Photographic PROOF of 90 Years of Sea level Rise!

This is when you will know it's real, and only then. When banks stop granting 30 year and 50 year loans in Florida which is a peninsula at sea level.

Not happening.

That's all the proof you need. The left will at some point claim credit for stopping the global warming, just like they claim they fixed the hole in the ozone with their Montreal Protocol.

Yes, there is no more "hole in the ozone." According to them, they fixed it.

Sorry....but I don't see it. Perhaps you can point me to what exactly you see in these 2 pics that demonstrates that sea levels have risen.

I know right! Not to mention these pictures clearly aren't the same city. The second picture has a bunch of buildings that aren't in the first picture.

Typical Republican Dirty Tricks.
Heres a challenge. Fill a glass slap full of ice cubes and top it all the way up with water, See what happens when those "glaciers" melt
Bottom Line to this thread.........

Climate change is even changes 4 times a year in most USA's just not the disaster sold to you by CNN and uncle Al

And if you fully bought into it all........your mind is probably weak and your education even weaker
Climatologist use fancy instrument and technology to measure sea level rises. People in Venice have a easier methods. They just count the steps of older buildings that are now under water.

They are building floodgates in the hope of keeping the seawater out.

Still NY official reports show that the sea level off New York’s coast is up to 9 inches higher than it was in 1950. I would suspect 9 inches is not going to show up much in pictures. Still projection show that it is speeding up.
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Thread summary:

Every consevative on this thread is too dopey to understand that the concept of "tides" make any photo comparison pointless.

They really shouldn't be bothering the grownups. Conservatives, this is why the normal people send you back to the kiddie table. You're all morons.
Many of the world's wealthiest people live on the sea coast. Real estate values of coastal properties are NOT decreasing anywhere. Even the Maldives, just a few feet above sea level, are prospering.

We could use up all of the proven oil reserves of oil in the entire world by the end of the next decade.” - President Jimmy Carter, 1977
WARNING!!! The above post is known to increase bed wetting in the State of alifornia

I assembled this and if you have any worthwhile additions, please private message them to me or post them as a reply to this thread. I live in the People's Republic, but one of the better, more conservative parts.

Thread summary:

Every consevative on this thread is too dopey to understand that the concept of "tides" make any photo comparison pointless.

They really shouldn't be bothering the grownups. Conservatives, this is why the normal people send you back to the kiddie table. You're all morons.

Post Summary:

Mamooth WANTS to believe in the climate berates all actual evidence
Independent thinking and common sense be damned.

PS...People JUST LIKE HER will soon rule your world (ruthlessly I may add)
Thread summary: Every consevative on this thread is too dopey to understand that the concept of "tides" make any photo comparison pointless.

TRANSLATION: Any inconsistency in Liberal Climate Theory that can be dismissed or explained away, WILL BE. Put another way: WATCH OUT FOR CLIMATE CHANGE. It's not enough yet to even show beyond the ordinary gravitational pull of the Moon from 238,000 miles away yet, but give it another 9 centuries and it WILL be more than the ordinary tide of the Moon which we have no concern about! :auiqs.jpg:
Antarctica, Greenland and the world's continental ice sheets are pouring billions and billions of tons of meltwater into our oceans. Additionally, the ocean's temperature has increased 0.18C in the last 50 years. Last time I checked, increasing temperatures cause increasing volume. Where the fuck do you think all that's going? And average sea level rise through the 20th century has been 1.7mm/yr. Satellite data since 1993 shows a rise between 2000 and 2020 of 60 mm. That gives a total of approximately 175mm or 6.9 inches. Did you actually expect anyone to believe that a 6.9 inch change would be visible in the two photographs you provided? Fucking idiot.

Let me repeat: Fucking idiot.
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Antarctica, Greenland and the world's continental ice sheets are pouring billions and billions of tons of meltwater into our oceans. Additionally, the ocean's temperature has increased 0.18C in the last 50 years. Last time I checked, increasing temperatures cause increasing volume. Where the fuck do you think all that's going? And average sea level rise through the 20th century has been 1.7mm/yr. Satellite data since 1993 shows a rise between 2000 and 2020 of 60 mm. That gives a total of approximately 175mm or 6.9 inches. Did you actually expect anyone to believe that a 6.9 inch change would be visible in the two photographs you provided? Fucking idiot.

Let me repeat: Fucking idiot.

Antarctica, Greenland and the world's continental ice sheets are pouring billions and billions of tons of meltwater into our oceans. Additionally, the ocean's temperature has increased 0.18C in the last 50 years. Last time I checked, increasing temperatures cause increasing volume. Where the fuck do you think all that's going? And average sea level rise through the 20th century has been 1.7mm/yr. Satellite data since 1993 shows a rise between 2000 and 2020 of 60 mm. That gives a total of approximately 175mm or 6.9 inches. Did you actually expect anyone to believe that a 6.9 inch change would be visible in the two photographs you provided? Fucking idiot.

Let me repeat: Fucking idiot.
You’re a sheep.

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