people who are upset are the religious nutters.
It had nothing to do with his military service. In fact, that's the only thing we respected about him. How little you forget what the left said about his military service when he was running against DumBama.

By the left, you mean so obscure person on the internet somewhere... most people treated McCain with the utmost respect. They felt kind of bad for him, Bush totally left him holding the bag. Of course, picking a retarded running mate didn't help.

Move to a minority area where you are outnumbered as a minority yourself and tell us about it after a few years of that.

Lived in a minority area for 13 years. Nicest people you'd ever want to meet. In fact the only people who stiffed me there was a white trash couple I made the mistake of renting to for a year.
She wanted government to pay for her birth control so she could F anybody she wanted and not have to worry about it.

She had the money to put herself through law school, but demanded taxpayers pay for her joy rides.

Um, she had the money to pay for law school, and THAT INCLUDED health insurance. That was the point. She was paying for her contraception, the church refused to give it to her.
Nobody based their vote on that. Most people didn't even know how they voted on Iraq. Bush won reelection while in Iraq.

Smoking Joe is just a klutz and Hillary was under FBI investigation while she was running.

Bush BARELY won while we were in Iraq...

before we found out he LIED about weapons of mass destruction
before thousands of people came home in body bags.
before we got pictures of people being tortured at Abu Grahib

By 2006 and 2008, the rank and file KNEW they had been lied to! And they had no patience for people like Biden, Clinton and Lieberjew trying to excuse their mistake.

Obama won because he turned out to be right. He said it was a mistake from the very begining, when that wasn't a popular stand to take.
Yes basically it is Blacks, Browns and Jews vs Whitey. What a surprise. Let's look at Black/Brown/Jew places, do we want that madness in the West?
Yes basically it is Blacks, Browns and Jews vs Whitey. What a surprise. Let's look at Black/Brown/Jew places, do we want that madness in the West?

As opposed to the wholesome whiteness of the Red States?

This may shock you, Joey...but I've never listened to Rush Limbaugh. I assume you're referring to Sandra Fluke? Look, I'm actually pro-choice but I think it's ridiculous to force people to pay taxes that are then used to fund birth control that they are religiously opposed to.

Except that wasn't what was going on there. Ms. Fluke was paying for health insurance as part of her tuition. She had a reasonable expectation that contraception was part of that. Evil as they are, the Health Care providers were completely on board, as paying for birth control is cheaper than paying for unwanted births.

If people on the left feel strongly about the right to get free contraception then I think they should raise that money themselves. Fair is fair...

Hey, maybe the big corporations should have a bake sale to buy an aircraft carrier to terrorize brown people on the other side of the world, as long as we are whining about paying for things we find morally objectionable.

The thing is, paying for contraception IS GOOD PUBLIC POLICY. Putting off birth until you are ready saves the government billions of dollars. The only people who are upset are the religious nutters.

I remember now...Fluke was attending a Jesuit school, Georgetown...and the school was opposed to birth control and hence didn't cover it under it's healthcare plan. She had no reasonable expectation that it would be covered because she knew it wasn't covered before she started school there but chose to go to Georgetown anyways because of the quality of the education. That was her CHOICE, Joey! As I said before...I'm pro choice and see "choice" as not something that forces people to do things against their religious beliefs. That comes from someone who isn't a religious "nutter" but rather is an agnostic. I wouldn't CHOOSE to go to a Catholic institution and expect them to change for me. That's absurd.
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Nobody based their vote on that. Most people didn't even know how they voted on Iraq. Bush won reelection while in Iraq.

Smoking Joe is just a klutz and Hillary was under FBI investigation while she was running.

Bush BARELY won while we were in Iraq...

before we found out he LIED about weapons of mass destruction
before thousands of people came home in body bags.
before we got pictures of people being tortured at Abu Grahib

By 2006 and 2008, the rank and file KNEW they had been lied to! And they had no patience for people like Biden, Clinton and Lieberjew trying to excuse their mistake.

Obama won because he turned out to be right. He said it was a mistake from the very begining, when that wasn't a popular stand to take.

When Barry took his "stand" he wasn't running for political office! If he had Biden, Clinton and "Lieberjew" (Nice anti Semitic slur, Joey! Way to show your true colors!)...we have no idea how he would have voted especially given some of the military decisions he made while he WAS President!
Nobody based their vote on that. Most people didn't even know how they voted on Iraq. Bush won reelection while in Iraq.

Smoking Joe is just a klutz and Hillary was under FBI investigation while she was running.

Bush BARELY won while we were in Iraq...

before we found out he LIED about weapons of mass destruction
before thousands of people came home in body bags.
before we got pictures of people being tortured at Abu Grahib

By 2006 and 2008, the rank and file KNEW they had been lied to! And they had no patience for people like Biden, Clinton and Lieberjew trying to excuse their mistake.

Obama won because he turned out to be right. He said it was a mistake from the very begining, when that wasn't a popular stand to take.

He won for two reasons: he was a Mulatto and the economy. That’s it.

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She wanted government to pay for her birth control so she could F anybody she wanted and not have to worry about it.

She had the money to put herself through law school, but demanded taxpayers pay for her joy rides.

Um, she had the money to pay for law school, and THAT INCLUDED health insurance. That was the point. She was paying for her contraception, the church refused to give it to her.

Welcome to the real world. If you are getting your insurance from somebody else, then you accept the plan offered or decline. Birth control is generally under twenty bucks a month.

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I think it's ridiculous to force people to pay taxes that are then used to fund birth control that they are religiously opposed to.

As opposed to forcing them to pay taxes that are then used to fund wars they are religiously opposed to? Or to fund the local courthouse that performs civil weddings of same sex couples they're religiously opposed to? Or pays the salary of the black President they're religiously opposed to?

There are lots of reasons to object to Obamacare, but this is a really stupid one.
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

The implication is that Republicans are keeping certain people out. But what do you expect from the party of liars?

Actually, the implication is not they are keeping them out, it is that they do not want to be a part of the GOP.

Yeah, sure it was.

That's certainly how it appears to be in reality. You okay, snowflake? :rolleyes:
Lived in a minority area for 13 years. Nicest people you'd ever want to meet. In fact the only people who stiffed me there was a white trash couple I made the mistake of renting to for a year.

Lived? As in the past? I bet you certainly don't today.
Only fully grown republicans are terrified of toddlers in diapers with no shoes.

Only Republicans.
Only fully grown republicans are terrified of toddlers in diapers with no shoes.

Only Republicans.

Only a blind as a bat partisan would be the only people that thinks we are getting attacked by toddlers in diapers. Now wait by the MSM for your next marching orders.

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