Photographic PROOF of 90 Years of Sea level Rise!

I'm getting chiggers. That's a recent thing. They used to not be this far north. And I'm getting ticks biting me year-round. I had one latch on to me last February. That also didn't happen before. As the climate warms, the bugs are moving north.
More like the result of widespread and cheaper travel.
Maybe we should get in touch with the people of Venice who've been living at sea level for 1000 years and ask them how they keep it floating.
Maybe you should get a brain, and actually find out what is going on in Venice before making an utter fool of yourself;

Would you just look at that?

My GAWD, how can anyone live with their own conscience?

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What a dumb fuck approach to proving a lie. Sea levels are rising, and they are causing a problem already. Of course, and ignoramus like you knows so much more than the scientists;

Would you just look at that?

My GAWD, how can anyone live with their own conscience?

View attachment 401967
What a dumb fuck approach to proving a lie. Sea levels are rising, and they are causing a problem already. Of course, and ignoramus like you knows so much more than the scientists;

Sea levels have been rising for more than 20,000 years, dummy. Don't get alarmed by 3 mm/yr. Hell the continents are probably moving faster than that.
This continues to be a senseless topic. That is fully supported even by the Greenies.

Proof positive is the fact that they even had to change the name of their movement from Global Warming to Climate Change. Global Warming just wasn't working for them and no one can deny that there is Climate Change. That's been happening for more than four billion years. Nothing has changed.

By the way, who is to decide what is the "target" temperature? What is the "target" level for the oceans? We (humans) are like some ants on a huge tree floating down the Mississippi River. Those ants couldn't change the direction of that tree if they all got together and paddled together.

The Vikings colonized Greenland to re-supply their ships with livestock, grains, vegetables, and everything else they needed to move onto North America. It was a lot warmer then. I live fairly near the coast here in Florida, We have limestone as our bedrock fifty to sixty miles inland all over the state. Glaciers carved out the Great Lakes.

So what is the "perfect" temperature and water level we should maintain, who decides those things, and how do we do that?
That worthless dumbass Obama is always bitching about global warming but the sonofabitch bought a mansion a few hundred feet from the ocean.

The repeated demonstration of ignorance by global warming deniers on this thread is hard to believe. A better demonstration of the Dunning-Kerr effect could not had for love nor money.
The repeated demonstration of ignorance by global warming deniers on this thread is hard to believe. A better demonstration of the Dunning-Kerr effect could not had for love nor money.
Dunning-Kruger. Talk about glass houses...
No one is denying warming. It’s the bullshit commie narrative that humans are causing it or contributing to it that is the phony issue. All for economic stifling and gov control of the people.
It’s COVID the First.
The Vikings colonized Greenland to re-supply their ships with livestock, grains, vegetables, and everything else they needed to move onto North America.

Whre are you getting such weirdass alternate history from? The vikings couldn't farm for shit in Greenland. A little barley was all they could manage. They had to constantly import food.

So what is the "perfect" temperature and water level we should maintain, who decides those things, and how do we do that?

The temperature that human civilization evolved with.

Why do people think that's a difficult question to answer? We're trying to save the humans. The "meh, let the bad things happen" attitude seems to be very anti-human.
The Vikings colonized Greenland to re-supply their ships with livestock, grains, vegetables, and everything else they needed to move onto North America.

Whre are you getting such weirdass alternate history from? The vikings couldn't farm for shit in Greenland. A little barley was all they could manage. They had to constantly import food.

So what is the "perfect" temperature and water level we should maintain, who decides those things, and how do we do that?

The temperature that human civilization evolved with.

Why do people think that's a difficult question to answer? We're trying to save the humans. The "meh, let the bad things happen" attitude seems to be very anti-human.
and what temp is that???

this whole environmentall issue seems to be about humans not the planet,,,

trust me the planet will be just fine and if humans become a problem it will just shake us off like fleas and continue on,,,
and what temp is that???

Near a 0.0 anomaly compared to the 1951-1980 baseline.

this whole environmentall issue seems to be about humans not the planet,,,

trust me the planet will be just fine and if humans become a problem it will just shake us off like fleas and continue on,,,

It's fascinating, how human-hating the denier/greenie/hippie cult is.
and what temp is that???

Near a 0.0 anomaly compared to the 1951-1980 baseline.

this whole environmentall issue seems to be about humans not the planet,,,

trust me the planet will be just fine and if humans become a problem it will just shake us off like fleas and continue on,,,

It's fascinating, how human-hating the denier/greenie/hippie cult is.
as of late humans have given no reason they should be saved,,,
and what temp is that???

Near a 0.0 anomaly compared to the 1951-1980 baseline.

this whole environmentall issue seems to be about humans not the planet,,,

trust me the planet will be just fine and if humans become a problem it will just shake us off like fleas and continue on,,,

It's fascinating, how human-hating the denier/greenie/hippie cult is.
That makes no sense. The greenie/hippy thing would be alarmists. And, thanks to Obama, they’ve already starved people to death with the fossil fuel extraction prohibition.
Would you just look at that?

My GAWD, how can anyone live with their own conscience?

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If you say there is little proof of anything catastrophic happening. If you point out that we can outrun a few inches of water per decade. Or ask them for specifics ... then you are clearly a planet hater. Of vcourse then you could remoind them that the planet is in no danger here. Megacities sure, but the planet no.
Would you just look at that?

My GAWD, how can anyone live with their own conscience?

View attachment 401967

I have an even better example. It' s a south pacific atoll called Canton Island or Kanton, Mary Island etc. but its something else now since it became part of Kiritabi. Anyway its highest point is maybe 6' above sea level. It's only 2.5 degrees south of the equator which is were any change in sea-level would be of course be greatest.
That little atoll is still there greatly unchanged except for mamnmade stuff since I was there in the early 70s and pretty much as it has always been since whalers discovered it in the 1820s. Other nearby atolls of the Phoenix Islands are still as they were too and they're even smaller than Canton.
If you're one of those global warming climate/change kooks, Google maps etc. will let you have a look for yourself. Maybe you'll finally wise up and empty the bullshit from your head. Seeing is believing.

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